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MFCTI Capture the island

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Why is nobody playing MFCTI anymore ?

This used to be a very poplular game mode that was played a lot in the end day's of OFP.

It seemed is was the most popular mode in th eend day's.

I like this mode the most of all against other players because the game was never the same and it uses the full potential of the engine by letting u buy full squads and bring them to war.

So i was very happy to see that the man who made the MFCTI ported it straight to arma.

But the map gets almost never played, in OPF there was always one starting to join in.

So i urge people to at least try MFCTI, maybe we can all play this mode together again in the future.

Of course there is RTS 4 to, and this map/mode i like a lot to.

Here again it uses the engine to its full potential where you can build full squads.

So if you have 64 people building all their 30 units there will be 1920 units wandering around the island.

That is total war in my opinion and i dont get it that not more people would like to try this out.

Greetings and respect; Code

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The standard sides are very unbalanced with their weapons, uniforms and vehicles.

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There is not much attention around of community behind MFCTI. Some clans like Rougnecks havent been too active to getting players to mfcti like they did in OFP times. It seems like all the competitive game modes like CTI, CTF and DM arent so popular than they were in OFP but otherwise coops became more popular. People didnt find much fun of adjusting ArmA controls,gameplay and upgrade their PC's. Same thing happened whit crcti what is yet OFP's most popular CTI mode.

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I consider myself a very intense CTI player, but I am unable to like it in ArmA.

Beside the aforementioned unbalance of sides (which is the most important thing in a CTI):

The salt of playing CTI is to gain income so that you can optain better vehicles. But in ArmA I am simply not looking forward to earning a tank or a plane because in a tank my own crew ignores my commands and the planes are no fun to fly with. Therefore I miss the proper motivation to fight for towns.

Ergo I do not play CTI in ArmA.

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From my perspective, the converted MFCTI isn't all that much fun in arma, it's too slow paced and there's no JIP (join in progress). crCTI is a much better cti for arma. More action and you'll find more servers currently playing it now that the JIP bugs have been ironed out.

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Yea thats why i quit working on converting it. The original creator is working on it. He is very busy with other projects and as what Swat said Im being patient as well.

On side note the ArmA animations and sluggish movements have really made ArmA player vs. player not really fun. I think thats why theres more Coop being played.

But if you look up the mfcti thread you can download and play my latest conversion but without JIP. For JIP to work the whole thing needed recoding and with over a 100 scripts to be reworked I just didnt have time for that.

Ai also had issues on the map, im not sure if its BIS bug or MFCTI bug.

As soon as Mike Melvin releases his work roughnecks and some others will try and get some matches going possibly some ladder competions. Russin (RN) has been waiting patiently for this as well and has a website and other things waiting for this day.

From what ive seen in ArmA 2 the animations look alot better and I think player vs player will be big again so hopefully it wont take alot to convert to ArmA 2.

In the mean time Doolittles CTI is pretty cool. I would suggest trying it out I know 88th is testing it out alot and having a good time.

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Hey binkster,

We are still enjoying your last release, smile_o.gif even with the few ai bugs.

I was wondering if it would be possible for a coop version for the saralite? DTB is really fun.



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Well i like to thank the MFcti creator(s) anyway because it gave me so much fun in OFP, and allready some in Arma.

Thanks and respect.

Best gaming mode ever, FPS/RTS is the future notworthy.gif

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On side note the ArmA animations and sluggish movements have really made ArmA player vs. player not really fun.  I think thats why theres more Coop being played.

The effect: No anti-cheat-tool ==> No PvP-playing

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Hey been playing MFCTI for Arma every second day but its a closed lan since my ISP cut everyones Upload speeds in half so I was trying to run it in a open Internet but my upload speed was maxing out at 64kb/s

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Hey binkster,

We are still enjoying your last release, smile_o.gif  even with the few ai bugs.

I was wondering if it would be possible for a coop version for the saralite? DTB is really fun.



Ill make a coop this coming weekend on saralite just for kicks.

I would today or durring the week but time is short due to work, school and putting my house up for sale.

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Am i the only one who actually likes the standard BI CTI?

Granted, I much preferred Mike Melvin’s OFP version and am excited about his ArmA offering, but the BIS version is ok too. You have to clear the town, Paratroops are sent in to hold it, meanwhile a supply truck is dispatched and drives to the town. When it reaches the town a new base is built with additional vehicles and respawn points. I quite like it, but no one else seems to.

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If I remember it correctly,

I liked BI's cti also, but, with mfcti, the random spawn locations changes the whole enviroment of setting up bases, and/or building them where you want.

In Bi's.....leaving the same spot over n over in a new game, became old after a few months.

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The reason why CTI is not that popular in ArmA is simple.

ArmA is not OFP.

OFP animations are fast and flexible like a young girl, while ArmA feels stiff & slow like a old grany.

My for me main fun-killing aspect in all ArmA PvP games.

Ahead of slow performance, strange recoil simulation, AI and JIP problems.

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no real AI in Bis CTI kinda makes it so you have to get enough players for it to be even fun

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MFCTI in ofp was very dynamic, specialy with multi player.

In arma it can be to i think.

I used to play a lot of MFCTI in ofp on my own to and had a lot of fun like that.

In arma the ai seems to get more stuck on bridges and stuff, or get realy stuck in weird places.

It is just a pitty MFCTI is never going on for multi player on a public server.

But CTI wise i like MFCTI the most (compliments) and RTS4 rocks to in multi player

No MHQ makes BIS their CTI a bit weak i think, pitty.

CTI mode is for me the most fun game mode off all games i play and played so keep up the good work people.

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MFCTI in ofp was very dynamic, specialy with multi player.

In arma it can be to i think.

I used to play a lot of MFCTI in ofp on my own to and had a lot of fun like that.

In arma the ai seems to get more stuck on bridges and stuff, or get realy stuck in weird places.

It is just a pitty MFCTI is never going on for multi player on a public server.

But CTI wise i like MFCTI the most (compliments) and RTS4 rocks to in multi player

No MHQ makes BIS their CTI a bit weak i think, pitty.

CTI mode is for me the most fun game mode off all games i play and played so keep up the good work people.

I agree.

I used to play MFCTI on my own.  Good fun.

AI and bridges should be fixable, just like on Nogova; units would be transported across to the other side.

Anyhow, any updates on MF's CTI yet?

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I suppose there is still no MFCti news on the horizon.

Most tactical game mode for me :P

I still wish some people would play it in public.

In the end days of ofp it seemed it was the only map played.

I still dont get it why that cant be in Arma.

Balancing can be done by addons for example.

I suppose i am howling at the moon alone.

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you are not howling alone beleave me MFCTI when it is realeased will over populate the servers like EVO does with no real true succesor to MFCTI we are still in slumber waiting for mike to take care of BIZ

hang in there something is bound to give

RoughNecks are waiting for the real MFCTI

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Where can I get hold of the latest version of Binksters conversion?

I'm looking through the forum and it's crowded with MFCTI-threads.

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I do see any reason why MFCTI couldn't work in ArmA, however I also agree with some of the earlier posts about the AI pathing. If BI doesn't fix the AI pathing and quit trying to shortcut thier way through everything, we'll just end up with a CTI where the enemy spawns are all stuck in base like one big cluster @$!@!

Even in the 1.09 beta patch there was suppose to be AI improvements, but I still get AI stuck all over the map in stupid places like between 3 palm trees or somthing.

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Still no word on Mike Melvins version. Maybe it will work better in ArmA 2? Maybe when CWR releases a bug free everon we can hook up mfcti on that.

I gave up on a popular cti with ArmA. As I see now ArmA is built for COOP not PvP. Theres just something different and wrong. As DVD said the player movements suck and I think that has alot to do with it.

Also we need a everon size map to play a good game. Sara would take 10hrs. Can u imagine trying to find a mhq hidden in some trees on Sara? that would suck...

Also mfcti needed to be overhauled to implement JIP and the scripts are just to messy needs to be sqf.

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