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Von Rundstedt

Fww2 - finland at war 1939-1945

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IMO a port to A3 would be an awesome point ( it would bring the mod to more people, as the community is migrating to the last game ).

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Re-doing the same stuff all over again doesn't interest one bit (we already did that when migrating from OFP to A1), A1 to A3 is quite a big gap so everything would have to be started from scratch, again.

We're "celebrating" our 10th anniversary this year, with nothing to show for it...

Of course nothing is decided 100% yet.

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Personally I have the same point. There would be too much time consuming to convert into Arma3. It would almost recreate everything, I think. An alpha may be a good option. Anyway, it won't waste what have been made.

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Could the devs please contact me ? I have some important matters to discuss, you can add me on Steam by clicking here or contact me with a PM on the forums. Regards, TurkishSoap

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a Christmas present for the end of this year ? :)

Quoting the post of h - from the FWW2 forum (Dec 18):

I guess it can be said publicly now, we're on the verge of a release.

Before you get too exited it's not a release of a finished product or anything, but we will release an Alpha that will include everything that is in some sort of working order.

The reason is that we just don't have the will to work on this eternity project any longer and we came to the conclusion that something has to be released instead of just letting this all slip into byte-heaven so that all this time we have spent on this has not been spent completely in vain (we actually celebrated our 10th birthday this summer, ffs)...

We're currently trying to fix a couple of issues but it shouldn't be too long anymore.

And I stress it again, don't get too exited, the known issue list is almost as long as the "what's in this POS" list..

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Yes, for Arma1.

There's basically 0% chance we would be porting this to A3 or anything so it's A1 or vapor..

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Heheh, wish there were more modders that worked on arma 1 still, i still play it, some other people too, if you guys ever get a public server pm me :)

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Hello. Anyone has a link to working alpha/beta?

thanks in advance! 🙂 

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