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ArmA is just ... disappointing

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why the hell they wrote not true words in book and box

in many countirs advertisment which is lie is forbiden by the law, do you know what does it mean ?

Well stating that it is the best Military Simultation is highly subjective to the user, so it is not a lie. it may not be in your opinion, but very well may be to others.

It's kinda silly to get so caught up with these ad slogans on the box. If you've ever been to New York you will see-

"Best Pizza",  "Best Coffee in the World!" every 2 blocks. It's hardly worth arguing over and worse stating it as a legal affair.

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today 2 crashes on Sahrani

first error 870000 cannot create (as many people have problem) and this is second screen, how ARMA cannot be disappointing ? how can i issue even one mission to my addons if game sometimes work shorter than 1 hour ? before 1.08 patch it was crashing after 20 minutes, now 1-1.5 hours

-maxmem=512 used, latest drivers, latest Direct X


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Hey villas, I can feel your pain. Take a advise from me and stop playing ARMA until it is fixed up, if it ever will be. It will spare you from frustration. At least it helped me. Just wait 1 or 2 years and perhaps then it will work like a charm. biggrin_o.gif

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yeah, stop playing, saving money for new PC just for ARMA,  if i was i would specn such money on other things, i would buy EOS 400 D (to change old camera) and go to holiday in mountains (my photos), all money spent on PC for that ****

with economic reality of my goddamn country it was half year of saving and now over half year of paying instalments (look few post earlier, previous site), i cannot turn back buying PC (bought only for ARMA) and back my previous PC (which i gave to friend)

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yeah, stop playing, saving money for new PC just for ARMA, if i was i would specn such money on other things, i would buy EOS 400 D (to change old camera) and go to holiday in mountains (my photos), all money spent on PC for that ****

with economic reality of my goddamn country it was half year of saving and now over half year of paying instalments (look few post earlier, previous site), i cannot turn back buying PC (bought only for ARMA) and back my previous PC (which i gave to friend)

@ Vilas

I've had 3 crashes post 1.08 and they've all been caused by dodgy addons.

I'm not sure what your setup is but might be worth a complete reinstallation minus addons, after checking you gfx drivers, memory and all the other pc stuff is a ticking over smoothly.

Apologies if you already done so.

But the game for me really enjoyable and relatively problem free post 1.08, sure there are a few irritating features or lack of them, as well as a few legacy bugs here or there, but on the whole there's a lot more positives than negatives in Arma now.

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today 2 crashes on Sahrani

first error 870000 cannot create (as many people have problem) and this is second screen, how ARMA cannot be disappointing ? how can i issue even one mission to my addons if game sometimes work shorter than 1 hour ? before 1.08 patch it was crashing after 20 minutes, now 1-1.5 hours

-maxmem=512 used, latest drivers, latest Direct X


Something is wrong with your PC, by the looks of that it could be overheating, memory or graphics driver problem.

I understand why you consider Arma disapointing if it looks like that, crashes, etc. Is your video card AGP or PCI-E?

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In the past I done similar things and was disappointed with gaming industry so I stopped buying PCs only to play some specific game. It is not worth it. I only bought ARMA because I was very impressed with OFP back in the days and I assumed that BIS will make better improved OFP and consider most of the wishes from community and remove all the annoyances from OFP. I was wrong it is only more bugged, more annoying version of OFP with new useless graphic eye candy and minor improvements. It was failure but I won't repeat the mistake. This was last game I bought from BIS.

Your pictures are very beautiful and impressive. If I had a choice I would rather go and make holidays in that magnificent scenery then spending my time with PC and games.

You have made a mistake, must live with it, important is that you learn from it and don't repeat it again.

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Is this the official bug reporting thread?

If so, the AI still needs an urgent and very, very important fix.

My group members are still getting stuck.

I can't see how anyone will enjoy my mission if most of their time is spent trying to get their group members to return to formation or even to move.

Please can a dev member give some feedback here, it's killing my gaming experience!

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Quote[/b] ]I get the feeling that it isn't going to count and you're just going to move on to a new complaint.

He still keeps on talking about the HDR issues he had prior 1.08 as if they were not fixed today, so I guess he somewhat likes to live in the past for some reason.

I think you took a wrong turn.  This is the complaints thread, not the make excuses and defend / fanboy thread.  

If you don't like negative comments then go to this thread.

ArmA is just ... awesome!




Here is the starting point for submitting a bug. Hope that helps.


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Quote[/b] ]so in ARMA like in OFP still grenade can kill you thorugh the thick wall, man throw grenade on the other side of building and you are dead !

Wrong. Try this in 1.08 and tell me what happens.

Perhaps you should pay more attention to the changelogs in the future. The occlusion of explosions is VASTLY improved in 1.08 and you can (gasp!wink_o.gif use walls as real cover now.

I suppose you don't really care, though. I'm sure you can list all sorts of things that you don't like about ArmA, and whenever one of them is addressed, I get the feeling that it isn't going to count and you're just going to move on to a new complaint.

Right, On a 4thib co-op mission last night, when clearing a room we threw grenades, all exploded near but none of us got injured, hence the wall we were stacking up on between us.

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Quote[/b] ]I think you took a wrong turn. This is the complaints thread, not the make excuses and defend / fanboy thread.

If you don't like negative comments then go to this thread.


If you had checked the forums prior handing out the fanboy label, you´d know that he posted about the solved issue in almost every available thread, no matter if it´s a complaint thread or not, so I´d suggest to keep your feets still or get your knowledge updated before getting involved in something that is none of your business at all.

Complaining about issues that are already SOLVED is quite funny.

From the pics he posted it certainly looks like something is wrecked with his hardware or cooling within the case is going wrong at some point. If I was him, I´d run some diagnostics on the RAM modules and the gfx card and then take it back to the retailer to replace the components that are not working properly.

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i have:

> soft:

XP SP2, some freeware like Open Office, or free Antivir, Corel OEM, Nero OEM, RTCW, MOHAA, COD2, OFP, oxygen , some div-x coders and thats my software, oh and AMD dualcore otimiser software (get knowledge about this from other person of this forum)

> hard:

AMD X2 3800 +, MSI 7900 GS/256 MB/256bit VGA, 2 * 1GB Corsair Extreme memory DDR2 /675 MHz, Asus M2N(or M2NESli) i don't remember name now, HD is Caviar Barracuda 160 GB (i remember once on this forum there was test carried on HD test software and my HD was quite fast HD as people said )

diagnostic software is inside VGA soft, temperature never was more than 65-70 degree celcius, VGA treshhold level is as i remember 90 (i have big silent cooler inside)

on PCU i have expensive austrian cooler for 50 Euro Noctua

and Tagan 480 W main power for almost 100 euro

all drivers are new and things like that

on version ARMA 1.00 and 1.02 i had problem with textures appearing after 0.5 second, or LOD appearing after 0.5 sec, or shadows, but it was only problem

after patch 1.05 game was after 20 minutes totaly no-textures, cubic models, unplayable

in 1.07 unplayable because of CTD

in 1.08 i can play more than hour, but i CTD and 8700000 cannot create surface still from time to time :/


i played 3 nights to end Call of Duty 2, no crash, no lag, no single problem , super fluent, PC worked 6-8 hours on COD2 without single smallest problem

my ARMA settings are:

- textures - middle,

- terrain details low,

- resolution (to match LCD) 1280*1024 otherwise on LCD view is bad,

- shadows on low,

- AA or other effects disabled,

- HDR 16 (no sun blinding eyes),

- maxmem 512 parameter,

this crashe were with my addons sometimes, but my SLA are only reskin of BIS model, than as you see i had BIS HK, my soldiers had BIS AK, BIS PK but reskinned to dark textures

and sometimes crash was when i ONLY was looking in editor for a place to start mission (walaround North Sahrani to find place for mission start or placing soldiers)

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not trying to insult anyone, but basicly the only problem we have here is:


is it just possible to make AI groups to acturally cross the bridge more easier?

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Vilas; is this also your problem?


I still have this graphical issues aswell and NO patch has made them better. They occur in game after 30sec to several minutes. Mostly around buildings or looking at the sky in some angles.

Wheter this is related to drivers or the game I have no clue  since neither ATI ot BI can give me an answer. And its not overheting, I tried cooling down my graphicscard with freeze-spray and there was no difference what so ever.

EDIT: I I find it very strange that its ok for people with no problems to post comments about us that have issues in this thread, but damn if i would go into the "arma.. Awesome" thread and post anything negative.


ATI x800pro

1gb ram

Audigy 2


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no i have no such problems

my problems were:

1.02 - sometimes textures missing and appearing after 0.5-1 secon, the same with high LOD and shadows, sometimes shadows, good models were after 0.5 second, but game was not so bad

1.05 horrible performance drop for maybe 40-50% in FPS after 20 minutes stop and freeze

1.07 beta - many CTD after 15-25 minutes and HDR pulsing like stroboscope on disco, but FPS increase, almost every time error e870000, cannot create surface DT5, DT1... as topic about it

1.08 - HDR is much better, no pulsing but sun is still no blinding eyes (precision 16), higher FPS, game playable for even 1 hour, i had 3 CTD so far, one CTD was with this which is shown on screen with MP5, sometimes shadow problems, half of screen is in big shadow, half without shadows at all, very big cubic shadows on the screen

what concerns overhiting, i said it before, highest level was 25 degrees celsius before treshhold level

o my CPU is EE - energy efficien, so 65 W AMD, so temperature of my CPU is almost always under 42 degrees celsuis ! most of time near 35-37 degrees, Noctua works smile_o.gif

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no i have no such problems

my problems were:

1.02 - sometimes textures missing and appearing after 0.5-1 secon, the same with high LOD and shadows, sometimes shadows, good models were after 0.5 second, but game was not so bad

1.05 horrible performance drop for maybe 40-50% in FPS after 20 minutes stop and freeze

1.07 beta - many CTD after 15-25 minutes and HDR pulsing like stroboscope on disco, but FPS increase, almost every time error e870000, cannot create surface DT5, DT1... as topic about it

1.08 - HDR is much better, no pulsing but sun is still no blinding eyes (precision 16), higher FPS, game playable for even 1 hour, i had 3 CTD so far, one CTD was with this which is shown on screen with MP5, sometimes shadow problems, half of screen is in big shadow, half without shadows at all, very big cubic shadows on the screen

what concerns overhiting, i said it before, highest level was 25 degrees celsius before treshhold level

o my CPU is EE - energy efficien, so 65 W AMD, so temperature of my CPU is almost always under 42 degrees celsuis ! most of time near 35-37 degrees, Noctua works smile_o.gif

i am aware of the EE thing of your CPU, did you try with it disabled? or is it possible to disable?


no its not strange, its as what the topic said: disappointing and awesome, STAY ON TOPIC is the subject

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"no its not strange, its as what the topic said: disappointing and awesome, STAY ON TOPIC is the subject"

Thats what I´m saying. But its a helluva rant if someone would post anything negative on the "Awesome" tread (and there shouldnt be any negativity there of course) but it seems ok to post negative comments about those with problems in THIS thread. But I guess that is up to the moderators then.......

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EE energy eficient is specified serie of CPU which has guaranted heat power under 65 W, as you pay much more money for laptop series with guaranted 35 W (laptop costs twice)

normal AMD 3800 X2 has near 80-85 W , the worst about 90 W

so EE is just "chosen" serie with better energy eficiency and smaller enegry using, i can tweak it to 10% or more, but tweaking PC is not my way to make ARMA "just work" smile_o.gif

like you have rifle, when it has very good accuracy, manufacturrer give it's scope and call it marksman serie, when it has normal standart accuracy, it has ironsight - thats how Polish and other country gun manufactures do

so i think the same goes to every "quality controll" proces in every manufactury, you pay more for higher class product, and product with lower class is cheaper, but as i said before it was never overheated, because temperature contolr is ON, and Noctua cooler sometimes makes CPU under 40 degrees of celsius, so i think it is not with hardware , because as i said - i played 3 nights in Call of Duty 2, 6-8 hours on game, than whole day PC was doing other things

i have motherboard ASUS software (PcProbe or other from MSI) and if any treshold level was broken, it would give me a signal

just like with HDR, some people (lets call them fanboys or other ) was talking, man this is your PC related problem (ignoring movies on youtube made by other people who probably uninstalled this game and never come back)

but after 1.08 all was okay, so it was NOT pc related problem (nor soft, nor drivers, nor hardware), because patch 1.08 fixed it

i think that ARMA compatibility was not tested with some PC , because as you remember people with 8800 had horrible probles before patch, engine need repairs :/

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just like with HDR, some people (lets call them fanboys or other ) was talking, man this is your PC related problem (ignoring movies on youtube made by other people who probably uninstalled this game and never come back)

but after 1.08 all was okay, so it was NOT pc related problem (nor soft, nor drivers, nor hardware), because patch 1.08 fixed it

i think that ARMA compatibility was not tested with some PC , because as you remember people with 8800 had horrible probles before patch, engine need repairs :/

You really lack some imagination don't you Vilas?

I'm also wondering if your repeatance over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over of your story has something to do with bad memory or just liking to repeat and telling stories, and possibly just love complaining all day. I guess we must be lucky that there's these Disappointment threads nowadays, means we don't have to read it in every thread anymore.

When HDR is fine for 90% of the ppl, and bad for 10% of the ppl. Then it IS related to hardware that you have!

If a patch of the game fixes it, it means that the problem with your specific hardware was resolved!

Still can be a game bug, or a driver bug or a card bug... The bug might've been fixed in the game, or they created a workaround for an issue in the card or the driver.

One thing you are right about is that the game hasn't gone through proper amounts of testing with a lot of cards, at least, I guess that's clear by now.

This stupid fanboy crap you guys keep alive; piss off with it, it's childish, lame and above all; Incorrect term about people that choose NOT to be the complaining bitching customer with bad manners and instead being a constructive and self sufficient and sensible & responsible person.

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just like with HDR, some people (lets call them fanboys or other ) was talking, man this is your PC related problem (ignoring movies on youtube made by other people who probably uninstalled this game and never come back)

but after 1.08 all was okay, so it was NOT pc related problem (nor soft, nor drivers, nor hardware), because patch 1.08 fixed it

i think that ARMA compatibility was not tested with some PC , because as you remember people with 8800 had horrible probles before patch, engine need repairs :/

You really lack some imagination don't you Vilas?

I'm also wondering if your repeatance over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over of your story has something to do with bad memory or just liking to repeat and telling stories, and possibly just love complaining all day. I guess we must be lucky that there's these Disappointment threads nowadays, means we don't have to read it in every thread anymore.

When HDR is fine for 90% of the ppl, and bad for 10% of the ppl. Then it IS related to hardware that you have!

If a patch of the game fixes it, it means that the problem with your specific hardware was resolved!

Still can be a game bug, or a driver bug or a card bug... The bug might've been fixed in the game, or they created a workaround for an issue in the card or the driver.

One thing you are right about is that the game hasn't gone through proper amounts of testing with a lot of cards, at least, I guess that's clear by now.

This stupid fanboy crap you guys keep alive; piss off with it, it's childish, lame and above all; Incorrect term about people that choose NOT to be the complaining bitching customer with bad manners and instead being a constructive and self sufficient and sensible & responsible person.

well the problem is that people like yourself are allowed to make sarcastic, mean and otherwise inaproriate remarks on people with problems running the game. Shure, some do rant on with issues, but, as moderator Shadow said, one can be of different opinion WHITHOUT having to trash each other.

As I said previous, calling somenone a "whiner" is as flaming as to call someone a "fanboy", so YOU pi-s of with this rubbish.

IF anyone is of topic or flaming, trolling or whatnot, then it is the MODERATORS job to control that, not you, me or anyone else.

Edit: And since this is a dissapointment thread, why are you here to start with? Isnt it obvious what will come up here?

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Quote[/b] ]IF anyone is of topic or flaming, trolling or whatnot, then it is the MODERATORS job to control that, not you, me or anyone else.
Quote[/b] ]Edit: And since this is a dissapointment thread, why are you here to start with? Isnt it obvious what will come up here?
Contradicting yourself? Ergo; What I just did, you just did the same smile_o.gif

Anyway, it is never my intention to flame or whatsoever anybody.

In my opinion; I read some bullshit, I feel the need to confront someone with it.... that's the whole deal.

I see nowhere yet where I flame, troll or whatever, unless I misunderstand the meanings of those words.

What I do is share my opinion, and I try to understand why there's people that can do nothing more than complain all day, as it's really a huge questionmark for me.

Also something that annoys the hell out of me is this constant "down pulling" of things, something that would never happen when you would be in the same room together, but only happens on a forum, as there is little to no fear for any confrontation or real effect even when someone is acting like a complete ass.

I guess though that it's better I pick this stuff up in the future in Private Message, as it seems it's pretty much unwelcomed smile_o.gif

This is going more Off-topic than I intended..

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Quote[/b] ]IF anyone is of topic or flaming, trolling or whatnot, then it is the MODERATORS job to control that, not you, me or anyone else.
Quote[/b] ]Edit: And since this is a dissapointment thread, why are you here to start with? Isnt it obvious what will come up here?
Contradicting yourself? Ergo; What I just did, you just did the same smile_o.gif

Anyway, it is never my intention to flame or whatsoever anybody.

In my opinion; I read some bullshit, I feel the need to confront someone with it.... that's the whole deal.

I see nowhere yet where I flame, troll or whatever, unless I misunderstand the meanings of those words.

What I do is share my opinion, and I try to understand why there's people that can do nothing more than complain all day, as it's really a huge questionmark for me.

Also something that annoys the hell out of me is this constant "down pulling" of things, something that would never happen when you would be in the same room together, but only happens on a forum, as there is little to no fear for any confrontation or real effect even when someone is acting like a complete ass.

I guess though that it's better I pick this stuff up in the future in Private Message, as it seems it's pretty much unwelcomed smile_o.gif

This is going more Off-topic than I intended..

I can admit that you have a point in me contradickting myself there. I´l take that.

First of, I hope it did come out that I fel there are as many flamers in both camps, positive as negative, but what I DONT like, is that I`m getting a strong feeling that its okay to "down talk" those who are having problems, but its not okay the otherway around.

To say that BI are a s-itty company or calling someone a "fanboy" is TOTALLY uncalled for and should be delt with by the moderators. But in my humble opinion, to call some one a "Whining, childis immature whatnot" is EXACTLY the same thing as saying "fanboy". And that in my opinion, is flaming (putting gasoline to a fire).

It has the same purpuose of annoying the other one, and it is not helping BI for sure.

And I dont think that any above comments are constructíve, reagardless of you are positive or negative towards Arma/BI.

Other than that, you aswell as so many others have alot to contribute with in these forums.

Maybe this should have been in a PM but I think that this is a problem that touches so many more than just you and me.



Edit: sorry for beeing so of topic. It stops here.

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Maybe this should have been in a PM but I think that this is a problem that touches so many more than just you and me.

It might be a point of discussion indeed. Maybe for another thread, and I might even contact you in PM, if you would not mind as I think you got some very good points.

Though the specific part you quoted from me was an example of what I am not, I do not point any finger anywhere to point out a specific person or a group, and it's maybe even a bit exagerated, to make my point smile_o.gif

Still I see what you mean; the end result is still not constructive. I will in the future try to constrain myself and take it on in PM, the problem in threads is that people start to defend themselves like crazy of course, because they are addressed in the public smile_o.gif

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@Vilas - I really do understand your pain, but I think you should take this problem of yours into Troubleshooting section, I think there your problem have more chances to receive some helpful answers than here.

I can admit that you have a point in me contradickting myself there. I´l take that.

No you were not contradicted to yourself. You've just tried to explain some valid things to some one(s), and to make a valid point (but this, alas, is mission impossible, they don't read (or don't understand) what's written as the response to them), and you are 100% right about the disproportion in the 'equal thretman' of those related topics. If there would be none of those which have nothing to do here in this thread except to provoke the 'whiners', then this thread would have 15 instead of 30 pages.

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problem is simple, i bought product and PC for game which i can not use, because it crashes, and not only on my PC,

troubleshooting thread shows how many people have problems, it is not my job to fix it, BIS must fix game to work on PC, not only on some percentage of PC

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