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I'am tiered of loud vehicles and gas wasting motorbikes.

Here's the alternative!

A mountainbike!

Don't worry I will continue texturing.

I will make various versions and colors like for example an old rusty bike and a new bike with mudguard

Maybe we will see some arma tour de france!


(Added some detail on the bar, tyres still get more)


Military Bike with Mudguard


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Thats simply amazing! smile_o.gif

This would be awesome for Special Forces, civilian urban life, "police officers" and more.

So does the player's legs actually go around, peddaling, or is it like a motorbike with a different texture ?

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Well, I asked Modul if he could help me with the animations because its not working to import the old OFP animations

Quote[/b] ]any chance for a wireframe on that one?

Of course

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Maybe a military variant?

You Know Micehine gun, armor, rockets, and grenade launcher! rofl.gif

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Well, i would be happy enough to see a tour de france in sahrani... smile_o.gif

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Yea would be fun.

Modul said he try's to help me when my bike has a status of about 90% /Currently 80%/

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being totaly honest the model looks nasty ,  like you made it in about 10 mins or less

btw ..      thumbs-up.gifMaybe ?

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Hi mate,

You are the first one telling me this, but thanks for your opinion.

I don't know if I will many bikes because we are planning alot more in the near future

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Quote[/b] ]You are the first one telling me this, but thanks for your opinion.

then let me be the second smile_o.gif this community just can not critic anything.

atm model is very rough. maybe its due to the textures. also try to lay with smooth groups and normal mapping to get more real wheels.

also animations are main part of this project i believe... though not to hard cause there's already bike posted on youtube long ago. hope you'll succeed.

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hey mate,

Basicly it is because of my lack of making well textures.

I'm going to post a wireframe for you.

By the way I like that paratroop bike somehow,

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Yes, I will make the textures better no need to worry,

Here is the wanted wireframe,


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That's a nice idea smile_o.gif I loved the bike in OFP, it was specially fun in MP session. I remember a MP game gone crazy, when I jumped on a bike with a friend and tried to escape from a raging Shilka in Dourdan !

I hope you manage to adapt the correct animations. Otherwise, well, I won't mind using the motorcycle animations.

Keep up and good luck !


EDIT : after looking at pictures, it definitely needs to be optimised ! There are way too many polys for a low detail bike ! I believe many modders can help you with that smile_o.gif

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Meant as a possitive critic (although it might come hard), but i agree with Orson that the model is very bad and you surely can make a much better model with the same amount of poly, if not less.

Wirefrime only confirms it.....

Like the wheels. There is no point in having several additional segments if you don't do anything with them. At least you could use them and scale them (one segment a time) so you have a curved wheel profile.

The cain: No need for it to be round. Make it out a box shape and let it curve over the tracks (not sure how you call the cilinders with teeths on it).

Just a few peices that needs tweaking, rebuilding...Well worth the small extra effort imho. Keep it up.

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Hello Guys,

I love critic,

So I worked again and added many details

I reworked the tyres because they looked really sh*t



Bicycle Chain


Tell me something whats missing and I'll add it fast as I'm able to do!

Why I didn't update this thread for so long? Because I was busy in making some other more urgent addons (Eland for BWC Mod)

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Are you aware that tyres are not just balloons with attached spokes?

Speaking of which, theres one missing on the front balloon tounge2.gif

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If you really want any hints in improving your model, you need to show wires! I really don't want to be too harsh, but the model is not very good.It looks to me like there are way too many polies. Also the overall shape of many parts could be drastically improved.So whats the polycount?

PS: Don't stop! Everybody started like this. It's a good start to learn the basics on such a (simple) model. With some small tweaking, your bike will become very nice. thumbs-up.gif

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definitively it will fit perfectly to the civilians of Sahrani and their bermudas pants smile_o.gif

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Hi guys!

Today I watched some real bicycles!

First of all I realised that on my own bike the bars are way more thin and the bike overral smaller.

Then I decided to go outside to watch bicycles in natura.

Everything was fine, but after I started making pictures about people riding with their bicycles some people starred mad at me.

By the way, I saw that the tyres are alot smaller in real life.

At the end, it was quiete interesting,

I added a light (Might I remove it) and scaled it like mentioned above.


Here is the Wireframe thing.



Thus real bicycles are having alot more cables which I tryed to act on the model.


I reduced the polycount to 2706.

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Only one wireframe in perspective view? No polycount? Maybe those shaded views look more fancy, but nobody can judge the quality of your model by those screens. Please tell us what POLYCOUNT you have...

Ok let's talk about some improvements (hope you get what i am saying - i'm not a native speaker).

- the chain:

Way too many polies! also it doesn't wrap nicely around the gears.

I haven't worked with Max for many years, but try the following thing:

Draw a spline witch fits exaxtly around the front and back gear. Then take a small rectangle and extrude it along that spline (google for it if you don't find the appropiate option in Max).

That should give you a 4-sided chain which wraps nicely aorund both gears. Chains are not cylindrical like yours, there are more rectangle-shaped. You don't need more detail, the rest is done with normalmaps and textures.

-all those cylinders of the frame:

Also way too many sides. You don't need a 20 sided cylinder to achieve a convincing round look. Make them p.e. 10 or 12 sided. The Rest it done with smoothing-groups and normalmaps. Google abit about normalmaps - depending on the viewing angle they can fake convincing geometry!

-the part were the small cylinder of the saddle is connected to the bigger one of the frame (puuuuh crude english....)

You extruded the smaller cylinder from the bigger one. You could save some of those tiny faces there, if you simply stuck both cylinders together without actualy connecting them. 'Also delete all faces which can't be seen. P.e. if you stick to cylinders together, delete the top part of one of them...

PS: I know a paintover would help, but my tablet isn't working on linux...


Some general ideas about saving polies:

Always keep your polycount as low as possible! The lower you keep it, the more models can be shown on screen without lag.

Google for "low polycount strategies" - there are some tricks p.e. at the top of cylinders were you can save polies. EVERY POLY COUNTS!

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Hi mate,

Polycount is 3458 (To compare: BIS motorbike 6754 Polys (1lod)

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I don't see any need to compare the polycount to bis motorcicle. Your bike is a very simple model - why waste polies?

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Since you like critic (good starting point as it opens doors wink_o.gif ), your current model still has room for optimization and accuraty.

See my previous post although it is roughly the same as what cl10k mentioned.

But also imho i would reduce the gear-wheel to a flat plane and work with alpha layers. It will have a much better look then the 3d shape that simple can be simulated that good unless you model it fully witch will be a lot of wasted polys.

As for the cables, i would reduce them to flat polys (so no 3d), or maybe hold it untill the rest is done.

As for all the body cilinders. I didn't count yours, but use max 16 segment cilinders as they are very handy to work with when you need to reduce: 16->8->4->2.

Anyway, for the fun i had a brief go at the PTMB. Feel free to have a look at it to understand some shapes like the wheels and cilinder use. It is a very rough WIP though...I dought i will even continue it wink_o.gif .

Patrol Tactical Mountain Bike

As for the polycount. In some way you can compair it with the BIS motorbike. Overall it uses roughly the same parts, 2 wheels, cain, gearwheels, steer, brakes etc etc....so imho it can be compaired. In the end as long there isn't to much wasted poly-use and it all fits.

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Looking good, always plenty to do with a model. Be sure to consider whats really important for the model to be acceptable in game, or you will be optimizing and editing forever.

I ask myself questions like: "how many of these are likely to be used in game?", and then optimize accordingly. If large quantities are likely to be present, I spend more of my time getting the textures down and showing detail in normal mapping.

Perhaps you could do a massive poly version, and then bake a normal texture out from this for, say, the tyres? Could be a good way to add detail too it.

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