satexas69 0 Posted May 1, 2007 I must say that I dislike the idea of taking one town at a time in the extreme. Â As it is now, you clear the way so you have room to move around. Â If the island was a vast wasteland it would make even less sense than soldiers not behaving in "an orderly fashion" as some poster above insists. Â I think what you are doing right now is fine- well, better than fine. Â Your mission is great. Â Streaming it down to a series of towns where you're forced to do one thing after another would really upset the experience. Exactly what room do you need? If he has you "clear the towns" in a certain order: 1. Paraiso (one by the airport) 2. The one below Paraiso (also near airport) Then at that point, why would you need to be anywhere else? Then.. 3. Corazel (the bridge city, where there's a huge place to have your armor cache, including repair trucks and such exist there. ... then what's the problem with him having you work orgego and down thru the south, then back up to the bridge city to work your way on the north part of the map? Seriously, why are you inconvienced on not having the ability to have stuff in the extreme city like PITA when your doing say, Corazel? Can you give me a reasonable example, or are you more just reacting to the thought of it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-Puma- 2 Posted May 1, 2007 )rStrangelove @ May 01 2007,00:45)]I really like the idea of 'forcing' ppl to clear just ONE city at a time. You should def do that, hopefully for the next update. The 'vehicle retrieval' part is something that let to some really interesting 'side-missions' on the 6th sense servers lately, we had large groups of players going after valuable things like crashed choppers or stranded armored vehicles. Usually you need a repair truck, a fuel truck and a AAir vehicle for an effective 'retrieval convoy' and the journey lead us deep into enemy territory. Really cool experience and it wasn't forced or planned, it just happened because those choppers were needed. There were discussions about what could've happened if those crashed UH60 FFAR would've exploded and therefore lost forever. How about offering a special mission in the mission HQ building to get a new one? Maybe just some 'fly UH60 through enemy lines back home' or soemthing more complicated like 'seize remote airfield and retrieve stolen UH60 chopper'. Would be cool if ppl need to work to get vehicles back that were wrecked during the battle. Another thing (dunno if it was mentioned yet): I made several attack runs in an AH6, but the landing pad in the western part of the airbase stoppped rearming me after some time. Can you enhance that time period, or better - have that landing pad offering unlimited supplies? addition to this could be seize airport mission, or seize armor base. When completed succesfuly, u could get all the OPFOR armor, and/or air assets, if u of course manage not to destroy em.. this misssion should be hard, with lots of enemy, so that 1 man with 4 AI couldn do it. these bases could then become FARPS, but with armor and/or air assets, and would give a nice foothold in north sahrani. Of course these bases could be recaptured by Ai so defence, must be set. These bases should give a nice aid to actually finish the mission Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FunkDooBiesT 0 Posted May 1, 2007 Howdy All, Could we please Seperate the sugestions from the bug reports or summin, I'd like to help Kiljoy identify bugs in the mission releases. Now this is hard to do as people are mostlikely distracting Kiljoy from what he's busy fixing, Please start another thread for the suggestions and keep this one for Bug reports. or just start two new ones. @kiljoy, As we've got no server admin at this point we are still on V1.4e, and we almost finished the mission with only two city's left. however a restart was voted. The only thing I could identify as a big bug with a cripiling effect is to retrieve Aircraft Planes not choppers. They just don't have the movements nessesary to get them out safely or aligned to drive em out. really need to add some kind of crane or towing devices. I'd say one air and one land to retrieve the craft so that it could be repaired at base. These retrieving units must please only be able to lift and transport the damaged craft not repair it. I say this cuz if they could repair, arm and fuel then you'll be running after them like crazy when all you really need is to retrieve the damaged craft and return it to base. If they are damaged or left on the field then they should not Respawn at base other wise they will be used carelessly also the normal repairing means would be enouph to get them back to base if they are crashed, destroyed or left on the field. And yes I do realize that i'm making a suggestion in a thread that should be for bug reports, how ever this is one vital part that seems to be lacking, therefor I recon it's a bug Also if you don't mind having the suggestions with the bug's then just keep this one open and going. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KilJoy -SFG- 0 Posted May 1, 2007 I appreciate all your feedback. I prefer if it all just stays in the one thread cause i dont want to have to flick around the fourms. Or spam the fourm with new threads. At the moment Im playing a fair bit to. As 1.5a is nice and stable it gives me a bit of time to gather up all the bugs I have a list of 20 now. I also want to see what difference arma 1.06 makes before I fix bugs that might fix themselves. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Taxidriver 0 Posted May 1, 2007 )rStrangelove @ April 30 2007,16:41)]Yeah, i got the same problem exactly.After the loading screen i'm supposed to see the green 'sending data' screen, but instead nothing happens exept i'm teleported underwater(in the background). Those infamous 'didn't receive a message in x seconds' pop up, my router gets pinged massively from the internet and i get kicked out (maybe some DDos feature built in to safe me, dunno). Switching router/PC on and off DOES NOT help at all, i had the same problem 10 times in a row. I had some good results lately with the following: - return to the MP screen by pressing ESC - keep clicking 'refresh' to get info from MP servers (your router will be reconnected after some minutes) - connect to the same server directly from the server screen - wait & cross fingers Helped for me, but i dunno if it was a random result or not... The mission is my fav drug atm, i can't get away from it - nice work indeed. Thanks for the suggestion I'll try it. @ April 30 2007,19:31)]@])rStrangelove & Taxidriver I have no idea how I could terminate your net connection through using a script command. Have you made a post about this in the support fourm? If not please do. Well not completely sure if Evolution itself terminates my connection. I'm under impression it somehow triggers ArmA to do so. Anyways I'll see if it still happens with the next patch and if so I'll make a post in the support forums. Thanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shiner 0 Posted May 1, 2007 I know this data storage tool was mentioned before, but has anyone attempted to use it to simply write the packed scores to a file? Ideally there would be a script that every interval (say 15 minutes) that wrote the packed scores to a file. Then all you would need on a mission start is have a script that looked for the file and if found loaded the "saved" scores. Bingo, you have persistence beyond mission completion, resets, restarts and server crashes. In our servers case we have some people that will play 9 hours a day and always be in a cobra, and others that play less than an hour a day and never get to fly. Having a solution like this would allow the casual players to achieve ranks. I would imagine we would put a cron job in-place to delete the file contents at a set interval (perhaps weekly). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lynce 0 Posted May 1, 2007 I am going to post a few sugestions since i like this mission very much. It remindes me ww2ol sometimes, so PLEASE keep the freedom because thats why it is so popular. -the missions should be replaced by adding a few extras to main goal. Lets say half the enemy troops in one city is wasted, they call reinforcements and a truck/apc/tank convoy (which is now a mission type) starts rolling towards that city to reinforce it. Already more or less expecting this a few players move to intercept the convoy and assure their mates dont get extra trouble. Lets say our tanks are having problems with enemy air. An SF group goes to enemy airfield to destroy helis/AC. This should decrease the number of air patrols and make roads safer for our own convoys/supply trucks/etc. -i think it would be interesting if we had to capture the airfield where our base currently is. Then start the war from there. Boats arent used much and in the beginning we could have loads of ppl disembarking on the shore to take the AF and increasing the fun by adding a late night/dawn all inf mission. Not sure if possible though. -Everyone that plays this mission has addons in mind. Well almost everyone. The only way for them to be there is is u put them there. Some dont want them, i understand but playing the same hummers/MH-6 gets old. There should be a way to let server owners specify and run this missions with diferent units/weapons. The Harrier and the Su should be replaced apaches and hinds. Im sure a lot of ppl would like to have this units to play with instead of the jets. They are easier to retrieve as well. -someone put up a picture of the franzisca tank transport. It would be awsome to transport damaged vehicles to farps or reinforce the attack with fresh M1s. Think about it. -when u can make opfor/independent mission too Overall very good job m8. Thx Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
klaushonold 0 Posted May 2, 2007 can you make this map for singleplayer?? is this possible? i want save the game because to big map to play it alone in 1 day i want play this map alone when i have no internetconnect Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Torval 0 Posted May 2, 2007 dude, just go to multiplayer and create a LAN game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
murkz 0 Posted May 2, 2007 I know this data storage tool was mentioned before, but has anyone attempted to use it to simply write the packed scores to a file? Ideally there would be a script that every interval (say 15 minutes) that wrote the packed scores to a file. Then all you would need on a mission start is have a script that looked for the file and if found loaded the "saved" scores. Bingo, you have persistence beyond mission completion, resets, restarts and server crashes. In our servers case we have some people that will play 9 hours a day and always be in a cobra, and others that play less than an hour a day and never get to fly. Having a solution like this would allow the casual players to achieve ranks. I would imagine we would put a cron job in-place to delete the file contents at a set interval (perhaps weekly). This sounds like a great idea. Does that also mean if I play off line it would save my progress Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Control 0 Posted May 2, 2007 Yesterday was an amazing day but with a bitter ending. My server was running 1.5a for about 5 hours, only Eponia, Masbete and Pita was left to take..... great game! But then my client-PC CTD and the server about 1 second later. I'll find the relevant files/info and will post them tonight. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stobbsy 0 Posted May 2, 2007 I am going to post a few sugestions since i like this mission very much. It remindes me ww2ol sometimes, so PLEASE keep the freedom because thats why it is so popular.-the missions should be replaced by adding a few extras to main goal. Lets say half the enemy troops in one city is wasted, they call reinforcements and a truck/apc/tank convoy (which is now a mission type) starts rolling towards that city to reinforce it. Already more or less expecting this a few players move to intercept the convoy and assure their mates dont get extra trouble. Lets say our tanks are having problems with enemy air. An SF group goes to enemy airfield to destroy helis/AC. This should decrease the number of air patrols and make roads safer for our own convoys/supply trucks/etc. -i think it would be interesting if we had to capture the airfield where our base currently is. Then start the war from there. Boats arent used much and in the beginning we could have loads of ppl disembarking on the shore to take the AF and increasing the fun by adding a late night/dawn all inf mission. Not sure if possible though. -Everyone that plays this mission has addons in mind. Well almost everyone. The only way for them to be there is is u put them there. Some dont want them, i understand but playing the same hummers/MH-6 gets old. There should be a way to let server owners specify and run this missions with diferent units/weapons. The Harrier and the Su should be replaced apaches and hinds. Im sure a lot of ppl would like to have this units to play with instead of the jets. They are easier to retrieve as well. -someone put up a picture of the franzisca tank transport. It would be awsome to transport damaged vehicles to farps or reinforce the attack with fresh M1s. Think about it. -when u can make opfor/independent mission too Overall very good job m8. Thx - Some people rather do the side missions instead of clearing the towns. This is what makes Evolution so great and different that it is so open and people can do what they want. - The trouble with dedicated servers and addons is that people cant just connect to a server (in the ingame screen) and play. They have to download addons and then play. The trouble with this is that every time someone tries to connect and disconnects its takes server resources up. Also people have to spend time looking around for addons needed instead of just playing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PaveQ 0 Posted May 2, 2007 @ April 30 2007,22:57)]groups would be deleted back to one unit, but it causes client crashes if you delete enemy men type units in any number. Some sort of arma bug. Maybe this helps: 1.07 - Fixed MP crash sometimes happened after deleteVehicle on some person Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Control 0 Posted May 2, 2007 Klientside .rpt: Client: Object 33:0 (type AIStatsMPRowUpdate) not found. Client: Object 112:0 (type AIStatsMPRowUpdate) not found. Client: Object 97:0 (type AIStatsMPRowUpdate) not found. Client: Object 4:0 (type AIStatsMPRowUpdate) not found. Client: Object 63:0 (type AIStatsMPRowUpdate) not found. Client: Object 14:0 (type AIStatsMPRowUpdate) not found. Client: Object 31:0 (type AIStatsMPRowUpdate) not found. Client: Object 32:0 (type AIStatsMPRowUpdate) not found. Client: Object 42:0 (type AIStatsMPRowUpdate) not found. Client: Object 41:0 (type AIStatsMPRowUpdate) not found. Client: Object 43:0 (type AIStatsMPRowUpdate) not found. Client: Object 47:0 (type AIStatsMPRowUpdate) not found. Client: Object 82:0 (type AIStatsMPRowUpdate) not found. Client: Object 65:0 (type AIStatsMPRowUpdate) not found. Client: Object 67:0 (type AIStatsMPRowUpdate) not found. Client: Object 66:0 (type AIStatsMPRowUpdate) not found. Client: Object 85:0 (type AIStatsMPRowUpdate) not found. Client: Object 96:0 (type AIStatsMPRowUpdate) not found. Client: Object 87:0 (type AIStatsMPRowUpdate) not found. Client: Object 109:0 (type AIStatsMPRowUpdate) not found. Unit WEST 1-3-I:4 (0x1bb06404) - network ID 2:27060 - no person ======================================================= Date: 05/01/07  Time: 22:18:04 ------------------------------------------------------- Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 005809D6 graphics:  D3D9, Device: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTX, Driver:nv4_disp.dll resolution:  1920x1200x32 Addons:  Desert in Ca\Desert\, CAIntroAnims in ca\introanims\, CASounds in ca\sounds\  CAweapons3_m107 in ca\weapons3\m107\  CAweapons3_m16a4_acg in ca\weapons3\m16a4_acg\, CAWheeled in CA\wheeled\  CARoads in CA\roads\, CAWheeled3_TT650 in ca\wheeled3\tt650\, CAAir in ca\air\  CA_Anims in ca\anims\, CAAnimals in CA\animals\, DesertNG in desertng\  saraNG in sarang\, CAUI in ca\ui\, CAWeapons in ca\weapons\  CAweapons3_m16a4 in ca\weapons3\m16a4\  CAWeapons3_ammocrates in ca\weapons3\ammocrates\, CAAir3_Su34 in ca\air3\su34\  CACharacters in ca\characters\, CASigns in CA\signs\, CAFonts in ca\uifonts\  CAweapons3_m16a4_gl in ca\weapons3\m16a4_gl\, CAWeapons3 in ca\weapons3\  CAWheeled3_M1030 in ca\wheeled3\m1030\, CAAir3 in ca\air3\, CAMisc in ca\misc\  CAPlants in ca\plants\, CAVoice in ca\voice\, FDF_Sounds in fdf_sounds_c\  CAData in ca\, CALanguage in ca\language\, CAWater in ca\water\  CAweapons3_aks74pso in ca\weapons3\aks74pso\  CA_Anims_Char in ca\anims\characters\, CATracked in ca\tracked\  CAweapons3_ksvk in ca\weapons3\ksvk\, Sara in ca\sara\, CAWheeled3 in ca\wheeled3\  CABuildings in CA\buildings\, CARocks in Ca\Rocks\  CAweapons3_m16a4_acg_gl in ca\weapons3\m16a4_acg_gl\ Mods: CA;@FDF_Sounds Distribution: 1290 Version 1.05.5136 Fault address:  005809D6 01:0017F9D6 C:\Program\BohemiaInteractive\ArmA\arma.Locked file:   EvolutionV1.5a (__CUR_MP) world:   Sara Prev. code bytes: 5E C3 8B 06 8B CE 5E FF A0 0C 04 00 00 56 8B F1 Fault code bytes: 8B 06 FF 90 0C 04 00 00 84 C0 75 04 FE C0 5E C3 Registers: EAX:00000000 EBX:00000001 ECX:00000000 EDX:0094840C ESI:00000000 EDI:1BB06404 CS:EIP:001B:005809D6 SS:ESP:0023:01277B0C  EBP:01277B2C DS:0023  ES:0023  FS:003B  GS:0000 Flags:00010246 ======================================================= note: Minidump has been generated into the file C:\Documents and Settings\Control\Lokala inställningar\Application Data\ArmA\arma.mdmp Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Control 0 Posted May 2, 2007 Serverside .rpt: *** Remote: Identity Lortsu2 transferred from 75:14 to 75:32 Client: Object 3:314 (type UpdateMan) not found. Server: Object 75:33 not found (message UpdateDamageObject) Client: Object 3:314 (type UpdatePositionMan) not found. Client: Object 3:314 (type UpdatePositionMan) not found. Client: Object 3:314 (type UpdatePositionMan) not found. Client: Object 3:314 (type UpdateMan) not found. Client: Object 3:314 (type UpdatePositionMan) not found. Client: Object 3:314 (type UpdatePositionMan) not found. Client: Object 3:314 (type UpdateMan) not found. Client: Object 3:314 (type UpdatePositionMan) not found. Client: Object 3:314 (type UpdatePositionMan) not found. Client: Object 3:314 (type UpdatePositionMan) not found. Client: Object 3:314 (type UpdateMan) not found. Client: Object 3:314 (type UpdatePositionMan) not found. Client: Object 3:314 (type UpdatePositionMan) not found. Client: Object 3:314 (type UpdateMan) not found. Client: Object 3:314 (type UpdatePositionMan) not found. Client: Object 3:314 (type UpdatePositionMan) not found. Client: Object 3:314 (type UpdateMan) not found. Client: Object 3:314 (type UpdatePositionMan) not found. Client: Object 3:314 (type UpdatePositionMan) not found. Client: Object 3:314 (type UpdatePositionMan) not found. Client: Object 3:314 (type UpdateMan) not found. Client: Object 3:314 (type UpdatePositionMan) not found. NAT Negotiation completed Client: Object 3:314 (type UpdatePositionMan) not found. Client: Object 3:314 (type UpdateMan) not found. Client: Object 3:314 (type UpdatePositionMan) not found. ======================================================= Date: 05/01/07  Time: 22:20:53 ------------------------------------------------------- Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 0054F865 Version 1.05.5136 Fault address:  0054F865 01:0014E865 C:\Program\BohemiaInteractive\ArmA\ArmA_Server.exe file:   EvolutionV1.5a (__cur_mp) world:   Sara Prev. code bytes: 53 FF 92 68 01 00 00 5F 5E 5B C2 0C 00 56 8B F1 Fault code bytes: 8B 06 FF 90 0C 04 00 00 84 C0 75 04 FE C0 5E C3 Registers: EAX:00000000 EBX:00000001 ECX:00000000 EDX:00863F0C ESI:00000000 EDI:23495404 CS:EIP:001B:0054F865 SS:ESP:0023:01A8F370  EBP:01A8F390 DS:0023  ES:0023  FS:003B  GS:0000 Flags:00010246 ======================================================= note: Minidump has been generated into the file C:\Documents and Settings\Control\Lokala inställningar\Application Data\ArmA\ArmA_Server.mdmp Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KilJoy -SFG- 0 Posted May 2, 2007 1.07 - Fixed MP crash sometimes happened after deleteVehicle on some person This will make a big difference. Thanks Devs. Thanks for posting the log Control. looks like its our old friend calling deleteVehicle on a person again. While in 1.5a many of the deleting routines are gone but some remain so that explains it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sv5000 127 Posted May 2, 2007 Thank you kiljoy. I took the plunge yesterday and tried ArmA online for the first time. I never played ofp or VBS1 online before, so this was a bit of a stab in the dark. Your map was what i got hooked on for about the next 7 hours or so. I had a ball and can see no reason why i will go back to bf2 (except for clan stuff) Many thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nutty_101 0 Posted May 2, 2007 I know this data storage tool was mentioned before, but has anyone attempted to use it to simply write the packed scores to a file? Ideally there would be a script that every interval (say 15 minutes) that wrote the packed scores to a file. Then all you would need on a mission start is have a script that looked for the file and if found loaded the "saved" scores. Bingo, you have persistence beyond mission completion, resets, restarts and server crashes. In our servers case we have some people that will play 9 hours a day and always be in a cobra, and others that play less than an hour a day and never get to fly. Having a solution like this would allow the casual players to achieve ranks. I would imagine we would put a cron job in-place to delete the file contents at a set interval (perhaps weekly). The only down side to this tool is that for this to work the server will need to have this program running. Though it would be very simple to make it save the information and re-load when the map is loaded. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KilJoy -SFG- 0 Posted May 3, 2007 @sv5000 Thanks, it's always a pleasure to hear someone enjoyed themselves playing evolution. @Nutty_101 I tryed to download it but the download link seems to be dead. To all good progress is being made on the next version. watch this space. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nutty_101 0 Posted May 3, 2007 @ May 03 2007,03:23)]@sv5000 Thanks, it's always a pleasure to hear someone enjoyed themselves playing evolution. @Nutty_101 I tryed to download it but the download link seems to be dead. To all good progress is being made on the next version. watch this space. Yeah, i moved some websites around. It works now. let me know if you need any help or what not. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trash Can Man 1 Posted May 3, 2007 so, there's a version 1.07?? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heatseeker 0 Posted May 3, 2007 Evo is running on lots of pubs but newbies make it a waste of time and effort most of the time. -Nobody teams up. -Rushers dump and destroy vehicles everywhere. -Repairing vehicles can take alot of time and nobody bothers to. Its not even hard to recruit two bots, put them in refuel and repair trucks and send them to fix the wrecks. Support vehicles end up being used for personal transport too, dumped and forgoten somewhere so the mission gets stuck. Newcomers see that there are no vehicles left and vote a restart, its a never ending loop. Anywhere this is being played seriously please let me know, Evo is an amazing editing achievement but i'd like to make the time spent playing more worth it. Seen and met a few good teamplayers but very few.. still had good times with this mission, thanks alot for all your hard work . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zyklone 1 Posted May 3, 2007 @ May 03 2007,03:23)]@sv5000 Thanks, it's always a pleasure to hear someone enjoyed themselves playing evolution. I think many enjoy it. Very good work. Evolution now claims three spots on the missions played top 10 list. Players have spent a total of 98637 hours playing Evolution so far. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
froggyluv 2136 Posted May 3, 2007 Evo is running on lots of pubs but newbies make it a waste of time and effort most of the time. -Nobody teams up. -Rushers dump and destroy vehicles everywhere. -Repairing vehicles can take alot of time and nobody bothers to. Its not even hard to recruit two bots, put them in refuel and repair trucks and send them to fix the wrecks. Support vehicles end up being used for personal transport too, dumped and forgoten somewhere so the mission gets stuck. Newcomers see that there are no vehicles left and vote a restart, its a never ending loop. Anywhere this is being played seriously please let me know, Evo is an amazing editing achievement but i'd like to make the time spent playing more worth it. Seen and met a few good teamplayers but very few.. still had good times with this mission, thanks alot for all your hard work . Yesterday I played on the 1-8th server (?) with a guy who was above and beyond hardcore serious. He was already a Colonel and me a lowly Seargent and the map was down to 3 cities left when I joined. We spent a couple of hours plotting and recon-ing routes before we moved using AI as transport help , and i only had 2 instances of combat. At first i thought he was nuts and everyone who came in the server quickly left but i soon became highly immersed in this tactical sort of play which made survival more prized and deepened immersion. I would love to see DAC-like roving enemies on this map to deepen the danger. Great fun Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gonza 8 Posted May 3, 2007 hello could you add something to improuve the teamplay for exemple: -put a marker (arrow) Â on the map on the leader and members of the group -add a hintbox every 5 mn for exemple to show to players who are in there group -... and let the choice to player to enable this option in the mission start (param1) you can see this option in my mission sector control sc30village114pvp.Sara.pbo thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites