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Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

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Has been stated does not equal being done.

See, this is why we are all whining for screenshots instead of renders, because no screenshots= no game.

How many times have we seen statements go to hell as soon as they realised that it's just too much work and not worth making it, either due to work or just preformance. The weapon wear I can tell you right now is bull or it will change from session to session. Individualism on this scale for weapons is very unlikely.

I do not think that this is hard too do with the engine being used for the game. This isn't an EA mass-production game with a deadline resulting in cutting out half the features planned for the game.

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Scale is important. This kind of game is just too big to have every weapon have custom scratches and those scratches effected by the enviroment and other players, etc etc.

With rally games you only have to only monitor one car, four or eight at most, can't recall if that game mode is supported still, in a closed enviroment, for one single session. In games like these you have to monitor usually 30 vehicles, depending on game mode, in an open enviroment where everything has an effect on them, from the ground, bushes, tress, to the players and AI, then it has to record this from session to session. Then imagine MP problems, where somebody would have to wait for five minutes just for the game to syncronise, look at how long it takes now in ArmA with big open Evo type games. But then again, this only has to be local, so MP wise I think one could avoid at least a part of the load.

Game making is a big jenga block tower, but you have holes and you have to put blocks in.

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Quote[/b] ]I think that's a rather ballsy statement to make unless you're on the development team.
Quote[/b] ]This kind of game is just too big to have every weapon have custom scratches and those scratches effected by the enviroment and other players, etc etc.

I have to say that I don't understand why you have to be on the development team to speculate that it can be done, yet it seems anyone is free to say it can't be done. Please forgive me for being confused and ignorant.

Quote[/b] ]But then again, this only has to be local, so MP wise I think one could avoid at least a part of the load.

With this you've pretty much answered your own sync problem (self admettedly of course, I just want to continue your line of thought). This visual element can be handled on the client side and does not need to be transferred to the server/host or other machines. Damage modelling is another matter and the data needs to be transferred, but all appropriate texturing would remain client-side.

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I'm just speculating, not stating for sure. Plus I'm saying for a game of this scale, not OFP2 directly. Lepardi seem to be sure that it'll be included. If they pull it off, hats off to them! But until then I'll have to keep my fair share of doubts, because this is also the first time that Codemasters are attempting something like this, if I'm not mistaken. They are setting the bar high judging by the info we're getting, but that also means they can fall short of their goals quite far.

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Another prerendered trailer? confused_o.gif

Helios said

Quote[/b] ]The upcoming trailer will be CGI rendered, but those are all actual in-game models that you are seeing folks

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Yes, It's stated it's pre-rendered with in-game assets

We can't really judge the effects and lighting, but it's nice to see the units though.

Let's hope OFP2 will be as good as they pretend, it will only push Arma2 even further and we'll get 2 amazing games.

But let's not be fooled by early cinematics either... Optimism with a pinch of salt I'd say...

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All in-game models? So also tree's and other terrain features?

I'll be checking it out tomorrow, looks like they have some spare time to do this stuff.

@BIS: Please never use your precious time for this type of media coverage... just finish the product and then show what it looks like wink_o.gif

Btw: A bit off-topic, but if you check out the 'new' OFP:CWC website codies made, you'll see they even put up pre-rendered shots there.  confused_o.gif

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Is this ArmA CGI prerender with ingame models?


so it's the same relation like these new OpF2 screens?. huh.gif

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News incoming.


DING! New one uploaded every hour on the hour.

That blur just makes me sick...

well so there it comes. Battlefield 3 from Codemasters.



BTW guys the Video tomorrow will weigh in around 120mb High Res.

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Actually, it will be called Operation Flashpoint 2: Dragon Rising and the word is that it's gonna be awesome wow_o.gif

I wonder what will you all cry about when they start showing equally gorgeous screen shots and in-game videos. And when the game is released and it totally kicks ass. You'd probably keep living in denial "Oh it must suck because it's not made by BIS boo hoo hoo. They showed us renders!!!! It can't be good damnit, boohoohoo" smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Actually, it will be called Operation Flashpoint 2: Dragon Rising and the word is that it's gonna be awesome wow_o.gif

I wonder what will you all cry about when they start showing equally gorgeous screen shots and in-game videos. And when the game is released and it totally kicks ass. You'd probably keep living in denial "Oh it must suck because it's not made by BIS boo hoo hoo. They showed us renders!!!! It can't be good damnit, boohoohoo" smile_o.gif

There were many saying the same about upcoming ArmA

They're not here anymore.

A lil bit of advice : don't put too much hope on something that is promised, said to be good, etc... Never put too much hope.

This way you won't be disappointed.

That's why I still play ArmA. I've never had way too high expectation about what it should have done, should have featured or not, etc...

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Don't worry about my emotions. If ofp2 sucks, I'm just gonna be like "yeah, i knew it. what's the big deal noob." or "pffft video games, ima just buy me a real gun and go on a rampage at the mall"

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I think the screen grab of the village exploding is one of the most amazing things i've ever seen on my monitor. Render or not, the explosions are spot on.

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Is this ArmA CGI prerender with ingame models?


so it's the same relation like these new OpF2 screens?. huh.gif

Is this ArmA CGI prerender with ingame models?


Yes, this is rendered picture with all ingame models, so its big diference between what you can see in render and ingame. Generally, renders does not say anything about game, its just promo. U can see some ingame models, but with today HW all models look similar and in fact you can buy them.

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Yep, that last pic is the one I was referring to. wow_o.gif

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Hoa thats a badass Pic, the explosions, its like My screen is blowing up tounge2.gif

Naa, but they do look impressive, Render or not they are Pieces of graphical artwork in themselves

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Guest Ti0n3r

Looks like the gear is accurate too.

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Is it true that you can´t turn off Blur in neither Dirt and Grid ?

I can´t test as neither of them runs on my comp due to not meeting minimum CPU.

To be hones I hate blur.

The screens look fantastic though. Render or not, they are spot-on. thumbs-up.gif

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