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AACF SoundMod Version 2.0 released

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Just to second Oni's statement the sound mod is done as far as we are concerned, unless there is something major that requires attention then we will adjust. This is no means the final installment but quite frankly I cannot spend anymore time on this project, I have to help out with my other mod group ... smile_o.gif


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Thanks very much for this update !

I can't test it right now (at work !wink_o.gif, but from what I read, it seems to cover most of the previous comments. Too bad it's Valentine's Day whistle.gif


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Hey Thanks a lot for the update...

Will have a look when im home.

The config was not fixed to proper Spec though.

You are still missing requiredAddons entries, and you've defined a lot of classes which were not necessary.

Updated 11:01

Here you can find my findings (diff): 6thSense.eu TRAC

Red = removed, Green = added

Here you can find the config after the changes: http://trac.6thsense.eu/arma/browser/Temp/aacf/config.cpp

You can see in the diff that I redefined e.g. m4aim. This is for 2 reasons:

[*] It's sound is already updated because it doesnt have a sound specified by default, and inherits it automaticly from the M4 class

[*] You created a new class by specifying: class Single: Single. The original m4aim class has no firemode classes specified, it inherits it's settings from the m4 class, so if you would want to specify custom sounds for the m4aim class, you must use the same as in the m4 class:   class Single: Mode_SemiAuto { sound[]= { blabla }; };

Also, if you do not need to specificy specific sounds for certain classes, you can remove them or at least comment them out because they're not necessary.

I left most of them in because in a later stadium you might want to make changes to the sounds of those classes, but they imo for now should be commented or removed from the config until you actually want to overwrite something in them :P


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class TimeBomb: Default {};      class PipeBomb: TimeBomb {};If you need to inherit from them you could still add them as: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class TimeBomb; etc

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">       class HMMWVTOW : HMMWV50 {};

        class HMMWVMK : HMMWV50 {};


        class HMMWV : HMMWV50 {}; If you change sounds in HMMV50 class, and in the original hmmwvtow/mk/ etc classes there is no sound overwrites specified, you can simply leave them out of your config because the sounds automaticly propagate to the subclasses of HMMWV50.

Same goes for <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">      class M113_RACS : M113 {};


        class M113Ambul : M113 {};


        class Vulcan : M113 {};


        class Vulcan_RACS : Vulcan {};

etc. etc. etc.

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Thank you Sickboy !

So, if I copy this config (and overwrite the original), all should work properly ?


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thanks sick boy! smile_o.gif

edit: Sickboy i would like to ask you, since you understand this better, why there is no references in config.cpp to the sound file bufly.wss?

This file is in "\aacfsounds\ffx".

edit2: its bufly, not bubly smile_o.gif

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Thank you Sickboy !

So, if I copy this config (and overwrite the original), all should work properly ?


np, yes you should be able to use the config.cpp (however haven't tested it; work work tounge2.gif)

It's updated 1 minute ago though forgot 1 unnecessary class tounge2.gif


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just tested the config.cpp you gave us Sickboy and i got an error tounge2.gif

"file Fromz_Cfg\config.cpp, line 453: /cfgWeapons.M4A1SD: Undefined base class 'M4AIM'"

edit: its strange cause its exactly iqual to the original one :\

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just tested the config.cpp you gave us Sickboy and i got an error tounge2.gif

"file Fromz_Cfg\config.cpp, line 453: /cfgWeapons.M4A1SD: Undefined base class 'M4AIM'"

My bad: Changeset


ok, thanks working now.

Could you answer my question before? I ready dont know why we have some wss sounds that are not called in the config.

per example the sounds bufly.wss


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ok, thanks working now.

Could you answer my question before? I ready dont know why we have some wss sounds that are not called in the config.

per example the sounds bufly.wss


I can not answer this other than guessing:

They don't use the sound, but left it in the package.

Why et all... Ask the AACF boys ;D

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Very nice sounds again, AACF! thumbs-up.gif

And thanks for the config, sickboy! smile_o.gif

MfG Medicus

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Hmmm Ive never had a config.cpp file for these sounds just the config.pbo file in the addon folder.

where does one put sickboys .cpp config file ?



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Hmmm Ive never had a config.cpp file for these sounds just the config.pbo file in the addon folder.

where does one put sickboys .cpp config file ?



For those that do not know how this stuff works I would recommend waiting for the original authors to update it.

My intention was only to inform them with optimizations and fixes. All the extra posts/discussion about this is imo offtopic smile_o.gif

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for some reason sickboy the config wouldnt work for me but thatnks anways we arent too fussed at this point if the configs arent quite there yet it is a work in progress after all but at least a decent one

if at a later date we continue down the path with it i may again ask on your help with the configs (seeing im just a sound nut and not a config builder) but at this stage we are happy with things the way they are ....if you do suddenly get that config working drop me a line and i will throw it in and test the sound balances against the old config (the old one was frommz's work so we arent responsible for missing sections we just expanded what was thereas i said not a config nut but meh what can i say lol)

anyways mate thanks for your help ...maybe i downloaded the wrong config but if you can help by all means throw me a line i appreciate it

all the best


ps the sound does work in the config for the bullet fly by i just cant remember how we configged it at this point its late and just spent 4 or 5 hours testing again just to be certain we didnt screw anything up and im happy that nothing seemed left out

i hope you all like the end result i certainly do

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new version is being uploaded now link on first post updated very soon

edit new version posted old mirrors deleted till updated

some of the items fixed :

ricochets and bullet impact sounds

bullet flyby sounds

some engine sounds

i hope you all like this update....now about that holiday lol

Were the Gau-8 sounds changed?

I loved that scary elephant fart .. now it´s gone sad_o.gif


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@sickboy thanks mate for the config fixes mate much appreciated

if anyone wishes to use his config i have no issues it does work and ties in all the other classes to the sound mod but is not essential to the sound mod it still works either way just sickboys has rounded off the config in a way we couldnt have

(even still ours does still work quite effectively just isnt as indeapth as sickboys) so i will be keeping your config around sickboy till next editing roundup and more than likely calling on you again ...again i say thanks

@MrBurns the sound of the gau 8 is still there the problem is when we looked at it again it was looping badly and had to chop the start off it slightly to remove the nasty little clipping sound it was causing at every loop

it hasnt altered the sound much all its done is cause the sound to line up correctly and not sound like its going to malfunction and lock up lol(as thats what it sounded like or that the gun was finding rounds that were simply not firing)

i personally tested the gau 8 just earlier and found it to be working and working well

all the best


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All in one good work, but the Mashine Guns (PK, M2) in tanks are more loud than the main gun. The 30mm auto cannon of the BMP2 is very silent, the M4 SD makes far more noise than the 30mm.

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Is the sound of the M4 slightly different in 2.1 or is it my imagination? it seems a bit dead compared to 2.0. then again i might be going crazy. My initial impression is that 2.1 is missing some of the battle ambience that 2.0 had. that said, great job guys. this is shaping up to be one of the top sound mods. you have done a great job enhancing fromz's sound mod. your helicopter sounds are awesome. thanks for all your hard work.

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mate the M4 hasnt changed you are dreaming there nener.gif  but the ambient sounds we changed slightly to give some variation to the sound so if a round is close to you say within about 10 to 20 meters away you will hear a wizz like a mosquito zipping past  then at further ranges the sound you will hear is the cracking sounds you heard before we also reduced the distance that you can hear ricochets and bullet impact sounds due to the response given by the community

i hope this explains a lot

all the best

ONI  goodnight.gif  help.gif  welcome.gif

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I was playing Evolution with some mates at 502nd Airborne on Arma and heard a strange alien laser noise... I thought it may have come from some of the SD M4A1's but wasn't sure... i could hear it from 30 or 20 meters away and even at close range although wasn't sure what it was. Could you please clear this up or something bcause i am nto sure what i am hearing but it's annoying and i don't think you should hear laser's in battle until year 2300 pistols.gif

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as i said above in my previous post a close bullet actually sounds like a loud mosquito passing by ur ears at a 100 mile an hr thats what the sound is your hearing the far away sounds are a crack sound the close shots are a wizzing sound( thus the expression bullets wizzing past my head) simple as that

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In the V2.1 the AGS30 Explosions are imo a lot to voluminous, sound like Battleship maingun projectile explosion or so. confused_o.gif

But overall ... it's my favorite Soundmod. wink_o.gif

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OK i think you should update the bullet fly-by sound after your holiday because it's wierd. Sounds like a storm trooper after me rofl.gif

Anyway toppie sound mod beats any other thumbs-up.gif

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OK i think you should update the bullet fly-by sound after your holiday because it's wierd. Sounds like a storm trooper after me rofl.gif

Anyway toppie sound mod beats any other thumbs-up.gif

i must agree.. i tryed to changed it for my pleasure but dunno why i cant put other sound but just renaming it.. its odd.. confused_o.gif

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