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KilJoy -SFG-

Evolution V1.0 Large scale respawn coop

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could you add something to improuve the teamplay

for exemple:

-put a marker (arrow)  on the map on the leader and members of the group

-add a hintbox every 5 mn for exemple to show to players who are in there group


and let the choice to player to enable this option in the mission start (param1)

you can see this option in my mission sector control



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Evo is running on lots of pubs but newbies make it a waste of time and effort most of the time.

-Nobody teams up.

-Rushers dump and destroy vehicles everywhere.

-Repairing vehicles can take alot of time and nobody bothers to.

Its not even hard to recruit two bots, put them in refuel and repair trucks and send them to fix the wrecks.

Support vehicles end up being used for personal transport too, dumped and forgoten somewhere so the mission gets stuck.

Newcomers see that there are no vehicles left and vote a restart, its a never ending loop.

Anywhere this is being played seriously please let me know, Evo is an amazing editing achievement but i'd like to make the time spent playing more worth it.

Seen and met a few good teamplayers but very few.. still had good times with this mission, thanks alot for all your hard work smile_o.gif .

Yesterday I played on the 1-8th server (?) with a guy who was above and beyond hardcore serious. He was already a Colonel and me a lowly Seargent and the map was down to 3 cities left when I joined. We spent a couple of hours plotting and recon-ing routes before we moved using AI as transport help , and i only had 2 instances of combat. At first i thought he was nuts and everyone who came in the server quickly left but i soon became highly immersed in this tactical sort of play which made survival more prized and deepened immersion. I would love to see DAC-like roving enemies on this map to deepen the danger.

Great fun biggrin_o.gif

I've made my way to colonel but i was so tired that i didnt even get to fly the Ah-1's or anything.

The score system currently promotes rambo'ism since it doesnt take RATIO into acount (kills/deaths).

The most boring yet needed thing to keep the game going is repairing, refueling and retrieving damaged vehicles, while someone does this everyone else is racing for kills, dumping vehicles or vehicle whoring.

I'd like to see a more hardcore version of this mission too wink_o.gif .

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why dont add some teamplay points (if players of a groupe are allways togeter for a long time for exemple)

why dont make an repair and refuel helicopter (a chinook will be great smile_o.gif )

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There are many realism units that are currently available for arma as well as some good clans. They are growing in number every day, and it might well be what your looking for as far as playing with people who take the game more serious, and use a more tactical style of play. Its definitely helped out in the fun factor for me. When I play this map alone in a pub server, I get bored pretty quickly. (~1-2 hours) If I play with my realism unit I can easily go for 6-7 hours or longer if nothing stops me. Might be worth looking into. I'm pretty sure that this forum has a section for realism units and other clans to investigate.

WO-1 Haines

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@Heatseeker: come to the 6thsense.eu servers, it's being played there a lot and with a strong coop teamwork all the time.


Any plans for porting this onto the sahrani light/desert island?

It's surely a smaller scale with only half of the usual cities, but it might run very well on a desert island. Pllllzzz! smile_o.gif

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For all those that like to team up why dont we get a server and all pick and date and time to jump onto the server and have a blast like an Official Evolution Game Night, or something? just an idea.

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We regularly do our class restricted edition every friday night through saturday morning.

Would there be a way to add an admin command to bring vehicles back to base? That keeps the kiddies from snatch-and-grab runs that ruin the play for others.

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-Nobody teams up.

Regarding joining groups, there are 2 things which may help this issue:

1) Provide the Team Status Dialog to all players in their Action menu (including non-leaders) and allow them to join squads from any location at any time, rather than just the Transfer building.

It's not like this feature can be or is likely to be abused, because it does not provide any special advantages (like spawning on leader, etc).

2) Preallocate groups with about 4-6 players in each group at the player joining screen. Not sure if that's possible with this mission. If players don't like their starting group, they can simply leave and form a new one.

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Had an idea regarding grouping, what if the score for taking a city applied to everyone that had a person from their group inside the city limits when it is captured? Or maybe if a certain percentage of their group is in the city the whole group gets the points.

I am a ferry pilot almost always in games, and it sucks to not get the points for the city capturing because I am running med runs for the rest of the group.

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hmm after reading that about ramboism and k/d ratio ...

what IF "command" points become based on Score:Death result ?

like You score 100 but die 5 times ... so final score is 20 smile_o.gif

this gunna reward these who actually trying to stay alive from obj to obj instead of just run, gun, kill some, die, spawn, run .... loop

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3 point lose by Death (not team Kill) wheel be good

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Evo is running on lots of pubs but newbies make it a waste of time and effort most of the time.

-Nobody teams up.

-Rushers dump and destroy vehicles everywhere.

-Repairing vehicles can take alot of time and nobody bothers to.

I would highly recommend two places. I am an admin and 2 year volunteer and member of the Tactical Gamer community (www.tacticalgamer.com). When I started playing BF2 with them two years ago it completely changed the way I played all of my of my multi-player games. TG was originally founded by players of Ghost Recon and OFP and has always focused on effective teamplay. For ArmA, TG typically has 2 servers running a "Public" server that is passworded (password is available in the forums and a "Private" server that is available for our supporting members. We have tried to run a fully open server in the past, but with the lack of admin tools the best compromise is the open password.

Another community I recommend is Shack Tactical. They take what I would consider a more "strict" approach to teamplay than TG, but both provide the best multi-player experience IHMO.

Either way, give us a try and I think you will be happy. Be sure to introduce yourself on TS (TS is required) or on the forums and let the players know you are new to TG.

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You can lead a player to battle but you cant make him think.

Best bet is to choose your server and choose your squad to suit your gamestyle.

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@ May 04 2007,09:49)]You can lead a player to battle but you cant make him think.

Best bet is to choose your server and choose your squad to suit your gamestyle.

Very true statement!

Shame not many think about it like that.

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*IF* You love evolution, but are tired of the "general public" kiddies, and want to play with some mature players, private message me for server name and pass to our dedi server.

Our server is a dedicated 1.05 (currently) and has been running for 3+ months now. It's private, and passworded to keep the general public (idiots) out. We run evolution in persistant mode (meaning when nobody's on, mission is still going till server crashes or it's completed or we somehow reset it).

If you want it, private message me for server name/ip and pass.

However - If you don't meet these criteria, don't Private Message me:

1. You play as a true team member, we all attack the same city/objective together, we assist one another, and while it's natural to be competative for points, once you get 20-30 over others, you start helping out more than before, and always let the "little guy" blow up the secondary objectives. We don't REQUIRE you to be overly co-op crazy and militaristic, but we do play co-op as COOPERATIVELY. We help one another, we're very opened minded, and we share the workload (getting the trucks, repairing, etc).

When we're done with a city, NOBODY goes on to attack the next city until we have everything repaired, back at airport (or whereever the stash is), and we're all ready to move on. This is co-op, not adventure island.

2. You know how to command AI and know how to help clean up vehicles (repair, refuel) after we take cities and help put stuff BACK at airport or at our next "rally point" to take next city.

3. If you make colonel or some very high rank, and a "regular" that plays on our server shows up with little to no points, you allow him to be your gunner and make some rank so he's useful to help you, and in turn you both have fun.

4. You don't "hog" vehicles. If you make a rank first, you don't use up all the vehicles of a type leaving them out for repair. Instead, you take ONE, use it (and/or others), repair them, and keep going. If you wreck a lot of vehicles in a city, after we complete the city, you're expected to be one of the busier guys helping out repairing all the stuff.. ie, true team player.

5. You use teamspeak, having a working headset/mic and you speak fluent English (no offense to those that don't, but communication is obviously necessary).

6. You play generally in the USA (CST) evenings (which is when most of us play).

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Just a quick word on secondary objectives in the next version. At the time of writing each city now has 2 secondaries. one is blow up a radio tower. The radio tower is now randomly placed heavily guarded and hard to shoot with rpg. the second secondary is capture an enemy officer, he is randomly placed and to capture him you have to eliminate his guards. At that point he will join you to be led to pow camp where you will get 20 points. once a city is captured any remaining infantry drop there weapons and can also be captured and lead to pow camp for 10 points each. Maybe intelligence will be gained from captives leading to server wide sub objectives. I'm thinking of rewarding anyone in the same group as the person who detonates the radio tower so long as they are in close proximity, and like wise for delivering pows.

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Nice. What if we pop off the officer? Can that have a bonus also?

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Consider upping the rank point system, or adding General, etc. Make rank a tad slower by upping point values/requirements.

You're adding a lot of new points (not that it's bad), and fixing some of the "fairness" by doing proximity point giving (IE, allowing others to get secondary points for being there too), which is GOOD, but it's getting us to colonel faster...

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agree with more ranks , spread vehicles, helis, weapons over them ...

in future add tactical features like UAV / Spy Sat (use modded keg script) for highest ranks ...

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Kiljoy, there is an exploit where people can use ai to pilot/drive vehicles that are at a higher level than they should be able to drive/pilot.

Today we have seen a guy at rank LT get an ai, into a AH1 and make the ai fly off with it. After kicking and banning the individual from the SES server (for cheating cause at the end of the day this is what it is), we managed to reproduce this ourselves.

I dont know how easy it would be to fix this, but it makes the point of the mission obselete and I think possibly maybe the only way of fixing this is to remove the ai recruitment altogether.

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Is it possible he had a COL friend and he was in the same group as the COL and the COL's ai. Then the COL left and left the LT the "high ranking" ai?

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I'm working on a UAV for a SWAF mission. I might release it or allow KilJoy to add it to this project.

Also it would be cool if our Anti-Cheat Framework could be added to Evolution.

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Is it possible he had a COL friend and he was in the same group as the COL and the COL's ai. Then the COL left and left the LT the "high ranking" ai?

No because noone was at the time a high enough rank to use ah1s, thats why it stood out when the ah1 started flying around with him in as gunner.

Like I said we reproduced it on the server after kicking him to make sure it wasnt something on his side rather than a problem with the mission. Any Vehicle could be used, m1a1, ah1s, ah-6. I had 28 points and my ai could use mh-6s.

Ive seen this once before, the server had only been running 5min and a guy was in AH1. btw it was v1.05a

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