johnwilso007 0 Posted February 10, 2008 lol thats AWSUM! a little scary cruise interview on scientology and anonymous press release Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
baddo 0 Posted February 10, 2008 i feel like im going to get flamed for this but while we are ahving a interlectually stimulating debate...Scientollogy does the exact same things that Christianity, Judaism, and Islam do, they brainwash you into believing something that you cant prove and ask for your money in return. and them targeting people who bad mouth them is just what all the other churches of the world do. Atheists in america are afraid to stand up and say they are due to the hostile feeling they get off some people for example. im not defending them, just pointing something out. and as for infiltrating the US government, christianity did that along time ago. I believe that most of the founding fathers were Atheists and through reading the constitution it seems to be a rather secular text. something went wrong in america. I agree. Don't be afraid to say your opinion about religions, you have as much a right to do so as everyone else. What you said about other religions is what I think too. It's basically no different, the style is different but the basics are indeed the same. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-Snafu- 79 Posted February 10, 2008 I believe that most of the founding fathers were Atheists and through reading the constitution it seems to be a rather secular text. something went wrong in america. One of the people who signed the decleration of independence was a Clergyman: John Witherspoon. He was a evangelical Scot who went to America because he was sick of government intervention in the Church. But the church is now intervening in the government? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
martinovic 0 Posted February 10, 2008 Last time i checked the Catholic church doesn't tell you to give money, it asks. But you can decline to give and noone is going to think less of you. The Bible, Quran and Hindu teachings and most others are given away for free, dianetics (scientologist book) is sold for thousands of dollars after thousands of dollars worth of investment. Neither does any other church to my knowledge drive people into financial ruin and/or suicide. Neither were other religions made as a money making schemes, but as genuine efforts to give answers, provide support or somesort of moral fabric. Comparing scientology to any genuine religion is not mocking the religion itself as you would have it, but rather shows your own lack of understanding or flexibility. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Daniel 0 Posted February 10, 2008 Quote[/b] ]Last time i checked the Catholic church doesn't tell you to give money, it asks. But you can decline to give and noone is going to think less of you. Was just about to say. Ever heard of Gideons? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
johnwilso007 0 Posted February 10, 2008 you understand that the vatican is the most wealthy place on the planet right? it didnt get that wealth from asking for money. and a genuine religion what defines that? you cant prove that any of them exist, just like you cant prove that pheatons (or what ever scientologist call them these days, what happend to zenu?) exist. Id hate to throw the flying space teapot into the mix, or the flying spagetti monster. just because scientology is based on a scientific authors thoughts doenst make it less of a religion, most of the 'Genuine' Religions may have been inspired of drug enduced visions of moses. Like i said before im not defending scientology, i agree that it goes about its practices in the wrong way. Christianity and many other 'Genuine' religions went about them in the medieval ages, ever heard of the inquisition? Quote[/b] ]One of the people who signed the decleration of independence was a Clergyman: John Witherspoon. He was a evangelical Scot who went to America because he was sick of government intervention in the Church. But the church is now intervening in the government? i did say most of them not all, i accept that there were religious people there as you are correct many of them fled to america to escape religious persecution. the church isnt directly intervening in the governemnt, but powerful religious lobbys in do get alot of sway in america, look at the abortion issue or the banning of homosexual marrage. and the greatest quote of all 'God Bless America'. The fathers i was talking about are James Maddeson, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, im sure there are more but these men were definatly diests and can be argued that their writings in letters imply that they are athiests. anyway we are getting a little OT. I hope Anonymous get some success, This will be a interesting matter to watch. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sennacherib 0 Posted February 10, 2008 to quote a famous dictator: religion is the opium of the people The surpestitions are bad for humanity. Hell or Heaven are on earth. but humanity is blind, and doesn't even see that. religions are for me a sort of slavery. why a baby should be christian or muslim etc etc? he should be able to choose himself. the real strengh is in every human not in a god or a religion. personally i prefer after my death: nothing. That spend the eternity with humans. one life with humans is enough. an eternal sleep is great; it means tranquility Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Necromancer- 0 Posted February 10, 2008 Then who was the first person to say "God Bless America" in public? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mr_Tea 0 Posted February 10, 2008 I hope that there will never come the time, that the US are introducing there Scientology "Church" at gunpoint to other country`s. That those suckers already have some influence in the US- government can be seen by the fact, that the government try to influence other country`s to accept Scientology as a church. If all goes wrong, those assholes can be the course for war. And i don`t mean an war for oil. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
baddo 0 Posted February 10, 2008 I am not defending scientology either when I question the other religions. In this kind of discussion it is in my opinion right to raise the question of how more right the other religions are about the basics of what they are teaching than scientology is. This is certainly not an attempt to defend scientology. I will never defend anything I don't believe in. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
johnwilso007 0 Posted February 10, 2008 I agree as above. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Halochief89 0 Posted February 10, 2008 Guys I suggest continue talking about scientology and anonymous only or this thread will be locked in no time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shinRaiden 0 Posted February 11, 2008 Indeed. The community is far too fragile at this point to bear the acrimony of religious bully-pulpit'ing comparable to historical locked threads. Those of faith are to an equal extent by the ignorant insults of those who rather than ignore it, prefer to abuse and assault that which they do not value. There is place for fair and reasoned debates. The purpose of this topic however is to question the suppression of said fair discussions and explorations. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sennacherib 0 Posted February 11, 2008 I agree, but you can't speak about religions without the credulity. scientology uses the same tricks that the others have used in the past. - superstitions - fear of hell - proselytizing etc I don't defend scientology, but if you want understand it; you must to watch the other religions. btw: i use the word religion even for the scientology, because i don't know exactly, what is the correct word. About anonymous, in my opnion, this kind of actions will give more Believers or followers to the scientology: Syndrome of martyrdom. The best way would be to discredit them Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Halochief89 0 Posted February 11, 2008 It seems the protests globally is actually happening. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Necromancer- 0 Posted February 11, 2008 It seems the protests globally is actually happening. Sadly protests on the internet by placing movies on youtube doesn't do much effect compared to a mass protest in front of the White House for example. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sc@tterbrain 0 Posted February 13, 2008 Break it all down. To be objective, look at it as two sides in opposition. This campaign by "Anonymous" is quite brilliant. In essence this effort is a "fight fire with fire" campaign. Its stated quite clearly in some of the vids on the web. If one side targets individuals in attempt to discredit and ruin attackers and dissenter's, then remove their ability to target. Overwhelm them with masses and make the opposition look like the evil, power hungry authoritarian. Really they have an easy job. A...and I quote..."religion" based on the belief in an Alien overlord, based on a text of a Sci-fi author.....the more you dig...the more rediculous it gets. I invite a decenting opinion. I would love to get a rebute from a follower. Change my mind...give me some sources to convince me. For now I remain a bit astonished that a cult has so much power. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
funnyguy1 0 Posted February 13, 2008 About anonymous, in my opnion, this kind of actions will give more Believers or followers to the scientology: Syndrome of martyrdom. I totally agree with that. The best way to publicize your coult, sect or whatever, is to get yourself kicked in the face by the so called nonbelievers, and then claim you're a victim of intolerance, or religious war. When I first heard about this whole anonymus thing I was like, wow, the internet is really a great thing. But then I thought, wait a minute, isn't it the best way to attract ppls opinion to scientology? While there's no dubt that all around the world ppl are making and uploading this scary videos on youtube, hacking scientology sites and stuff, in act of protest against scientology, I'm not sure who exactly started the whole craze. I'm not the globalconspiracyofthefevevilmentheory kind of person, but I wouldn't be surprised if it tourned out that all the anonymus fans are in fact the victims of some really well planned scientology sabotage. I doubt if we'll ever gonna find out such things though...that's the specific character of the internet, I mean, we'll never know who started the chuck norris thing, we'll never know who is behind the anti-scientology craze too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Supah 0 Posted February 13, 2008 Scientology is a religion and people have the right the believe what ever they want. You can't claim rights for your own religion or believe system (including athiesme) and then trample on the rights of those that believe in something else. Though I too am not too fond of Scientology, in part due to that annoying Cruise nutjob, I think that coordinated action against a religion is wrong. Replace scientology in this whole deal with any of the other religions, judaisme catholocisme Islam etc. and you get a international outrage. Scientology has a right to exist and if they break laws they should be prosecuted by the proper authoroties not by some internet lynch mob. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-ZG-BUZZARD 0 Posted February 13, 2008 The problem is they use extremely subversive methods just to escape said justice (even criminal methods) - and that alone should warrant them the right to be dissolved - by any means necessary, by the rest of the world... Actually, come think of it, supah, I could compare your thoughts with fighting off disease - your point of view would be that the disease has a right to exist and that whoever poor person is befallen is suffering by it's own fate design - Whereas the opposition believes that action must be taken to fight a disease, especially if it's infectious... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mattxr 9 Posted February 13, 2008 I'm sure if it came down to it Christianity could crush Scientology if it was really needed. We know what Christians do... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mr_Tea 0 Posted February 13, 2008 I'm sure if it came down to it Christianity could crush Scientology if it was really needed. We know what Christians do... We know what Christians have done in the past. I´m an protestant, and don`t want to be thrown in one pot with this so called Christians from the US, that are as radical as the worst muslim terrorist. But the confession doesn`t count, when it comes to crush down Scientology. You can compare that company with the Nazis, and for that kind of people there is no place on this planet. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AWDrift 0 Posted February 13, 2008 I think informing people about scientology will help, the more you learn about it the more ridiculous it gets. You can say what you will about christianity but at the end of the day you can still join, leave, and seek information about it freely. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Daniel 0 Posted February 13, 2008 Yeah, the whole "this is giving scientology publicity" thing doesn't really work. If you tell people the truth and expose the truth, what more can you do? Ignore it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites