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Mr Opteron

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About Mr Opteron

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal


  • Interests
    Military  History & technology<br>Computer building<br>CGI modeling and rendering<br>CGI animation<br>Graphic Design<br>Web Design<br>Running<br>Eating Pies
  1. Mr Opteron

    BMD 1 Alpha version

    At last an IFV that matches the quality of ARMA standards Just need a BTR-T now and a BMP 3. Thanks for this one
  2. Mr Opteron

    M14 EBR [v1.0]

    What is the ammo and weapon class name please. Its ok used a PBO unpacker to get the class names.
  3. Mr Opteron

    Sprocket Troubleshooting thread.

    Im peed off today never had a problem with Sprocket Queen's Gambit but after a reformat and reinstall of Arma the QG Â installer says I have already used the instalation so I cant use my serial now and so I have to wait for their support. I didn't know the installer was limited to a few installs Im getting sick of DRM I want to install ARMA now not in a few weeks when, if they decide to give me a new serial number.
  4. Mr Opteron

    Project T-800

    Has anyone got the weapon class names for the plasma rifle and gatling gun? I want to add them to an ospray best vehicle I can think of at the mo to use as a transport for them used to have a good PBO unpacker but cant find any now that work.
  5. Mr Opteron

    Project T-800

    Is a great addon great sounds the weapons are evil trying to make a war with these nut cases now but its hard why was the terminators done for the West side? Inthe movies they fight against americans but in ARMA that aint possible unless theirs some swat team addon for the indpendant side. Can anyone recomend an urban camo or swat unit addon thats available for independant or EAst side to use as the Conors army vrs terminators?
  6. Great thanks mate I've tried controling the fighter planes using synchronise so they are held off till a squad has gotten to a waypoint.It works but will give you script a try too so I can add more in later to keep the war going.
  7. Mr Opteron


    FFn Mod readme says I can call in artillary with yellow smoke. Im confused wheres the yellow smoke nade is their a class name for it so i can script it to anyone? i
  8. Is it possible to get an ai unit pilot + plane to spawn some time after a mission has started Ive searched the ARMA wiki and on here but I cant find an example of what I am to do. The aircraft always show up too soon even igf I place them on the map edges. I need to make them spawn there later on or have them forced to stay there till a particular time.
  9. {_x moveindriver plane1} foreach units pilot1 Used this from the para drop template from Armaholic and it works. reason I wanted it is so i could have a RAC pilot, pilot an AV8 and start over the sea as no airfield available. The extra height and speed should come in handy Il start using that. Thanks for helping guys.
  10. Mr Opteron

    RH Aks pack 2.0

    Thanks that does it. Wow I love the 3rnd burst of that AN-94
  11. He gets in but the mission doesnt start with him in the plane thats the whole point of my question the mission has to start with him in the plane thx for trying though.
  12. It dont work he just runs away none of the move ins work only get in. Could it be a 1.14 bug?
  13. Mr Opteron

    RH Aks pack 2.0

    Can't get the AN-94 mags to work it may be a readme typo for the classnames im using RH_30Rnd_545x39_an94_mag Anyone know the real class name for the AN-94 mag?
  14. Mr Opteron

    ArmA 2 vs OFP 2

    FP 2 looks amazing but it looks like its gonna be too heavy to run with just a few tanks around. The great thing about having so much over kill performace for ARMA is you can use the editor to create massive battles and still have plenty of computing power left over to run it. ARMA 2 already looks like next gen graphics I think their wont be enough people that can run FP 2 on their hardware. ARMA 2 has a huge fan base but were waiting for flight sim overhaul, physics damage, AI thats better than the Ai from 7 years ago. AS long as the Devs listen to their customers and make the changes needed the graphics wont matter and that FP 1 Arma rip off will be left to the Octo core guys banging their screens shouting for more than 12fps with 6 tanks on screen at once.
  15. I would like to see a template for each type of weapon so the modders have something to work with they seem to be struggling for a BTR 80 and flight sime fans would love  realistic flight simulated aircraft. If the graphics stayed the same as ARMA and the AI was 8x more realistic it would own any other type of combat sim no matter how good the graphics were. Realistic Mortar Mobile Mortar carried by soilder Realisic Artillary used by Ai Realisic AI Aircraft dropping bombs the way they should be. AI troops that use the terrain for cover. Destructable Vehicles and components like seen in IL-2 Sturmovik. proper armour physics. Two large Islands with massive space between so aircraft have plenty of sky to fly in. proper armour physics.