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Incredible! Would it be possible to make this as a standalone addon instead?

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Very nice Mando, once again. finishing up up my instrument rating right now actually.

And P.S. thanks for your help at TOW, looking forward to the fixes! stop by sometime-

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Wonderfull !

This kind of addons transforms Arma in "the ultimate combat simulation"

And I agree, we definitely need the script as a standalone addon.(please please pleeease notworthy.gif )

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Very nice Mando, once again. finishing up up my instrument rating right now actually.

Ahh yes have fun with that one...... MEA, MOCA, OROCA, MSA, MDA, MRA, MCA, DH. Who would have though there could be so many acronyms just for altitudes? Know all of them for your checkride. Also, the hardest part is the holding pattern entries, if you can do that you'll be alright. Anyway off topic enough I gotta go try this addon out.

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wicked Mandoble! I remember asking for this ages ago, glad to see it released.

edit: I don't know if this uses any ArmA specific commands, but would an OFP version be at all possible?

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First of all, this has not been made only by me, Hoz, Bedges, Planck and even Hoz's wife (Hezzy) also participated actively in the development of this resource. All in all it is an OFPEC staff creation.

Using it in your missions is not hard a all and doesnt require any special scripting:

To incorporate it to your missions follow three steps:

1 - Copy "ofpec_ils" folder into your mission folder.

2 - The description.ext file of your mission should have the following:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

class RscTitles


#include "ofpec_ils\ofpec_ilstitles.h"

// Add here anyother title needed for your mission


#include "ofpec_ils\ofpec_ilsdialog.h"

// Add here anyother dialog needed for your mission

class CfgSounds


sounds[] = {};

#include "ofpec_ils\ofpec_ilssounds.h"

// Add here anyother sound needed for your mission


3 - In the init field of any plane or chopper you want to be ILS capable:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

this addAction ["Call ILS", "ofpec_ils\ofpec_open_airfieldselector.sqf"]

Of course you may put that code in the init.sqs or init.sqf your mission too.

If you are spawning planes or choppers from spawning scripts, use :

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

// Your spawn code here

_plane SetVehicleInit "this addAction [""Call ILS"", ""ofpec_ils\ofpec_open_airfieldselector.sqf""]";


EDIT: It uses ArmA specific commands and I see no way to create a scripted one for OFP/Res.

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This is awesome once again, we have some very talented people about.

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this built into evo maybe could stop some of the aircraft accidents that sometimes occur biggrin_o.gif

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Nice stuff! Next version as addon and full integraded in new HUD with marker beacons etc. and additional air tower operator voice eg. "clear to runway"?? smile_o.gif

FYI ILS Basics

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Well done, very useful in bad weather and overall just enjoyable. Hopefully we'll see some missions released with this build-in.

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Hoz's wife has a beautiful voice tounge2.gif , i've been triying it and it's awesome inlove.gif you only have to get used to it and you could land in the roof of a house.

there is a problem though with the antigua airport , the plane disappears from the gps and you get lost , but maybe that's because i don't know to read the Hud information yet biggrin_o.gif

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Nope, the problem is that ArmA map controls cannot show any position out of the current Island map limits. In Antigua you need to get out of map boundaries to reach the landing "path" and the map control will not follow your plane while it is out of map limits. Anyway you still can just guide yourself following HUD indications instead of just map vectors.

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I have some problems using it. I have an impression the lines are not sensitive enougth.

I mean the distance you need to stray from path to have the HUD line reach an edge is quite liberal and I can easilly crash the plane or miss the runway with both lines still within the HUD pseudo-rectangle.

Or is it some new kind of ILS that also has lines but the meaning changed?

I only used this to land on a carrier before so maybe it indeed was more restrictive, you need to be within methers from optimum to land safely...

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The meaning of the lines and symbols is explained in the hint, in the mission notes and in the readme.

Basically the system calculates a glide path to reach the runway from the correct heading, altitude and speed.

There are four main symbols there: the circle, the box, the vertical bar and the horizontal bar.

Vertical bar is aligned with the current landing waypoint, so, if the vertical bar is centered in your hud, you are aiming straight to the current landing waypoint.

Horizontal bar is aligned with the current waypoint height, if centered in hud, you are aiming for the correct height.

So, if you are forming a cross centered in your HUD, you are aiming perfectly to the next landing waypoint.

Circle and box (square) are there to help you to "aim" for each landing waypoint from the best possible direction to end with your plane fully aligned with the last landing waypoint.

The circle is placed between the current landing waypoint and the next landing waypoint. The box is placed "behind" the current landing waypoint. So, if you aim first for the box, and then turn to align with the vertical and horizontal bars, you will end with the circle closer to the center. If you do the same with next landing waypoint, you will end with the circle even more centered. If done correcly, for the last waypoint you will have the square, the cross bars and the circle all well aligned with the huds center so your flight path would be optimum to reach the runway with minimum deviations.

Of course, you may simply try to get centered all the time just only the vertical and horizontal bars, ignoring the circle and the box. The result is that you might be forced to perform some violent turn after reaching a landing waypoint to align with the next one instead of just soft corrections.

Hope this help to understand the best way to use the current HUDs symbology.

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OK, I thougth you did one working like this:


In which case lines would indicate distance from line.

In your case the lines indicate angle to the waypoint.

Yes, the square and circle are new to me. I didn't read the notes because I knew how to use an ILS and seeing the two crossing lines led me to belive they indicate the distance to approach line as they used to... whistle.gif

No, you cannot land a plane without watching the square and circle, the chances of being aligned in the axis of runway with just the lines are none.

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First of all great work, but I also have to say I prefere BI's original ILS because it's totally integrated in the HUD. Could you match the ILS color of the original HUD?

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Quote[/b] ]you only have to get used to it and you could land in the roof of a house.

Better use one of the other great work from Mandoble!! wink_o.gif

Is there an "aviation addon" in progress by OFPEC?

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For any of you interested into OFPEC ILS in the addon form, it is now under development within OFPEC with the collaboration of Rocko. We are aiming for an addon which would provide advanced ILS for any ArmA plane or chopper, including these in external addons.

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Good job. thumbs-up.gif

In the end a generic framework to load any script package from an

addon would be great. A framework which allows optional late

modification of the package via param handover, gvars or even

(partial) script rewrite/overloading.

Sort of Solus' EH system.

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