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Call of Duty Modern Warfare...

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Trailer didn't look too good to me, was just way to fast and too console-like...

thing is, its not even a "gameplay" footage

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charlie oscar delta.............anything related to Mike Tango Oscar?

After reading what Maddmatt quoted all i can think is Whiskey Tango Foxtrot... tounge2.gif

Exactly why I quoted it biggrin_o.gif

This also caught my attention from near the end:

Quote[/b] ]artillery-avoidance (aka dodging) maneuvers. (Tricky? Or gimmicky?)

So the enemy call in artillery on you and you have to dodge the shells by running out of the way? crazy_o.gif This is too far even for Call of Duty!


These new Call of Duty games are getting even more ridiculous. I enjoyed the first one, but now the idea is just old.

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Quote[/b] ]This also caught my attention from near the end:
Quote[/b] ]artillery-avoidance (aka dodging) maneuvers. (Tricky? Or gimmicky?)

So the enemy call in artillery on you and you have to dodge the shells by running out of the way? crazy_o.gif This is too far even for Call of Duty!

Call of Duty meets Matrix?? Now this is truly Bravo Sierra, Oscar Mike Golf!!! crazy_o.gificon_rolleyes.gifgoodnight.gif

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Trailer didn't look too good to me, was just way to fast and too console-like...

thing is, its not even a "gameplay" footage

I think most of it was in game footage taken from camera angles you normally wouldn't get, and some of it was just cut scenes.

Right now I'm a little bit excited about this. It'll probably be crap, but the trailer looks pretty good, and a lot of the information released seems sketchy. Deformable environments is a very nice change which can completely change the tactics of a map, and should make MP a lot better - as long as it's not just a few walls which get blown up every round, memorised by everyone as a habit, which will make it even worse. I'd like to see some video-interviews with the devs and some real ingame footage from one of the levels. I need a lot more information on this title before I can make my mind up. I loved COD+UO, but COD2 was a huge letdown and to be honest a piss-take in terms of updates, and the time taken to get them out.

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Quote[/b] ]So the enemy call in artillery on you and you have to dodge the shells by running out of the way?

Actually that's not too far from reality... If you see mortar rounds hit the ground near you you automatically try to get out of there since the spotters are probably correcting the coordinates so the next volley will be ontop of you.

Now if you're dug in it's not that big of a problem, but if you're out in the field you can't allow a mortar barrage to hit you.

Plus long range artillery shells/missles need a little time to travel to the target.

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Quote[/b] ]artillery-avoidance (aka dodging) maneuvers.

They had "invented" manuver for that... only way you are going to evade shell's impact and fragments is to press your groin to soil and keep it there, which is also called as prone position. mixed with another "manuver" called rushing you get your ass from actual impact zone... I think that even CoD I had them already wink_o.gif (Prone&sprint)

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I dont know, I completely lost my faith in COD games the second the Russian campaign started in the origional game. Though if they are going to do somthing to a degree of accuracy I wouldn't mind seeing missions around the Russians in Chechnya and possibly the Soviets in Afghanistan, from what i've seen though it seems to be the two "main" allied forces the UK and America taking the same kind of roles they do in almost every COD game.

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Well thatd just be retarded rofl.gif

COD4 So far looks pretty fun and damn cool. Aslong as it play the same as COD2 im happy with it, cause COD2 kicked ass, COD3 sucked to me crazy_o.gif

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there are a few things, minor things that i would love to see in ArmA, but other then that there is little to offer, as from these video all i could see is another superman soldier running around which couldnt get killed even if that bullet really shoot into his head(oh well COD never mean to be that realistic anyway)

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Never liked the cod games, they are so scripted you just have to replay and replay and replay until you find the way the developers want you to go. No need for tactics or skill. Also don't like the 1 man vs an entire armoured guards division style of gamplay.

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COD singleplayer certainly sucks but multiplayer is a nice alternative to CS:S for example.

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A COD game inspired by the war of terror.. basically you will kill terrorists and insurgents in the middle east as part of british or american forces?

Touchy theme imo, its easy to portray a US ww2 paratrooper as a hero fighting a meaningfull war but definetly not anymore...

I dont want to turn this into a political discussion but fictional or not they should stay well away from this theme... they should have gone with the GULF war in Kwait instead.

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when i watch the developer interview i just cant hold myself from going ROFLMFAO rofl.gif

never mind as they are not intented to make "yet another tactical shooter" wow_o.gifwink_o.gif

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Are they ever going to change COD's gameplay? All i saw was COD2 with prettier graphics and a modern theme. Plus, it made me laugh when i heard one of the developers say that sandbox games were only a fad compared to heavily scripted rail shooters.

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Since when Modern Warfare is about charging enemy... because its seems like soldiers in this game still use WW1 and WW2 tactics..... crazy_o.gif

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I am going to admit that whole part with the night vision and lasers looked really cool. Especially when they are attacking the upstairs and there are like 40 lasers from across the street pointing in.

Other than that though I don't think its anything that great.

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Well for anyone who didnt like COD3.... its probably because they changed developers... COD1&2 were made by Infinity Ward.... COD 3 was developed by treyarch. As for platforms... i havent seen one thing that says its x360 and ps3 only... Its even in the August PC gamer.

As for it being a rail shooter.... yeah it gets kinda old, and you can only play thru the campaign maybe once or twice before you know where every enemy is, and where the most effective place to wipe them out is. They look like they have a great groundwork for a tactical shooter with bullet penetration and weapon customization, but oh well.... online multiplayer sounds somewhat decent with customizable classes and weapons. the PERKs might make it interesting and the hardcore mode is about the only way i'd want to play. 1 hit kills with no HUD =).

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WHaaaaaat!!! are they doing?.. why not make a Vietnam Style battle, like La Drang Valley, 4,000 Men, sounds very Call of duty, but none of this Modern fictional Nonsense

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