PTV-Jobo 821 Posted November 13, 2008 Lookin' good! Hey was just looking at bravo's sig while in this thread and it got me to thinkin' time in the far, far future do you think you would consider like a radio operator? Of course I'm not sure if they could be really all that functional, would only be an aesthetics thing, but I was just curious. Anyways, agreed with everyone else--these look killer. Can't wait to enjoy ArmA through the RACS eyes properly with this project. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PhilippRauch 0 Posted November 14, 2008 Hi, i work atm on a M93 Hornet WAM (Wide Area Munition). Its a kind of Mine, with acoustic and seismic sensors, which shoots a submunition right over the Target to attack. All the Parts are working solely, now im in the process of putting it all together. No release date yet, but its through more than halfways. Quote[/b] ]The WAM (Wide Area Munition) is a smart, autonomous top attack anti-tank/anti-vehicle munition, designed to defeat armored combat vehicles from a standoff distance. The WAM utilizes acoustic and seismic sensors in its ground platform to detect, track, and classify potential targets, and then launches an infrared detecting submunition or "sublet" over the top of the selected target. Once the sublet detects the target, it fires an explosively formed penetrator (EFP) to defeat the target. Right now main focus is to put all together to get a single working unit. After that, the RCU will be added and MP compatibility test etc. after that. ... The "cool" thing in it is, that you can setup the mine via a clickable interface with switches, dials and switchcovers to flip. So no action menu jugglin' for setting up that babe, still for emplacing and picking up its via actions. (see pictures) My Addon works like the real counterpart, emplacing it with fins folded, fins,mics and antenna unfold. After setting up it scans for proper targets, if encountered the mine turns towards the intended target, tilts its mortar and shoots a submunition. The submunition sensor scan in circles inside a elliptical pattern and at the right time they fire their EFP at the target, resulting in at least a immobility kill on tanks and more on softer targets. Here is on of the few available infos. Theres only this and FM 20-32 with some pictures and hints. If someone has better photos of real M93s and/or a maintenance/user manual (FM TM TC etc..) please contact me. Original RL-Promovideo with Audiocomments. (at least one with audiocomment, but unfortunately very short) YouTube Video 1 This one is longer, but no audio. YouTube Video 2 Another Promovideo, this one is for the BLU-108 SFW from Textron, the same Manufacturer as the M93 Hornet. This Video is mainly about the BLU-108 SFW but in the last third there are a few other shots of a M93 in action (i.e. firing its submunition and striking a Target). Not much else regarding a M93 Hornet WAM in this Video, but it explains the function of those kind of submunitions used in the SFW and WAM. Although the M93 submunition of the M93 Hornet isnt that advanced (i.e. it has only a IR-Sensor and ia not as intricate and has a less precise target discrimination system. Also the design of the actual warhead (i.e. explosive and projectile discs/lenses) is less advanced in the M93 Hornet warheads compared to those of the BLU-108 SFW submunition. YouTube Video 3 More soon... just a teaser right now, need to go back to work :P (on the mine that is ) All switches and rotary knobs on this Mine Interface are animated and clickable! (Imagine whats possible with that technique... fuseswitches for helicopter startup, MFDs etc..) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maza94 0 Posted November 14, 2008 My early wip Sniper Rifles Pack M40A3, R700, M4A1 Eotech Monoscope Edit M40A3 model was fixed today Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GD Mast 0 Posted November 14, 2008 Wow...about time somebody made a M40A3. Â Â The scope is wrong though. Â M40A3's now use the Schmidt & Bender 3-12 x 50 PMII LP. Schmidt & Bender: Marines M40A3's used to use the Unertl 10X scope. Â It's downfall was that it was only 10X and a lot of the engagements in Iraq were too close. Â That's one of the reasons the USMC switched to the variable power Schmidt & Bender. Â Here's a website that has some great pictures of the M40A3 with the Unertl 10X. Â Hope this helps. TBA M40A3 GD Mast Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maza94 0 Posted November 14, 2008 Ok, i working on this scope alfa shot: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Binkowski 26 Posted November 14, 2008 Great work maza. Heres some units i've been working on. Yes I've got permission from Cameron to use his work, as well as DaSquade. 82nd Airborne Division, 1st Battalion, 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment. ISAF Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maza94 0 Posted November 14, 2008 Nice units, great work keep it up! My Polish Soliders can only dream about maps like that. Edit: New Scope ready! And... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BadBenson 0 Posted November 15, 2008 hey guys...thx for the kind comments. here are some more screens. i'm still playing around with the huts. so don't expect that to be the final result. 1 2 3 4 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Binkowski 26 Posted November 15, 2008 Damn nice work BB. Can't wait to see my ISAF Units there!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ck-claw 1 Posted November 15, 2008 Keep it up BB! Coming along nicely! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Binkowski 26 Posted November 15, 2008 Just another shot, this is the Medic model. Sorry for bad quality, have to save these as JPEG so I can get them under the 100KB limit Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
slatts 1978 Posted November 15, 2008 lool maza great unit in the second pic Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pauliesss 2 Posted November 15, 2008 Damn nice work BB. Can't wait to see my ISAF Units there!! Cant wait to see your ISAF units there on my PC ! Good work.. Edit: yeah, still working on Iraqi National Police addon sometime, dont expect release date from me, screen is in Photography topic. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Binkowski 26 Posted November 16, 2008 Well my units are ready to go, but I need some help binarizing. BinPBO isn't liking me right now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Binkowski 26 Posted November 16, 2008 Lampedusa EPIC. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dren 0 Posted November 16, 2008 if anyone with some experience with map creation could contact me. i would like to hit with couple questions. Map still needs all objects and some terrain fixes with elevation (mainly to get some areast flat) Also i will release source file of that map so people can play around as much as they want. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
scubaman3D 0 Posted November 17, 2008 Here is something I've been working on with help from Dasquade. Its a standalone grenade launcher. The thing I'm wondering about is how best to implement it in ArmA. I'm leaning towards having this added to the pistol slot. Aside from animations, does anybody know if this would be a problem? Some technical data: 6.4k tris, 2 sections Picture is rendered with diffuse only. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
max power 21 Posted November 17, 2008 I'm no expert but I think some OFP mod had the Granatpistole HK 69 as a pistol and it looked awkward but it worked fairly well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MehMan 0 Posted November 17, 2008 Some technical data:6.4k tris, 2 sections Picture is rendered with diffuse only. Wow, this looks great. Big jump in quality since the last thing you posted, awsome! Really love it! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
scubaman3D 0 Posted November 17, 2008 I'm no expert but I think some OFP mod had the Granatpistole HK 69 as a pistol and it looked awkward but it worked fairly well. Thats good to know. At least it should be "technically" possible. There probably isn't any way around the animation problem. It should be ok in 1st person but 3rd person might be obviously strange looking. @MehMan Thanks, I'm glad you think so. I have good teachers. Dasquade and Panda, namely - and for as much as I can resent criticism, I have learned a lot through it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Panda-PL- 0 Posted November 19, 2008 Seeing all people who actually crit the posted images are on a leave I might just as well post mine . (somewhat more ligtning on this one to show specular) This is in cooperation with Scubaman, who made the M16 diffuse texture for it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CameronMcDonald 147 Posted November 19, 2008 Hey, cool bananas there, Pandaton. Will you consider brushing up the M4 family to a similar standard? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Panda-PL- 0 Posted November 19, 2008 Hey, cool bananas there, Pandaton. Will you consider brushing up the M4 family to a similar standard? It's technically the same gun, so it's natural I will. Might take a while however, the ACOG is still unfinished. Not bananas, eucaliptus or bamboo... I can never recall which. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
toadball 35 Posted November 19, 2008 Nice looking weapons, looking forward to using them, all these new weapons, whilst very good, really just ain't as fun as using the M16 to me :P ps: it's bamboo for pandas eucalyptus for koalas. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites