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Shadow NX

RHS Hind v1.0 for ArmA

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mi-35 are export versions, but if you mean mi-24PN upgrades

like different rotor blades, non retractable gear, TV and Flir camera

this could be done, but I hate to see a hind with unretracted gear ,

I'll stab some day russian engineers for doing such thing crazy_o.gif

For the hind we focus on improving performance, reactivating some scripts, making it as polished as possible.

AT-6 Spiral (Shturm) : 400 to 5000 m

AT-2 SWATTER A (Falanga) : 500 to 2500 m

AT-2 SWATTER B (Falanga) : 500 to 3500 m

AT-2 SWATTER C (Falanga) : 500 to 4000 m

At-8 isn't included.

right now ranges aren't correct, I still have to talk with shadow

to see if we'll respect these ranges are make them shorter cause battles in arma are shorter range than in RL.

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Hi all,

just to tell you that work on the hind is doing well.

I wanted to have your opinion about several scripts I plan to introduce.

Some of you maybe used to play with WGL mod,

they had 2 scripts that really enhanced helicopter simulation imho :

an over-torque script, if you are going too fast for too long, engine breaks out. (sound warning, flashing buttons)

and a script that disable missiles weapon if you fly over a certain speed .

Because weapons like the At-2 (on mi24D) are radio commanded,

the gunner actually guide the missile with a little joysick to the target, he would be enable to guide it properly at high speed.

Quote[/b] ]The SWATTER is a radio-guided antitank guided missile with a HEAT (High Explosive, Anti Tank) warhead. The SWATTERs with manual command to line of sight (MCLOS) guidance have the disadvantage that the operator must track target and missile simultaneously and manually guide the missile to the target. The slow flight speed makes evasive action an effective countermeasure, especially at long ranges.


At-6 is laser guided so, this script would only be implemented for mi24D.

is it a good idea, what settings should I use

express yourself ! biggrin_o.gif

and since the work on the hind is doing well, and if you 've been dreaming about a nice feature, please let me know I'll think about it !

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have you managed to add proper shadow from the rotor ? wink_o.gif

have you managed to understand model.cfg ? wink_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]I wanted to have your opinion about several scripts I plan to introduce.

Are you sure you will make it Mp compatible ? wink_o.gif even if yes imho it's useless feature - at least cause it can not be used (better say avoided ) by AI.

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it wouldn't be for AI.

and I still didn't find how to extract cfgmodel from .p3d wish was what I needed.

rotor has a shadow, but not in normal shadow settings.

what about this flare script bdfy ? wink_o.gif

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and I still didn't find how to extract cfgmodel from .p3d wish was what I needed.

rotor has a shadow, but not in normal shadow settings.

what about this flare script bdfy ?  wink_o.gif

1. you have to write it wink_o.gif

2. just like  with old HIND ? what have you tried ?

3. forget about it at the moment

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cfgmodel is written, animations are all working now,

instruments included.

rotor shodow isn't my priority right now, but should be fixed.

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cfgmodel is written, animations are all working now,

glad to hear smile_o.gif as about shadow i'm just wondering how to add it too...

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I hope if you make your own flares system that you make an easy way to disable it for use of the increasingly popular Mando Missile System which has an excellent Flare and Reload system. Manual or Automatic options that mission writers can set. It also works with BIS standard missiles shot at the helo.

In fact, if you do not want to write a new flare system you could consider asking Mando to duplicate his scripts. He definitely supports helping the community out big time. Could save you some time.

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Quote[/b] ]It also works with BIS standard missiles shot at the helo.

it doesn't - ofpec topic

anyway i'm not working on it at the moment

Actually it does. I have personally used them for weeks.

If you mean because he says "obsolete" does not mean the old code doesn't work. Mando's favorite word is obsolete and its true every time is says it LOL. He is constantly improving his code based upon and fueled by feedback. However, I have used the old code. I ran a small tournament on BIS missiles and Mando Flares.

But it sounds like you are not working on the project and reading your comments in that link you gave it sounds like you do not like his methods. If true its a pity you do not like them.

I hope RHS Hind v 2.0 is not held up due to lack of flares. It does not need them immediately. There is more than one flare scripts out there. I have used 4 of them personally. The talented Strango has a version you might like. And I know two other mission writers that has a version if that help get the RHS Hind released sooner. smile_o.gif

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What is said in the ofpec thread is that, currently, all and every ArmA missile might be automatically substituted by the MMA equivalent, which is also fully configurable. So, when an ArmA missile is fired against a target, the missile itself is replaced by an MMA one which follows the same target and is affected by MMA chaff or flares.

Which is the advantage of doing that?

the missile will guide itself effectively towards the flares/chaff, but only if the flares/chaff cloud is closer to the missile than the real target, else the missile will keep tracking the real target. Even more, when the missile crosses the chaff/flares cloud, if the real target is still inside the missile's seeker tracking cone, the missile will reacquire the original target.

Deviating ArmA stock missiles has a problem, ArmA keeps trying to guide them towards the real target, while the script tries, at the same time to guide them anywhere else. So, at the end, the "best" option was to try to make them to fly straight in the direction they were flying when flares/chaff were dropped. So, the effect is not so "reallistic" as with the current method, as these missiles flying straight were not really turning and tracking the flares like in the current version.

And yes Viper, you are obsolete again tounge2.gif

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just tried it out; it's looking really good, i can hardly believe that this is actually an import from OPF!

most of the things that should be improved have already been mentioned. two things that i have noticed in particular: the guided AT rockets are a lottery: sometimes they hit beautifully, sometimes they fly huge circles on the way to the target and hit the ground a dozen meters in front of the target, and sometimes they just miss.

and the other thing: the Vulcan AA Unit easily tears it to pieces...

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just made some testing and it takes 2 M-136 to make it explode, one is enough to down it, thanks for reporting. smile_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]Which is the advantage of doing that?

the missile will guide itself effectively towards the flares/chaff, but only if the flares/chaff cloud is closer to the missile than the real target, else the missile will keep tracking the real target. Even more, when the missile crosses the chaff/flares cloud, if the real target is still inside the missile's seeker tracking cone, the missile will reacquire the original target.

Deviating ArmA stock missiles has a problem, ArmA keeps trying to guide them towards the real target, while the script tries, at the same time to guide them anywhere else. So, at the end, the "best" option was to try to make them to fly straight in the direction they were flying when flares/chaff were dropped. So, the effect is not so "reallistic" as with the current method, as these missiles flying straight were not really turning and tracking the flares like in the current version.

that's very interesting Mandoble, but to hard to implement, I made a new flare script wish is only eye candy, the usual spoof missile scipt will be triggered at missile lauch and according to several params (height, speed, special heli exhaust) the hind will have less or more chances to dodge the missile.

The more I think about it, the more I like it, combined with the RWR script I wrote, and true flares like you did, the player could actually think a real strategy and not only fly fast and low... I'll think about that.


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just made some testing and it takes 2 M-136 to make it explode, one is enough to down it, thanks for reporting. smile_o.gif

my apologies, you're right. i tested it again with both the M-136 and the RPG-7; 1 direct hit forces the crew to eject, 2 direct hits make it go up in flames.

i guess one of the 3 rockets must have hit the ground.

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Can't it take a direct hit from an rpg in the engine and still fly? Or am I thinking of something else.

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Quote[/b] ]Can't it take a direct hit from an rpg in the engine and still fly?

yes, cause there're two engines smile_o.gif


Have you got rid of the shadows ? You just need correct ShadowVolume LOD (look at arma mlod examples) to get it work.

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In RL virutally anything is possible wink_o.gif

This is quite true. In real life ( Afghanistan ) it has in fact, even been shot down with rifle fire. Golden BB theory perhaps, but it has happened nonetheless.

The Soviet pilots who flew the Hinds in Afghanistan seem as though they were brutalized by their own combat losses, as much as the Mujahadins were in taking fire from the Hinds on the ground.

Then again, even the most hardened combat helicopters like the Apache, can be extremely vulnerable to ground fire of any kind. Planning, tactics, and mutual support from other units plays a big part in determining whether or not the mission will succeed, or if the chopper will even make it back to base.

Luck seems to be a tangible asset as well- which seems strange if you're typically not a particularly superstitious person like myself. I absolutely HATED to fly on helos, and I never actually received any fire from the ground.

Mr. Murphy, gravity, and physics were dangerous enough- without adding bullets, explosives, and hostile intent into the mix.

They could order me to fly on helos, but I sure didn't have to like it. nener.gif

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Sadly not really any news about it, will post as soon as theres anything worth talking about :/

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Most of the instances of Mi-24's being shot down in Afghanistan were due to Stinger SAMs, followed by ZSU-23-2 23mm and DShK 12.7mm HMG AAA fire.  It was quite rare when small arms fire alone brought down the Mi-24.  I know that there are some weak spots in the tail boom that are poorly protected and were prone to having hydraulic lines and drive shafts (for tail rotor) dammaged.  Still with that said, I've read intelligence reports (declassified) from Mujahadin during that period where they ranted about how difficult it was to down a Mi-24 even with a DShK.  In gunship hunter/killer teams, the 2nd (or 3rd or 4th in 4 ship teams)Hind would often quickly destroy the offending AAA team with rocket and machine gun fire.  Mi-8's and Mi-17's however were quite a bit more vulnerable and suffered alot more losses from small arms fire due to their lack of armor protection and because they were the primary troop carriers and thus high value targets for the Mujahadin.  They also ended up getting used as gunships as well.

At any rate, overall the primary threat to the Mi-24 has always been and still is SAMs, especially small shoulder carried SAM's of the newer variety that are difficult to detect the launch of and difficult to jam.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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