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WIP: stuff you are working on!

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of course i tried it already... but i dont get it^^

i dont have photoshop. and i dont want to buy it.

GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Tool) is a free alternative to photoshop.

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GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Tool) is a free alternative to photoshop.

hey cool thanks! im going to try that.

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Here are some shots of the xm177e2 model I'm doing for CWR mod. In the end this will be the basis for the xms model as well. It was made in realistic pieces so theoretically, its stock could be adjusted, its sights could flip between long and short range, its bolt could be animated, and it would even break open to be cleaned if it had any interior geometry. I don't think these things will be possible in CWR, though.

To build the model I used photographic reference and a friend's m4 with micrometre callipers to make sure most everything was correct. Most details should be good for a m16a1 derived gau-5A/B / xm177e2. I had to give it back before I got to things like the dust cover though, so if there is proportion problems on details like that or anything else, let me know.

I'm still optimizing it and trying to decide whether I want to bevel and subdivide everything and make a high poly model and down model for a low poly or not. The whole thing has about 8k triangles.

The meshflow is a little ugly in places, so crits / solutions in this area would be especially appreciated. There are still some n-gons in there that I haven't capped off, too.






Edited by Max Power

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Hmm, I made something similar in the form of a CAR for the Unsung. Flat front grip though and a few things not as well done as yours.

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Thanks for the kind words, MehMan. Since you have done a colt rifle before, do you have any criticisms?

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hello peoples,

just decided to surface and show a pic of the Brit units i am still working on, don't have much time for any editing anymore but hopefully can get a near final release out for ARMA and ARMA 2, not sure how soon though. I have started on some weapons too but i wouldn't count on them being done too soon, the ones in the pic dont actually do anything yet, just for show.

Anyway hope you like, the pic have been edited so the colours will look a bit different to how they actually do.

@Col. Faulkner, the 5.56 i had written on the magazine pouches was meant to just go on the odd one to add a bit of personalisation but i never got round to sorting it out so it ended up on all the pouches. Thats gone now with the new DPM anyway.


http://i335.photobucket.com/albums/m446/DairyLee/brittroops2.jpg (larger)

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Nice work there STALKERGB, may I ask what type of AI rifle that is?

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@TheSun, its meant to be the L115A1, havent really got a clue as to what its called before its given a land force designation by the Brits.

EDIT: Think its the AI Super Magnum.

Does anyone know the standard calibre of the weapon?


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Does anyone know the standard calibre of the weapon?

In British service it's .338 Lapua Magnum.

ETA: I meant to ask; what is the square green object that the two guys

on the left have at the front of their shoulders?

Edited by Col. Faulkner

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The Arctic warfare super magnum is indeed in .338.

@Col. Faulkner

Those green squares would be personal radio sockets, i think.

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Here are some shots of the xm177e2 model I'm doing for CWR mod...if there is proportion problems on details like that or anything else, let me know.


Looks superb, to me. The only picayune little crit' I'd make is that the

ejection slot looks a tiny bit too low (or too narrow).

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@Col. Faulkner, yeah the green things are radio sockets as far as i know (seen them on quite a few units in Iraq/Afghansitan). The guy on the left has one on in the pic below.


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@Col. Faulkner, yeah the green things are radio sockets as far as i know...

Oh, it's a PRR. In that case you might want to resize it slightly

on your models, as it's a bit mis-shapen. A real PRC-343 unit

in its pouch measures about 80mm x 135mm x 30mm.

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Looks superb, to me. The only picayune little crit' I'd make is that the

ejection slot looks a tiny bit too low (or too narrow).

I shall look into it! Thanks!

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I'm trying starting modding again, still have to learn UV mapping and rvmats stuff, but here's some screenshots of my hazmat units...

First in red (old normal map active)



And in de-saturized, darkened ACU, which makes them look alittle like some Space/future troopers.



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Icewindo, I love 'em. They look cool for some kind of specops/research team :) they could be used with M4s guarding research facilities or conduct some kind of super classified missions out in the forest... of course for OPFOR side :)

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Is it a real-world suit or something you designed yourself?

Nah, Stargate gave the inspiration :p .


Might equip some heavier (with pouches and stuff) later, but I was going for "naked" first so I can have some unarmed hazmat units.

I'm making progress in editing the normals, the "invisible vest" on the red unarmed hazmat unit is removed now, I also tried using the black vest of the ACU hazmat unit.

Edited by Icewindo

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WIP mercedes s600 should be released soon (by krazymond)




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Hmm... I'm much more interesed in that PSD GMC back there behind it :)

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Early W.I.P Shots of Baucau, East Timor taken in VBS2 with ADF Entities



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OChristie very nice, big theatre of war. BTW is that area of Timor really that flat? I remember it a big more like that.

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