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KilJoy -SFG-

Evolution V1.0 Large scale respawn coop

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Hummers in base close to the stash respawn

back in just few seconds...You cant leave them

there for mor then that...BUGG

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Could you add some more civilian vehicles to villages and a few of the towns? It'd also be cool to see civilians in these towns walking around, maybe shooting or killing a civilian would decrease your points, if that is possible.

I'd also like to see some more ammo crates stashed away in enemy bases or strongpoints.

Another addition that might be good are more checkpoints and fortresses/sandbag areas along the roads.

Maybe also add some already existing wrecks, and more secondary objectives, such as seizing a castle, or killing officers at the hotel.

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more secondary objectives, such as seizing a castle, or killing officers at the hotel.

Yeh, the secondary objectives are much more appealing when playing in small numbers, rather than having to take on an entire town. Some secondary objectives at prominent map features, not neccessarily near towns (say manor houses/hotels/ruins/bridges) would add much greater diversity to the maps. I'm not suggesting anything overly complex, just a few sandbags and some groups.

BTW, I sent you a PM on the 5th of June, just wondering whether you'd recieved it?

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i didnt know BoB was slumming in ArmA...


Hehehe yep, Evolution member here, although I aint played in quite a while my charachter is still in evol/bob.

What can I say, got fedup of Molles wicked ways with him forcing me to mine all day long for his Titan. yay.gif

Started off by me and some of guys from SuicideSquad taking a break from ofp and started playing eve and joined evol about 3 years back in the times of the PA War and the pre Bob era. Glad to see i aint the only eve export to be playing Armed Assault.

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Just spitballing an idea here. How about after a towns AAA defense has been eliminated, having a para drop spawn point, with maybe a crate of weapons(limited), paradrop near by. Maybe a Saint Mere Eglise situation dropping right on the town?

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Next official release coming today to go with 1.08 or are you testing it with 1.08 for a few days first?

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I'm not sure if this has been discussed or implemented already but consider adding Sopwith Camels for lower ranked pilots. They can be used for light air support and scouting if the pilot is good and cooperative. The default weapons will do, it would be silly to have a Camel with rockets and GBUs.

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I'd like to add my praise for your work so far as well. Excellent mission.

Is there a changelog for the new version coming out and are you intending to change any of the rank requirements?

I personally would like to see the UH-6 available from Corporal rather than having to clear a couple of towns first to get to Sergeant. After all if the intention is to stop new players from crashing them just make the first rank a requirement.

There seems to be a difference in opinion between people about how difficult it is to rank up. In my experience unless you happen to get lucky in taking out an enemy patrol it takes quite a while, whereas others seem to think getting sergeant rank is very easy.

Of course it doesn't help if you happen to have been killed just before a town is cleared or take part in a mission where you gain no points when it is completed (as has happened to me).

One thing I would like to see (may have been asked for before) is a way of the opposing forces "respawning", so that for instance one of the towns is flagged as their HQ (the nearest one they own next to our base) and as they are cleared from each town, the next nearest town they occupy becomes their HQ and there is a random chance every so often (say 15%, checked every game hour after the town was cleared) that they will send a force from that town to re-occupy one of the nearby cleared ones.

The force would be effectively a patrol mission and if it reaches and stays in the town unchallanged for a period of time (say 15 minutes) it will "retake" it and the town will be populated by enemy troops as it was before it was cleared.

This town would then become their HQ and process will be repeated for another cleared town (and so on).

This means that you can't rest on your laurels once a town is cleared because they will try to retake it after a random period of time.

Maybe this could be set by a server option (Enemy retake towns on or off)?

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While some more vehicles like Hummvees, trucks, motorcycles, and the camels would be nice, I think they need to decrease the amount of jets available. It's fun to use them and blow stuff up, but they also kind of hurt the ground gameplay, because with the A10s, it becomes very easy to eliminate 100% of the armor on the map in just 30 minutes to an hour, especially when the Shilka's are destroyed. This can usually be done before even Ortego is captured. (at least in the Revolution version)

But again, I would also love to see more civilians, the only ones i've seen are those in the square in Paraiso.

Make it so that killing those civilians will decrease your points, so there is some collateral damage involved, and more strategic and precision bombing is required.

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At the moment its a real struggle to justify adding any AI for just eye candy purposes as any additional AI hurts server performance, and trust me performance stretch is always right at the edge. I personaly feel safer as a passenger when i know the pilot has had the intellegence to accumlate the measly 30 points to fly it. Also in the latest version you cant take missions far away untill you are at 30 points so you have no need to fly anyway. Evo is not the most realistic map but Camels just stretch the imagination a bit to far. Revolution ? i have no idea what you are talking about. There are more civ vehicls about in the latest version near mission villiages.

Im against moving spawns as i find it noobish arcady and noone would earn transport points. Some people only play to be air taxis you know.

Probably going to test with 1.08 for a day or so , Have to expect the unexpected in respect to new bugs and new patches.

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Shoot KillJoy...

Wolud be nice to try it out. Did you manage to get

the recrute new AI via Radio working?

Other then that how about adding a Enginer

to the AI possibilitys..?

REALLY love this mission(s) yay.gif

I can play on a single server, just be playing

missions and trying to avoid the towns.

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That looks great. just what i need. I emptied the pm box. So it should work again now.

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Would be nice to be able to "tweak" the loadout of the AI´s

even from the menu.

Like it is in the BASE at the stash.

What i dont like is the TIME it takes for the stash to refill.

Like it was yesterday:

ALOT of players keept filling up Hummers and Hellis and

other vehicles. So the result was: NO M136´s no At´s

almost no Mags for rifles. That COULD be a problem.

Now, i think it should remain a possiblity to fill up

vehics as it is. But the refill of the stash must

be made quicker.

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Ok found another problem...

The mission settings should be alterd to show TAGS even at

HARD settings...

Its stupid not to know who your talking to or looking at.

Or whos is driving. AND be able to see the tags can

make it EASIER to kick TK´s...

AND i would like the #vote kick ******** be spread as

global info...If a player is kicked That player shouldnt

be alowed to join for an hour or 2. Now you should need

atleast 70% of the players votes to kick. That way it

wouldnt be a MASSKICKING process.

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In the old MFcti for OFP you could save personal loadouts so that you didn't have to spend ages sorting out your kit everytime you died.

At the moment in evo when I respawn i go to the ammo crates and sort out my kit: I buy M136, some rockets, a green smoke grenade for evacs and maybe a laser marker for the flyboys to shoot at smile_o.gif I have to sort that lot out every time I die. Would be nice to be able to save your setup like you could in MFcti.

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Next we will be erning money points as we play or after you get a certain amount of points / rank we can buy certain vechelces to use. therefore if someone crashes all the choppers the people who can fly them can buy new ones.

Just like how you can order AI into the group, have it the same with vechicles.

Maybe have a Vehicle Shop.  smile_o.gif The higher the rank the bigger the vehicle you can buy, limited to the vechiles that your currently only allowed in. And the vehicle shop can have all the vechiles available so we could buy a Bus or a Van and what not :P yay.gif

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Next we will be erning money points as we play or after you get a certain amount of points / rank we can buy certain vechelces to use. therefore if someone crashes all the choppers the people who can fly them can buy new ones.

Just like how you can order AI into the group, have it the same with vechicles.

Maybe have a Vehicle Shop. smile_o.gif The higher the rank the bigger the vehicle you can buy, limited to the vechiles that your currently only allowed in. And the vehicle shop can have all the vechiles available so we could buy a Bus or a Van and what not :P yay.gif

No, I'm simply suggesting having a system to remember loadouts...


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Fk Andersson

the tag problem is a serverside setting that needs to be tweaked it has nothing to do with this mission, you can set it up where you change what difficulty settings you would like on expert level

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Hey, I just managed to play this online for the first time on a decent server. I love this mission, it also lends itself to conversions to different islands and addons once the ball gets rolling and the tools are released. It's like a sort of MMOFPSRPG without the disadvantages. Great work! thumbs-up.gif

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Next we will be erning money points as we play or after you get a certain amount of points / rank we can buy certain vechelces to use. therefore if someone crashes all the choppers the people who can fly them can buy new ones.

Just like how you can order AI into the group, have it the same with vechicles.

Maybe have a Vehicle Shop.  smile_o.gif The higher the rank the bigger the vehicle you can buy, limited to the vechiles that your currently only allowed in. And the vehicle shop can have all the vechiles available so we could buy a Bus or a Van and what not :P  yay.gif

No, I'm simply suggesting having a system to remember loadouts...


NOOO that would actually be NICE...

Have buyable and Lockable vehicles that you can


Lets say as

Cpl: You earn 50$/15 min

Sgt: -------- 100$/15 min

and on and on...

And the price list could be:

Hummer 250$

Hummer MG 350$

And when we get up to Choppers

its like 25000$ for a Cobra or something

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Kiljoy, When I asked you yesterday if 1.5m was ready for primetime, I got the impression that it was ok to host it, but I cant seem to find the updated mission pbo anywhere on my computer. I can join other 1.5m servers without redownloading it, so I must have it somewhere, can you give me a hint where to look?

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