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AAHALO: Armed Assault HALO - OUT NOW!

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Unpack into your editor-missions folder to play the example.

  [b said:







Called from anywere on a client it doesnt require any parameters and

will automatically take the player as the ejecting unit.


*Stores ejecting information for vehicles

*Calculates ejecting sequence parameters

*Plays bailing out animation

*Creates responsible camera

*Creates controlling elements as GUI

*Calls up diving-script

*Controls openings and termination


Can be called with first parameter equal to the player unit and the

second parameter equal to a available camera. It will simulate the

free fall and is terminated by an interfacing variable stored with-

in the players unit. Named "bool_freeFall". This variable will

normally be set and handled by jump.sqf.


*Adapts falling unit parameters

*Accesses the GUI

*Calculates the physics

*Controls VFX such as particles

*TODO: Controls SFX such as wind sound

*Updates camera



The script(s) start from the point where the player requests an

eject. They don't handle the request itself. The scripts take con-

trol over the player game until he is either dead, landed (height

less than 10 meters) or requested an abort while falling.

At the start the script removes all weapons but NVG from the players

avatar and returns them after the player has landed successfully.


Physics are coded less realistic and simplified to save resources.

Simulation of airdrag is realized by a squared recursive

approximation of velocity from gravity (right side, linear) and drag

(left side, squared) to Zero.

AOO of the diving unit can only reach from 0deg (horizontally) to

-90deg (vertically) as the translation to the horizontally speed is

not done by calculating an appropriate acceleration but rather by

a direct conversion to speed.


After the ejecting sequence has terminated you will find the player

in free-falling mode meaning you are able to steer and to dive to

approach a targetzone of your choice.

You view your character from top-down and control the heading by

pulling the mouse-pointer into the accordant direction on your screen.

You will always, and only move into the direction your are heading.


*Above the center: Moving North

*Right to the center: Moving East

*Below the center: Moving South

*Left to the center: Moving West

Your diving is controled by the distance of your mouse to the center.

Dragging the mouse more outwards from the center will increase your

angle and speed you up horizontally by default. The closer you drag

to the edge the more you close in to the maximum falling angle


Nightvision can be enganged when the unit had one in the inventory


The parachute is opened by pressing ESC.


Depending on the configuration you do in the config-section of AAHALO

there will arise certain effects on how the dive will progress.

By default there is a maximum (aspired) speed for each angle you dive.

This speed will increase by the angle.

This target-speed will be reached over time. If you fall "too-slow"

you will accelerate with the acceleration of the gravity until you

get close to this certain targetspeed.

The remaining difference will be finished with squared approx.

If you fall "too-fast" (meaning you gained a higher speed before but

your current AOO prohibits such a speed due to airdrag) you will

decelerate by the squared function until you reach the desired speed.

While vertical falling is actually acclerating and decelerating,

the horzitontal component is calculated way easier and less real-

istic to keep the technical demands as low as possible and give

it a some more "Arcarde-Like" feeling.

In the config section you find two values, each representing one

ratio of horizontal speed of the vertical speed. It's a direct

translation from V-speed and angle to H-speed meaning with a cer-

tain angle your horizontal speed is ... percent of your

verticay speed.

This brings along another effect where you can have a higher

horizontal speed than normally when you first fall fast. Change your

AOO very fast - and as you can change your AAO faster than your

vertical speed does, you will find yourself falling forwards faster

than normal.


You find one section marked "===CONFIG===" at the top of each script.

Here is explained what those entries mean.


*time: Duration of the intro (ejecting) sequence

*delay: Tick-Time

*failProb: Probability of a not working parachute (1st & following)

*camMinFBH: Lower than this height and the 3rd-P-View Opening

will be left out

*ctrlHSpeedStart: Intro - The speed at which the unit jumps out

in horizontal direction

*ctrlVSpeedStart: Intro - The speed at which the unit jumps out

in vertical direction. Must be positive.

*ctrlVSpeedEnd: Intro - The speed of the unit at the end of the

intro in vertical direction. Has to be negative.

*opensMax: Number of parachutes the unit has.

*freezeTime: Delay until you can reopen your reserver parachute

Time for the Fly-By-View from camMinFBH

*crashSpeed: Speed at which the unit will die when touching the



In line 58 of the document you will find a switch case, only filled

with one case "UH60MG" yet. This is where ejection-areas are

defined. By default, if no exit for a vehicle is defined, the unit

will eject at the default exit. If you require different exits on

a vehicle those can be defined there.

The coordinates of a desired ejection can be found by testing the

position in the editor. To add a new vehicle with a different exit

you have to include a new case instruction like the one going with

the UH60, just below the one.

case "VEHICLE":{ _v__float_door =[ LONG,LAT,HEIGHT ]; };

*LONG: Distance along the DIR/Y-Axis component

*LAT: Distance normal the DIR/Y-Axis component (X-Axis)

*HEIGHT: Offset from the objects origin along the Z-Axis


*divingAngleMin: Minimum diving angle (only visual meaning), close

to horizonzal

*divingAngleMax: Maximum diving angle (only visual meaning), close

to vertical

*divingAngleApprox: Approximation value for changing the angle

*speedLimitMin: Targetspeed vertical at horizontal diving

*speedLimitMax: Targetspeed vertical at vertical diving

*speedApprox: Approximation value for changing the speed veritcally

*fwdRatioMin: Forward-Speed ratio of vertical speed at vertical


*fwdRatioMax: Forward-Speed ratio of vertical speed at horizontal


*turnApprox: Approximation value for changing the heading

*gravity: Gravity

*nullZone: Radius of a nullzone at the center of the screen for

changing the diving angle

*delay: Ticktime

*camDist: Distance of the camera to the unit

*camOSize: Size of the unit (should not be changed for infantry)


All values are in m/s or m/s^2. The approx-values define the factor

of the sqared approximation curve A in f(x)=a*t^2. The greater this

value is, the faster the approximation processes.


ManDay. ManDay(a)gmx.net. Please excuse any misspelling or

gramatical mistake within this readme.

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This is a realy great job, ManDay smile_o.gif I've testet it now and it's awesome.

BTW: I was so free and make Screens from my first Jump with your AAHALO xmas_o.gif



Thanks a lot for this smile_o.gif

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Well done. An interesting approach with that mousetracker.

The only thing it needs is a cool HALO animation : )

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Thank you for your feedback. What do you mean by a "HALO animation"?

PS: The next version (coming in maybe one week) will hopefully offer a realistic soundeffect while falling, while opening the parachute ( *WHOOOSH* ) and a new element in the interface: An icon for the ripcoard which will change to a disrupted ripcoard when at least the first parachute fails to open.

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Very nice! and great fun!

All we need now are steerable chutes wink_o.gif

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  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]Thank you for your feedback. What do you mean by a "HALO animation"?


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  (Blanco @ July 16 2007,13:49) said:
  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]Thank you for your feedback. What do you mean by a "HALO animation"?


Oh, yes. Well, as you may have seen I tried the best I can do in the intro-sequence with the available switchMoves. If you ever find an appropriate char-animation it won't be difficult to replace the existing one.

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Gonna have a look-see at this script and see if USI can incorporate it into our HALO Blackop III mission.

what about this animation?  I know its the 'in parachute' animation, but combined with the setvector command makes a nice intro.


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hi there ...

nice to see this, as i did the same thing to berzerk respawn dialog as option to select ...

instead of the Start Button there is Selectbox now, so you can choose your respawn on Gound, Parachute or HALO.

As my halo implementation is more simple i will take a look at it.



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Ok, thanks to Ziggy the Juper now has a somewhat nicer posture.

If you don't want to re-download just.

jump.sqf, LINE 126: Turn it into ... switchMove "para_pilot"

freeFall.sqf, LINE 25 (Config-Section): Change _float_camOSize to 0.5

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So I plonk this AAH-Example.Intro directory into my C:\Documents and Settings\[user name]\My documents\ArmA Other Profiles\JAMF\missions directory and launch it from the editor or how does this work?

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  (JAMF @ July 19 2007,20:51) said:
So I plonk this AAH-Example.Intro directory into my C:\Documents and Settings\[user name]\My documents\ArmA Other Profiles\JAMF\missions directory and launch it from the editor or how does this work?

[My Documents]\ArmA Other Profiles\[username]\missions

The rest of what you said: yes

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Is there a way to create body postures? Would be interesting to see how difficult it is to create the skydive postures.

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I think there was a HALO animation in the 'Blue Sky' vid by Havoc for OFP. Perhaps you could find that and convert it to ArmA.

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We've fixed a couple of bugs....

1) black-out from vehicle exit not always clearing.

2) Camera left pointing at corpse of jumper when player dies, and respawns.

3) Dropped the odds of a bad jump to 7%

4) removed empty parachute created when a bad jump happens


Fantastic work, the guys over at the Arma Interactive campaign love it.



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this looks great, could the mouse tracker be used to control the parachute too? detecting left and right for movement and up and down for speed of decline?

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this is a great script ...


excellent work Manday !

Any chance of adding the mini map, as Igor has for Black Sword ?

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Hmm, i copied all the relevant files and such onto a mission i am doing on the south desert sara island and it says "resource ctrlparadiag not found", i then copy it all back to normal sara island and it works fine, so methinks its a map problem. any ideas??

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