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Ask a moderator about the forum and the rules

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I think many of them will die a natural death (i.e. not relevant anymore) and many should have been moved to Troubleshooting.

Searching for "1.05" yields the same kind of results.

As long as you dont search it all looks fine to me (closing your eyes also helps) tounge2.gif

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As long as you dont search it all looks fine to me (closing your eyes also helps) tounge2.gif
Hehe, Roger mate, know what ur saying, it's just bothering to go through New Posts and having a line up of 15 1.08 related threads wink_o.gif. But ur right.

Guess we need to look the other way upcoming days hehe biggrin_o.gif

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Hello. I am wondering, if a forum account can be shared between two lovers involved in any type of relationship?

Placie told me long ago to notify the moderators, and they would allow you to register two accounts on the same IP.

But to share account? Alot of confusion methinks

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Hello. I am wondering, if a forum account can be shared between two lovers involved in any type of relationship?

Placie told me long ago to notify the moderators, and they would allow you to register two accounts on the same IP.

But to share account? Alot of confusion methinks

That sounds about right. But be warned that if an IP-ban is needed, none of the accounts will work.

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Hi, I've had a look at the previous pages and can't find any mention of this; just wondering if a mod could clear up the reasoning behind the 100kB limit on images? I'm assuming this is a holdover from when Operation Flashpoint was brand new and most people were on 56k or less. Has this been reconsidered recently?

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Hi, I've had a look at the previous pages and can't find any mention of this; just wondering if a mod could clear up the reasoning behind the 100kB limit on images?  I'm assuming this is a holdover from when Operation Flashpoint was brand new and most people were on 56k or less.  Has this been reconsidered recently?

Hello mate. Yes this was discussed a few pages back.

And according to the forum scientists there is no way a human eye can spot a difference between a 100kb picture and a 500kb picture, and due to the fact that most people these days are on 56k modems, the increased file size of the images posted here could very well crash the interweb.

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The 100kb limit has been discussed many, many times, and our decision is always the same: there are no plans to change the 100kb in the foreseeable future.

While some, perhaps even most, of our members may have broadband access, a significant number are still on dialup.

If you have pics of larger than 100kb you wish to share, you are completely free to provide a link or clickable thumbnail. wink_o.gif

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I have a question for the mods.

Why does SpeedyDonkey get to keep his "spammy" sig?

But you take mine away?

Mine wasn't nearly as annoying as his.

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It's Alizée, that's why.

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Guest Ti0n3r
Why does SpeedyDonkey get to keep his "spammy" sig?

I was just thinking the same thing.

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I have a question for the mods.

Why does SpeedyDonkey get to keep his "spammy" sig?

But you take mine away?

Mine wasn't nearly as annoying as his.

Please don't be such haters. It's not spam. its pure sexy, sexy in a very prude and innocent way.

Also worth noting is the fact that the image is hosted in Czech Republic, by the good people of Bohemia Interactive Studios.

Lets not pretend to be moderators, mate.

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This is the "Ask a moderator" thread not the "Ask SpeedyDonkey" thread.

Oh and yes one more question for the moderators.

Why is SpeedyDonkey allowed to have a signature size of 169.35 KB yet everyone else is limited to 100 KB?

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This is the "Ask a moderator" thread not the "Ask SpeedyDonkey" thread.

Oh and yes one more question for the moderators.

Why is SpeedyDonkey allowed to have a signature size of 169.35 KB yet everyone else is limited to 100 KB?

Just stop the spamming here ok.

I don't see any signature at all so what you're talking about?

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The alleged signature consists of five separate iterations of a 33.87 KB image in the user uploaded avatar area of this board.

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This is the "Ask a moderator" thread not the "Ask SpeedyDonkey" thread.

Oh and yes one more question for the moderators.

Why is SpeedyDonkey allowed to have a signature size of 169.35 KB yet everyone else is limited to 100 KB?

Just stop the spamming here ok.

I don't see any signature at all so what you're talking about?


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Sorry Chipper, for whatever reason adblock blocked the image(s) in his sig. huh.gif

There's no rule he's violating though as each image is just ~34kb which exceeds 100kb but:

Quote[/b] ]Total maximum signature size is 600x150 px (text and/or images combined). Total maximum image size is 100KB.

The only thing is that the animated sig is extremely annoying.

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Sorry Chipper, for whatever reason adblock blocked the image(s) in his sig. huh.gif

There's no rule he's violating though as each image is just ~34kb <span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>which exceeds 100kb</span> but:

Quote[/b] ]Total maximum signature size is 600x150 px (text and/or images combined). <span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Total maximum image size is 100KB</span>.

The only thing is that the animated sig is extremely annoying.

Since Alizee is FINE, would it be possible to edit out the 3rd, 4th and 5th (and thus file-size offending) images, so that the glorious wiggling of at least 2 may remain.

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Hello my best BIS forum mods,

Can we who joined before 2007 have are own forum? that is n00ber free of twats who hate and bitch about ArmA non-stop?

Your best forum member,


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This is the "Ask a moderator" thread not the "Ask SpeedyDonkey" thread.

Oh and yes one more question for the moderators.

Why is SpeedyDonkey allowed to have a signature size of 169.35 KB yet everyone else is limited to 100 KB?

Chipper, I would agree with you, but your avatar is the same exact stupid, piece of crap, dumb***, girl...

@ SpeedyDonkey: And if that's "Sexy", then you are givin' your heart away, dude...

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-Ziggy- @ June 19 2007,23:47)]can I get my WL removed? Its past the appropriate time to remove it.

My warning lvl was applied during the thread that a cheater posted his TK rage video.

thanks whistle.gif

*edit, link added

offending post

You can PM a moderator with your request.

Please people, try and remember this thread if for general questions about the forum rules and moderation. If you have a specific request or question about a specific moderation decision PM a moderator.


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What are the stars under some people's avatars?

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What are the stars under some people's avatars?

It's linked to the number of posts someone has made (postcount).

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What are the stars under some people's avatars?

It's linked to the number of posts someone has made (postcount).

Weird, because I have seen people with less than 500 posts with 2 stars and I still have one if my eyes don't fail me.

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