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Call of Duty Modern Warfare...

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Yo the only reason I play CoD is because of the multiplayer.

Cause I so freakin good at CoD i pwn every1

one time i got a score of like 113 kills nd 20 dies with the ppsh

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I might be arcadic trash ...

... but this dev demo looks absolutely fab.

COD4:MW demo

It is THE game my 360 clan is looking forward too. As said, probably arcadic ... but we think FUN is also important.

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Guest Ti0n3r

It does look very scripted, but at least in a good way. If only I had a 360 biggrin_o.gif

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It does look very scripted, but at least in a good way. If only I had a 360 biggrin_o.gif

Another Video

I thought this one was better than that one. But this one isn't really gameplay footage.

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COD4 looks decent. Nothing to "woow" about really.. smile_o.gif Much of the same stuff seen in the previous COD's, a lot scripted stuff and still no ragdoll effects. sad_o.gif

But the COD series (PC) are pretty fun though. Nice cintematic scenes and it is the best Arcade FPS "Run and Gun" game out there. biggrin_o.gif

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COD4 looks decent. Nothing to "woow" about really.. smile_o.gif Much of the same stuff seen in the previous COD's, a lot scripted stuff and still no ragdoll effects. sad_o.gif

But the COD series (PC) are pretty fun though. Nice cintematic scenes and it is the best Arcade FPS "Run and Gun" game out there. biggrin_o.gif

I thought (as did the audience) that the sniper getting up was pretty WOW:)

I'm not sure if that works in MP (the camouflage) but if it does , meaning, if you lay still it is difficult for the others to spot you (btw does grass conceal over distance ... btw which distance... you know the ArmA troubles) it is doubleWOW

To be seen though

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Guest Ti0n3r
Quote[/b] ]I thought (as did the audience) that the sniper getting up was pretty WOW:)

Yeah, probably the first time I've seen a ghillie suit work they way it should in any game (as well as any other similar cam) biggrin_o.gif

Actually made me go 'wow' wink_o.gif

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I tried to watch the sniper video but only made it about 15 or 20 seconds before I couldn't take it any more. I'm sick of the Wolfenstein gun view. Who holds a gun like that while they run? That and I’m tired of FPS games where you pull a gun out of thin air.

The worst part is the other sniper running out front you can see his rifle is parallel to him as he sprints. Now obviously your character uses that animation and appears that way to every one else or from the third person yet on your screen your arms are bolted to the screen with your POV centered as if your eyes are in you chest. I hate that it's been that way since Wolfenstein 3D and only a handful of games since then have broken that stupid trend (our very own OFP being one of them).

Then sense of floating rather than running over real terrain makes me motion sick and it just looks tacky and amateur. I bet if you look down %90 odds you don’t even see your body, though a trend does finally seem to be taking hold where you sometimes see your feet. Of course this suggest your POV is not centered in your chest but rather in you pelvis (when I look down in real life I see my torso).

I think I just hate first person shooters with a passion now. They really are all the same and they just wont die and go away. I wish I had %100 tyrannical control over the game industry. I’d simply ban all first person shooters unless they followed a few graphical guidelines and offered something new to the table. I’m sorry guys but DOOM and Wolfenstein are over 15 years old, if you can’t offer a substantial upgrade other than stupid shaders and lighting effects then just do every one a favor and do something else for a living.

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The problem is not the game, the problem is that you've lost the art to enjoy a game.

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After enjoying the first trailer, I'm disappointed with the second. Still no physics/ragdoll effects, and the few gameplay shots looked identical to all other COD games (I was hoping they'd maybe be a little diff this time around...)

Also, that stupid strings whining used in every single hollywood trailer nowadays pisses me the hell off.

EDIT: Just watched the sniper one, and that looked really cool.

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Unrealistic hollywood action crap, i outgrew that long ago.

The overtaking of the ship was friggin hilarious, knowing that US special operations forces have a success rate of 50%, they could never pull a stun like that.

Then that part about the mass of blackhawks flying over enemy territory and dropping people right in the middle...

edit: Happy massacring of the stereotypical eastern european drunkard, you ignorant westerners.

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Quote[/b] ]edit: Happy massacring of the stereotypical eastern european drunkard, you ignorant westerners.

 Ugh I don't even want to watch this crap at all now.

I am American and I must say that I am sick of the stereotype of the drunk, mustached, Russian. I've been making missions for OFP and I've made both US and Russian missions, I view both nations with respect and try to avoid the stereotypes.

When I make a mission that is against Russia or the US I always portray them as professional dangerous armies and take them serious. However most missions I see against he Russians are always depicting them as wildly drunk on vodka and absurd like a Laurel and Hardy sketch. At the same time the missions against US troops always portray them as Imperial Storm troopers that talk with southern drawl and oppress and occupy. It's pathetic and to top it off the main stream for profit games portray these same stupid stereotypes.

I guess I like to make serious BluefFor vs OpFor missions. This likely comes from my playing of much more mature strategy games and simulations back in the early 90s. Today's games are all made by and for the MTV generation who just watch stupid mindless Hollywood productions and play games like Battlefield and Doom. The result is these games that are "let’s go kill those goofy Ushanka wearing dumbos from the east" instead of “Lets simulate a what if scenario in the Fulda gapâ€.

I miss games like the Tank and Flight simulations and turn based strategies of the past where the Russians were treated as a respectable enemy. Then again those games were about abstract concepts like tactics and puzzles like "How do I secure this bridge head against a massed armor attack from two directions. Today’s games are concepts that can hardly be dignified with the name tactics and puzzles. Hell do they have any puzzles any more? I can't call running a straight line a puzzle, and in the case of “simulating†a endless horde of enemies who run head long at the player, well I wouldn’t call running headlong into the said horde a respectable strategy.

Some will argue that oh these games are just good quick fun. Well ok no problem but in the end I don't think a game about warfare or military action should be mindless, that is what games like sports or Mario Brothers are for. War is a mature subject and should be treated as such.

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Wow look at that. So many RPGs when they are coming in fast but the second the helicopters stop to fast rope the guys in there are no rpgs anymore.

Then for whatever reason the guys inside the objective who probably heard the choppers coming in choose to stay inside in oppose to trying to run away or something.

Quote[/b] ]The overtaking of the ship was friggin hilarious, knowing that US special operations forces have a success rate of 50%, they could never pull a stun like that.

Sure those guys weren't British? The one guy had the same name as the British sounding guy in the Sniper trailer.

Im not so impressed by this game anymore. (From what ive seen.)

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It looks good, but the feel is off. It looks more sci-fi than anything else to me. Also I think there might be too much action like in the last starwars movies. Makes it lose the "wow" feeling when something big happens.

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Sorry to say but (most part of) the last 4 comments are MORE PREDICTABLE than the scripted AI of COD4:MW will ever be

I don't like scripted behavior but if i have to choose between the scripted COD or the 'scripted' ArmA/ community i tend to go with the first

(And that comming from a dedicated Elite gamer who's only wish was a ArmA/360 version ... btw, you can leave out the 'predictable' respons to that one ... it grows old)

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Sorry to say but (most part of) the last 4 comments are MORE PREDICTABLE than the scripted AI of COD4:MW will ever be

I don't like scripted behavior but if i have to choose between the scripted COD or the 'scripted' ArmA/ community i tend to go with the first

(And that comming from a dedicated Elite gamer who's only wish was a ArmA/360 version ... btw, you can leave out the 'predictable' respons to that one ... it grows old)

Sorry max, but this is the community. Most people here from what i experience are older than other communities. We all go through phases in our lives where we like explosions and stuff like that, some don't grow out of it some do, here we have a mix with favor going to the latter.

I personally don't care about cool scenes, i think way too much for that (i know that pretentious but hear me out). When i see things like helicopters dopping SAS (I think you're right Jakerod) in the middle of a storm, with low visibility, on a heavily bobbing ship, in strong winds... well then i start to think about how the fawk that would be possible. They didn't do that in the falklands (or i never heard of it...).

Remember the US launched a spec op mission in Iran with helicopters in bad weather. Lots of things happened... first of all they got spotted immedietly, second the wind blew two choppers against eachother... that is reality. Then we have this game portraying it like helicopters can manouvre around a moving ship in terrible conditions with pinpoint accuracy, so that they can even provide support... it is just so absurd that anysort of immersion i might've had otherwise is just not even allowed to take root.

The graphics loook great, but the situation is so surreal that it mightaswell be Mario throwing koopashells through that ships bridge.

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Sorry to say but (most part of) the last 4 comments are MORE PREDICTABLE than the scripted AI of COD4:MW will ever be

I don't like scripted behavior but if i have to choose between the scripted COD or the 'scripted' ArmA/ community i tend to go with the first

(And that comming from a dedicated Elite gamer who's only wish was a ArmA/360 version ... btw, you can leave out the 'predictable' respons to that one ... it grows old)

Sorry max, but this is the community. Most people here from what i experience are older than other communities. We all go through phases in our lives where we like explosions and stuff like that, some don't grow out of it some do, here we have a mix with favor going to the latter.

I personally don't care about cool scenes, i think way too much for that (i know that pretentious but hear me out). When i see things like helicopters dopping SAS (I think you're right Jakerod) in the middle of a storm, with low visibility, on a heavily bobbing ship, in strong winds... well then i start to think about how the fawk that would be possible. They didn't do that in the falklands (or i never heard of it...).

Remember the US launched a spec op mission in Iran with helicopters in bad weather. Lots of things happened... first of all the got spotted immedietly, second the wind blew two choppers against eachother... that is reality. Then we have this game portraying it like helicopters can manouvre around a moving ship in terrible conditions with pinpoint accuracy, so that they can even provide support... it is just so absurd that anysort of immersion i might've had otherwise is just not even allowed to take root.

The graphics loook great, but the situation is so surreal that it mightaswell be Mario throwing koopshells through that ships bridge.

That is all well and 'explanable'. You know, the 'grwoing out of this sh*t' stuff. I CAN understand that:) But ... (plz) don't turn into 'scripted' zombies who trash every game beforehand with the untrue(!wink_o.gif argument 'seen it, done that'.

That might be an argument for you, albeit a 'wrong' argument imho, but it e.g. isn't an argument for the beginning gamer.

What you guys have with games, i have with e.g. with movies/tv ... preferring Columbo over CSI ... but I too have to be careful not to turn into a person who says everytime that 'things were better in the old days' or something along these lines.

So, i DON'T say you HAVE TO like COD4:MW ... but i DO say 'try to keep an open/fresh/newbie mind' ... things are much more fun that way, even though you've seen it all:)

(it is what i try to do;)

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After watching those videos all I can say is; I hope BIS never runs out business!

yay.gif GO BOHEMIA! yay.gif


Yes you can call me a fanboi biggrin_o.gif

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I hope BIS never runs out business!

I hope that too. Btw, how are the ARMA sales? (is there info or topic on that?)

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That is all well and 'explanable'. You know, the 'grwoing out of this sh*t' stuff. I CAN understand that:) But ... (plz) don't turn into 'scripted' zombies who trash every game beforehand with the untrue(!wink_o.gif argument 'seen it, done that'.

That might be an argument for you, albeit a 'wrong' argument imho, but it e.g. isn't an argument for the beginning gamer.

What you guys have with games, i have with e.g. with movies/tv ... preferring Columbo over CSI ... but I too have to be careful not to turn into a person who says everytime that 'things were better in the old days' or something along these lines.

So, i DON'T say you HAVE TO like COD4:MW ... but i DO say 'try to keep an open/fresh/newbie mind' ... things are much more fun that way, even though you've seen it all:)

(it is what i try to do;)

No. I cannot keep an 'open and fresh mind' with this game because of it's setting. The people who get unrealistically and stereotypically killed could be me, my friends and generally eastern european men of military age.

I know that to you we're a bungling mass of drunk OPFOR waiting to get mowed down, i understand that this isn't bothering you at all. But imagine a game that depicts US Marines or your countrymen as 100s of dumbasses just sitting tightly infront of your gun waiting to die a scripted death.

If you have to kill me and my kind then do it realistically, none of this rambo* bullshit. To me this isn't about killing my kind but how you are killing my kind. If there are no easterners playable in the game then it will be very onesided...

Plus I hate it when reality gets depicted so falsely, especially when it's a serious thing like war. If it were aliens/fantasy/whatever then it wouldn't be a problem. I wouldn't be griping about realism if this was not about the real world.

*I like Rambo though...

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I hope BIS never runs out business!

I hope that too. Btw, how are the ARMA sales? (is there info or topic on that?)

I agree with Opteryx there.

As for the ArmA sales: I haven't seen any official info. I doubt they are as high as OFP sales, firstly because the market for games is probably pretty different. Also, ArmA just isn't as big for it's time as OFP was. The single player part might have put off quite a few people.

It must have still been pretty good though, since they are working on an expansion. ArmA did get some decent advertising in places, even here in South Africa I saw a 2 page advert when I opened a local game magazine.

ArmA may also earn a few more sales after the expansion comes out (I only got OFP after playing the Resistance demo, before that I had never heard of it).

Back on topic: Call of Duty just hasn't changed enough. It's now way more ridiculous than ever. It even still has old stupid things such as not being able to see your own characters body when you look down! And all the other stuff Sputnik Munroe pointed out.

And of course it portrays the enemy as idiots. Typical icon_rolleyes.gif

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Personally i despise all killing (this feeling becomes stronger with age) yet i play shooters. Even stranger .. my video of 'Le Port' is 100% anti-war (see sig)

So i don't enjoy killing but i enjoy a game. And the setting doesn't bother me but it keeps me sharp! Perhaps the virtual world exposes ones dark side and one becomes aware of it. I dunno. If YOU think there are good settings (like against Nazis) and wrong settings (like against USA) i think you make a mistake (many make)

And yes, i don't have that problem anymore. If i were to play a 'terrorist' flying a plane and crashing into WTC i wouldn't have a problem with the game in itself, i would have a problem with ppl who would argue that that is a 'bad' setting and that it is 'better' to nuke Teheran or to obliverate the Covonant or whatever

But, sorry, it becomes very philosophical and that is a matter everybody has to figure out for themselves.

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