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31st Normandy mod -WW2

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First off I want to say "HI" to all those out there.  I haven't been in the community very long.  I just bought ArmA back in Feb this year and found out it's versatility.  I'm a World War 2 fan.  Love WW2 stuff.  So that's pretty much what you're gonna get from me.  

I'm in a squad that's existed online playing several different games mainly focusing on the WWII type games since 1995.  I wrote a WWII realism mod a a flight sim and took it to a certain company in redmond,WA but they told me then "Online multiplayer gaming isn't popular, so no thanks" - heh that was back in 95'.

We came to ArmA because we noticed it's diversity and open source.  We just got fed up with waiting for months to pass from our last game's developer before a patch would be released that might entail one vehicle.  Plus the graphics were ancient from the 3D engine they were using.  So here we are.

I searched and searched and couldn't find much out there for WW2 in ArmA.  I've seen a lot of stuff for OFP for it.  I've also seen a bunch of youtube stuff portraying WW2 with Arma's current equipment.   I'm aware there are others out there making WW2 stuff for Arma right now, but my patience for wanting to play it now has grown thin quickly!  biggrin_o.gif  I'm sure you understand. LOL.  That said...

I started back in the beginning of June and made some models and a VERY large map.  I've also re-done some evolution and warfare type missions.  Some of you may be familiar with "31ST ALL OUT WARFARE" running on our server.  So pretty much a jack of all trades.

* Now we are not trying for beauty points.  We are shooting for gameplay and functionality.  We aren't trying for model accuracy either as time is an issue.  Fun is the goal.  Some models and bugs, some don't look that great.  Art is not my forte.  ArmA Map makers can appreciate stretching a 2048x2048 pixel image over the area of a....well...errrr "HUGE", "SCAREY BIG" area and trying to make it look alright.  Some people may notice that and be critical of it.  But I've surrounded myself with people in my squad that aren't.  So no worries there.

31st Normandy mod -WW2 Features:

-Large scale map - 23,592 square Kilometers! (yeah thats huge)  Map tested and is stable.

-Map features: 50+ towns many of which were modeled from WW2 photos ( No they aren't perfect and there's not a lot to go on in some of these towns ).  Terrain & topography from NASA's space shuttle radar imaging.

-1 easter egg wink_o.gif

-Vilas WW2 Infantry ( with permission of course ).

-rip31st vehicles(none complete yet):

 -LMC(3) Higgin's style landing craft

 -Hawker Hurricane MK V

 -Panzer 4H


 -Sherman v

-Other vehicles planned to be modeled before initial Beta release(planned):

 -C47 troop transport

 -Ju52 troop transport

 -Cromwell tank


-Several more vehicles to be added later(unplanned).

-Panzer 2

-Panzer 3










-Obstacles and trenches later to come.

-And more open to suggetions...

-Multiple multiplayer missions

-Campaign based scenarios

-Story driven single missions

-Warfare CTI type missions

-31st WW2

-Missions that play out real WW2 battles and operations such as:

  -Operation Overlord

  -Operation Neptune ( including pegasus bridge )

  -Operation Goodwood

  -Operation Charmwood

  -Operation Cobra

  -Operation total ease

  -And many more ops...etc,etc

So far with what we've already got there's a ton of fun to be had, but that's to come soon to the public with a few more vehicles and minor map touch-ups.  The map is big so it needs the transport vehicles to make it happen before we can realistically start testing.

People seem to fret with big maps because of the lack of gameplay going on and travel time.  But this map is so versatile because of it's size, its easy to play out several different types of scenarios which don't have to cover the entire map:

In-Town scenarios, town VS town fighting.  Wide open expanse tank type battles, large scale air battles.  Everything from small scale tactics and large scale strategy.   Many different towns and missions to play out.

The squad status tab will be included in some of the missions to further refine control  of AI.

Think of the possibilities.  You could play everything from a quake type shoot em up to a long lasting several day campaign.  Everything from Airborne assault to a furball.  You could command a panzer division while HE111's are leveling Cantebury.  Whether it's for the person who likes to log on for 15 minutes or 5 hours at a time, we will have something fun for you.  OR someone that likes the teamwork aspect or going solol.  That is if WW2 is your kick.

Now some of my squaddies seem to think we've bitten off more then we can chew, but since June, that's only a few month's I've popped out a bunch of equipment and made a respectable map.  They were suprised to see how much I've done in such a short period of time.

Anyway onto the pics. Anything and Everything you see is subject to change and isn't final til I say. LOL The screenies aren't high quality.

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LCM(3) capable of carrying 1 medium tank or 60+ troops




Sherman V




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Hawker Hurricane:


Some scenery:





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Some fun stuff:




More to come later in the weeks ahead...

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Tbh im not a WWII fan!

But what your doing is huge & very impressive!  notworthy.gif

Now the island i really like,bigger the better!

50+ towns  yay.gif

Keep it going and good luck!  xmas_o.gif

Btw Normandy was my fav island in ofp!

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Yeah man, this looks promising. It's good to see you are knowledgeable enough to seek permissions first. thumbs-up.gif Lack of permissions, combined with an abrasive attitude, have been troublesome in the past. It's good to see that problem has been squashed thus far.

Welcome and thanks for the info, and all those screen shots. As with ck-claw I've never really gotten into WWII games in the past, but not due to lack of interest in the era. I just never really bought anything with the exception of the original MoH and a few here and there.

With ArmA that will change of course. Due to my overall enjoyment of this game I will definitely DL and play with the WWII contant when it arrives.

Your's will be added to the list as well.

Again thanks for the info and welcome. welcome.gif

yay.gif... whistle.gif... crazy_o.gif... pistols.gif... goodnight.gif... thumbs-up.gif...

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Quote[/b] ]Hawker Hurricane MK V

Not meaning to be picky but do you mean Mk2?

As that was the last official mark, with various other versions, e.g. MKIIb, MKIIc etc.  smile_o.gif Nice start though.

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Great thing!

As a WWII addict ( ;-) ) I'm so pleased to hear of this, that I just had to post to encourage you! Please keep going!

And please, release something soon! We all have seen too many great and ambitious mods dying of exhaustion just because they wanted to achieve too much at a time...

My hopes accompany you :-)


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vilas infantry... ok. but armor you posted... just awfull. the worst shots i have ever seen since like 2005 in ofp. you made textures in ms paint or what ?

one more normandy... anyone tired already ? have you tried to make ubits fight in shallow water, on the beach ? you'll get unplayble crap let me ensure you.

and like every noob mod you want to make everything and at once. But from i see at the screenies i really doubt that huge island will be any good. if you really want to make smth ww2 related - communicated with some more real ww2 mod (if there're any out there atm) get some permissions for ofp conversions, cause with your current approach you get nothing but a lot of ugly crap that is bad even for ofp

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vilas infantry... ok. but armor you posted... just awfull. the worst shots i have ever seen since like 2005 in ofp. you made textures in ms paint or what ?

one more normandy... anyone tired already ? have you tried to make ubits fight in shallow water, on the beach ? you'll get unplayble crap let me ensure you.

and like every noob mod you want to make everything and at once. But from i see at the screenies i really doubt that huge island will be any good. if you really want to make smth ww2 related - communicated with some more real ww2 mod (if there're any out there atm) get some permissions for ofp conversions, cause with your current approach you get nothing but a lot of ugly crap that is bad even for ofp

Can you please give up with your hateful comments about other people who actually are bothered to make these add-ons and mods, If everyone was like you there'd be no mods. If you don't like what you see, Can you please just not bother posting a comment which totally puts the add-on maker off. Just keep your opinions to yourself unless it is constructive, And remember that these pictures are WIP.

Rip31st, This is amazing, Don't let people like him put you off.

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They can be a little ugly, as long as they play right, that is, properly coded engagement distances, reasonably realistic damage and armor values, stuff like that. If it's fun and realistic, shaders and crap can come later. I've been playing PC games since they were 2d, had a couple colors, and you loaded them off a 5 inch floppy disc, so don't worry about the graphics whining!

I'd rather just have something that plays solid.

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I have been waiting for WW2 armor all the way back to Vilas release of WW2 infantry, so this looks great.

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vilas infantry... ok. but armor you posted... just awfull. the worst shots i have ever seen since like 2005 in ofp. you made textures in ms paint or what ?

one more normandy... anyone tired already ? have you tried to make ubits fight in shallow water, on the beach ? you'll get unplayble crap let me ensure you.

and like every noob mod you want to make everything and at once. But from i see at the screenies i really doubt that huge island will be any good. if you really want to make smth ww2 related - communicated with some more real ww2 mod (if there're any out there atm) get some permissions for ofp conversions, cause with your current approach you get nothing but a lot of ugly crap that is bad even for ofp

Can I have a link for your mod plz?

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finally a really BIG map!

i cant wait to see sme mroe screens of airbases and oblects on the Island

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finally a really BIG map!

i cant wait to see sme mroe screens of airbases and oblects on the Island

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Quote[/b] ]Hawker Hurricane MK V

Not meaning to be picky but do you mean Mk2?

As that was the last official mark, with various other versions, e.g. MKIIb, MKIIc etc.  smile_o.gif Nice start though.

This is the kind of input I'm looking for, which is great! I'm totally open to the constructive critisism. Hey if you guys have got up to date info on aircraft markings or tanks you would like to see on them, post some links or PM me with some info. I will be glad to include it.

*disclaimer - As far as my artistic talents lend me to make them. I don't claim to be an artist. One guy wanted to know if I use microsoft paint. Nope, I'm using Gimp and paint shop pro. wink_o.gif To each his own I say. Everyone has their own likes and dislikes. You've got to remember you're not always going to please everyone in the crowd.

Right now were just trying to get this thing started. It's totally meant for fun. I'm having in a blast, trying to share, that's all that matters. I figured I will include anyone else who wants to share in it as well.


Gonna hunt down a JU52 late tonight and try to plug her in.

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Speaking of the JU52, I've noticed a lot of swastika's on the tails in photos. I'm probably going to leave that off. I don't want to offend anyone with that.

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Speaking of the JU52, I've noticed a lot of swastika's on the tails in photos. I'm probably going to leave that off. I don't want to offend anyone with that.

Hmmm I wouldn't worry about that tbh. There were a lot of swastika's in ofp WW2 mods and I don't think anyone was offended. As long as you don't start preaching about it you should be fine smile_o.gif It adds to the realism of the mod and from the shots I've seen it is starting to come together nicely, keep it up wink_o.gif

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I'm pretty sure that it's illegal to distribute games or mods with swastikas in them in Germany, though.

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Its ok as long as it isn't commercially sold. Oh and Germany needs to deal with their past BTW, not ban it.

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Erm, they do, pretty well. It's a symbol associated with attempted genocide, and does nothing to add to gameplay. I do play some games that have it in the art (IL2 1946), and I notice it there a lot more than I notice its absence (Company of Heroes anyone?).

It hasn't been completely retired, mind you, and a lot of people still hate others for bad reasons, and use symbology like the swastika to intimidate and terrify.

I have a feeling this could go WAY off topic, and so not wanting to get this thread locked, that's the last bit I'm going to interject on the subject.

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Worked on the Ju52 for a couple hours, here's what I got so far:


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