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Realistic Ballistics

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Some ranges for a staying person and the "Extrabinocular"  ( in the "Extra"-folder)

The range-data beyond 300 meters are not exact, especially the 824-meter-data. Your first choice to find the distance between you and the target should be to  calculate your own map-position via GPS or 2 landmarks and the target-position with landmarks and the direction form your position.

In the largest map-zoom-modus one site of the compass are exact 200 meters(2x100meters). So you can measure very good the exact distance form your postion to the target-position (faulttolerance circa 20-30 meters but this depends on the distance).


If you want to create a range-card like in the pic above do following steps:

1.) create a new text-file "Rangecard_Extrabinocular.txt" in the folder ArmA\GMJ_Sightadjustment\Addons

2.) copy and paste this into the file Rangecard_Extrabinocular.txt:

"Extrabinocular", "MOA=Binocularscale", 41, 0.0750001, 46, 0.0666667, 53, 0.0583334, 61, 0.05, 73, 0.0416667, 90, 0.0333334, 120, 0.025, 180, 0.0166667, 241, 0.0125, 360, 0.00833334, 824, 0.00416667

3.) Open the file ArmA\GMJ_Sightadjustment\Addons\rangecard_list and add this

, "Extrabinocular"

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Im very confused with the first page. What do i install first and what order and what addons is needed as the first pages has links all over it and can i run these things in just 1 mod folder? Help! help.gifsmile_o.gif

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Im very confused with the first page. What do i install first and what order and what addons is needed as the first pages has links all over it and can i run these things in just 1 mod folder? Help!  help.gif  smile_o.gif

You have 3 options to install the NWD-Ballistics:

1.) install the addon NWD_Ballistics

2.) install the addon NWD Ballistics and the addon NWD_ScopeFix

3.) Install the addon NWD_Ballistics, NWD_ScopeFix and additional the addon GMJ_Sightadjustment (take the standalone-addon, downloading from the armaholic-site).

If you choose point 3.)

- install the addon NWD_Ballistics

- install the addon NWD_ScopeFix

- install the addon GMJ_Sightadjustment

If you have done that you got the following folders:

- ...\ArmA\@NWD_Ballistics\Addons

- ...\ArmA\@NWD_ScopeFix\Addons

- ...\ArmA\@NWD_ScopeFix\Extra

- ...\ArmA\@GMJ_Sightadjustment\Addons

In the folder ...\GMJ_Sightadjustment\Addons there you will find all the rangecard-stuff.

If you  want a special binocular, for example the NWD_Extrabinocular, put the file ...\ArmA\@NWD_ScopeFix\Addons\Extra\NWD_Extrabinoculars.pbo into the folder ...\ArmA\@NWD_ScopeFix\Addons.

To start the whole package you have to put all 3 Addons into the ArmA-mod-command-line (as usual).

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someone should combine the add-ons together for the various iterations that are possible and sign them, hint, hint, nudge, nudge tounge2.gif

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Hi, i agree, this mods/addons should be signed so we could use 'em

everywhere, the game wins alot with this new ballistic values and

with the new reticles; at least... the ArmA v1.08 . Let's C ya

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Maybe someone should PM him or email him to ask. It's been awhile since he's been around this thread.

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He's been around the forum. I'd imagine that if he wanted to respond, he would have.

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Pardon me, I may sound like an idiot but I noticed that with this mod when I use an m4acog it doesn't use the scope rather it uses some sort of top iron sight, how do I switch to the scope?

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On the risk of sounding like an idiot myself (and by no means would anybody imply your question is silly), but... you mean the M4 ACOG with rifle grenade launcher? Press "f" to switch fire modes? :)

Does it only happen when NWD ballistics are loaded? That's quite odd, really

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Is it possible to get more zoom without making scope (kobra,aimpoint,reflex) bigger?

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Anyone tested the 1.14 patch ballistics against NWD's yet?

Just wondering if BIS fixed?!

If not can we get these server signed then?

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If not can we get these server signed then?

Not from him. If the news/post on the ACE forums is true, he's done with ArmA Modding. Although I can't personally confirm this since I never saw anything from NWD regarding this matter.

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If not can we get these server signed then?

Not from him. If the news/post on the ACE forums is true, he's done with ArmA Modding. Although I can't personally confirm this since I never saw anything from NWD regarding this matter.

What post on the ACE forums?

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If not can we get these server signed then?

Not from him. If the news/post on the ACE forums is true, he's done with ArmA Modding. Although I can't personally confirm this since I never saw anything from NWD regarding this matter.

What post on the ACE forums?

This one where Inkompetent says:

Quote[/b] ]He (NWD) has withdrawn from ArmA modding completely, so it would be highly unlikely, seeing the amount of work that would need to be put into it.


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If not can we get these server signed then?

Not from him. If the news/post on the ACE forums is true, he's done with ArmA Modding. Although I can't personally confirm this since I never saw anything from NWD regarding this matter.

What post on the ACE forums?

This one where Inkompetent says:

Quote[/b] ]He (NWD) has withdrawn from ArmA modding completely, so it would be highly unlikely, seeing the amount of work that would need to be put into it.


Hmmm. I wonder if that's a general comment on NWD's forum participation or as a result of something he heard from NWD himself. Last I heard from NWD he said something about possible future versions of the tank FCS being multiplayer compatible.

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If he is not disapeared and in addition will make the tank FCS MP-compatibel it would be great!

His tank FCS can make me board a tank in arma (or internals.. If both I will not get out of the tank!!wink_o.gif

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Hey, great addon, i'm downloading right now.  I love the fact you made the RCO or "ACOG" more accurate for the m16s and M4.  I just don't feel like a Marine in iraq without the glowing red point.

I don't know if it was already mentioned, but ur missing the horizontal mil scale on the RCO.  It's kind of like

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Does this thing make hankd grenades fly further? Because now my AI cant hit anything with them, overshoots MUCH :S

Or is it something else o_O

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On the risk of sounding like an idiot myself (and by no means would anybody imply your question is silly), but... you mean the M4 ACOG with rifle grenade launcher? Press "f" to switch fire modes? :)

Does it only happen when NWD ballistics are loaded? That's quite odd, really

Sorry for digging up an old thread, but I have this same issue for a long while now and I only now realized it was caused by this mod.

When NWD_Ballistics, ExtraBallistics, RealDispersion and RocketBallistics are installed, the M4A1 M203 ACOG rifle is broken - the ACOG scope is not used, but the top ironsight comes up. It's next to unusable and many missions are broken because of this.

Since NonWonderDog doesn't seem to frequent these forums anymore, could someone with config knowledge take a look at this issue? (I'd do it, but I don't know much about ArmA configs.)

I looked at the .pbos and my initial guess is that the M4GL class definition breaks it but I'm not sure - it's just a guess.

Any help would be much appreciated - I like this mode (been using it for a long time) and I'd hate to remove it.

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Yes, they all are (they all are named NWD_). I also tested this with plain 1.16 (no other addons) and the M4A1 M203 ACOG is broken when the NWD addons are added. If I remove these addons, the rifle scope works correctly.

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In my SP games, I always abandon my M4 for an AK as early as possible as it was both effective and have a ton of ammo to pick up along the way, however, with this mod, my previous style of raining bullets on enemies while standing and on the move totally crapped! hahahaha, yes, its a lot more realistic now. AKs are no longer as super weapon as they used to be in the stock game. Good work. :) Time to stick to our more expensive M4s. :)

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