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Soviet Spetsnaz

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About Soviet Spetsnaz

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal
  1. Soviet Spetsnaz

    AK-47/74s and their reputation....

    SpecOps, my arse. This guy is just another internet commando. What a clown.
  2. Soviet Spetsnaz

    Clean optics NOW!

    1. The Soviet Union wasn't poor. 2. Western Capitalist Economic rules do not apply to Communist Dictatorships
  3. Soviet Spetsnaz


    No child models. End of discussion.
  4. Nope, won't work. Maybe I'm missing something. Could you post an example mission with just a trigger and the marker? That would help.
  5. I can't get it to work. There's no error message, but the AI won't spawn either. Here's what I did: 1. Created a new mission 2. Copied the contents of (BIS)_6th-AI-Man_E(BEG)-DEMO.intro 3. Cleared the zone.cfg 4. Created a trigger with the suggested script in the activation field 5. Created an empty marker and named it z1tmp
  6. Thanks. Three more questions: 1. Can you give me another example, this time with vehicles? 2. How do I disable the initial AI spawn at mission start? 3. How can I get rid of the status message (created xxx units...)?
  7. How about a trigger zone based AI spawning template? I only want the AI to spawn when a player is within close proximity. And I also need a lot of independent spawn zones.
  8. Soviet Spetsnaz

    Dedicate Server Hardware spec

    Any processor from the Opteron 200 family. For memory, 2GB is the bare minimum.
  9. Soviet Spetsnaz

    Dedicated Server Tipps, Tricks and Tweaks

    Your CPU is overloaded. It cannot process the information fast enough, which is why the fps drop. My guess on the long load times: the mission stores all the (unnecesary) events (such as information about destroyed entities), with which it updates connecting clients. Simply put, Evolution is one unoptimized resource hog. I've unpacked the pbo and taken a look at the mission. Its literally dotted with waypoints and triggers. My server specs: 2 Opteron 275 4096MB Ram 10MB/s up/down OS: WS2003 on VMware Running Evolution: Running with 47fps for the first few minutes. After 15 minutes and several players more: 20 fps After 2-3 hours: 15-10 fps After about 4 hours: 0 fps / server comes to a complete halt
  10. Soviet Spetsnaz

    Dedicate Server Hardware spec

    Unlimited traffic is not. They will cut your broadband in half once a traffic milestone has been reached. Stay away from companies offering unlimited traffic.
  11. Soviet Spetsnaz

    Arma/WS2003 won't save custom sounds/files

    Yes, it's my server. Here is what the console says: Player <name> kicked off - invalid custom file 'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\ArmA\Tmp33984\players\<name>\sound\random name.ogg/.jpg
  12. Whenever someone with custom sounds connects to the server, he gets kicked immediately. Has anyone a clue how I can fix that?
  13. Soviet Spetsnaz

    unfair arma ?

    Actually, AK-47 was only produced for a short while. The standard version was AKM which is also the version which was produced under licence in other countries. Just want to add in here that the Ak47/74 AKM etc is actually a German Gun from WW2 Stop spreading that crap. The AK47 has nothing in common with the StG44. The 47 was a total "concept" knock off of the 44, mechanically they differ but the soviets even copied the factory production line methods the nazi's had used (to start with). And why not ? the soviets had noticed just how good an assault rifle was. The BAR or M14 are a joke vs the 44. Thank god the nazi's didn't make enough of them. The 44 could even shoot round corners, a twisted barrel and a mirror allowed that. Something the modern US military is now trying with cameras. You could argue for some time the soviets then had the best Assault Rifle in the world. As the US and European Army's didn't get decent assault rifles till the late 60's in the US and mid 80's in most of europes case. The m80 and G36 etc etc are now moving very fast ahead. People argue just how much the 47 is a rip off of the 44, but considering just about all assualt rifles ever since have taken most of it's basic concepts and look pretty darn similar. (look how the g36 even looks like it, 44 and g36 both made in germany!. German propaganda. First you say its a copy of the StG44 and now you say its a "concept knock off"? Make up your mind. The concept of aussault rifles has been around for decades in Russia.
  14. Soviet Spetsnaz

    unfair arma ?

    Actually, AK-47 was only produced for a short while. The standard version was AKM which is also the version which was produced under licence in other countries. Just want to add in here that the Ak47/74 AKM etc is actually a German Gun from WW2 Stop spreading that crap. The AK47 has nothing in common with the StG44.