M.Andersson(SWE) 4 Posted May 18, 2007 I am so naive, lol.   Remember how people used to dump weapons on the ground with earlier versions of Evolution to get around the ranking system?   I didn't know that people were still cheating by placing the weapons inside vehicles for their friends.  Very creative thinking, lol.Ah well, at least with this method it doesn't bugger the game with extra polygons of dumped weapons at the base. That isnt cheating. That is a creative player using all potential ways and means to take out the Enemy.. I use the put matrls to vehicle, when im on missions. Usually i take a couple of extra M136´s some satchels and maby a couple of extra mags for the rifle. I dont hand out sniperrifles and javelins or whatever to other players. They can find that for themselfs on the battlefield, on dead soldiers. Theres allways a way to work around problems.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heatseeker 0 Posted May 18, 2007 I've given better rifles to other players, in situations where the mission is halfway done (south, where the easy kills are) and players are already whoring cobras and blackhawks it seems fair. I'd rather help other players than race for kills... if i can fly a uh-1z i will ask someone to be my gunner . I dont care about points in coop, to play like that i would do SP instead. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
169th_Ice 0 Posted May 18, 2007 If I get time tomorrow I'll host up a modified version with trail bikes and any enemy vehicles you commandeer/repair you can drive no matter what your rank. As well as the other changes made. Thanks again Kiljoy for a cool concept mission. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stobbsy 0 Posted May 18, 2007 Gotta agree with this. I look at it this way. If I was Kiljoy and people had ignored my requests not to change or modify the mission, then I would be reluctant to release future missions to the general playing population including modified, fixed or updated versions of Evolution as well as any new missions I had made. Can you not see that this sort of thing will damage the Arma community as a whole? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bootleg soldier 2 Posted May 18, 2007 Also these maps are quoting versions 1.5b, c , d , higher than the current version , so anyone not knowing about the current version (a high percentage of players) will automatically think its the latest release , maybe if they put 1.5 modified or something to let people know at least there actions would not seem that bad. People have always modified content, but to come into this forum and gloat about something that he specifically asked you not to do is pretty bad form. Bootleg Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stobbsy 0 Posted May 18, 2007 Also these maps are quoting versions 1.5b, c , d , higher than the current version , so anyone not knowing about the current version (a high percentage of players) will automatically think its the latest release  , maybe if they put 1.5 modified or something to let people know at least there actions would not seem that bad.People have always modified content, but to come into this forum and gloat about something that he specifically asked you not to do is pretty bad form. Bootleg  There are some 1.5b,c and d that are TEST versions that Kiljoy has asked a specific server to test for him and have not been released to the general public as they are TEST VERSIONS and have some bugs and performance issues. On this particular server these versions have not been modified by anyone but Kiljoy hisself but the server in question is public and non passworded so people who have played on that server will have that version in there cache. So yes the last official release of Evolution was 1.5a Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KilJoy -SFG- 0 Posted May 18, 2007 The test versions only work with the beta 1.07 which in its self has bugs such as you get damage when you get out of a humvee. But the great thing is when the final 1.07 patch comes out the latest version of evolution will be released at the same time and hopefully with no bugs at all due to extensive testing. I would be impressed If someone released a version of evolution with something like extra scripted missions or full language support then I could steal some of it back :P, but all I see is people making it easier to win in various ways. With the exception of people who want to add modded content. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
d3dsh33p 0 Posted May 18, 2007 aye, we made the modded version XevolutionX GCMOD, but its mainly a testing ground for other things bc of the awesome coop thrown in already Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Msciwoj 0 Posted May 18, 2007 -Is it possible to add some script or what ever that allows you save your outfit after respan? You die and you get back at base, go to the armoury box and pick your say layout 2 of weapons. -Make smoke gra. (two, one white one red) as standard fit out for a soldier. (Its good for extraction and to mark bomb spots for the FFAR) -Why ppl want use the laser marker. It works great (tried it with my clan pal) and you get result of a 2-4 houses totally destroyed some armor and ppl (if you hit right and some one marks (paint with laser) it right). Stuff 1 and 2 i think its possible to ad it by you. The 3 thing is up for analyse/suggestion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shiner 0 Posted May 18, 2007 It has been suggested already, but anyone hosting a MODIFIED game should denote it as such. For example, I have been working on a version with some minor tweaks, the primary feature is an implementation of the DSTS system by nutty that allows us to store the Scores from the server to a file and retrieve those later. This allows us to rotate maps, restart the server without worry of losing scores/ranks for individuals. The mission is called "Evolution 1.5a mod(ScoreSaver)" to clearly denote the difference for players. I have also added a marker to the mission that identifies that this mission is a mod and that mods are NOT the responsibility of Kiljoy. I should note that at this time we are NOT running this version on our servers, but it is under consideration pending testing of stability and the final 1.07 patch. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
169th_Ice 0 Posted May 18, 2007 At least some of you guys are starting to make sense. my mission is clearly denoted as "Evelution IceEdit" Some of us dont want to or cant spend a whole day playing till we can fly choppers. There is NOTHING wrong with modifying a mission to your own tastes. Especially as credit is still given to the creator. "Play Hard - Play Fair" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BroK3n 0 Posted May 18, 2007 As long as its credited to Kiljoy, its should be fine. That's how artistes do with their songs or films etc etc. It's like a nod to that person. If Ice's modded evo mission is named as such, i dont see why we should call him a scumbag. btw i just saw Evolution v1.5d on a server a couple of hours ago. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amannim 0 Posted May 18, 2007 @Kiljoy - awesome mission man. Besides the fact that the original MFCTI still has some bugs and doesn't support the JIP... we've found Evolution to be a highly enjoyable mission and at the moment has replaced MFCTI on our server. I was searching all night, can someone please tell me how on a dedicated server I adjust the enemy AI? All I could find was the precisionEnemy and skillEnemy settings for single player matches... and I added them to the server.cfg but I haven't had enough time to test if its actually making a difference. I've seen several people ask but haven't found an answer yet. (And yes, I read all 58 pages of this thread, so if I missed it, i apologize). Also checked the wiki/biki, and did several searches on this forum but cannot locate anything for dedicated servers and the server.cfg. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KilJoy -SFG- 0 Posted May 19, 2007 Amannim the enemy skill settings on a dedicated server are set from the last active profile. If you dont want to fool around with a text editor you can just change the settings in game like how you would for a listen server. then exit and start the dedicated server and it will use the same settings. In my case it takes the settings from this location. but this may vary from version to version and wether you have more then one user profile or not. But in my case its <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">C:\Documents and Settings\<WindowsUserName>\My Documents\ArmA Other Profiles\KilJoy\KilJoy.ArmAProfile in this file we have a section like this <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class Difficulties { class regular { class Flags { Armor=1; FriendlyTag=1; EnemyTag=0; HUD=1; HUDPerm=1; HUDWp=1; HUDWpPerm=1; AutoSpot=1; Map=1; WeaponCursor=1; AutoGuideAT=0; ClockIndicator=1; 3rdPersonView=1; Tracers=1; UltraAI=0; AutoAim=0; UnlimitedSaves=1; }; skillFriendly=0.750000; skillEnemy=0.600000; precisionFriendly=0.750000; precisionEnemy=0.600000; }; class veteran { class Flags { HUD=0; HUDWp=0; HUDWpPerm=0; WeaponCursor=0; ClockIndicator=1; 3rdPersonView=0; Tracers=1; UltraAI=0; }; skillFriendly=0.750000; skillEnemy=0.750000; precisionFriendly=0.750000; precisionEnemy=0.750000; }; }; There is also a command line to force a user profile , I dont know if it works with the dedicated server tho. To load my profile when starting reguler arma i use the switch -name=KilJoy below is a link to the info on server.cfg but as I said skill settings dont go in there. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/server.cfg Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amannim 0 Posted May 19, 2007 Kiljoy rules! <3 Thanks, I don't have a monitor setup on that box and I dread having to run the game in Terminal Services to get the defaults set hahaha.... so I just copied over your sample config for those settings and I'm tweaking them. Have to go in and rescue one of our downed blackhawks, I guess hovering over the town past Parisio was a bad idea lol. Got my fingers crossed the 'flip' action still exists in ArmedA, safe to say I didnt have a clean landing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Catch22 0 Posted May 19, 2007 Ok I think I found a few more bugs in the last few Evolution games I played in. M203 grenades don't seem to be resupplying correctly to the ammo crates. I first noticed this while practicing with them on the targets at base, and I ran completely out. Much later on in the mission, it resupplied back to 40, some time after I had been using the other crate near the hangars. I remember a few versions back, I had a similar bug with the G36's not resupplying. A few of the higher up vehicles seem to have problems rearming at base. I believe the vehicles effected are the AH-1, UH-60MG, Striker Mk19, and possibly a few others. The issue with the Mk19 IIRC, was that it would not reload more than one "magazine" of ammo. I had quite a bit of trouble with the UH-60MG since when I landed to rearm it, it seemed to reload the miniguns, then remove the ammo in a brief split second. I was not able to use the ammo trucks at base to rearm either because when I got back in the heli, it would service and remove the ammo again. The only workaround for this was to fly out to a nearby FARP to rearm. Similar issue with the AH-1 Cobra too, except it seems the cobra's mg turret was actually being rearmed while FFARs and missles weren't. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
major woody 12 Posted May 19, 2007 To be honest! Quote[/b] ]- The mission remembers you , so if you disconnect and come back later your score and rank is remembered. This does'nt seems to work. No matter what I allways start as a privare - even at the very same server and very same caracter... Â Am I doing something wrong or ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shiner 0 Posted May 19, 2007 To be honest!Quote[/b] ]- The mission remembers you , so if you disconnect and come back later your score and rank is remembered. This does'nt seems to work. No matter what I allways start as a privare - even at the very same server and very same caracter... Am I doing something wrong or ? Ensure the server has persistince=1 set in the cfg. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NeZz_DK 1 Posted May 19, 2007 make sure the map hasn't been restarted if it has the score is lost Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SlipperyJim 0 Posted May 19, 2007 my mission is clearly denoted as "Evelution IceEdit" Kiljoy has asked for this map NOT TO BE modified UNTIL he has finished making it. Anyone not following his simple request in my opinion is disrespecting the hard work he put into the map and is just a common map thief. In my years of making small (and lame) mods/maps for various games it always amazed me how thieves could rationalize to death their actions. No matter what they will come up with an excuse to justify why they are allowed to steal. There is no valid excuse. If a community map/mod maker makes their work open source then that is fantastic but also if they decide it is not public domain then that is great too and should be respected. Respect the talent in the community or lose them. On a more positive note I see that Kiljoy has been interviewed on Sahrani Radio. http://arma.valuenet.nl/SahraniRadio/index.htm Direct link to MP3: (82 megs - His interview starts at about 50 mins) http://arma.valuenet.nl/radiost....i_8.mp3 (I love all the accents, lol) Update: I just finished listening to the interview and Kiljoy speaks out about this very issue of people hacking changes to his map. Good interview. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KilJoy -SFG- 0 Posted May 19, 2007 I suppose you never get used to the sound of your own voice but I think I sound like bono on helium. I had good fun doing it tho Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dmarkwick 261 Posted May 19, 2007 I played this last night for the first time, it seems a very good twist on the CTI game we all know. I really have no intention of reading 53 pages of comments though, but has scoring systems been discussed? I would guess so My primary concern beyond any great game mode is how do you promote teamwork. For the purposes of this (Evolution) game, I wonder if a points boost could be given if the recipient has other friendlies in the immediate vicinity. This would encourage, at the very least, players sticking together. Just a simple test to see how many friendly players there are in a radius from the point-scoring player, tested at the point of scoring. If there are friendlies nearby, you get a points boost, either a flat rate or a multiplier maybe. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
USAV005 0 Posted May 19, 2007 To be honest!Quote[/b] ]- The mission remembers you , so if you disconnect and come back later your score and rank is remembered. This does'nt seems to work. No matter what I allways start as a privare - even at the very same server and very same caracter... Â Am I doing something wrong or ? Ensure the server has persistince=1 set in the cfg. make sure it's spelt correctly, here is the correct spelling: persistent=1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
USAV005 0 Posted May 19, 2007 Ok I think I found a few more bugs in the last few Evolution games I played in.M203 grenades don't seem to be resupplying correctly to the ammo crates. I first noticed this while practicing with them on the targets at base, and I ran completely out. Much later on in the mission, it resupplied back to 40, some time after I had been using the other crate near the hangars. I remember a few versions back, I had a similar bug with the G36's not resupplying. A few of the higher up vehicles seem to have problems rearming at base. I believe the vehicles effected are the AH-1, UH-60MG, Striker Mk19, and possibly a few others. The issue with the Mk19 IIRC, was that it would not reload more than one "magazine" of ammo. I had quite a bit of trouble with the UH-60MG since when I landed to rearm it, it seemed to reload the miniguns, then remove the ammo in a brief split second. I was not able to use the ammo trucks at base to rearm either because when I got back in the heli, it would service and remove the ammo again. The only workaround for this was to fly out to a nearby FARP to rearm. Similar issue with the AH-1 Cobra too, except it seems the cobra's mg turret was actually being rearmed while FFARs and missles weren't. @ Catch22 If you bothered to read the previous posts this has been addressed. It is a ArmA bug that won't allow rearming of more than one mag on a vehicle. Also do not totally run out of FFAR's, leave one in the pod. When rearming the AH-1 at the airfield, get out of the pilot seat, hop into the gunner seat and then then back to the pilot seat, that then should rearm all weapons. As for the HE203 rounds I have noticed that they resupply after a promotion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dodgy Bob 0 Posted May 20, 2007 Hi all, I have read this entire thread but it was over a period of weeks and I don't have the best...er...thingy...what's it called?...er...whatever...so sorry if the following suggestion has already been covered. I love multiplayer games and specifically team games, I also love ArmA so this mission is the dogs as far as I'm concerned. I particularly like running recovery missions driving repair/refuel trucks deep into hostile territory to bring back a damaged vehicle. But even I get slightly peeved when it's taken me 30mins to drive somewhere, cajoling a couple of AI to drive other trucks with me only to be killed by a single shot from a hidden enemy the second I step down from the cab. There's another mission out there called RTS4 and I think it's that one that gives the blackhawks the ability to have vehicles slung underneath them, so they can airlift them. This would allow a BH pilot to either carry the repair trucks to the site or bring the damaged vehicle back to base. It doesn't do away with the need to repair vehicles but does cut the time needed somewhat once the rank is gained to fly a BH (necessary when you have kids and a wife that don't understand you have to save the world before doing the DIY or help with the homework :/ ). I wouldn't suggest giving any points for this as it could easily be abused. What d'ya reckon? Keep up the good work anyway. Bob. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites