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I'm sad to be forced to use an AI enhancement addon "based on TonyRanger work", and not the one developed for TonyRanger. But I've no chance to do anything else, because the original addon isn't flexible enough to cover my Community needs about gameplay and realism.


Noone is forcing you to use this mod. If you don't like the way it integrates then don't use it.

Yes there are issues but for what you get, it is MORE than worth the hassle.

[TAO] Kremator

PS we have to be careful that we don't put too much pressure on Tony - look what happened to Solus and SLX Mod, or the ECS crew !!

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@Kremator: I'm not saying anything about be forced to use this addon, in fact I'm saying that I and my Community won't use the TonyRanger addon but any other that seems or be based on it.

I'm sad because TonyRanger did a great job with this addon, but due to a lack of flexibility I (and many people) will choose not to use it as is.

For sure the "Fight For Nogova" campaign will rock.

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I have tried the 0.81 FFN mod and there are quite some good features built in. Although it's not the way modular like I would like to see it.

Right now I think SLX/ECS/VFAI is the better package with a lot of flexibility to turn features on and off.

Tony, I would like to see your mod more modular, so it could be combined with the mod I mentioned. A perfect example in doing so is the TrueMods (or TrueGameplay Mod) and Proper Mod. Every feature is in a separate pbo and you can turn it on or off. (SLX is heading to the same system.)

Or you could consider to make a system like ECS did where you can turn on/off features in a dialog or in a config file with true/false parameters.

What do you think?

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I think this mod would be a "must have" if it was released with only AI enchancements, because of the many gameplay "limitations" it introduces.

Yes I'm not forced to use this addon, but I do admire the AI changes yet I'm pushed away with the gameplay limitations at the same time.

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Dont to jump to a conclusion before "its done".  whistle.gif

Imho TonyRanger is developing kind of new gameplay feeling. Think that released features gives us a little preview into FFN campaign. Lets see how TonyRanger surprise us - dont paint it all black now.

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Quote[/b] ]...Or you could consider to make a system like ECS did where you can turn on/off features in a dialog or in a config file with true/false parameters. ...

It is necessary to lern on experience of others instead of to repeat their mistakes.

Addons should be made completely independent.

In any case, we shall accept it to such how developer will give it to us.

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i'll do my best for improve the ArmA gameplay.

Just give me some time.I really need some time to rest and consider the next move.

This FFN MOD0.81 is a beta for test,that's why I enable all features without swtich.I need to hear everybody's opinion to deside what is good or not.

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I think this mod would be a "must have" if it was released with only AI enchancements, because of the many gameplay "limitations" it introduces.

Yes I'm not forced to use this addon, but I do admire the AI changes yet I'm pushed away with the gameplay limitations at the same time.

Same for me.

Tony, please make it modular!

best regards


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Overall this is by far my favorite mod for ArmA, however one very annoying thing (that I know is because its part of your mod Tony) is that if you save a game it puts into the addons list in the mission.sqm file "tr_obj". So any mission made with this addon is immediately not useable by anyone that doesn't have this mod. If there is any way to change that, that would be awesome. If not, mission makers just have to remember to manually delete that and then manually .pbo the file outside the mission editor.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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I wrote to BIS earlier, but it was without results. I want to specify that still not well in ArmA and is not changed in ArmA2 too:

- Still unnatural standard animations (run of models is made especially clumsily). Here in the help to developers I can offer only to use technology motion-capture. It is important to combine model with the weapon, ammunition and a helmet of the appropriate weight.

- there are no shadows on a long distance (for masking from snipers). Now we have disappearing shadows which is visible only being near to them. These shadows do not carry out all functions, and contrary only brake process of game. BIS developers already have found the decision to this similarly to shadows from mountains which do not disappear, so why it is impossible to use this technology formation of shadows for all objects? Try to use maps with high mountains and pay attention to shadows from them.

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I wrote to BIS earlier, but it was without results. I want to specify that still not well in ArmA and is not changed in ArmA2 too:

- Still unnatural standard animations (run of models is made especially clumsily). Here in the help to developers I can offer only to use technology motion-capture. It is important to combine model with the weapon, ammunition and a helmet of the appropriate weight.

- there are no shadows on a long distance (for masking from snipers). Now we have disappearing shadows which is visible only being near to them. These shadows do not carry out all functions, and contrary only brake process of game. BIS developers already have found the decision to this similarly to shadows from mountains which do not disappear, so why it is impossible to use this technology formation of shadows for all objects? Try to use maps with high mountains and pay attention to shadows from them.

Urm, huh ?

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see the ArmA2 video,it already inculde the carry wound effect


so,I think FFN MOD will be fine in ArmA2

Tony, thank a lot for the Youtube link

This short video is telling more about ArmA II than all the interviews and previews I have seen before.


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Hello all

Does anyone know how to stop my squad i'm leading from moving to far away, as even though the tactics they use are good i'd rather they only do it on my own orders (perhaps putting it into the command menu or something for the future versions, i dont know, good idea anyone) as otherwise i find myself with my squad all over the place, and find that as leader in a built up area i'm actually doing more Rambo stlye play.



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I've only had that problem rarely. If they wander away just order them back over to you. But generally only a few go on an outflanking maneuver...the rest generally stay around me. Personally I like it that way as the AI soldiers show initiative. Although oddly enough, its often the medic that is first to go charging into the enemy. I'm not sure why that is. I have crazy gung-ho medics! lol One thing I really like is how snipers often take higher ground and snipe from the flanks at long range. That is a very cool effect.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Well,i found out that this mod disables gdtmodhdr.So i can't play missions because brightness goes so high i can't see anything. sad_o.gif

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That's my problem too. After the fights starts, I get very lonely all of a sudden icon_rolleyes.gif IMO they should stick to the leader unless the leader tells them to so. Maybe you could implement something like "When squad member leaves 15m radius of the leader, he automatically rejoins the formation."

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Is there a way to turn off some limitations the mod places to soldiers (classes etc.)?

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I changed the replacement config so that ALL troops could enter vehicles etc. I know that this ISNT what Tony wants for his campaign ... but it gets me through smile_o.gif

[TAO] Kremator

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What do you mean? Just don't use SLX or try the newest and last version of SLX that allows you to pick and choose what .pbo's you use.

Not sure if that helps any. I'm not to clear what you mean.

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is there a way for play only whit ffn ai without slx effects? help.gif

I think he's asking if you can play using just FFN's AI abilities minus everything else. And as of now, I don't think you can as the whole system is geared for a specific campaign. But I hope it is made modular as well so I can use the stellar AI with any campaign.

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only a squad less then 10 people will seek cover all time,if you put 12 men in a squad,they will fight in formation without taking cover until taken heavily fire and lose more then 3 men

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