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Lost Brothers IDF Units Ver 1.6 RELEASED

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Just to add a little info, what you guys are seeing are F-15I fighter-bombers in various configurations to include interceptors, CAS, Strike, and other variants. These have mixed missile/bomb weapon loads that include sidewinders, Sparrows, cluster bombs, Mk82/Mk84 bombs (retarded with air brakes), and mavarick ATGMs. In the pic with the bomblets, those are from the cluster bomb.

Work to be done on it- A animations on some parts need to be fixed, proxies need fixing for pilot/copilots, and some sounds need to be fixed on the weapons. But other then that, it flys great and looks incredible flying around like a bird of prey seeking its prey. The smaller 250lb bombs also are deployed in "ripple" fashion and so when the AI pilots (or players) drop them, it looks like carpet bombing. It is very impressive.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Just to add a little info, what you guys are seeing are F-15I fighter-bombers in various configurations to include interceptors, CAS, Strike, and other variants. These have mixed missile/bomb weapon loads that include sidewinders, Sparrows, cluster bombs, Mk82/Mk84 bombs (retarded with air brakes), and mavarick ATGMs. In the pic with the bomblets, those are from the cluster bomb.

Work to be done on it- A animations on some parts need to be fixed, proxies need fixing for pilot/copilots, and some sounds need to be fixed on the weapons. But other then that, it flys great and looks incredible flying around like a bird of prey seeking its prey. The smaller 250lb bombs also are deployed in "ripple" fashion and so when the AI pilots (or players) drop them, it looks like carpet bombing. It is very impressive.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

I thought I was looking at bomblets but I couldn't get a good perspective of their positioning relative to the bird and vice versa.

Christ that is great news. Although truthfully they still frighten the hell out of me and gave me nightmares for weeks after, obviously observing from a good distance. Regardless, in the ArmA realm I'd love to let em rip. Having a few for dire straits in a long and difficult SP mission will fit in well in my missions. DM's new smokefx's+Matt's AE+Clusters= wow_o.gifpistols.gifpistols.gifgoodnight.gif

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Chris, this looks great. good job!

I also loved the movie keep up the good work.

I wanna address two things about those too though:

the mahbet should have a Stinger missile luncher as far as I know. (seen here: http://www.iaf.co.il/sip_storage/files/4/16954.jpg )

The magah 6 should loose the TC's small turret, israeli tanks have a smaller sized TC turret. and the Xenon was only on very very old versions of the magah 6. (seen here: .http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikiped....n-2.jpg  )

BTW magah 6 is used as target practice nower days, still got magah 7s in reserves

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Yeah that's not a Machbet in the screen shot.  It's the Hovet without the Stingers.  We still need to make a Machbet. The modelling part is easy. We just have to figure out how to configure it to fire Stingers (figuring out what memory points to use and how to stick that into the config.cpp).

As for the wrong commander's station, that's because I used another M60 conversion of Sigma's M60 that our OFP version was based upon.  At the time, I knew nothing about configuring a commander's MG and to be honest, I still suck badly at it.  That's why I didn't want to replace it or convert our oirignal Magach 6 from OFP that had the proper commander's station.  

Eventually when I convert the Magach 7C, I will have to do this, but I am not looking forward to that.   It's a major pain in the ass.     There are still Magach 7C's in the reserves?  I thought all Magach series including the latest versions were mothballed or scrapped.   That would be good news as I really want to convert our Magach 7C to use in modern missions.  I've always liked that tank.  

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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There are still Magach 7C's in the reserves?  I thought all Magach series including the latest versions were mothballed or scrapped.

Yup, the word is they are here to stay for at least more 10 years. just had a refreshing training not so long ago... apearently its just like riding a bike biggrin_o.gif

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It has to be done...  and so it has.

THE ZOHAN!!!!!  

The ultimate Israeli Warrior featuring Jew-Fro hair style, Zohan bandana, borrowed combat medic scissors (for practicing his silky smooth hair-styling on terrorists and goats), and his love gun ready for action with the ladies.





(and keep your mothers and grandmas away from him)

Coming soon to a war-zone near you... and in our upcoming addon pack that is aaaaaaaalmost done. Just a few teenyweeny bugs to sort out on our airplanes.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Sounds good to me. Nice to see the Mighty made it in. Thanks for the update.

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here are some ss of the aircrafts  that will come with the pack :



F15I with new texture by JF ( jewish freak)





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well it's not me and i'm sure it's not JF because miles teg didn't release any aircrafts yet (jets)

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No. that's surely not me.

note that this F15 doesnt include the Desert Scheme of the F15I model.

Also, it doesnt have as many weapon loadouts as ours (Ours has 7 different loadouts with many custom weapons including the AGM-142 popeye, Clusterbombs, Iron bombs and many others.)

This is probably a different conversion of the F-15 we had in OFP.

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Just been wondering since the link was sent to me earlier today and now i´m seeing this again on BI Forums biggrin_o.gif

Be cool with the guy, although he ported 'alot' w/o permissions, he´s still very productive (counts twice nowadays). Might even be a candidate for LoBo Team wink_o.gif

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while checking out a few posts in that forum, i noticed this:

Miles's post

Southy got permission to convert LoBo's older addons and release the betas.

notice this:

Quote[/b] ]Thanks for the help! Oh...and all conversions of our stuff can be posted here using BIS pilots so everyone can play around with the betas.

So, this F15C is completely legit, go and play guys

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Good stuff. Thanks Jewish-Freak for clearing this up.

Just an aside...

After reading all the info discussed today from some reason I vaguely remember seeing a similar discussion between the two elsewhere. Maybe it's just some serious deja vu but I swear I recall seeing this but I've never been to that forum.

It's possible I'm dreaming here but Christ that was odd.  huh.gif  pistols.gif

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hmm maybe after ya guys done with the idf mod maybe relaese the F15 in USAF colors since after all F15 is The worlds best fighter.... "gives middle finger to the SU37 @ mig 35...

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Yeah, I didn't know Southy had already started work on the F-15 so I asked him to just put in the original USAF F-15 colors so his work doesn't go to waste.  

So yeah I've already talked to him and hopefully that's all sorted out. But yeah our version will have the same loadouts and weapons as our OFP versions...meaning that we will have much more weapons then the standard ArmA aircraft weapons with a nice variety of laser guided and unguided bombs, cluster bombs, air to ground missiles (including the giant Popeye), and Air to Air missiles.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Hi Southy here,

Just completed the USAF version of the F15c as per the above, it on the same thread as the previous IAf version.

Also completed the Mig21 and A4 this morning.

Please note that these addons are Opf to Arma conversions and I take no credit for creating these addons.

Please keep in mind I would class these as about 50% complete, plenty of work still to do.




Just noticed I converted the wrong aircraft, should have been the F4 and not the A4, thats jet lag for you, will have the F4 done by tomorrow.

Cheers Southy

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If i understand correctly, you guys are somehow connected to the guy who made the Mig-21 addon, right? Can he send me the PSD files for the texture. I would like to make another skin for it. The mig-21 is my favourite plane, but unfortunetly im not very interested in arab air forces.

PM me if you need my email adress or anything like that!

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Very well don, although the textures could need some rework if there's time for.

What i really like was the overall handling of the planes. Good acceleration and very good top speed.

What i disliked a little was the engine sound of the MiG-21....sounds like an old hair dryer to me^^

Also remarked that the A4 seems to have a little bug: mass center (or how it is called) seems to be 2-3 meters below the plane. What i mean, if you're rolling it doesn't roll along it's supposed axis but around an axis 2-3 meters below the plane. Hope you get it what i mean.

Anyways, i know it's beta status and i guess you Guys already know all this. Keep up the good work, ArmA strongly needs some more Air vehicles.

Myke out

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I tried incorperating the Mig21 A4 into my mission but the classname: "lobo_mig" did not display anything. I'm trying to incorporate the "Mig21-BIS" and not the "Multirole" version. Any idea what the classname is? Thanks.

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How do I fix the error I receive when I use the Syrian sniper? It mentions something about "Hamas black."

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Hello guys, nice work Southy,

While downloading the files I noticed the IDF and the USAF F15C files had the same pbo name, I think you might know it but I thought I had to write it there to prevent the same question ! wink_o.gif

Given that, the addons are great already ! smile_o.gif

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some A4 pictures (they might not be included in the incoming pack )







thnx for Southy for converting

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looking good guys

go you change the colors on A-4 ?

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