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Worth to buy the game now?

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I´m a fan of the OperationFlashpoint and ArmedAssault.

After I tested the demo I got a bad felling about this game.

Well the game is grate but it´s so full with bug, slowdowns and something that irritates me much is the sound that´s totally weird.

Anyways im saving up to a supa-monster uppgrade for my computer so I can play Crysis maxed out and thats the reason why I dont want to waste money, if I later are going to regrate it.

So you guys that have the full version how is it?

Is it still full with bugs?

Is the performance good?

Is the sound fixed?

How is the graphic?

Are missions good?

How many CooP-mission are there?

Thanks for the help, my decision lies on the answers I get.

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It was admitted that the Demo had problems running. But the full version is much better with a greatly improved FPS.

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Depends on what part of the community answers your question those with 1.02 or those with 1.04.

As a 1.02 owner I would say wait until things get better, If anything wait until May then I think most bug fixes will have been addressed ready for the release in the USA, but then again the game will already be 6 months old for most players.

BIS are a small inexperienced outfit (inexperienced in the fact that they are on their own with no high profile Distributor backing them) so fixes are going to take a long time and if ArmA is a flop after the 505 release then I am sure BIS will put their priorities into projects that they feel will bring in the cash so fixes to ArmA may take even longer.

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I've been playing the UK V1.04 release on and off since I got home from work today and so far I'm happy. There are minor niggles in the design of some areas but as I say MINOR and they mostly personal preference and me still being used to OFP. I can already see ArmA's potential is immense.

I'm running it on:-

x2 Athlon 4.2Gig

2Gig PC6400 RAM

Geforce 7950GT 512mb GFX card

All settings set to very high with visual range at 1.5km at present. No problems.

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Have had the Full(German)version since Dec an yes theres buggs, but I play ArmA everyday an absolutly love it no regrets. Plus everything I've seen heard an read leads to the fact that BIS is on it so ask your self this do u want to miss out on it??? Also I'm running on a low end AMD Anthalon xp3000+2.16 with out dated ATI Radeon 9600 an still enjoy the game. Coops I can't even remember havlf the user made coop maps I've played so far. Nuff said nener.gif

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Remember Flashpoint when it first came out?

Full of bugs... I don't remember any performance issues but bugs certainly smile_o.gif

Anyway...got my uk version today (or yesterday or whatever) and it works fine. I had sound issues when I played the czech version on my laptop (relatively poor hardware) but on my main pc I have yet to encounter a performance issue.

Whatever happens I can't think of a single reason NOT to buy ArmA. It's everything i was waiting for... In any case it's not what I'd call a BIG investment anyway smile_o.gif

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Wait for the 1.05 patch and take a look what people(including me) say about the performance.

1.05 is my last hope. If that patch failed again....

"Oh no, ArmA is down..."

MfG Lee goodnight.gif

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Got the German version from 1.01 to 1.02 and now I got the english 1.04. Haven't had much time to test it today, but ArmA has given me nothing but good times. I think I've gone bug-blind. I see the bugs alright, but they can't seem to distract me from having great games.

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Wait for the 1.05 patch and take a look what people(including me) say about the performance.

Well ArmA with same number of AI troops + twice the view distance runs better than OFP on my current system so go figure about performance...that's called optimization.

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WHEN it runs its FAR better than the demo, the difference in FPS is noticable and the sound has been fixed.

I picked up the 1.04 copy today and it just crashes out to desktop all the time , i didnt have problems like that with the demo so beware!

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Wait for the 1.05 patch and take a look what people(including me) say about the performance.

Well ArmA with same number of AI troops + twice the view distance runs better than OFP on my current system so go figure about performance...that's called optimization.

Thats called a different engine nener.gif

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If I could I would buy the game immediatley. Put it this way, I bought Rainbow Six Vegas a couple days ago but then found I could play ARMA Demo on-line with my feeble dial-up. It's been a blast and Rainbow's sitting in a box somewhere whistle.gif

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Wait for the 1.05 patch and take a look what people(including me) say about the performance.

1.05 is my last hope. If that patch failed again....

"Oh no, ArmA is down..."

MfG Lee goodnight.gif

Im in total agreement with what he wrote and his signature.

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Wait for the 1.05 patch and take a look what people(including me) say about the performance.

1.05 is my last hope. If that patch failed again....

"Oh no, ArmA is down..."

MfG Lee goodnight.gif

Im in total agreement with what he wrote and his signature.

Well I'm not. Other people with his specs and lower are running the game just fine. My 7800GT handles the demo well, and a friend has no problems with a 7600GT. People on this forum are running the game fine with lower specs, like Geforce 6600s and Radeon 9600s.

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This game doesn't require high-end system.

It runs on onboard crap graphic card, too.

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I had all sorts of issues with OFP when it was first released, I bought it on the day of release here in the UK. I stuck with it because there was something about OFP in the way it played and in the freedom of choice it gave the player that really appealed to me. Nearly six years after OFP's release and just take a moment to look at it. We've got things like Command Engine and Unified Artillery, amazing addons/mods like BAS, SEBNam, Project UKF, FDF, Lowlands Warrior to name but a few.

Just think how good ArmA is going to be in perhaps only a few months time with a mod community in the background that has already cut its teeth on OFP.

I have found the UK V1.04 ArmA to be very stable and to actually run far better on my brand new system than OFP Resistance does. The more I play ArmA the more enthusiastic I feel about it. Yes it still has some niggles some are legacy from OFP like the sometimes strange physics with vehicles bouncing up in the air like they're made of rubber, but fundamentally IT IS better than OFP and it will mature into a worthy successor to OFP.

I know there will still be whinging and complaining, the game playing community in general is never happy it's always been the way, patience is not one of it's virtues! But I still urge the nay-sayers out there to give it the time it deserves it is VERY early days yet.


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Wait for the 1.05 patch and take a look what people(including me) say about the performance.

Well ArmA with same number of AI troops + twice the view distance runs better than OFP on my current system so go figure about performance...that's called optimization.

that is true. OFP started to lag bad (3-6 fps) in my computer with aprox 300-400 units, decimated mechaniced batallion vs strengthed infantry company... ArmA 1.02 runs very much better (20 fps) with same amout and type of units and higher viewdistance. I find it amazing.

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buy ArmA:

*if you want to play it a bit longer than doom3-like fps games

*if you like to mess with the configs, edit things, and make missions (if not, there are other things to do)

*if you have a pc good enough to see the new engine's miracles (compared to ofp)

*if you liked ofp

*it's still the best/ one of the best sims on the market

*because of the user made content: missions/addons/mods

don't buy ArmA:

*if you can't stand reading the bugs list (it's from 1.02, so those problems might have been solved already, also take a look at the wish list, to see what's missing)

*if you think that it's ultra realistic as you wanted it to be

*if you want to buy it because of the campaign (imho it sucks)

*if you have out-dated pc, and want something more than low settings


So, to buy ArmA, or not to buy it?...

If you want to install the game, and never visit those forums again, than I suggest not buying it, but if you have the time to download some missions, scripts, have fun with the editor, addons or mp, than it's certainly worth buying despite the bugs. wink_o.gif

edit: btw, i have ArmA PL 1.02

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Good post, but I disagree with this point:

Quote[/b] ]*if you liked ofp

I liked OFP a lot both offline and online (This is not counting any mods, just ofp out of the box) Played OFP to hell and back, had one of the best time playing a game.

Yet, I don't like ARMA and won't bother with it. (So far). I have 1.02, but I haven't started it in a month. And the total playtime is less than 30 minutes.

And I'm not the only one. Lots of old OFP clans are abandoning ARMA.

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apart from the bugs i think arma is just a really really good looking ofp, which to me is a good thing, i cant think why anyone who liked ofp wouldn't like arma, obviously nobody likes the bugs but other than that i think arma is as good as ofp was back in the day

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Seconded: ARMA seem to me OPF 1.5 rather than a true sequel. I love all the new stuff but I only had it a day and it often feels like just like I'm playing OPF, as if it is really just a (massive) expansion pack (I get this feeling particularly when inside buildings).

I cant imagine any sane-minded OPF fan hating it, but some friends of mine (not hardcore OPFers) were disappointed at first glance by how little the engine has visibly changed.

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Well, I explained in my post that "offline", ArmA is worst than ofp, due to the half-baked campaign. MP can be a tricky thing, because some people complain that it's too hard to pwn on crowded servers while running backwards with a flag, while others prefer long realistic coops with close friends. It depends on your expectations.

CWC was generally different than ArmA, it was something new and therefore more immersive, the story, characters, weapons, islands, enemies, vehicles etc. ArmA attracts new players because it has the ofp's gameplay combined with the new shiny engine, which as the devs admitted, was the most important thing for them to accomplish(?). Maybe it's the reason some people say it's not as good as ofp was.

If only they focused more on the sp aspect of ArmA...It would be a totally different game...

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the thing i loved the most about ofp was the editor, i spent more time making things in there than playing online. i was looking forward to having a lot more freedom in the arma editor, being able to do more without having to script it, however the editor is almost the same, even when you open a trigger, it says east and west like ofp instead of north and south. from what i've heard there are some improvements in what we can do over what was possible in ofp but i am a bit dissapointed that it is still a big task to get a chopper to pick troops up and then drop them off quickly without hovering for ages drawing fire before it sets down, oh and the fact that you still cant rappel easily without having some knowledge of scripting and the like

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Same here, no need to get into a mission and you could always test things in the editor, play around and just generally have fun, create a difficult or simple mission and beyond.

I cannot say anything to the extent of how Armed Assault handles in this as I have only played the demo, but I feel confident that it hasn't changed much, which in this case is not bad wink_o.gif

I have the PC to play it on all high settings minus anti alaising.  I enjoyed OFP alot, I will without a doubt be purchasing a copy of Armed Assault, wether or not it will be the UK or US release is uncertain just yet.  Though I am curious as to why the US variant will have an extended name..

As far as difficulty goes, I'v yet to use anything in the demo that was difficult to be honest, I think many people just came over expecting things to be so simple like your run of the mill FPS, turns out it wasn't, go figure.  

Another thing I absolutely loved about flashpoint was its simplicity in creating a single unit/object for the game and being able to use it with everything else that the community can make, no need for the game to be unable to use anything other then mod vehicles with vehicles of the same mod, you could use modern and WWII tanks and beyond ERA's all in the same mission, makes quite an interesting image when the timeline is screwed up and Rome meets modern weapons while WWII devices appear in WWI.

As stated, without a doubt, Armed Assault will be installed on my PC, by the time the US variant is out I suppose a few more tools will be availble, hopefully O2 "2", if not then its simply Max practice.  I admit I love the graphic change on Armed Assault, but at the same time I am confident that the engine is still capable of more then it is being used for.

OFP had many engine limitations shattered, I feel certain Armed Assault can have the same, engine qualities used in different situations and under different circumstances in different ways.  

Flashpoint was also about details and was exceedingly well for its time, Armed Assault holds up on the detail scale as well, need some proof?

Most games have helicopters right? When the helicopter blades spin, what happens to the rotor assembly? It becomes a box with a blur, there is no more rotor assembly, Armed Assault keeps this along with many other realistic aspects on things such as the armor, the texture jobs are excellent and I have yet to have issues with gameplay

I really need to work on making short posts again.

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Buy it now !

Release 1.04 is great. Better than Demo was. You can play it on an old XP2000+, you can enjoy it at full on a Core Duo. But buy it now, so we can all play it together !

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