Fu-ion 0 Posted June 1, 2007 True, a respawn tent wherever you like is not a great idea. However, since I see a lot of people leaving up once the southern towns are done it might be an idea to allow spawning at the harbour in Corazol, only when the south is clear. There's nothing worse for me than joining a game with no helis remaining and the thought of driving to Pita etc in the north. ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mant3z 1 Posted June 1, 2007 ...hmm I've got good idea:What about a team leader who can create a tent where his team can spawn but only with pistol :P I think more special tasks in each city give us more fun. I can see this being Exploited Easily. Â You'll never need an Extraction or Insertion. Â This seems to sound good in Theory only. Â There must be som way to compel people to play in squads. I dont know... maybe extra point's... or maybe if you are not in squad you always loose 10 points when you die. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stobbsy 0 Posted June 1, 2007 I keep seeing different versions of the great playing Addon, but where does one get the newer versions? We are playing version A, and I was just ona server with version J, and the play was so different. Anyone have a link for these versions? By The Way Kiljoy. This addon is one of the best ever. Myself and my community play it non-stop. Keep up the good work. Version 1.5A is the latest official release from Kiljoy and is the latest version available to download. Version 1.5J is a Test Version that is being Hosted by the SuicideSquad server at the request of Kiljoy for testing purposes, so he can see how changes to the mission he has made has improved or made worse the overall playability and experience of Evolution. Anything later than 1.5a may have bugs or problems with the map that may effect the overall playing experience of players and thus have not been available to download as he is "experimenting" Version 1.5j (now 1.5k) is just the latest version of these "experiments" and requires version 1.07 beta of Armed Assault, and this may be another reason why Kiljoy has not generally released these versions as 1.05 wont work with it as it includes the A10 Tankbuster plane. Another Reason may be because people keep ripping off and modding his mission. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JAMF 0 Posted June 1, 2007 Quick question: The right doorgunner in the UH-60 MG not receiving it´s "score/kills", is that a bug in the mission, or in Armed Assault? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rowdied 44 Posted June 1, 2007 The easiest way I found to "compel people to play as a squad" was to introduce revive/respawn scripts. If someone dies they need another mate to come and revive them, which eliminates the lone gunman or rambo type players and forces everyone to stick together in order to survive and continue playing. It's not perfect but in my experiences it does make everyone more cautions and less likely to go rambo, less the wait 5, 10 mins for someone to come revive them. Just my 2 cents. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stobbsy 0 Posted June 1, 2007 Some additional ideas that could be implemented Kiljoy. 1. Repair/Rearm/Refuel Gunboats if they stop and return to harbour, Reason is there is nothing like taking a badly damaged boat on a water patrol mission and boat exploding after a couple of shots. As the boats have no Armour bar, people are unaware how damaged a boat is if they take it out. 2. As you have now implemented Deployable Medic tents, how about being able to Deploy Garage buildings (by a new class such as engineers) that vehicles can be rearmed, Refueled and repaired at. Maybe give points to engineers also if stuff is repaired there. Might be a way of doing away with non respawing vehicles in need of repair/fuel littering the map if a guy can deploy a garage at a vehicle and repair/refuel in 1 go and if he gets points. Even if its 1 or 2 points only a repaired vehicle. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mr-Murray 0 Posted June 1, 2007 Hey KilJoy [sFG] Big respect to this great mission. We always have a lot of fun with it! Regards, Mr-Murray Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
l mandrake 9 Posted June 1, 2007 How about a having a single Battlefield Command Vehicle (BCV) per game which can be moved around the map by road (obviously needs rank of Colonel to drive it). This BCV is the only moveable spawn point, and if it is destroyed everyone must spawn back at airfield. The BCV has a limited inventory and basically only spawns M16A1 soldiers and unarmed Hummvees, so if you want heavy vehicles or specialist weapons you still have to respawn at AIRF. This way players would slowly be able to respawn closer to the action, but the team would have be very sure an area was clean before moving the BCV into it. Protecting the BCVfrom roving Kamov's would be a real challenge! Just a thought Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
colligpip 0 Posted June 1, 2007 KilJoy it's a very good changelog, I like it very much What's the release date? @colligpip Rank system is very good cure against noobs, who waste equipment and make big mess on the map. ok well could there be perhaps an overall commander that you have to ask if you can fly perhaps the person with the most points, then if you start mucking up you get demoted to a grunt. INfact wouldnt this be a good system so you can ask to be a tanker piolot etc , somebody with authority lets you and keeps an eye out for noobs. Its just annoying to not be able to jump in and fly i dont always have enough time to work my way up. Basically i dont always have the patience to do the grunt work but love flying. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
M.Andersson(SWE) 4 Posted June 1, 2007 @colligpip The "work your way up" is in my thinking the only way. But when you are doing that i find myself in a hardspot. When i get to SGT i need a chopper to do my sidemissions. BUT as soon as a player hears a chooper taking off they start to run at it like crazy...If you take off before they get to it they start shooting at you and if you dont land they gun you down... Happend to me last night. The BF2 Rambos who play arma and evol are getting verry anoying.. Stealing hummers right in front of you, i place a hummer close to the stash starts to fill it up for my mission and puff, off it goes.. There shuld be an eticet and code of honor rule for this mission... Stupid kids  I alway start by telling them nicely "Dont take hummer" It usually doesent help...Then i start yelling at em, doesent help. I almost get to a point were i would verry much like to put a bullet in their forehead. But i dont. Couse i really like this mission and would like to keep playing it.. So to all you BF2 and BF2142 Hopping KidRambos.. I say "Stay the fuck off arma and go back to BF" There I made my peace... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
granQ 293 Posted June 2, 2007 well, you shouldn't take a mh6 to do YOUR side missions. Totaly understand if people steal stuff from you. Its not about joining a server and doing your sidemissions, you join a squad and together you do sidemissions.. thats how it works. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fardwark 0 Posted June 2, 2007 So let me get this straight Fk Andersson, you want to be a rambo and you get pissed off at all the other rambos that get in your way? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
M.Andersson(SWE) 4 Posted June 2, 2007 Sure, mock all the way... I knew this was coming, but seriously..It gets in the right eye and out the left And G.Q...We´ve had this dissc earlier, i dont take MH6, i get one back. The ones the other players neglect to repair and take back. So in all.. I say sod the crashed vehics and mind my own buissiness. And i do get in groups and do missions, but when they are bored to death by going several miles to missionsite and leave the group, well dont bother then. And i DO NOT join a server just for missions.. I do it for the fun.. I only start sidemissions if i find the other players beeing Rambos and going shooting stuff in base or shouting take me there, no there. It gets a bit anoying. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
colligpip 0 Posted June 2, 2007 @colligpipThe "work your way up" is in my thinking the only way. But when you are doing that i find myself in a hardspot. When i get to SGT i need a chopper to do my sidemissions. BUT as soon as a player hears a chooper taking off they start to run at it like crazy...If you take off before they get to it they start shooting at you and if you dont land they gun you down... Happend to me last night. The BF2 Rambos who play arma and evol are getting verry anoying.. Stealing hummers right in front of you, i place a hummer close to the stash starts to fill it up for my mission and puff, off it goes.. which is exactly why i think ther should be some sort of commander - the person with the most points - who could repremand the worst players put them in prison etc, or promote polite players who ask nicely if they can fly etc. Basically somebody who can bring order to the chaos. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PitViper 0 Posted June 2, 2007 Perhaps there could be a "multiplier" effect for rank points for something as simple as the number of teammates within certain radii for kills. Think concentric circles. for example: the new rank scoring system could be something to the effect: factor of 1.5 x ( number of teammates within 30m) x kill points + factor of 1.25 x (number of teammates within 100m) x kill points + (solo kill) kill points This would cause tighter knit teams to rank up quicker. (naturally, those factors and distances would have to be playtested) Then, the promotion system could be adjusted so that a person relying on solo kills only would have to work much longer to get promoted. perhaps the mission could track the first two columns and if the player ALWAYS scored a zero in them, the mission could harass them occasionally with messages like "Hey Rambo, why don't you go find your teammates for a change!" Only problem I see is that the mission would have to maintain a fairly large matrix of all the players relative distances. That could be alot of overhead. There could be a less precise shortcut or 'quick and dirty' method to cut out the overhead though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-=KnIfE=- 0 Posted June 2, 2007 I like the sounds of that suggestion Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
M.Andersson(SWE) 4 Posted June 2, 2007 Or why not just put some pint for time in group. Like 10p for every 30min in the same group. Or 10p+ for every sidemission done with more the one in the group..Or something.. Maby even double the killscore like the post above says. But make it: 2groupmemebers= 2 x killscore 3Gr.M= 3 x Killscore That would make it VERRY attractive to join a group @GQ are we still dissc the MH6´s?? Like i said "i dont take a fresh one" i fix a downed one. That NOBODY even thinks about, before i get it back...THEN, they starts whining. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AsRock+SD 0 Posted June 2, 2007 @ May 30 2007,11:23)]AsRock+SD at this point this is the way it is in the current test version.FCF Bad Karma talked to a few other players about the same thing going to try 4 hour day instead of 1 hour day. daschewy In the latest version most soldiers are not special forces. caas1 general updates since 1.5a * Each city has one radio tower to be destroyed and it is randomly placed * Each city has an officer to be captured randomly placed * Airport has a pow camp where you can lead prisoners for points after a city falls, any remaining troops you can walk up to an capture, at that point they join your group and you lead them to the pow camp for points. * A-10 for colonels * All civilian parked cars now "cull" meaning if no player is near they don't exist. when a player comes within 300m a car is spawned and chosen at random from all possible civilian cars. * all Shilkas cull at 1200m (same range as there marker) * all citys depopulate when no player is near them. * AirPlane flyovers do not populate citys alone. * New mission Defence, you have to go to a random army base and protect a small recon team under attack its worth 30 points. * Airbase and the three farps rearms and reloads and repairs every kind of vehicle. * You can remote recruit and remote select mission, when you remote recruit the new recruit parachutes to your location offering some nice Intel on the way down, but can be killed by small arms fire. To remote recruit you leave one AI at base and order him to recruit for you. * AirVehicles have there own settable viewdistance. When you get in an aircraft your viewdistance changes to your preset "AirViewDistance" that you set in mission HQ or Transfer. When you die or exit the aircraft your view distance automatically changes back to the ground preset. *Random incursions. Players are often subject to enemy attack anywhere on the map but the airbase , the opponents are chosen based on your location direction and vehicle. This makes the journeys between objectives or missions a little more interesting *MASH. medics have the ability to erect a field hospital where other players can go to heal. No matter where the medic player is on the map when someone heals at there mash provided as always there were injured by an enemy the medic will get points. The MASH automatically recives a marker with the players name and a green cross. A player can only make one mash , when he makes a new one the old one is deleted. medics receive an extra point for healing for every rank they have. * There are currently no sub mission bugs. * Dysnc possibility is much lower. * Join in Progress is much faster. There's probably more but I just cant think of it now. Things to come: Points for repairing. Engineers build farps. Combat Air Patrol Mission Thinking about : Revive Personal lockabil purchased for points vehicles I hope we not lost 24H. And hope one day you do add city respawn x amount of hours\ days depending whots good for that actual server. Maybe team base points ? Glad to hear that you still working on it even though a lot of people are ripping it of and changing it at there own free will. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sniper121 0 Posted June 2, 2007 Hey KilJoy [sFG]Big respect to this great mission. We always have a lot of fun with it! Regards, Mr-Murray @Mr-Murray, About your link to the official editing guide was that it's written in German. Â Please advise downloaders that if they get it, they'll need to be able to "sprechen sie Deutsche." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
M.Andersson(SWE) 4 Posted June 2, 2007 Tried the 1.07 version today and. BUGGY * Flying cars. * When i pressed hover, the MH6 was stuck in a "nose up" mode..Crashed it ofcourse Might be the BIS Joystick problem.. * The scopes (ACOG, Sniperscopes) seem like the eye is inside the scope and the ZOOM is AWSOME. Might be a BIS bug.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sniper121 0 Posted June 2, 2007 All who ask the question, "When's it coming out, KilJoy?" I say hold your horses and wait for the next official patch to be released. After all, in his changelog, it says "A-10s for Colonels" and A-10s aren't in ArmA 1.05 International. I also find it amusing that the complaints about the lack of team playing and teamkillers aren't coming from us guys who only play these days on private servers or with guys we are chatting with on Teamspeak or Ventrilo. Other than points for repairing and healing as a medic, and giving the troop with the Laser Designator points for the kill, I am content with Evolution Coop. @KilJoy I don't know if the Docks serve as a servicing area for the equipment that is within the Docks zone, but if that's not already implemented in 1.5a, I'm suggesting it. Salute! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sniper121 0 Posted June 2, 2007 Tried the 1.07 version today and. BUGGY* Flying cars. * When i pressed hover, the MH6 was stuck in a "nose up" mode..Crashed it ofcourse  Might be the BIS Joystick problem.. * The scopes (ACOG, Sniperscopes) seem like the eye is inside the scope and the ZOOM is AWSOME. Might be a BIS bug.. @Fk Anderson What version of ArmA are you running? I ask because anyone running the digital download verion of ArmA Combat Operations should have received an e-mail from Atari not to update with any update patches other than the ones released from here: http://www.atari.com/us....dissues Good luck getting it fixed. I just hope BI and the ArmA beta test community for the next patch get it all worked out so that everybody can be happy with the patch. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
M.Andersson(SWE) 4 Posted June 2, 2007 I got the 505Games Euro version.. update to patch 1.07+FIX In that patch i get these odd bugs But not if i run 1.05+FIX Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sniper121 0 Posted June 2, 2007 Roger that Fk Andersson, thanks for the update. I am running both versions, ArmA (DE) 1.05, and ArmA CO (Digital Download). Why, because I don't have the patience for the patch to unify us all, and I'm still able to play with my guys that have either version. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dmarkwick 261 Posted June 3, 2007 Feedback from our group Kiljoy is that the incursion thing is a big drawback. Not necessarily the idea, but certainly the random spawning nature of them, it's a real immersion killer to have them literally appear out of nowhere, often just behind in an area not only cleared, but guarded also.. All the rest of the stuff though is a big thumbs-up Share this post Link to post Share on other sites