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6thSense.eu Mod Reloaded, Public Beta Release

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I've tried all weapons in 6thSense, and other mods, but My favorite rifle, in real life too, is the M14!!  7.62 power!!! I like it so much!

But I don't like the sound of this splendid rifle in 6thSense mod, sorry!  

I'm able to change weapons sounds in ArmA, I've just changed the M14 EBR sound of Robert Hammer pack for ArmA (the last version out some days ago)...

But I can't find the right .pbo file of the 6thSense M14 sound!

Someone can help me?  

I have a very cool real sound for M14, and for suppressed version too!  

p.s- Sorry for my bad english!

I've found this lines in cfgWeapons.hpp in SIX_weapons.pbo :  

class SIX_762_baseLow: SIX_556_baseLow


// Default base for 762 rifles, make customizes further down the tree.

magazines[] = {"SIX_20Rnd_762x51_NATO","SIX_ 20Rnd_762x51_Nato_Nt"};

//recoil = "AK74Recoil"; recoilProne = "AK74Recoil";

modes[] = {"Single", "FullAuto"};

class Single: Single


dispersion = 0.000800; // M4 dispersion = 0.001500; M24 dispersion 0.000400;

sound[] = {"\ca\Weapons\Data\Sound\M21_single_shot_v3", 32.0, 0.9};

reloadTime = 0.0857; // 700rpm


class Burst: Burst


dispersion = 0.000800; // M4 dispersion = 0.001500; M24 dispersion 0.000400;

sound[] = {"\ca\Weapons\Data\Sound\M21_single_shot_v3", 32.0, 0.9};

reloadTime = 0.0857; // 700rpm


class FullAuto: FullAuto


dispersion = 0.000800; // M4 dispersion = 0.001500; M24 dispersion 0.000400;

sound[] = {"\ca\Weapons\Data\Sound\M21_single_shot_v3", 32.0, 0.9};

reloadTime = 0.0857; // 700rpm


I think that these are the right lines for edit the M14 sound, but in ca.pbo I can't see any "weapons" folder  


I've tried to change the address of sound... I've created my pbo and put:

sound[] = {"\mark_m14\sound\m14_normal", 32.0, 0.9};

File runs fine, but ingame I can't hear any sounds!!! sad_o.gif  huh.gif

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No worries, crappy sounds for some weapons were already discussed with Sickboy, and are going to be sorted out in one of the upcoming updates.

As for adding your sound, make sure you also put in the file extension if it's not .wss. So if you have a soundfile in .ogg or .wav, it would be:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">sound[] = {"\mark_m14\sound\m14_normal.ogg", 32.0, 0.9};


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">sound[] = {"\mark_m14\sound\m14_normal.wav", 32.0, 0.9};

respectively. Also check the structure of your pbo.

Currently M14 sound is a stock Arma sound, and is located in Weapons.pbo\Data\Sound\.

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Please don't write on 6thforum, bisforum and my pmbox. IMHO that's rude.

I answered at the 6th forums.

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Please don't write on 6thforum, bisforum and my pmbox. IMHO that's rude.

I answered at the 6th forums.

Ehm... Why rude?! icon_rolleyes.gif

My was only an easy question... I don't want to change and distribuite any addons, this work is only for me!

Rude is your method and answer!

I don't see any answer in 6th forum!

And.. thanks for consideration! I've sended you my congratulations for mod, and your work, and you answer me like I'm a insignificant person!

Man.. I play OFP since 2001, I'm not a noob!  wink_o.gif

So, thanks too... Bye


Thanks for your help!

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I don't see how playing OFP since 2001 or noob or not has anything to do with it.

I simply stated that IMHO it is rude to post a thread at 6th, a post at bis, and a pm at bis all covering the same thing.

Anyway, I do not give support on modifying 6thSenseMod. If that's rude in your opinion then we clearly differ in opinion.

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mark if You got really good sounds then please give/share these with authors of soundpacks ...

like Chammy


i'm quite sure they will credit You if they use that sound

that way whole community benefits from it ...

Hi Dwarden!  smile_o.gif

I've rec 3 videos with new sounds for M14 in ArmA... I like so much the CSM sound pack, but in normal ArmA there's no M14 in weapons!  crazy_o.gifconfused_o.gif

..And, my dream was to implement my sounds in 6thSense mod pack sad_o.gif

So... Can I open a thread in "ArmA - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION" over I share my cool m14 sounds with the ArmA community?   inlove.gif

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yes definitely ... open the thread ...

btw. some (or all) of M14 weapons in 6thS mod are from 6th Sense weapon pack

the thread on BIS forum for it is here


if you want these sounds to get into 6thSense mod then please contact authors (Garlay would be right person) of the weapon pack

i can understood that one of reason why Sickboy don't want 6thSm to be modified is compatiblity / stability

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Sickboy, thanks again for the latest and greatest update.

Question... I accidently deleted my - SIX_settings.hpp file.

Is there anyway I can redownload this? I've been missing it for a while and have been hoping that one of the updates would "update" that file so I could get it back.

If nothing else, could you copy the contents of that file into this thread so I can recreate the file? I appreciate it (actually anyone could do that for me, just copy and paste into this tread...)

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v1.10update and v1.10setup (For new installations)

[*] Now Supports ArmA: Queens Gambit. If you don't want to use it, just disable the DBE1 and the 6thSenseQG Mod folder

[*] Added 6thSense versions of Queens Gambit Vehicles and Characters (Incl Mercenaries/Partisans, Hilux, Datsun, DC3, etc.)

[*] Added 6thSense versions of United Sahrani and Porto

[*] Replaced ASMap and Sakakah with Queens Gambit Versions

[*] Removed TrueRangeAI and replaced with own SIX_AIRange and SIX_AIAccuracy mods, based on the TrueRangeAI, but less aggressive

[*] Replaced Network Service for updated vehicleInit NS, hopefully pushing the lag on connect and higher player numbers down

[*] Added custom characteristics (Dispersion, Recoil, BulletSpeed etc) for 6thSenseMod custom weapons, thanks to Alex T.

[*] * Added couple new recoils, assigned correct recoils to all (hopefully) weapons.

[*] * Added correct engagement ranges to silenced AK's, Val, VSS, scoped M14 and M21.

[*] * Added optics to RPK-74+1P29

[*] * Added new ammo (9x39) for VSS/Val

[*] * Tweaked AK-47 ammo (and some other too)

[*] * Zeroed silenced AKM/VSS/Val to 100m.

[*] Updated MaddMatt's ArmA Effects to v0.52

[*] Updated 6thSense.eu Tracers - Better green tracers etc. (Thanks to Garlay)

[*] Added M136 Launchers in the RACS ammo boxes (Thanks to Barns)

[*] Updated the Updater (), now uses the 6thSense.eu Mirror System to retrieve updates

[*] Added Sprint/Animation fix by Sakura-Chan


[*] Fixed Dispersion of 7.62 custom rifles

[*] Fixed Scope Zeroing of 7.62 custom sniper-scoped rifles

[*] Tuned sound volumes of some vehicles

[*] Updated HK416/417 by Garlay, binarized models and added HK416 Aimpoint and EOtech back

[*] Setup the SCAR Configs (Suppressed, EGLM and CQB sight on top of Marksman)

[*] Changed West Grenade to East Grenade on East Soldiers and Weaponbox (Thanks to Barns)

@Nubbin, there is no SIX_Settings.hpp file any longer. Its split up over:






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thanks, btw i think you got typo in the 1.10 updater link

1.08 should be 1.09 in url right ?


btw. the new tracers touch is VERY fantastic (with good viewdistance in intense night / dawn firefigths) ...

i simply love just to watch that

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Thanks sickboy. Nice job on latest release. I was wondering how you were going to deal with QG. A great solution IMHO. I asked because its still in the readme and I thought I might be missing it as I cannot re-enable the voices for some reason.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

// Comment the following line to disable Radio-Voices


Is there anything else I need to do?

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Damn it. I want to try the updated weapons pack... If I dl this new version can I just copy the weapons.pbo with the HK416, SCARS and place it in a Mod folder. Will I be able to use this Mods weapons.pbo without actually activating the entire mod? Or will the weapons(Hk416, SCARS,etc.) only work if the mod is activated?

If so, can I use this mod to play SP? I dl'd an older version but have never tried it before, as I thought it was only for MP play. Shit, if I can use this mod for SP, I'm switching to it. It's got everything I use already but it sounds like everything in this mod runs like clockwork. I hope it can be used.

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with the mod 6thsense I can play on all server or only on 6thMod server?

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@Nubbin, I heard others complain about those problems. It should simply work when enabling those voices in the SIX_Misc.hpp file.

Found the Problem: It should be: #define SIX_VOICE_ENA

instead of SIX_ENA_VOICE. I'll fix that bug asap. I'll probably change it back to SIX_ENA_VOICE.

niQ@: You can play on servers that run 6thSenseMod. But I don't know which server does, other than the 6thSense.eu Servers smile_o.gif

@Manzilla: The weapons in the mod are setup by the SIX_Weapons config, which relies on parts of the mod etc. So you can use the mod to get the weapons but not run without some parts of the mod.

To get the weapons really outside as addon you will need to wait for the WeaponsPack update that seems everlasting biggrin_o.gif

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i wrote something long ... but in the end it's all about read the manual ...

for some reason if you don't get it i can't help ...

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Found the Problem:It should be: #define SIX_VOICE_ENA

instead of SIX_ENA_VOICE. I'll fix that bug asap. I'll probably change it back to SIX_ENA_VOICE.

That worked! Thnx

Keep Up The Great Work


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Damn it. I want to try the updated weapons pack... If I dl this new version can I just copy the weapons.pbo with the HK416, SCARS and place it in a Mod folder. Will I be able to use this Mods weapons.pbo without actually activating the entire mod? Or will the weapons(Hk416, SCARS,etc.) only work if the mod is activated?

you can use the weapons solo but you will need to filter out the problems and still then you can not play without some small errors

(if you use the cold war marines by RHS (latest version released to public you need the rhs weap pbo the rhs weapons in the 6th mod are not compatible with them so either make the marines compatible or accept the fact you get a error when using the weapon box same goes with the RACS Mercs by skaven the needed addons are changed and so the addon needs updating)

will take a couple of hours to get it al right but then it will fully work.

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I see you added a nice bunch of islands in this mod, nice move. However, I get an error, "Addon Sakakah requieres addon DBE1", can anybody tell me what addon is this so I can download it plz.

I downloaded the full mod installer BTW.


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Hey Juan,

DBE1 is the Queens Gambit addon which you have to buy if you wan't to use the maps.

The new islands are using some objects from it.

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Ah, no worries, that must be why is giving me so many errors.

That's what happan when the readme gets flash_readed by the user, lol.

Thanks for the quik answer.

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