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The most important features ARMA 2 needs to have

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My list:


No point including the latest bells and whistles if you can't run it even with recommended hardware.

Player movement

Ditch the crappy body awareness that is dependant on animations. That will never work in 1st person. Movement in 1st person view should always be 100% precise. If I want to move just 5 steps forward I except to be able to do that, current system forces me to stop only after the animation is stopped. For sprinting this might be realistic but if I want to walk slowly and carefully I can't do that in ArmA or OFP. Also the way how crouch is tied to animations is very akward and forces the player to stop and crouch. These things should be possible to do on the fly. Not to mention how horrible ladders are.

Traditional floating camera would work much better and would be much more flexible and open to new ideas and features. Plus you could include some body awareness features to that too just like in Dark Messiah, Crysis or HL2.

Player actions

Ditch the akward action menu and put all actions to world instead. Games like Deus Ex and Thief are excellent examples how the world should be made interactive with as little distraction as possible. If I want to enter a vehicle I should be able to just click a generic "use" button when my cursor is over the selected vehicle door. Same would go for all usable objects like doors, buttons, weapon crates, bodies etc. Currently when I have two weapon crates near each other I have to select from the action menu which crate I would like to access. Very slow when I'm in hurry and if the two objects have same names it is very confusing. How hard it would be to implement something as elegant as in Deus Ex where you just pointed and clicked?

That's all for now smile_o.gif.

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More fluid movement system, and 'use' function - agree wholeheartedly, the current work on the 'simplified' action menu looks like it's headed in that direction, all it needs to make it work like a 'use' button is to have a default action assigned from the object you look at, this is _almost_ there already I think in ArmA2?

I want to add this link also:


Shows well the flight model, Yaw authority and flight-feeling of a Ka50 + Ka52, I really want to be able to fly like this in the Kamov's... Good tail rotor/yaw authority, with an accurate-ish sense of inertia and weight are the only way to accomplish these manoevres. Hoping that ArmA2 will get close to this.

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AI - More Realisme-Definately, can't stand in ARMA when you shoot one shot and all the AI's and their Mom's know where you fired from! In OFP this was lilited to BMP's whereas they even knew were you pushed the timebomb button from. The AI's would just come the the area & look for you. In ARMA they always know where you are!

If ARMA II is just 25% as bad as ARMA - I'm not buying it.

The AIMING, from the begining everyone has asked to fix it and it has never been done! Sick and tired of shoot door jambs, window frames, top of walls etc. Takes me sometimes as much as 20 bullets to kill someone close and all the adjusting doesn't work.

IF ARMA II is just 10% of this crap - I'm not buying it!

No More slow motion bullets, Shooting at soldiers running the bullets hit nearly 10 meters behind them! Even a slingshot shoots faster than that!

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Oh yeah and that the silencers work!

What use is it having them if, when you use it, shoot someone out of sight of all other AI's, they all know you killed someone, and again, they know where that "silent" shot came from!

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I agree with NoRSu, ever try to put extra ammo on a motorcycle and try to get on it & go, YOU CAN'T! Seeing as now you only get the REARM icon next to it, you get no longer get on it, ONLY the right hand mouse choice menu should pop up, so you can choose the action YOU want!

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In Arma 1 the G key is a sort of use button that you press when you aim at a ammo crate that is within a certain distance.

You get the gear menu and can easily choose the weapons and ammo you can pick up and or leave at the crate.

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I would especially like for them to fix the helicopter flight back to what it was in OFP. Now they just waddle & bob and are no longer stable, already that the planes have always been like flying FLAT IRONS, here or OFP, at least in OFP there were stable shooting platforms.

And the accuray of the SZU's be rectified THEY ARE NO WAY THAT ACURATE! the weight fo a 20mm canon bullet it limited to 1800 meters max at a nearly no hit ratio! Even at 500 meters they are not that feared by flying crews! PLAINLY said - they rarely hit their target! A tow shoots at 2 kilometers, hence before the ZSU even makes a chopper pilote flinch, a Hellfire is 8 kilometers, needless to say they laugh at SZU's.

Also the armor of the Cobra's are no longer what they were in Vietnam and have been brought to nearly Apache levels.

AND FOR GOD'S SAKE....... STOP THE M113's from jumping around like Mexican beans. If you want to have 2 come into a town you have to send 12!!!!!

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AND since I'm at it. THE IRON SIGHTS! totally ridiculous and UN-realistic. There too, from the begining everyone has asked to go back to OFP style and this was totally ignored!

Will ARMA II offer better?

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Lots have already complained about this but nothing is done.

1- Vegetation is too sparse.

2- Because of that 1 meter area around player unable you to hide correctly.

3- And since AI’s know where you are, serves no purpose at all.

I was even on several occasions shot by AI’s that were unable to “see me†from behind bushes.

Also aiming and vegetation! The game simulates you putting your head DOWN to the visor, instead of the weapon UP to your eye. This is why the grass is so hated. You should see thru the weapon what you saw before. The game should simulate the weapon brought to the player’s point of view.

AGAIN- Isn’t there a way to make the AI actually "SEE" you, or they don’t know where you are!

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AND since I'm at it. THE IRON SIGHTS! totally ridiculous and UN-realistic. There too, from the begining everyone has asked to go back to OFP style and this was totally ignored!

Will ARMA II offer better?

I like the new flight model. It seems to be more realistic to me.

ZSUs- If they aren't effective then there is nothing to fear at all. Because its either getting shot down by an AA with no chance to avoid it or getting shot at by a ZSU with a chance you will make it out a live. Although I think countermeasures should be added.

Apache Armor- Anyone remember that Apache that got shot down in Iraq (supposidly by a farmer)? Helicopters aren't invulnerable or anything like that. They have moving parts that can't be protected and if those get hit there is a good chance you're screwed.

Whats wrong with the Ironsights?

If you're directly behind a bush you can see through them in real life. Also if its the only place you could possibly be hiding there is no reason why you shouldn't get shot. I have never had a problem with bushes in ArmA although I will admit that I did in OFP. I also disagree with your vegetation being too sparse. The only thing I think we need is taller grass that the AI can't see through.

Last thing: Instead of posting 3 times in a row (twice) you could've just edited your first post. "Edit" button is at the top of your post.

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Hello Jakerod,

The thing is realism! SZU are far from accurate, in ARMA they shoot you real quick at unreal distances. If they want realism, then lets stick to facts.

The apache was NOT shot down by the farmer, but had a mechanical problem, they radioed before landing were picked up right away,and the chopper was retrieved soon after. But not before those assholes coming out with their bullshit, which is why they had the chopper & not the pilots. News clippings showed Apache's and Cobra's coming in completely shoot up by SZU's, but they ALL MADE IT IN!

Recently, (past year or so) lots have been shot down, BUT, because they (the insurgents) have been equiped with SA-7's & 18's. A return from giving stingers in Afganistan! All is fair in Love & War.

The Ironsights...if you ever really shot a gun is more realistic in OFP. I shot just 2 yrs ago in Italywith a M4 similar to that in the game, OFP ironsights are realistic, ARMA's ARE NOT!

The vegetation in ARMA doesn't work. Though I agree that in OFP it wasn't realistic it compensate for AI & BMP knowing where you were and permitted yout to hide. In ARMA I have been shot by AI'a at unreal distances through the bushes as though they weren't there.

I don't know how to explain the bug, but from the moment you are exposed they just SEE you without actually seeing you. You can test this with the mission maker...

on a map, place 1 or 2 soldiers in front odf a building back turned...come out from behind the building...the second you expose yopurself they turn to shoot you, BUT, HOW DID THEY KNOW YOU WERE THERE! Seeing as they had thie backs turned? In OFP you could surprise soldiers here you can't.

You can also try with a BMP and one of those buildings with the terrasses, Come out on the terrase...lket him see you then duck (lie down) as long as you stay in the building he stays in front...try to go out the back and he imediately comes around, HOW DID HE KNOW? Just as slodiers track you even behind buildings?

Usually ths isn't noticed if you have AI's on your side that distrack their attention, but when you are alone, your every movement is KNOWN!

The proplem doesn't lie in the height, just that they know were you are.

Also I post by subjects; AI, Ironsights, Flight models etc. if not my posts would look like a novel.

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Addendum to vegetation:

Most people consider that if the trees don't fall a bug. I consider it a bug when they do. A fallen tree (though you can run through it as though it weren't there) is a VISIBLE obstacle. The AI's see right through it as though it wasn't there.

Maybe they should simulate all the leaves falling off from the shock, if not, LET THEM STAND.

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Mmm tree's have always been a strange thing, Right now in Arma is seems that they have some mass unless hit with an ARMORED vehicle tankwise, seems to bulldoze everything. Why that is I'm not sure, I noticed tanks have other strane properties other vehicles don't.

As for the falling, soon as the tree falls it appears to lose any mass it had, if this could be rectified it could make them useful cover and an obstacle to drive over (but let you walk over thus giving vehicles a deterant)

Crysis for example had a good type solution to this, their tree's had mass so not only did they look great when falling and fell at different rates but could be used as cover or a block when down...but naturally it had its own problems such as like Arma's tank bulldozathon.

But on the concept of vegetation- http://www.bistudio.com/develop....en.html

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- Optimalisation/performance ! - I managed to run arma on high almost 2 years after it was released ( after two hardware upgrades) , and even with c2d e 6550, gf gts260, 3 gb ram it still sometimes have major FPS drops in woods and in cities. Somethings definately wrong. Please fix it in ArmA 2.

- Smooth character controls - There are many things that should be fixed in character controls, You should be able to reload while walking, you should be able to interupt animations like reloading, throwing the nade while jogging etc etc plus killed enemies shoudnt finish their current animation before dying. You should be able to move 2 cm left and 3 cm ahead if You want to not one animation cycle.

- campaign- Make it realistic, please no more missions like " You have to destroy 4 enemy tanks by yourself ! here is your launcher and you have some rockets pilled on the hill up there ! go go ! "

- sounds- sound is the first thing I "repair" with sound mod after reinstalling arma. Plase make decent sounds this time, Id like to think that sound mod is an optional stuff not a must.

- tracers - Do them right this time please, they should look like in 6th sense pack1.

- mouse lag/inertia - Fix it please, its one of the most annoying things in arma when I try to aim at enemy who just poped up and cant stop my ironsights on him.

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Obvious AI improvments

Parachutebug and motorbikebug fixed.

Update after update and still the same bugs exists.  icon_rolleyes.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Parachutebug and motorbikebug fixed.

Suma said it was fixed already. It's supposed to be added to the next Arma 1 patch. It was a client-server desync thingy that's been identified and corrected.

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The things I'd like to see are:

Campaign Story: Simple but effective story that doesn't put you in the majority of major roles, this ain't Rambo.

AI Behavior: Independent AI that think fast and act humanly, not Terminator style AI that don't care about injury or death.

AI Co-ordination: Co-Ordination between AI in groups. Say if a soldier needs to enter a building someone will go with him and cover him. Or if a medic is dragging a downed comrade away other soldiers cover him with suppressive fire etc.

Military Factions: From what I've seen so far this appears to be OK. I just don't wanna see another ArmA I mixture of U.S. Army, Marines and Airforce. When one would have provided all necessary requirements (Air, Armor, Men etc).

Immersive Towns/Villages: ArmA I had the worst ghost towns ever. Not a single civilian in towns. You had to add civilians yourself. It should be like the animal system. Some Civilians should just randomly appear in villages and towns.

Less Homo-sexuality: ArmA I had the highest gay percentage of men in the world. There was only one women in the entire game and she got killed. More Females of different age and sexual appeal.

Usable Animals Guard Dogs are something like that. Dogs that walk beside a soldier to help him patrol.

Fastroping How about fast roping out of choppers instead of landing. In certain situations only though.

I'm gonna think of some more that ArmA I was missing.

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You want More women & Usable Animals but less Homo-sexuality ?

Dam, I thought ARMA2 was a Military sim (j/k) rofl.gif



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It is but the gay feeling is immense.

I know the Dog is in the game but can it be used to assist patrol soldiers like in Call of Duty 4? and I know its a completely different type of game.

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A guide dog


to help the soldiers find their way.

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Ironsights again:

Unfortunately, in one of the YouTube presentations in is easy to see that ARMA II WILL be using the same ironsight types.

So you understand what I hate about this, and is easy too see in any mission, is that using the basic crosshairs has the most reliable hit/miss ratio, which is totallyu unrealistic, zoom in on the craooshair and accurasy drops. Use the iron sightsight and accurasy drops even further, zooming in on the ironsight and accuracy is null and causes lag to move the damn rifle! It is all backwards, the zoom in ironsight should be the most accurate (and shouldn't exist, in fact) it should alsothe the basic and back to OFP style.

On the other hand, OFP II does offer real type ironsights, so for me, its simple, from the begining there were lots of demands to return to OFP style sights & accuracy, which were ingnored, if in the demo I see the same crap, I will just wait for OFP II.

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Yeah something like that. But combat dogs. Attack wise.


I agree with your statement. It seems that the accuracy in ArmA is indeed reduced when using the Ironsights. The fact that you can zoom in on standard assault rifles is unrealistic and you should be only able to zoom in scoped weapons like sniper rifles.

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That's ridiculous.  The zoom is necessary compromise because ArmA combat can be at realistic long range.  You can't see on a monitor as well as you can in real life.  I can also tell you that the accuracy is the same in iron sights.

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IMO the ironsights in ArmA are perfect. I think some people here just need to learn to aim.

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Lol many horrible ideas here, floating cam, guide dog( ! ), no zoom at iron sights, 2d ironsights etc..

And some of it such as tracers has already been confirmed.

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