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Arma feedback thread - based on 1.14

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This is an amazing patch BI, many thanks for your work.

You have earned a vacation.....go and enjoy!!

Night/moon glow is beautiful,

NV is as it should be,

TrackIR has a new smoother feel,

Server side persistent is working perfect with Warfare & JIP,

AI improvements A+,

ect ect.....

Any chance of getting Warfare for the full Island, or northern side only? (yes, I can wait until your vacation is over)

Thanks again!

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Okay. Overall nice patch, good performanc, thx for the extra units.

Can´t comment on the Mp updates as with Arma my internet connection is too slow to play online while it worked with OFP.


There are still things in Arma 1.4 final that haven´t been fixed since the release of Arma.

1. Kamov gun is not aimable via guncam. Worked perfectly with OFP but with Arma it´s a dead duck.

2. Thx for not implementing a consistant method of steering vehicles up to now. This feature or alternative to using a joystick or gamepad has been asked for since Arma has been released by a big number of players, still nothing has been done to support keyboard+mouse players. Big letdown from BIS here.

3. AI is still shaking in place. Wasn´t this supposed to be fixed ?

To be honest, performance is good now and I thank BIS for that, but simply ignoring basic gameplay wishes and fixes is beyond

my understanding. For a final version this one still lacks too much.

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^^ Gol server has a northen sara version of warefare.!!

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Tow launcher sight on the LAV doesn't zoom like the one on the Humvee great patch though.

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At first - very cool update with some good new stuff and nice bugfing.

What bugs i found out for a while:

- sound problem in M1A1 Tank. Turning of turett sounds like an engine, the typical sound for turett turning is missed

- vehiclechat command is still not working

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I set up a TOW launcher in a concealed spot on South Sahrana and Schmalfelden, and I find that opfor armor picks them up from a great distance and begins engaging with MG and cannon, so unless you have multiple launchers, they won't even get in a shot.

The TOW launcher and MG nest, in my opinion, shouldn't be much more detectable than an infantryman standing alone, since it's only an infantryman with a bit of equipment around him. As it stands, Tanks rock the AT launchers before they've even started firing.

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With new ironsights, the rifle looks like it's "floating" in the air. I think there's no way to get a vision like that while aiming. It should be much more zoomed and focused to the ironsights.

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JIP isn't working on the warfare - if someone joins a game in progress they do not appear on the vote commander page or their squad does not appear on the command screen.

still very nice mission

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Is it true that with 1.14 you can still connect to a 1.12 server??

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JIP isn't working on the warfare - if someone joins a game in progress they do not appear on the vote commander page or their squad does not appear on the command screen.

still very nice mission

Should there be a separate thread for reporting ArmA Warfare bugs?

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Just tried playing warfare on Schmalfelden. Seemed like a cool concept, got a few kills, bit like the old days.

Unfortunately the changes to the FOV and aiming makes is really frustrating. Now that i've played on a server with crosshairs enabled, i've also noticed my crosshair eratically jumping from side to side when I move it. This hasn't happened on any other versions.

The term "Don't fix what isn't broke" springs to mind...

I've been perfectly happy with all the other versions so far, some more so than others, in the past I havn't had to change much besides the floating zone (think I have it said just below the mid point).

So if anyone has any tips on how I can get infantry settings back to how they were before 1.12/1.14, it would be much appreciated by myself and a few other clan mates.

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JIP isn't working on the warfare - if someone joins a game in progress they do not appear on the vote commander page or their squad does not appear on the command screen.

still very nice mission

Should there be a separate thread for reporting ArmA Warfare bugs?

I juste created a thread for Warfare reports.

It's here.

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JIP isn't working on the warfare - if someone joins a game in progress they do not appear on the vote commander page or their squad does not appear on the command screen.

still very nice mission

They did when we testet it yesterday, but there are some issues with JIP yes.

Awesome mission, and great patch thx BIS and Mike smile_o.gif

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I don't know if this is patch related or OS related. I've just moved to Vista with a new graphic card, and I have noted that vegetation has a lot more fps drop in any shader level above the lower.

XP - Gforce 7900 -> around 25-30 fps looking to a bush

Vista x64 - Gforce 8600GT -> 9-10 fps looking to a bush

In places with no or little vegetation -> 30-50 fps in Vista

Maybe the last optimizations in the patch only affects some rigs?

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I don't know if this is patch related or OS related. I've just moved to Vista with a new graphic card, and I have noted that vegetation has a lot more fps drop in any shader level above the lower.

XP - Gforce 7900 -> around 25-30 fps looking to a bush

Vista x64 - Gforce 8600GT -> 9-10 fps looking to a bush

In places with no or little vegetation -> 30-50 fps in Vista

Maybe the last optimizations in the patch only affects some rigs?

Get lowplants, install lowplants, delete grass pbo in lowplants folder and all should be well, im not too sure the 8600 beats the 7900 though.

It was a nice idea to make south sahrani because it loads very fast and many missions stick to the south anyway smile_o.gif .

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Ok, i played Igor Drukov : Metal Claws

Within 10 minutes, i had 3 CTD's

i will add the RPT files shortly

(yesterday i played Warfare for 5hr straight wo problems !wink_o.gif

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erm.. I had a CTD loading previous save points, but i think i know why.

AI has become alot stronger and faster.

I had a go at the Sanitize mission.. Graphics dont seem to glitch anymore as much. smile_o.gif

Not cheked it out yet in great detail tho !

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Is it true that with 1.14 you can still connect to a 1.12 server??

As expected the "moron" that posted you can connect to a 1.12 server with 1.14 is completely WRONG. I just tried it and you get the usual "Bad Version" error. So, don't be fooled by that post.

However, it seems you can still run v1.12 along with 1.14 installed if you installed it in a separate beta folder. Not sure if that will cause other issues but it does run and I was able to connect to 1.12 servers.

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Quote[/b] ]

Get lowplants, install lowplants, delete grass pbo in lowplants folder and all should be well, im not too sure the 8600 beats the 7900 though.

It was a nice idea to make south sahrani because it loads very fast and many missions stick to the south anyway  .

Thanks, that worked. At least now the fps is more continuous.

From my experience, the 8600 gives more or less the same performance than 7900 (although it supports DX10). I was happy with my 7900 but it got burnt (it was an OC version, and did not last more than a year), so, I bought a new one, not too expensive.

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Nice to see hands gripping the HMV steering wheel now - even if they still dont move :-)

I noticed that if you are in the Direct Speak mode (pink typing window) and issue hash commands like #login password, your command is echoed to the screen. Haven't confirmed if people in the vicinity can see it yet - hope not!

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Um... After updating with this patch, I have no sound ingame anymore.

I got the file from www.armaholic.com.

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Um... After updating with this patch, I have no sound ingame anymore.

I got the file from www.armaholic.com.

Are you using a sound add-on? I noticed this myself last night. After I turned off all add-ons the sound from inside a chopper came back. Which leads to the question, which add-ons work and which don't?

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Yes, I'm using the FDF sound mod, and there are some addons that come with their own sounds.

I'll try quarantining the FDF files. Thanks.

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Yes, I'm using the FDF sound mod, and there are some addons that come with their own sounds.

I'll try quarantining the FDF files. Thanks.

I'm using the FDF sound mod too. We'd previously applied a hotfix to fix in vehicle sounds, and now with 1.14 it appears broken again. I have other sounds just fine though...

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High graphics settings, after hours of play, I get many artefacts, text getting blanked, etc...

Disabling post processing to low solved the artifacts issue.

Soon enough though, FPS dropped down to single digit figures.

Switching to low graphics settings solved that.

No amount of FLUSH helped.

C2D E6400, 8800GT, 2G RAM, XP SP2.

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