Abbe 0 Posted September 14, 2007 Just noticed no old threads regarding CTF and faster gametypes are here anymore...? Or is it just my memory failing? Â /Abbe Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mattxr 9 Posted September 14, 2007 They got lost in millions of Negative/Cheater Threads Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pmd 0 Posted September 14, 2007 They got lost in millions of Negative/Cheater Threads  LMAO!!! *gets a sad face*  yea..... there were a few back in august  Abbe you should make a new one Abbe  Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
celery 8 Posted September 14, 2007 Let's start one now: <span style='font-size:22pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:red'>Coop sucks, CTF beats it at everything!!</span></span> I'm holding my breath till the first offended tactic freak comes to flame me like every other time. Oh by the way, the above statement in big, red letters is true. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NeMeSiS 11 Posted September 14, 2007 Let's start one now:<span style='font-size:22pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:red'>Coop sucks, CTF beats it at everything!!</span></span> I'm holding my breath till the first offended tactic freak comes to flame me like every other time. Â Oh by the way, the above statement in big, red letters is true. You forgot a small part: <span style='font-size:22pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:red'>IN YOUR FUCKING OPINION!!</span></span> (Ofcourse thats rather obvious, but ok) Just because you like it doesnt mean everyone does. Some people just like large scale missions where its easier to get immersed in the game where you have no other choice to use AI as a 'filler' because of the scale and because there are jobs no real person wants. And 'accidently' ArmA is ideal for the above, while dozens of other games beat ArmA at fast paced FPS. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Abbe 0 Posted September 14, 2007 Seriously guys, were there not a couple of threads about this matter? I can't find a single one...? The point is not to start a new one, we all know by now how ArmA perform in PvP gametypes, the point is where have they gone and why? /Abbe Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NeMeSiS 11 Posted September 14, 2007 Seriously guys, were there not a couple of threads about this matter? I can't find a single one...?The point is not to start a new one, we all know by now how ArmA perform in PvP gametypes, the point is where have they gone and why? /Abbe Still here. Search for CTF in Multiplayer, topic titles only, from the beginning and newer. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Abbe 0 Posted September 14, 2007 Thank you! That's funny, I can't really see them unless I search, there must be preferences I've never cared about! Â /Abbe Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
celery 8 Posted September 14, 2007 You forgot a small part:<span style='font-size:22pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:red'>IN YOUR FUCKING OPINION!!</span></span> (Ofcourse thats rather obvious, but ok) Just because you like it doesnt mean everyone does. Some people just like large scale missions where its easier to get immersed in the game where you have no other choice to use AI as a 'filler' because of the scale and because there are jobs no real person wants. And 'accidently' ArmA is ideal for the above, while dozens of other games beat ArmA at fast paced FPS. Aww, I wasn't even turning blue yet! You have your opinion and I respect it, but you're wrong in any case. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Infam0us 10 Posted September 15, 2007 I predict a riot Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NeMeSiS 11 Posted September 15, 2007 but you're wrong in any case. Thats possibly the most annoying answer you could give, you know that? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dmitri 0 Posted September 15, 2007 Here's a mind bender for you bores: Some of us enjoy COOP and CTF, equally. Oh, the horror.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
guerilla [mcy] 0 Posted September 15, 2007 there's is nothing to discuse anymore, because we know BIS hasn't any further future plans for "their" ctf community, they actually never had, propably they thought get rid of them, so we get rid of cheaters and as ARMA2 seems to be only an updated ARMA1, its obvious that it will not change anythink. CTF is dead, so is DM, CTI, C&H, actually ever PvP Mod as their is no competion. Just imaging Killjoy would not have made Evo, this game would be dead by now. So i think there is no need for any kind of discussion, as all former know CTF Players and Clans left a long time ago and they want come back. All you'll find are AI Killers around here which rather obey virtual orders instead of facing the real competion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Junker 0 Posted September 15, 2007 Every game that has MP always has PvP but only 10% of those games have Co-Op, So im thinking that the arma community are those 90% of Co-Op freaks (Like Me) that like to team play against the AI. Just a note: With the amount of people complaining there isnt enough PvP servers about or people playing on them. The number on the forums would make a few good server full if ya got your act together and arranged a few games. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Abbe 0 Posted September 15, 2007 Well, unintetionly there became a discussion. Â I belive you missed the point Junker, the ones left are those who at the moment enjoy Coop, about everyone else has left, is hoping for change or are thinking about finding other games to play. DragonKnights homepage says it much better then I imho could. If anyone looked at NL homepage and the activity in their TS is talks for it self, so on & so on & so on...Where are the leagues, where are the players, where are the maps, where are all the themes from the CTF maps everyone could by heart (ToySoldiers and NeverScared my favorites), above all, where is the gameplay? The thing about Coop is that at a point you get fed up with Ai who can't cross bidges, who run i circles like headless chickens, who suddenly develop x-ray-vision and the list goes on and on... I think "we" (poeple who enjoy an opponent just as mean and capable as ourselvs) are sad and are feeling a bit cheated, "our" beloved game transformed into something unplayable, or rather unjoyable, with it's chunky movments, poor performance, wierd animations and changes noone asked for. I read the interview with Marek(?) and the future plans for BIS products. It told me that BIS really don't care about the majority of it's old MP comunity. As if not the product ArmA and it's development over the past 9 months didn't give "us" that clue... least I'm a bit frustrated, I think "they" were as well since a huge part of old Ofp PvP comunity is gone and will never return. For me, as if anyone cared, I very rearly play this game and if 1.09 dosen't come with good news, I'm deinstalling and will try to find other products that will actually entertaine me... But for sure, ArmA is much better for Coop games as it works right now (if you can stand all the glitches and the stupid Ai), the amount of servers, players and maps show that...I guess those other 90% has turned their back on this product Junker. /Abbe Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lwlooz 0 Posted September 15, 2007 You people are funny . I think you CTF people should pull yourself together and try to get something going. In all fairness,one doesnt need anything to make a CTF mission. Infact BIS already has templates for all the simple PvP types. You can use vanilla BIS content as well , so you don't even need to edit the config,especially since you dont use the AI. So all you guys need is a little patience,creativity and optimism. As for OFP being an CTF game . Where to start? Would a game made for CTF bother with making huge island,would it bother for allowing massive AI battles? The matter of fact is that for CTF,DM,C&H there are tons of better games out there than OFP/ArmA. For some reason you stick to this series,I can't figure out why, but I like you supporting BIS anyways. As a general note to all frustrated people, don't believe anything people write in this board about MP being only Evolution,Cheat-infested or dead. It is simple not true. If you are patient and willing to go through some hassle to get a good game you will. And if all the simple PvP is gone, heck try advanced PvP which doesnt bottle you up in 10mx10m area where you only fight 5 guys, but rather try the missions where you have human commanders on the opposite team leading squads,platoons or heck even companies and battalions(If you are willing to let AI play with you ) on large areas with realistic objectives. There are tons of simpleton games out there,OFP&ARMA just allow for more advanced game modes.So dont complain about that,rather use it to your advantage and create missions no other game could ever allow you to Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
.kju 3245 Posted September 15, 2007 lwlooz lwlooz lwlooz ... ArmA 1.08 has certain anim transitions bugged. This is bad for any pvp mode. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
celery 8 Posted September 15, 2007 You people are funny . lol you are funnier! I think you CTF people should pull yourself together and try to get something going. In all fairness,one doesnt need anything to make a CTF mission. Infact BIS already has templates for all the simple PvP types. You can use vanilla BIS content as well , so you don't even need to edit the config,especially since you dont use the AI.So all you guys need is a little patience,creativity and optimism. What are you talking about? There has already been a league for many months and certain people like Frantic.bay have made DOZENS of CTF maps of different kind. By the way, the BIS scripts suck in every way. As for OFP being an CTF game . Where to start?Would a game made for CTF bother with making huge island,would it bother for allowing massive AI battles? The matter of fact is that for CTF,DM,C&H there are tons of better games out there than OFP/ArmA. For some reason you stick to this series,I can't figure out why, but I like you supporting BIS anyways. What is so hard to figure? What other game lets you play any game mode in a realistic setting in any location available on a huge area of land? I will spare you the enormous trouble of going through the history of videogames, and answer for you: there is no other game series. Understand now? I knew you would. There are tons of simpleton games out there,OFP&ARMA just allow for more advanced game modes.So dont complain about that,rather use it to your advantage and create missions no other game could ever allow you to Advanced game modes? Like Evolution? Just because the engine allows anything to be possible doesn't mean that the basics shouldn't be used because it actually works well. Hence players make and play maps such as CTF, DM and Coop. You can't make anything complicated without taking the human factor into account. That means you can't have a large scale "realistic" game unless it's forced upon people by an organized entity such as ArmA IC because people grab the best stuff on sight, it doesn't matter how much they suck at using it, you can see it in any map with vehicles or special firearms. If it was up to the player, he'd have a sniper rifle and a rocket launcher while flying the AH-1 SuperCobra if they were freely available before others get them, screw the game balance. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Abbe 0 Posted September 16, 2007 Quote[/b] ]There are tons of simpleton games out there,OFP&ARMA just allow for more advanced game modes I think everyone can have their view and that the game engines themselves allowed every view to be had but the above sentence disturb me, why? If even "tons of simpelton games" can simulate a CQC *better* then the sequal of Ofp (which did it pretty good, as we speak there are more CTF servers in Ofp as in ArmA and I'd rather spend time playing Ofp then ArmA right now) I think "this series" of games are in big troubble. There is nothing realistic with throwing nades for 3 seconds, not be able to with huge dispertion fire your weapon while moving, taking a few extra steps instead of throwing yourself in that bush you aimed for... What "advanced gamemodes" are there left when you can't kill your opponent in a realistic way in a combat simulator!? Â Maybe you're talking about CoC Command engine, CTI i third person or just maybe fancy screenshots, I don't know, to me there is no point with a combat simulator that doesn't simulate combat... /Abbe Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sc@tterbrain 0 Posted September 16, 2007 Can't we all just get along... Funny how we fans turn on each other over the shortcommings of the developer. Â Yes, it is up to the fan base to create what is desired. Â But it seems that has been stifled by waiting for repairs (tools/patches/content/anti-cheat/hope). Â Hopefully all the talent has not moved on out of fustration. Â There is pleanty of room for both types of play (PvP/Coop), and most enjoy the variety of having both options. I am sure the next great map or series of maps is currently in development, I just hope they are a finished before the creator or fanbase loses interest...(insert Arma2)...oh boy new can-o-worms... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
guerilla [mcy] 0 Posted September 16, 2007 Can't we all just get along...Funny how we fans turn on each other over the shortcommings of the developer. Â Yes, it is up to the fan base to create what is desired. do you really think each one of us has motion capture studio to solve the anim's ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pmd 0 Posted September 16, 2007 the first time i played OFP was on the GOTY addition (cold war,red hammer and resistance) so the game was about for a bit before i finally experienced the community online and i didn't visit the BI forums till arma came out. was this how OFP was when it first came out too? because this is what i imagine. extremely crappy at first but with new patchs got A LOT better! i love the guys that say "bis doesnt care about their community" i guess coming out with an expansion pack isn't caring "enough"  ----------------------off topic---------------- CTI's aint dead, they just havn't been completed yet. binksters has stopped working on his version of MF because mike marvin said he would work on it. (NEWS: binkster talked to mike the other day and mike now says hes at 60% completed. at this rate it will be finished in 8 months  ) Doolittle just finished his version of a CTI and its not that bad. played it the other day and i can tell you it will be up on my squads server a lot  time to break away from this evolution crap and get CTI going again Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
celery 8 Posted September 16, 2007 Doolittle just finished his version of a CTI and its not that bad. played it the other day and i can tell you it will be up on my squads server a lot time to break away from this evolution crap and get CTI going again What does your post have to do with CTF discussion? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pmd 0 Posted September 16, 2007 Doolittle just finished his version of a CTI and its not that bad. played it the other day and i can tell you it will be up on my squads server a lot  time to break away from this evolution crap and get CTI going again What does your post have to do with CTF discussion? Quote[/b] ]CTF is dead, so is DM, CTI, C&H, actually ever PvP Mod as their is no competion. because of that  i was a little offtopic though. i do admit that  edited my previous post just for you Share this post Link to post Share on other sites