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Version 2 - Skaven's RACS

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What a load of nonsense! I asked why he did it wrong

tactfully, and offered information and photographic

references to help him correct it. How is that in any way,

shape or form "rough"!?  If I wanted to be "rough" I could

have merely made a list of the errors in it (and there are

plenty) and just posted that.

And yes, I am making my own accurately modelled FALs and

SLRs (you can search for SPEARHEAD on this board if you

are curious). I have done the proper research (I even carried

and used one of these in the real world, and taught soldiers

how to shoot with them! ) . Unlike this one, mine do not,

and will not, have incorrect details, fantasy furniture, obvious

confusion between variants, misshapen parts, and comical in-

game behaviour. I was just trying to share some of that

research and experience with you - but you're unable to

accept that sincere and constructive criticism (I tried to

help you fix it - with pictures! ). If I didn't think it was worth

a wank I'd have just laughed to myself and moved on! If that

isn't good enough for you then you know what you can go

and do! No skin off my nose, pal.


Mods, ban me if you like. I won't be coming back here to play

with these stupid little kids any more. banghead.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Mods, ban me if you like. I won't be coming back here to play

with these stupid little kids any more.

Why go overboard with the drama?

If you release an addon and it gets knocked, id like to see how you react to that.


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didn't mean to suggest the people offering helpfull advice or constructive critisim are idiots,was mainly aimed towards the guy knocking edub tbh.

didnt make myself totaly clear! biggrin_o.gif

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Bit of a shame to see the community ripping itself apart on the forums before the tools are even released. icon_rolleyes.gif

Try not to jump to conclusions about how people word posts on the internet.

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I don't understand you people, this is just a game for gods sake, if you wanna have something totally realistic go join the army.

I mean, one starts saying that my lods ain't perfect and that my textures should go for the next level pointing out all my small mistakes in a public place, I don't even understand what came into Ebud's mind to do this, but hey, it's ok he's a nice person everybody makes mistakes so it doesn't matter I always liked him and I keep liking him a lot even if he doesn't understand that I'm not as good as he his at texturing (I'm a manager not a designer), it doesn't even come to my mind the possibility of thinking that Ebud could be jealous about the success of this releases, that's absurd words said by filpedro.

Other guy says that he doesn't like the sounds and that the recoils are what made him not use my work, now Col. said this FALs ain't realistic (imo in a rude way) I said I would fix it in Vr3 but again he attacked me (and please don't ban him he's a good member).

Filpedro starts attacking Ebud all over the place.

Wipman in my first release wrote absurd things even ShadowNx replied to him because of the absurd words.

Jesus guys, don't you have anything better to do than to come to BIS's forum attack each others and point negative things about other people's work? Why don't you wright some tutorials as I did and try to help instead of starting wars in all sort of threads.

In my first post here (or second from the last 2 years) I stated that I wasn't happy with patch 1.08 Sickboy almost killed me, today he asked to use my Racs on his pack and I said sure no problem they are yours to use freely, Vilas asked me for the third time to use a weapon I made, again I said sure my weapon is yours please feel free to use it. Topas asked me to wright him a tutorial about making normal maps, well I wrote him 100 lines and I even said I would gladly teach him how to make shadows as I did later on a tutorial made for other person.

TC asked for help to import a weapon in the general thread I just saw complains all over the place but I was different and I offered to do it for him.

People come on, we are here to help each others, in the old days things weren't like this I don't understand what's happening here.

If I knew that releasing my work that took me so many hours from my private life would bring so many problems I would never have released anything and I'm gonna be honest to you guys this was my second and last release for ARMA, Version 3 just won't happen no more, I'll do it for myself and for my friends only.

I remember the old days where everybody helped everybody we were all newbs, at that time and we learned a lot with each others, Ebud released his Green Berets I made some Portuguese soldiers, UceE made some Russians we all helped each others every time possible STT was the coding man always helping everybody DeadMeaT and Tigershark were newbs biggrin_o.gif ... my god I won't be part of this community like it his today that's for sure.

I'm really sorry if my work offended so much people I mean I thought I was giving the community the best weapons ever made for a game (imo CS weapons) since I'm not a modeler I can't make miracles but I did my best but please rest assure I won't release anything more you guys release your addons have fun, if you consider that making addons is something really important than I which you all lots of success and happiness, I'll be here to help and support whoever needs me to.

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I like your work very much and i'm very happy to see JAM in ArmA finally! thumbs-up.gif Sounds are AWESOME!!! inlove.gif

And yes some people simply don't know how much energy and time people have to spend to do something like this.

So no need to listen to everything ppl say. wink_o.gif

So keep it up Skaven

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People come on, we are here to help each others,

good on you. this is exactly the right way and attitude. brilliant release. thanks.

don't let others control you or fuck your attitude which is a good one. the world is full of people with opinions. many are crap, but a few are spot on. the trick IMO is ignoring people until they have earned respect or proven they are worth listening to.

thanks for the mod. smile_o.gif

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I wouldnt let a few people influence your ways of doing things.

I think a lot of people are quite happy and have said so but it seems a lot of mod makers only hear the negative people.

Your always going to have that...look at the old BAS threads if you forgot how OFP was sometimes. wink_o.gif

I dont want to sound like a fanboy but to me a ported Fal with a few minor errors is better than no Fal at all. I sure wouldnt go overboard about it but "some" seem to have to focus on one thing and bitch.

Its up to you, but I'd ignore the bitching...the rest of the people are more than happy to see Version 2 - Skaven's RACS.


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totally agree with CanadianTerror thumbs-up.gif i seen people whine alot but seriously calm down guys it will take a while before modders will go into high res uber standards like in the end of the ofp res era with bas and RHS and Laser and many more. wink_o.gif

and imo i dont care so much if the fal only shoots single shots or full auto im more happy that we have added at least 1 more weapon to my addons collection and some kick ass merc troops that will be nice to play around with and even build up a few missions with. If i dare to release my work maybe next week or this weekend you guys might get to try it. smile_o.gif

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dude while i have enjoyed your addon since its first release and now this latest one, people (not just you) need to just take constructive critism for what it is (or what it was intended to be), constructive.

If you have the FAL the way you want it and dont want it to be 100% realistic just say politely that the FAL is how you wont it to be, but thanks for the comments.

Ebud and Col. Faulkner both have alot of knowledge and took the time to share some of that with you thinking that it would help you (although some were misinterpreted to be attacks), the least you could do is politely thank them and if necessary say thanks but no thanks.

but anyway i like your work and look forward to more smile_o.gif

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I shouldn't have to explain myself, but just to clear the air a bit more.

I'll admit I could have just sent a PM with the comments, but I honestly didn't think he nor anyone else would take offense.

I've known Skaven for a long time, not really well but we have a bit of history that dates back to the very first unit addons released for OFP, and he knows I didn't mean to "drag him over the coals". As long as he knows that and knows I would never try to intentionally put him or his work down is all that matters to me in this. People just can't see to tell the difference between constructive criticism and bashing. If solutions or alternative methods are offered/suggested it's constructive. I should have asked if he even wanted suggestions.

From his comments here, even after we've had our discussion on the matter, I can tell it stung a little and he was probably a little surprised that I would dig deep and find the flaws in the units. I'll go back to asking before I post critiques in the future to keep incidents like this to a minimum, or just not post crits anymore smile_o.gif

As for the Col., I can tell from his previous comments elsewhere he is a FAL aficionado. So I can understand his initial comments about the weapons even if some think he went about it the wrong way.

See what you've missed over the last 2 years Skaven? Haha. This is tame compared to many threads. I'm as defensive as they come, but my skin has gotten very thick since the "old days."

Please don't give up. Overall the addons are great, the coding and organization of the pbo for me is the most impressive part. It would be a shame for you to get upset and go "underground" over 2-3 people criticizing your work. Things have changed since you last did addons.

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aaafter not reading long pages of various stuff im just gonna move in and trow my 2cents..

1st off, its really cool to have you back skaven welcome.gif

2nd I personal like your units, they add new well working units and allso the weapons are very nice, hell im still trying to shanhai you biggrin_o.gif

But seriously, good work man! its way better than some of the other stuff out there. (no offence any one)

thumbs-up.gif keep up the good work

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As i have not much time to work on addons, scripts, making mission e.g. myself i appreciate ANY work of all you guys out there VERY MUCH!

We should not forget that all addonmakers have to use tools that were made for OFP and not ARMA, so that making addons is even more time consuming and complicted than it could be....right?

Therefor constructive criticism is ok IMHO, but thing about the words you use twice... many members here know each other way back from good old days of OFP and it's a very polite and friendly community - let's keep it this way...

Just my 2 cents...

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Heya all,

Here is the new version of my sound pack 1.11 for Racs wink_o.gif


-Fixed stereo bug on my sounds

-replacement of old and bad quality sound for realistic and higher quality sounds of weapons

-new better sounds of M16 and M60

Enjoy it  biggrin_o.gif

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I'll go back to asking before I post critiques in the future to keep incidents like this to a minimum, or just not post crits anymore smile_o.gif.

Please don't do that!

As soon as people are afraid to post constructive critisism the forum lost any reason to exist.

All the postings thanking and praising the modder and giving him positive feedback are important to the modder himself. They could easily be sent with PM However ther critisism is most important to read for all forum members, for several reasons:

- you learn from failings and missed details of others (for modders)

- you learn to look much more closely to addons (for beta testers)

- you know the limits and shortcommings of the addons you use (users)

this doesn't mean this thing should be to nitpicking, or just posting faults to discredit an addon. Therefore a good attitude when posting such critizism is absolutely mandatory.

Don't forget, bugs are there, even if noone makes them public. But unknown bugs are much more dangerous as publicly known ones.

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It's about time someone puts ebud down a level, he's had an ego for years.

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I'll enjoy the CS ports until something home made comes along but I dont mind the weapons as placeholders.

The units are fine but theres always room for improvement on anyones work.

It would be nice if people had more tact when commenting though. You dont win a prize for trashing an addon or topic.

People deserve more respect for their free time being used to entertain.

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It's about time someone puts ebud down a level, he's had an ego for years.

I'll say. nener.gif

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Could You please add some ammo boxes to this addon? So I can get ammo and resupply my character, when my character runs out of ammo for your awsome guns. Your addon / This addon rocks. Awsome Awsome job.

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I haven't read all through this topic, but bloody hell please keep working on this!!

Like I said before your addon made me play ArmA again. And now that I have installed v1.08 I must say it's improved enough to make it playable for me and I bloody hell love to play with the soldiers you released!!

If you're tired of making addons for all the people that complain, than just make them for the many people that love them! Hell, if you start making them just for yourself, I'll PM you a every day to release them or at least send me a download link wink_o.gif

Keep up the great work!! notworthy.gif

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these weapons look great. brilliant work.

but it would be great to get them working as close to real as possible (in relation to BIS' weapons of course).

Col. Faulkner, you know the FAL damn well by all accounts. what recoil would you give it?

does anyone know the G3 recoil should be?

the m60recoil when adjusted to pkm numbers makes the weapon a lot more fun and rewarding to shoot. smile_o.gif

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Having lots of fun with these. Just found a bug though, the OPFOR HD AT Soldier doesn't have any rifle ammo. Easy enough to fix for me to live with for now though, still loving the pack. smile_o.gif

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Hey Skaven,

just found some time to test all your weapons and i have to say...


All guy's which played told the same just AWESOME. thumbs-up.gif

And the JAM sounds are very very good. I just love them. inlove.gif

Tracers of the M60 are a dream best TRACERS i ever saw in ArmA.

So 100 points for thouse greate weapons. wink_o.gif

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Tracers of the M60 are a dream best TRACERS i ever saw in ArmA.

I totally have to agree with that!! biggrin_o.gif I love spitting lead down range with the M60 and see traces bouncing of the ground and vehicles, I love it!!

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Im playing with Skaven's RACS v3 beta, here is the M249para: 11301601831182181079.jpg

Im trying to convince Skaven to release it.He made large improvements and changes to the pack, being the first a big improvement in the soldiers which you can't see in the picture,

and also he merged all textures to make 1 weapon = 1 texture.He also took the next step in the HD.

Later I will post a picture with the new soldiers.

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