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Xam Total Conversion V1.2 MOD

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maker of mod---> Snake22000 - XAM is a MOD which with an initial goal to improve the most  possible areas of Armed Assault. We try to improve many areas including, IA, sound environment, graphics...

We really hope to improve the most points as possible.

But beyond all that we want to build an XAM community and to organize multiplayer evenings between the users of the MOD XAM, it is a great part of our project.

Xtream Arma Mod 1.3 Works with V1.08

Mirror 1 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=1758

Mirror 2 ftp://armed-assault.de/aa/mods/xam1.3_english.exe

Mirror 3 http://www.globalearth.de/index.php?downloads-show-53

Mirror 4 http://dl1.armed-assault.de/mods/xam1.3_english.exe

Interview, Screenshot and Vidéo of the XAM

Xam Offical Site

http://xam.armedassault.fr/us/index.html <---english fourms

VIDEO LINK: http://fr.youtube.com/watch?v=LxP5QW8BLw8

http://forum.armedassault.fr/index.p....ry27842 1.3 Trailer

Team Speak Ip Note French please

Xam Game Server IP:

Please Support XAM Servers, Download Host Support this Project Any way you can!

Within the framework of its evolution the group xtremlabs research Is looking for webmasters, writers and artists in the sections below:


Section XtremLabs Games Studio

> Artist 3D (project MOD XAM):

You are passioné of modeling 3D and to seek a project to show your talent?

Do not hesitate any more has to join the team of Xtrem ArmA MOD.

- Knowledge of the necessary bases in modeling.

- Knowledge of the software O ² preferable.

- Knowledge of the bases in texturing.

- Good disponibilitée.

- To be at least 16 years old.

- Ability to Speek Some French


XtremLabs projects

> WebMaster (project site plays videos PC):

You like the plays vidéos? You want to direct a site on this leisure? This station is made for you.

- Knowledge in terms of plays vidéos on PC.

- Good Knowledge in WebMastering.

- Good capacitées to direct a team.

- Good disponibilitée.

- To be at least 18 years old.

-Ability to Speek Some French

> WebDesigner (project site plays videos PC):

- Good Knowledge of the software Photoshop or Gimp.

- Good Capacitées Creative.

- Good disponibilitée.

- To be at least 16 years old.

-Ability to Speek Some French

> Writer (project site plays videos PC):

- Good maitrise of grammar and obligatory conjugation.

- Good disponibilitée.

- To be at least 16 years old.

-Ability to Speek Some French


Send an email [email protected] containing your name, first name, age as well youre Talents ,3dStudio Max, O2, Scripting, Codeing, Sounds, Audio, Tools, anyother skills



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Remoded Skins High Textures with .rvmat Format New Sounds Complete new Config editing Armor Values hit, new scopes list goes on and on

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the sniper from the screens looks promesing, I'll download this over night and test it tomorrow

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The trailer looks positively fantastic. I will certainly download this as soon as it is confirmed 1.08 compatible. Truly excellent work.

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I played this for the first time a few days ago.

Loved it!

It made Arma feel like Ofp!

You could hit what you aimed at, you felt as if the game was playing alongside you rather than against you, as arma does, IMHO.

I heartily reccommend it. Can't wait for the 1.08 patch.

Big Install at over 600mb to download, but at the mo its a definate keeper on my HDD.

If this mod continues as it has, it's going to be a major player in the Arma Community.




If more funtionality, like the tank command, can be introduced, this game will finally feel like the immersive battlefield experience we all hoped for. great stuff

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it looks top quality work , downloading right now ! thank you thumbs-up.gif

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is it applied over 1.2.01 or directly over 1.2 version ?

crazy_o.gif i thought it was a patch , thankfully i only had a few megas downloaded of version 1.2 !

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If this works, snake, Im going to give you a big hairy kiss,

Thanks for bringing this to our attention



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the 1.2:05 works alone. You don't need 1.2 or 1.2:01 (and i'm sorry

for my english ^^)

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Hi guys, excellent addon you have created, I especially like what you have done to the commander in the tanks.

One question, how do you bring up the VBS 2 vehicle position options? I still have to use the menu system.

Thanks in advanced, keep up the good work!!

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I translated for you the last changelog (without google translation ^^).

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">-Fixed: Crash Windows

-Fixed: Freeze when you received a impact or when you touched an ennemy

-Modification: Textures modified for GAVR (Russian Volontary Army)

-Fixed: Some bugs with destroyed T-72

-Fixed: Emergency Signal was too late with the M1A1

-Modification: Sniper and Spotter (Ghillie) without handgun

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">- Corrigé: Retours bureau aléatoires.

- Corrigé: Freeze de quelques secondes lors d'un impact.

- Modification: Modifications textures GAVR.

- Corrigé: Interaction Possible avec les Carcasses de T-72.

- Corrigé: Déclenchement du signal d'urgence M1A1 trop tardif.

- Modification: Sniper et Spotter (tenue ghillie) sans arme de poing.

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im working on it  rofl.gif

Can You try to make it a patch so we dont have to dl the whole gig again?

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The installprogram freez when i try to install!!

My specs:

P4 3.2Ghz HT

2GB Ram



505Games all patched up to 1.08

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Just beautiful! thumbs-up.gif

Does this Mod work in MP? Is it required to install it on the server, too? Or does only the Client need it?

MfG Medicus

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Nice job!

But hey how can i play my arma campaign with those new new Russian and us units? crazy_o.gif

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The installprogram freez when i try to install!!

My specs:

P4 3.2Ghz HT

2GB Ram



505Games all patched up to 1.08

Note This Insall uses Alot of Cpu Close all Programs Walk away for 15min Come back!!!

This Installer does not make a Shorcut for Please add

-mod=@XAM or -mod=@XAM_multl in youre Arma Target line

@XAM <---Single Player

@XAM_multl<---Milti Player

The server has to have this Mod and Client add equalmodReqired=1; to youre server config Put XAM mod int he server name so we know it is a XAM server.

it is Also Consederd a Cheat if you connect to to a server not running this mod with it on


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I am mostly interested in the sounds! But a lot of the weapons still use the old sounds, like the M16A4 / AK47U etc... are you aware of this? Also is there a way to just take the sounds out of this modification to use by themselves?

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I am very happy what I ve seen so far. The biggest addition to orginal game play is sure M1A1 commanding using against AI. Just a great start from ur mods and I cant see me not playing this mods when u are making new versions whit more features it could only come better and better. A great competitor to ACE.

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