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Gun view movement is "TERRIBLE"

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First of all it's not that we've been spoiled by CS and BF2. I don't play those games cause they are too arcady.

I have played OFP since the original demo came out and I played and still play Ghost Recon since the original castle day demo. I'm just getting into GRAW.

Now i'm here at the first day of the demo of AA.

To be clear, i prefer more realistic games. Howerver 'accelerate time' is not realistic, respawns are not realistic . . . the list can go on. A 'truely realistic' game would not be sucessful because no one hardly would it.

What people want is a 'serious' and skill based game, not a realistic shooter. There is a big difference.

When you feel swinging the gun to aim with the mouse is like reeling in a huge Marlin fish then it takes you out of the imersion cause you are getting jacked off with the hassle of the mouse interface.

Having the aim swing fast and pinpoint accurate doesnt mean it's no longer a serious military sim. It just means the interface is smoother.

Maybe BIS made it that way on purpose as a way of emulating the mass and inertia of the weight of a gun but i think some things dont tranlate well and just make the experience more annoying. I'd rather concentrate on tactical movement, finding cover and concealment, flanking etc etc and not struggling with some symbolic representation of gun inertia.

I believe most players prefer a little ret spread to the awful sluggish gun.

Also, i have absolutly everything turned as low as it will go so it's not the settings.

Please consider this BIS. AA is the only serious multi terrain game out there and nothing is on the horizon excit Game2 so please fix the gun movement.

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Then I don't know what your problem is because I've absolutely NOT this effect, at all. I've no "inertia" on weapons anymore (only slowness to turn them for the heavier ones, mainly AT tubes) since I got my FPS sorted.

It's not a ArmA "feature", it's something to do with performance

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Maybe he means turning or moving while aiming an RPG. I remember it being slow, lol.

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If you have a stolen version with FADE making the game unplayable then it's intended. If you have a legit version where you can't aim then yea it's a bug.

I have the minimum specs and i can aim pretty well.

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Well, it's verified - full game has some wierd bug?

Just did a test run on the demo version... and works like a charm... running decent res and settings... I take down moving targets at 2-300m with a few rounds.

So it's obvious that there is some major flaw with the full game I have installed.

Gotta try investigate what the reason might be,

Well, it's verified in the sense that what your describing sounds like FADE. I drop targets at range like a bad habit, so I don't understand the problem you're having other than FADE. Most people complain that the weapons are somehow "too" accurate.

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Yup, it seems like the 6th sense English Language pack is the reason why this fade thingy is activated.. :-(

Well crap.. then I will need to wait and buy another version once the official English version is out.. jeeez!

As for the "drag" thing... only place I find that "anoying" now is e.g. with the AT4 on your shoulder, or in a tank. That "drag" is a tad overkill if you ask me - based on real life expirience.

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That's odd. I've been using the English patch since I got the game and I don't get fade. Heck I've been editing and modding the game like crazy and never had FADE kick in. It's not the English patch causing it.

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I thing the way the gun movement is simulated in Arma/OFP is a lot more realistic than that in other games. I had probles when I started from OFP, too - but i got used too.

<- Dont know any way to convert it

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First let me just say it's better not to have two discussions at the same time, ie thread jacking.

If you wanna talk about aim/accuracy problems it's better to start a different thread. This thread is about sluggishness of moving the gun into the aim.

I don't think i'ts 'realistic' to make it sluggish. In real life you'd employ your muscle power to snap your m16 or whatever into aim and sure there would be resistence do to gravity and mass so between twitching your musicles into action and getting the gun to start moving and stopping there might be some delay. but . . . . .look at the way Val Kilmer moves the gun in the movie 'HEAT' when they get rumbled outside the bank. He does some pretty good ninety degree changes of aim and i don'nt see him struggling with the point/aim direction of the gun like a car fishtailing on an ice road which is what it feels like with the mouse. That is not realistic. We are playing the role of trained soldiers so our on screen 'character' should be able to react in a fast and professional way. Then we should'nt have to feel streess and worry every time wthat we move the moust to aim. It should be an almost unconcsious thing to aim after a while but as it is i have to wonder in what way the gun is gonna over and under react so and watch for it so i can effect a few corrections after the fact until i feel it's aiming right. That's not realistic.

This is not a complain/moan post/thread. I'm a huge fan of BIS. I just think that the gun movement has never been right in OPF and i dont want it like this in AA which i intend to play for many years.

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Did we eliminate floating zones? I play with mine on max, I like it alot.

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For a typical FPS type Gun View set the float to minimum, the gun is then fixed. Tweak it then to your prefered solution. I've got it so its flexible yet I can be confident that my gun will point where I want it before the target moves.

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Ok i just did a test. Alllll graphics settings on 'disabled' where i can disable them and very low where that is the lowest option. On top of that i set the rest to 800 600, now i can't give it more chance than that.

I have a 2 gig processor and 1 gig ram so even though it's not high it's well within the minium spics. Plus recently bought a nVidia 7600GT which runs most games very fast.

The graphics were waaaaay basic due to the totally low setting.

The game runs at an ok speed, imean, i still dont like the disjointed way they try to simulate torso twist in movement so your gun ret is out of sync with your running direction but that's another issue.

Well . . . . . . . i was crouching near the enterance of the village in the co op mission and a sov guy cam round a corner about ten or fifteen meteres from me, nto so far. I swung my scope towards him and stopped the mouse when it reached him but as usual, even though i had stopped the moust, the red dot continued and stopped a bit later. I then tried to make a correction and swung it back but again the red dot overshot him, on the second correction i managed to finally get the aim dot to settle on the guy but by then it was too late and hi had me beaded and killed me.

I really, totally understand that the gamew wants to simulate realistically the weight of the gun but this is rediculous, it's gonna be very very frustrating to play like this.

I wanna aim with the mouse, we are all online playing with a mouse so it's all equal, just make the game so the exact mouse movements translate into exact ret movement. Everyone will be happy with that. You don't have to ruin a game just to be able to say you made it realistic.

Ghost Recon is respected as being a serious, team strategy/tactical shooter. It doe'sn't have to be a simulation to an annoying point. Some things you can compromise on for the sake of gameplay.

Please BIS fix this cause i won't be able to stadn playing the game if it's like this when I buy it.

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At least your buying it tounge2.gif , thats all that matters. Whether you play it or not who cares xmas_o.gif

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Hmmm...while playing yesterday I chose a handgun to sort close distance resistance. Whenever I pushed "forward" key one time only, the character made 3 steps with the handgun. That´s odd. Animation related or not, this is too much.

I don't like when going into the aimsight with the pistol how it just goes that close to your face and in the middle, i dunno just seems weird to me =/

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To the CS crowd - set your mous float to 0.

To the folks that are used to OFP and are still getting mouse lag check your trilinear setting on your video card - its been known to cause mouse lag.

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The "drag" (between view and weapon) is what made OFP. Kiddie games such as CS let you hover through the game with zero weapon mass.

ArmA may not have physics, but it has animations simulating weapon mass.

You'll have either get used to it or go back to CS.

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Thank's Hillslam.

I set the floating point to zero. I didn't know what that was for.

I'd say it's aleviated the problem. It's a bit more playbable still but still has that laggy, overshoot feeling.

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I've noticed the "draggy" feeling (and I don't mean the freeaim zone size, in fact I increased it a bit instead of shrinking it to 0) and I agree that it feels overdone. But I think I can explain why.

Firstly, going into ironsight mode zeros the freeaim zone, your eyes and aim are tied exactly to each other.

Try to make a 90 deg or 360 deg turn while aiming. SLOOOOOW, right? It feels too slow, but if it was insta-snap Quake style then it would feel too fast.

Now notice how steady your aiming is while you are making this aiming correction. WOW, you're holding a very very steady aim while turning 360 deg in ironsight... I guess this explains why you take so long to do it then.

How I would make the aim speed:

1. Aiming speed should be non-linear! If you try to aim fast you should be able to move the gun as fast as a real soldier. When you use gently mouse inputs it should travel about as slow as it does now.

2. Aiming fast should not be accurate! It should be very rough, distorting your view of your iron sights as you move your gun quickly. After spinning 85 deg fast, the last 5 deg to your target should have to be smooth.

Practice with a broom stick in your hands, try to aim 90 deg fast. You should see that you're able to get "close" very quickly but it takes some time to "fine tune" your aim. This is how ArmA should be (AI and humans alike)!

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Quote[/b] ]In Ghost Recon they still manage to pursue a reasonable amount of realism

If your talking about the latest one then it's not, it uses hitscan, automatically disqualifying it.

Also the movement could be made more smooth.

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Set the floating point to 0.

This means that the crosshair stays pretty much locked in the middle, this REALLY helps while driving and piloting, you dont have to drag for it to move. Also it means you wont have the 'free aim' which personally i prefer to have a crosshair locked in the middle.

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Damned, do i have to post this again? I just removed it from my sig tounge2.gif

Turn off vsync

and set render frames ahead (nVidia, get coolbits) or flip queu size (Ati) to 0

The game was almost unplayable for me without using these settings (forced in my driver options)

EDIT: BIS, if possible, force these settings in the game by default in the next patch please tounge2.gif

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Setting the floating point setting to 0 is actually more realistic anyway. Or at least a value really really close to 0.

Think about it. If you're holding a rifle against your shoulder and you're looking down the sights (and you have a "bead"), your view IS moving around with the sights in the middle of your view when you aim around at different things. If you held your view tightly at one direction and moved the gun around, you will no longer be looking down the sights. Not only that, but the butt of the rifle would no longer be flush against your shoulder.

This "aim-box" in real-life is extremely small and is no where near what OFP/AA uses. The real-life "aim-box" is just a small slop to line up the sights (unless you're using a scope). But again, when you're looking down the sights dead on, to aim at a different target, you're moving your torso around, thus moving your viewpoint around. The sight is "locked on" to the center of your view-point.

Pick up a gun (or toy gun if you don't have a real one) and aim around with it, you'll see (unless you have no idea how to properly shoot).

I'm just glad AA has the option to change the aim-box.

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Setting the floating point setting to 0 is actually more realistic anyway. Or at least a value really really close to 0.

Think about it. If you're holding a rifle against your shoulder and you're looking down the sights (and you have a "bead"), your view IS moving around with the sights in the middle of your view when you aim around at different things. If you held your view tightly at one direction and moved the gun around, you will no longer be looking down the sights. Not only that, but the butt of the rifle would no longer be flush against your shoulder.

This "aim-box" in real-life is extremely small and is no where near what OFP/AA uses. The real-life "aim-box" is just a small slop to line up the sights (unless you're using a scope). But again, when you're looking down the sights dead on, to aim at a different target, you're moving your torso around, thus moving your viewpoint around. The sight is "locked on" to the center of your view-point.

Pick up a gun (or toy gun if you don't have a real one) and aim around with it, you'll see (unless you have no idea how to properly shoot).

I'm just glad AA has the option to change the aim-box.

What are you talking about? The 'box' isnt even there when you are using the iron sights, its only there when your weapon is lowered, and then you arent aiming, just pointing in the general direction. And in 'real life' the box is as big as you want it to be, there is noone who tells me when to start turning when im swaying with a gun in my hands tounge2.gif

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