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Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

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Quote[/b] ]Unfortunately this game has me thinking it's going to be a console port.

Yeh got to agree wth you there, that was my fear about arma and unfortunately that fear was realised. sad_o.gif

ArmA wasn't a console port, there was no console version of ArmA so it's not even possible that it was a console port. Your comment just looks like a load crap to me.

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Quote[/b] ]ArmA wasn't a console port, there was no console version of ArmA so it's not even possible that it was a console port. Your comment just looks like a load crap to me.

its as near to a port as you will find . i think the only thing tht was not ported was the islands and the campaign and thats a real shame ,it would have een better all round.

and if you ever wanted proof , besidea all the xbox files/strings etc.

he only way i can play the game at all is with an xbox controller smile_o.gif.

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Quote[/b] ]ArmA wasn't a console port, there was no console version of ArmA so it's not even possible that it was a console port. Your comment just looks like a load crap to me.

its as near to a port as you will find . i think the only thing tht was not ported was the islands and the campaign and thats a real shame ,it would have een better all round.

and if you ever wanted proof , besidea all the xbox files/strings etc.

he only way i can play the game at all is with an xbox controller smile_o.gif.

XBOX is DX8 and ArmA is DX9, so how could a DX9 game possibly be a port of an XBOX game?

Just because some strings are still there doesn't mean nothing was changed, it's just that they didn't start from scratch because there is no point in that.

Edit: And if you can't see the other changes for yourself, then I'm not going to waste my time with this argument.

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It doesn't seem like 'theelite' have even tried 'elite'?

Armed Assault is a very open software invironment - any console game isn't. That is the major difference between the two.

To mention a couple.


AI scripting

It's two totally different universes, mate smile_o.gif

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Armed Assault is a very open software invironment - any console game isn't. That is the major difference between the two.

That is why i am curious for OFP2, esp. the 360 version. I just want a 'no-fiddle', enjoyable, mature game which delivers out-of-the-box.

You can say many things of Elite, but it was a hell of a out-of-the-box package. A better OFP with CWC, Resistance, lite editor and fully XBL enabled. Plug and play, instant gratification. Even without the mods.

I like out-of-the-box. Just like i like a good wine from a shop or a ferrari from the showroom. There is nothing wrong with a finished product. And consoles work towards finished products. That is a limitation perhaps but otoh it is also a good thing.

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It doesn't seem like 'theelite' have even tried 'elite'?

Armed Assault is a very open software invironment - any console game isn't. That is the major difference between the two.

To mention a couple.


AI scripting

It's two totally different universes, mate smile_o.gif

Wow you people here really do take things literaly huh ?

To answer your question yes i have played and finished elite and ofp cwc and the original demo.Infact right now i am playing the original demo of Ofp cwc on malden in Arma at this very moment,sorry if i upset you guys,maybe i should have said arma feels like a port of ofp elite to me ,because i just plugged my xbxox controller in there and it felt like home.

Anyway i was hoping arma would be very different was what i was trying to say and it was not.

So back ontopic and the real point behind my original post, would it be a sin to ask that there will be a decent ofp sequal before game2 and if we had to pay money every 6 months for quality addons that didnt have bugs and such, would it ruin the whole ofp scene ?

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Uh...I might be missing something but how is ArmA a console port?!

Edit: Beated by about a thousand miles...

Anyway so what would people like seeing in this game that isn't in ArmA or might not be in Game 2?

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This thread is already completely off topic, so i don't care anymore to be on topic.

Infact right now i am playing the original demo of Ofp cwc on malden in Arma at this very moment

Huh .. I thought, you're not allowed to talk about the fightclub?

How could you joined the CWR-roster back in december, when you joined here in "April 2007" ?

So either you release something to the crowd from CWC or you stop talking about it.

This is not fair.


:nosmilies here:

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and while you're at it, the roswell files, what goes on at Area 51 and who actually killed JFK.

(There's no conspiracy here whistle.gif )

Anyway - I'm no expert to the capabilities of xbox live, but would there be any way for a similiar sharing of missions and addons for OFP2 on the consoles? This to me would be a important part of any pretender or contender to Arma/Ofp

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If they program it in, yes. In Far Cry you can share maps you've made I think. I'm trying to think of a few other examples(I know there are more) but nothing is coming to mind.

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Anyway - I'm no expert to the capabilities of xbox live, but would there be any way for a similiar sharing of missions and addons for OFP2 on the consoles? This to me would be a important part of any pretender or contender to Arma/Ofp

In Elite you can play your own maps on live (e.g. a own made coop). The others will download it before the mission starts. There is no system to share it. That is, you can't download it for your own use.

But ... the hack scene got around that:) see here. With a memorycard and AR replay (or a hacked xbox) you can do a lot more. This shows that in principle all is possible.

The road to go is of course XBL/DLC (paid or free) but in that case you've got MS to cooperate, you can't just put stuff on XBL for others to download. In that respect the pc scene is more free/flexible (but also less coherent)

(btw, i dunno about the online ps3 scene. i could be more free to share your own stuff as opposed to xbl which is controlled by MS)

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Hey all, check this out:

Operation Flashpoint 2

I think it's far from reality because the real guys who made us love Operation Flashpoint are from Bohemia Interactive Studio who created recently ArmA. Although this is reality, I'll follow that Operation Flashpoint 2 saga and I won't believe it's reality until I play and compare it directly with its predecessor version, Operation Flashpoint.

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This thread is already completely off topic, so i don't care anymore to be on topic.

Then it is a good point to close this thread until something new from OFP2 is unveiled.

TheElite is free to speak about his OFPE converts, he can also release them or show screenshots as he likes. But he is in no way affiliated to the CWR team, so don't expect any "CWR files" from him wink_o.gif Due to his rants about CWR lately I'd love to include some script that prevents his user ID from playing CWR later on... biggrin_o.gif

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Reopened as there's new info released.

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New Info.. and maybe some videos will follow up from this review. [2 new screens and videos in this months PC Gamer.]

A dozen soldiers are scouting ahead of a convoy of tanks through dense woodland. But this is not a pretty scene. There are no squirrels in this place: just men with guns on the way to war. Their rifle butts are square into their shoulders; they're aware that they're painfully exposed, their eyes alert, darting. You can smell the incoming ambush.

The attack is ferocious, unexpected and entirely unfair. A missile, launched from an attack chopper some miles away, slams into the side of a tank. The soldiers are knocked upward by the blast, and slam down, dead. Flashpoint is back with a bang.


The original Operation Flashpoint was defined by its murderous style. As just another cog in the US war machine, you'd take part in massed freeform infantry operations, small urban invasions, tank and helicopter sorties and the occasional tractor patrol, always aware that death could come from a sniper crouched in a bush, and getting just a whiff of the spine-crawling terror that real soldiers must experience in a battlezone.

All that - the violence, the tension and the massive scale of the battlefields - is present in the two movies that Codemasters, the original publishers of Operation Flashpoint (the developers of the game released the so-so unofficial sequel Armed Assault earlier this year) have released to announce this new project.

The first, the helicopter attack, is a brutal demonstration of Flashpoint's brilliant unfairness. Those dead soldiers had no chance to react. But maybe their comrades can find a way to fight back. How much fun would it be to inflict that blow? Or mount a full counter-attack?

The second option raises questions. Two soldiers are about to engage a tank at a distance. The ground in front of them is a dead-zone of previous impact craters and clods of soil launched into the air. The first soldier taps the second on the back, points forward, and says, "Let's take that piece of shit out." The first nods and, as the camera moves right to highlight a tank rotating its barrel toward them, whips the RPG off his back and drops to one knee. The missile fires, disabling the tank.

This is early, 'previsualisation' footage; essentially, this is what the developers really want the game to look, feel and play like. It's a statement of intent from a team at the beginning of a project. It seems more visceral, more violent than the Plain Jane Flashpoint we knew. That's a worry. Flashpoint's thrills were staccato, percussive moments punctuating long periods of tension and silence.

Flashpoint 2 is also being released on Xbox 360 and PS3, using technology developed for the latest Colin McRae games. This brings up immediate fears that the game will be simplified for console gamers.

When we bring this up with a Codemasters rep, he's coy. "This is early work, and right now all ideas are on the table." Codemasters would do well to remember the game's history. Three months before it came out, the original Operation Flashpoint demo was downloaded by over a million players. PC gamers loved its austerity, its tension and its battlefields. That's what we want to see in Operation Flashpoint 2.

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allow me to say a couple of things, firstly, and obviously, Codemasters will have the name "Flashpoint" on their side, hence i dont believe that everyone who played OFP wil have heard of ArmA , so using the name Flashpoint could initially attract those who are familiar with the it.

Secondly, ArmA is the True sequal is it not? so therefore, Arma has all the minds from OFP, so i can only speculate that OFP2 will be a spin-off not realistically capturing the true atmosphere, feel and playability of the True sequal to OFP, ArmA.

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too early to say anything, if cody are just simply after money then all their nice speech would simply be joke, but if they still have some sence what happened with those imfamous names then BI better catch up with progress

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Quote[/b] ]capturing the true atmosphere

Hopefully they might grasp that as one of ArmA's weaknesses and work on it. I've heard conflicting reports in the past, but how much influence did Codemasters have on the original OFP Campaign?

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Daniel @ May 20 2007,17:51)]
Quote[/b] ]capturing the true atmosphere

Hopefully they might grasp that as one of ArmA's weaknesses and work on it. I've heard conflicting reports in the past, but how much influence did Codemasters have on the original OFP Campaign?

From what i heard - very very little. How fully by Codemasters made campaign looked like you can see in Red Hammer.

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atmosphere? well waite for CWC release, then we'll see(but at the mean time, BI really really need to fix the game first)

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I don't know what people have to complain about the RH campaign... I thought it was really, really good and I enjoyed it smile_o.gif

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I liked the defend montignac mission where you set up the defenses.

Back on track I am hoping that this is a good game so I can have Game 2 and OFP2 to play.

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this is so damn funny smile_o.gif after reading what posted Matt ....

CodeMasters (after ArmA was announced) said they already work on theirs own OFP2, now around the first official release they said it's ~2 years in development ...

now they say all what You see and hear is 'what they wish to be in project' and 'early stage development' and 'early work' etc.

guess the truth is approx this way ArmA was released, CM noticed they is demand for such title (omg shock) and quickly glued together plan for new game ...

oh well ...

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CM noticed they is demand for such title (omg shock) and quickly glued together plan for new game ...

oh well ...

And how much 'demand' is that? I would like to know how many copies of ArmA have been sold?

Anyway, at least CM promises a 360 version:) So i'm hoping for a good OFP2/360 now that ArmA/360 seems further away than ever. There is a demand overthere (omg shock:)

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