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Shadow NX

RHS Hind v1.0 for ArmA

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Kenji has asked me to mention that the T-64 and T-80 he's working on do not eject the metal "puck" at the base of the propellant bags, they instead load it back into the automatic loader as part of the loading process.

In addition, I have been instructed to request that you post in English, as at the moment he is having difficulty understanding you. I should not have to translate between "Ghetto" and "English" for him.


This image illustrates the "metal puck" at the bottom which is ejected on the T-72 and T-90 tanks, but as I will say again, not on the T-64/T-80.

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You know, that's pretty rude of you there AKM. You might consider that with a name like José Losada Diaz, and his bad grammer, english may not be wipman's first language.

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You know, that's pretty rude of you there AKM.  You might consider that with a name like José Losada Diaz, and his bad grammer, english may not be wipman's first language.

Crucial words in AKM's post:

Quote[/b] ]...have been instructed to request...

Shaft Kenji then, not AKM. tounge2.gif

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I guess Kenji said it a bit more polite but AKM is no man of soft words tounge2.gif

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Quote[/b] ]...have been instructed to request...

Shaft Kenji then, not AKM. tounge2.gif

This line is why I'm "shafting" AKM, and not kenji.

I should not have to translate between "Ghetto" and "English" for him.

First; by the way that sentance is structured, I would be inclined to believe that they're his own words.

Second; I don't care if Jesus himself came back from the dead and instructed him to say that. It was in poor taste. End of story.

Third; I find it hilarious that 2 of the 3 sentances in the post of the aformentioned critic are classical comma splices and therfore not correct english themselves.

I stand by my words on those three points.

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Useless discussion i think, wouldnt recommend to take much that you read on internet forums to personal.

If it helps i say sorry on the behalf of Kenji and / or AKM and rephrase the statement to:


Kenji would like people that have questions or suggestions about his addons to ask them in proper english as much as possible and keep from using slang words because he isnt a native english speaker and has problems to translate otherwise.



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Woah, man - fair go! I was having a light jab at ya, and in return you asplode my head. tounge2.gif

My apologies if it sounded harsh.

It was not meant in that manner. It's just meant to be a simple blunt statement as to the reasons I made that comment.

I just thought that AKM's behaviour towards wipman was rude, said so, and pointed out the reasons for that statement.

I didn't take anybodies comments personally, and that last post should not be taken personally either.

In any case I figure that's enough of that since it is detracting from the marvelous hinds that can be found here. wink_o.gif

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Sorry for my On-topic post here tounge2.gif

Modelling is done only the textures need uv-mapping to be more performance friendly

Well and offcourse some config and script tweaks.

Nice to hear that!

Oh .. just saw the T64 video. Really amazing work! Did Kenji this one from scratch or did he use the "old" OFP-Model for it?

Really looking forward to it!

MfG Medicus smile_o.gif

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So far it looks pretty good and it's certanely something we need in ARMA, ty  for your work

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Shadow can we expect T-64BV with reactive armor?

Yes but lets keep this for a new RHS or T64 topic later.

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Hi, look at my warning levels... (they don't gonna dissapear because

for some reason... the rules are not applyed for me) so i can't speak

as clear and directly as i do in my normal life (with everyone) so i've

to use much more words than what are really needed; said this...

if someone wanted me to speak more clearly or that i don't ask/post

in his/her tread; he/she could had told me that by PM instead of air

this kind of things here. In a tread called RHS Hind v1.0 for ArmA,

arguing about tanks. Let's C ya

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Hi, look at my warning levels... (they don't gonna dissapear because

for some reason... the rules are not applyed for me) so i can't speak

as clear and directly as i do in my normal life (with everyone) so i've

to use much more words than what are really needed; said this...

if someone wanted me to speak more clearly or that i don't ask/post

in his/her tread; he/she could had told me that by PM instead of air

this kind of things here. In a tread called RHS Hind v1.0 for ArmA,

arguing about tanks. Let's C ya

If you feel the moderators dont threat you right you should PM them and not put it in here.

But yes the tank talk also doesnt belong here either but i have to blame that on the not yet existing thread for them.

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Hey Steve,

I have found ex-pilot of Mi-24 who plays Arma. He has lots of suggestions how to make this addon very realistic (armor value, correct weapons selection, etc.). Will you be interested in his help?

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on the same note, there's a guy on the MP.net forums who used to fly Mi24's during the soviet/afghanistan war - he doesnt speak english very well though

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My guess would be you both may mean Mi-24V from MP.net?

Yeah im intrested if he accepts the fact that we never will be able to include every tiny thing into the addon and sometimes have to balance between realistic and playable.

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My guess would be you both may mean Mi-24V from MP.net?

indeed, thats the chap smile_o.gif

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