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RealTimeEditor 5

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i0n0s: I like your editor very much, but so far I've only been using it to build FOBs and enemy outposts. Is it possible to use your editor for import in our Visitor projects /islands? Maybe an option to work on a map with a friend or two (sync building)?

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3DE is doing that. Why should he do it again?!

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How to use the RTE with Beta 1.16 when having ArmALib installed:

  • Simplest solution: Remove the dsound.dll from the beta folder.
  • Advanced solution:
    Make sure to select the ArmA.exe from the beta folder. But the make sure to execute in the ArmA folder, not in the beta folder.
    The -noarmalib options should get enabled. Check it.
    Save the profile and run it from RTE Capture.
    ArmA 1.16 should run without ArmAlib and will get hooked so that RTE will run.

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you have made an excellent work with RTE, why don't you use your experience to make a RTME (Real time Multiplayer Editor)

I'm working on the modification of VTS2 and I search some partners to improve this excellent system

I have made several modification since the original version (it work well)

But I would need Skilled Interface UI Designers to make a public version

what is VTS ?

VTS is an excellent live multilayer mission editor

when all players are connected on the server

a player choose to become the game master (mission creator)

and he can create the mission in live

there are a lots of short cuts and scripts to create the mission very quickly and easily

you can add anything you want (vehicle,groups,unites...statics or moving,patrol,surprises effects in real time like an chopper who drop parachutes) just by clicking on the master interface and the map (for example you can create a little enemy outpost whit some enemy unites and defence in 2 clicks anywhere you want on the map)

with this system I can create the same mission in 5 mn that I have made in 3 days (create and debug) with the bis editor

Edited by gonza

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I don't have any time to support any additional project.

For dialog making, I can recommend to read the Biki article about it and to start with pen and paper. The hardest steps are to position the controls well. This is a lot easier when having a paper reference.

About adding such features to the RTE:

The RTE is currently designed to place single units and groups, not to populate the area.

The rework of the template system does allow to populate areas easy with groups. But this is still wip and not yet public.

But the respawn system of the VTS, their object system are things I don't plan to implement in the near future. This is their specialisation and I don't want to get in conflict/competition with/to them.


If you want more infos about the template system and/or want to add new things to the RTE, just contact me.

I'm happy about everyone who wants to help the RTE.

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one thing i have found is a really useful side effect with rte is when playing campaign or SP missions you can activate RTE and then drop off an ammo box (or even a tank if you are in big trouble) and then resume the game and it stays there.

Unintended? sure? but a really easy way to get mod weapons (like the ACE scoped weapons) in the arma campaign and it makes playing more fun. the game crashes a bit after that but saves work fine.

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I don't have any time to support any additional project.

For dialog making, I can recommend to read the Biki article about it and to start with pen and paper. The hardest steps are to position the controls well. This is a lot easier when having a paper reference.

About adding such features to the RTE:

The RTE is currently designed to place single units and groups, not to populate the area.

The rework of the template system does allow to populate areas easy with groups. But this is still wip and not yet public.

But the respawn system of the VTS, their object system are things I don't plan to implement in the near future. This is their specialisation and I don't want to get in conflict/competition with/to them.


If you want more infos about the template system and/or want to add new things to the RTE, just contact me.

I'm happy about everyone who wants to help the RTE.

ok i0n0s

I have spoken with the VTS creator and he is ok for my contribution to make a new version of VTS

thanks for your help

I will learn how to make an interface

could you help me to add a 3D interface in the VTS mission to place units ? (like in RTS)

called like that for example

[unite,3Dpos] execVM "script\3Dput.sqf";

I don't thing that it was difficult for you (but for me... :rolleyes:)

after that, I will make this new version (there is a lot of change) public for the Arma community (compatible with the ACE mod):yay:

Edited by gonza

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could you help me to add a 3D interface in the VTS mission to place units ? (like in RTS)

called like that for example

[unite,3Dpos] execVM "script\3Dput.sqf";

What do you exactly want to achieve with the 3dput script?

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I will add a button in the VTS interface to make able the player to use a the 3D placement or not

if the game master choose don't use it there is no change in VTS

the player chuse the object that he want to place and he click on the map to put the oject

but if he choose to use it

I think that the script could work like that

[object3D,pos3D] execVM "script\3Dplacement.sqf";

object3D = the object selected in the Vts interface (vehicule or man)

pos3D = The position of this object chosen in the vts interface (with a click on the 2D map)

when this script was called, a camera was created at the "pos3D" (the same that RTE with rotate and move functions with mouse cursor) and the "object3D" apear front off the camera (like in RTE, player could rotate and move (in 3D) the object by clicing on it)

when the player finish is the placement of the object, he press escape, or press a bouton,

the script create the object exactly at the good position on map , the camera was destroy and it return to the vts interface

for the moment in VTS it work like these


I have made a public version of the mission


Edited by gonza

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Easiest solution would be to take Warfare. Warfare comes with the 3D placement for defence.

Since you already have a map position I would recommend to use the Warfare interface since it allows the player to be more specific from the position he chosen.

But be aware: The red/green buildings are a fake ;)

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yes it was exactly what I want.

I have tried to do that but I don't have found the code in the warfare mission and so how it work.

I have even posted to have some help about that since some month but nobody help me for that so ...

there is some function in arma to detect the mouse cursor in 3D ?

and to move the camera with the mouse cursor ?

Edited by gonza

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To those who want to use the RTE and RKSL_CargoSystem:

Some commands of the Cargo System cannot used in setVehicleInit. See the documentation for the list of commands.

Those cannot be used in the init of units in the RTE. Use the console instead to activate the cargo system on units.

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Must be me, but i cannot seem to get RTEditor V5 working.

I use Vista 32 Home and Win32XP Pro

Arma, with 1.16beta

RTEditor V5 updated

Did not install armalib (due to no longer required)


It gives the Arma opening checkboxes, but before the last two (unchecked) nothing happens.

RTEditor reports Pipe opening, and when i close arma, it RTEditor reports closing.

XP Pro

It gives the Arma opening checkboxes,

RTEditor reports Pipe opening, and Closing no arma window remains open.

No Addon's or options, just plain RTEditor

So far no luck with the RTEditor, any idea's (Vista, or other?)

Edited by Killg0re

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Hi, the latest version of RTEV don't need ArmALib anymore, you're right.

The RTE likes to have Extended eventhandlers as additional addon. It will work without it, but it is recommended to use it.

Beta 1.16 seems to run fine here (XP Pro). The ArmA "cd-check" runs fine and finishes.

Maybe Battleye causing problems?

Otherwise: Start ArmA without RTE Capture, then start RTE Capture and activate monitoring.

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they are talking about RTE

I'll cut to the chase here. There is no VBS2 style real time editor that I found and believe me we poked around all the settings and options a lot. On the day there seemed to be some confusion as to what constituted a 3D editor. And the confusion made it on to the Twitter feed.

The editor itself is no different than Armed Assault in layout or function. The new engine capabilities and Game logic modules do make it easier to make far more impressive missions in a shorter time scale without having to resort to complex scripting so that should offset the pain of no Real Time Editor.

source : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=5694

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Hi, the latest version of RTEV don't need ArmALib anymore, you're right.

The RTE likes to have Extended eventhandlers as additional addon. It will work without it, but it is recommended to use it.

Beta 1.16 seems to run fine here (XP Pro). The ArmA "cd-check" runs fine and finishes.

Maybe Battleye causing problems?

Otherwise: Start ArmA without RTE Capture, then start RTE Capture and activate monitoring.

I'fe tried this, but Arma gets closed instantly.

What's with the Cd-check? there's no CD in the tray now. Cause its not needed anymore....

No extended event handlers on here right now, so might try to install that

EDIT: i tried now with extended event handlers, still no luck, Arma get closed instantly.

Edited by Killg0re

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Try it without RTE Capture and report again.

CD-Check is your checkboxes ;)

Doesn't exist, but it is still shown.

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Arma runs normally.

When arma runs, i alt-tab out, and start RTE Capture.

i set it to active/monitor (dont know phrase from my head) then Arma (on background) gets closed.

So i asume u mean i need to try this.. i'fe done this.

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Double post.

GOt message regarding not able to post, and then its there twice...

Sorry for the inconvenience

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Never heard of such problems.

Current ideas are only battleye, AV tools or something similar.

Why don't you use ArmAlib?

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i'fe tried it before, got trouble with it. then reverted back to RTE V4. That (never exported) but placement etc. worked. but export did not work so decided, to get V5 working instead, of putting efford in older version.

i'll try to install armalib this week. will take a while before i have the time again (wednesday) i update post when more info is there.

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Windows Vista 32 Home (Dutch)

(As administrator):

Uninstalled RTEditor

Deleted RTEditor folder

installed armalib

reiinstalled RTEditor (1.21)

installed extendedevent handlers (in RTEditor folder)

Run RTEditor once (updating addon folder)

Closed RTEditor

Run arma,

Editor mode, place unit, save, preview select RTEditor, place unit

alt-tab out, start RTEditor, check arma runs? it does... unit movable

alt-tab out again, activate monitoring, arma crash....

No armalib screen, showing armalib initializing.

Starting arma from RTEditor, is not possible, it says connected, straight after that: Arma could not work anymore (translated)

It seems when it gets connected, it will crash. Solved


deleted armalib folder, reinstalled armalib (dsound.dll file was missing in beta folder)

Now RTEditor works with Vista.

Starting arma from RTEditor, is possible, exporting works :D

This time, a screen apears armalib initializing.

Windows XP pro (MCE, English)

(As administrator):

Uninstalled RTEditor

Deleted RTEditor folder

installed armalib

reiinstalled RTEditor (1.21)

installed extendedevent handlers (in RTEditor folder)

Run RTEditor once (updating addon folder)

Closed RTEditor

Starting arma from RTEditor, is possible, exporting works :D

This time, a screen apears armalib initializing.

i also attached a screenshot on how my RTEditor parameters are set.


edited post few time's with new information

Edited by Killg0re

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You don't need to activate monitoring with ArmAlib.

Do you run as administrator?

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Got it working now (XP) See previous post

Windows Vista home32, still refuses to run.

Noticable is, that i see a short window, armalib initializing.

then arma boots, that doesnt show in Vista.

So one system up and running

EDIT: Armalib, for me, IS needed. (Win-XP)

Edited by Killg0re

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