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ArmA Modelling Basics

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is your model sitting in the root folder (or a subfolder) on your 'virtual' P:\ drive?

and, is your texture sitting somewhere on your P:\ drive, probably preferably in your case in the same folder as your model (or a subfolder of where your model is sitting)?

and, is your texture the prescribed size in pixels?

and, is your texture (preferably) .tga format 24 or 32 bit?

(tga's better 'cause you can view the thing from O2PE by double clicking the texture name in the Resource Library Window AND you can view .tga  format in the UV editor...)

if all the above are correct, and you then follow Gnat's instructions, you should be all good...

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textures have to be square multiples of say 2 ..... like






etc etc

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I made sure that all sizes were right and the folder was in the right driver and all, but the problem is still there, however I found that my problem was acctually mentioned in one of the o2 tutorials, the solution was to copy the dll folder from the virtual drive into the o2 folder, but I don't have and dll folder could that be whats wrong?

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I got it now, not sure what I did but the textures are working, only bug now is the random face thing, they all have the same face, has there been a solution yet? I can't remember wich thread there was a discussion about it...

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Anybody got a link for the dlls?  the link in that topic no worky.....

And just in reflection, it really makes you wonder if people actually beta test this game and all of it's components.....

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ive posted a copy of the file on


Quote[/b] ]Stick your .dll`s into a folder of their own inside the Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\Tools\Oxygen 2 Personal Edition folder and point your dDLL path in O2 options to that folder (i.e C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\Tools\Oxygen 2 Personal Edition\dll or just C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\Tools\Oxygen 2 Personal Edition\ works for me too)

hope it helps


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Yes it did help man, much appreciated! thumbs-up.gif

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Just wondering, but how many points should a car have? So far I'm about 1/3 done with one side of the car, (no interior yet) and it has about 600. Is that too many or am I fine?

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Sounds fine as a start, maybe even low, but depends whats not included, ie wheels for example.

As a guide:

BIs Hummer 1st Res Lod is 8300 points / 8600 faces

BIs Civ Hatchback is 6800 points / 4100 faces

When you are closer to a full shape, post even a Wireframe in the WIP thread and some professions will provide some feedback.

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I'm totally confused. I'm working on some troop models, most of which are lower poly (some ~1000 faces) than the BIS standard troops, with basically very similar LODs, and they use less textures (most use 1 2048x2048 colour and similar _AS and _NOHQs).

Yet, ingame they are way way way way less efficient FPS-wise than the standard BIS models, despite all the above characteristics, especially when in ODOL format.

Why? What am I doing wrong?

EDIT - Plus they use the standard BIS model as a base. Damnation!

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I have very similar problems like CameronMcDonald. Has someone succeeded making well optimized units that have edited BISoldier.p3d as a base?

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You don't. If you understand the content development pipeline process, you'd realize that you lose a substantial amount of the the usefulness from maya/max in the importation process to Oxygen-native MLOD. So unless you happen to be a BIS employee, or otherwise know the behavior of the model well enough to reconstruct all the supporting information which was culled from the model, it's not going to help you all that much. Rather, you should be looking at making any modifications at this point in Oxygen, as it can better suit your needs there.

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(i didn't want to create a new topic for this question)

is it possible to run at the same time the 2 oxygen?

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It is possible, but I don't think that can be said for bulldozer, which I do suspect was the idea in your question.

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(i didn't want to create a new topic for this question)

is it possible to run at the same time the 2 oxygen?

You can run multiple instances of Oxygen2. The Bulldozer will give you some trouble however - you'll need to use Viewer->detach/attach in O2-s to be able to preview things you model in both O2 windows.

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how to import a model from 3dsmax without the triangulation made by oxygen? Each time oxygen triangulates the model but with errors or misses faces. And the number of faces by model increases a lot.

I would prefer to make the triangulation by myself.

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You can triangulate from within Max by applying a meshsmooth modifier.

subdivision method: classic

iterations: 0 (you don't actually want to smooth the mesh)

input conversion (should be under settings rollout) button set to triangle

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Don't know. I've only been working in O2 for two weeks so maybe one of the more experienced guys can answer that.

That said, I don't think O2 would modify the mesh on import.. My guess is it's something in Max. Check your 3DS export settings? Make sure you're not exporting hidden objects along with your mesh?

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Rather, you should be looking at making any modifications at this point in Oxygen, as it can better suit your needs there.

it would be so awesome if you could have more power over normals n such. the main thing o2 is missing IMo is the abilty to detach a group of polygons to individual elements. trying to get sharp edges in one spot is a huge pain in the ass . its so stupid when u want sharp edges and it breaks all verticies for all polygons selected

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