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Texview2 has been released !!

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Maruk posted this in the BI News section :

New generation of our editing tools (for ArmA) is being finalized for public release.

TexView 2 is released on the BI community wiki now.

Other tools are in the testing/approval process: not exact release dates are set but we expect to be releasing tools on regular basis in the coming weeks. I will keep you updated if anything changed.

Link to release Topic

or ArmedAssault.info

Download Links :





Has anyone tried it yet?

I also made a few screenshots showing it's layout and a few functions :

texview2s.jpg texview3s.jpg

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I tryed , it's good and better then Texview 1 ,thx BIS and plz now release those modding /model/ tools  wink_o.gif

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I tryed , it's good and better then Texview 1 ,thx BIS and plz now release those modding /model/ tools  wink_o.gif

hum so you want it full of bug and then ppl will bitch them for releasing "yet another untested stuff"?

j/k, but i am sure that i dont want to hear any bull on this issus

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Very nice. I look forward to testing it. Since I can't do that right now, would anyone be interested in writing up something about the new tool compared to the old TexView? I'm dying to know what's new! biggrin_o.gif

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Guest Ti0n3r

Nice tool. Now bring on Oxygen II and Visitor III biggrin_o.gif

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overall some new funtions

the output preview is pretty handy

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I have only crashes with texview2 @ XP Home. :/

File save as filename.paa = crash ...

texView 2 MFC Application have a problem and must be concluded.

Problemsignatur: AppName: texview2.exe AppVer: ModName: ntdll.dll

ModVer: 5.1.2600.2180 Offset: 00010c27

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Too bad I can't install it here at work. The readme file doesn't say much, neither does the wiki page.

Can someone provide a short list of functions?

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woot, very nice man!...


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Too bad I can't install it here at work. The readme file doesn't say much, neither does the wiki page.

Can someone provide a short list of functions?

The manual says it all

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the commandline tool is bugged. it cant save images.

Quote[/b] ]

C:\test>pal2pace c:\test\*.png

Scanning folder c:\test\*.png


Error c:\test\wapensimpeltrans.png->c:\test\wapensimpeltrans.paa

C:\test>pal2pace c:\test\*.tga

Scanning folder c:\test\*.tga


Error c:\test\tga.tga->c:\test\tga.paa

how frustrating is this!! does anyone got the cmdline tool to work?

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_NON format documentation added to wiki.

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Good news indeed I noticed Textview 1 was significantly decreasing pictures' quality.

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Good aplication :-), nothing much to do with it but it`s good to start familiarising with ArmA tools!.:tup:

Keep it up BIS!. xmas_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Important note: All input textures must have resolution 2^x / 2^y (e.g. 16 / 16, 32 / 32, 64 / 64, 256 /256). The largest texture size commonly supported by graphics cards and BI's game engines is 2048x2048, in future graphics textures 4096x4096 or even larger could be possible and it is already supported in TexView 2.

Change the texture size to something like 1024x1024.

The Proof of 1024x1024 textures. First two were with non-standard dimensions 1400x736 and the last was with an image converted to 1024x1024

Pal2Pace Jav PNG at 1024x1024

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Still no option to save as .jpg?

why would you want that? Any image processing software can do that for you

Nice to see the tools comming slowly yay.gif

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