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Gun view movement is "TERRIBLE"

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I'ts not a options thing cause i set the float to zero all the way to the left. I also, as i've said many times have tried to lower my graphics to the total bare minimum on every setting and it's still not smooth.

It's not a system thing. My system can run GRAW on all maxed out settings more smoothly than ArmA on total minimum.

It's just the way the game is designed i think. The actual gun, not the ret, is just too slow to respond.

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It's just the way the game is designed i think. The actual gun, not the ret, is just too slow to respond.

Then you are probably playing a different game then me (and several other people), as my gun reacts just as fast as in any other game (the actual movement is a bit slower, but i cant turn as fast in real life as i can in BF/CS/whatever anyway)

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I was so disgusted with the implementation of the "floating crosshair" in ArmA that I turned it off altogether. That's right, I made it so it was frozen to the center of my screen -- it's the only way to make the game playable at the moment!

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I was so disgusted with the implementation of the "floating crosshair" in ArmA that I turned it off altogether. That's right, I made it so it was frozen to the center of my screen -- it's the only way to make the game playable at the moment!

goddamit , IT's FINE , its alot more realistic then the 'stuck' movement of games like CSS and America's army , it allows you to do shit like stick your gun around a wall with some practice , did any of the complainers here even play the original OFP!?

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complainers here even play the original OFP!?

No, don't believe so, could you tell me what this "OFP" is?

Edit: Alright I'll go ahead and make this less of a spammy post.

I loved the way the floating crosshair was implemented in OFP but in ArmA it's just... different... the crosshair is too big for one thing... takes up a quarter of my screen... in OFP it was half as small which was much better.

In fact, the same can be said for all the text and dialogs etc -- I don't think there are going to be any 80 year olds playing ArmA so I don't really think it's necessary to have a bold size 24 font on absolutely everything in the game.

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complainers here even play the original OFP!?

No, don't believe so, could you tell me what this "OFP" is?

Edit: Alright I'll go ahead and make this less of a spammy post.

I loved the way the floating crosshair was implemented in OFP but in ArmA it's just... different... the crosshair is too big for one thing... in OFP it was half as small which was much better.

In fact, the same can be said for all the text and dialogs etc -- I don't think there are going to be any 80 year olds playing ArmA so I don't really think it's necessary to have a bold size 24 font on absolutely everything in the game.

Well, if you don't play online you can change the size of the crosshair in your bin.pbo config (easy as typing in a number), but chances are you do, so why not up the resolution or not play with crosshairs wink_o.gif. I can't really comment on the text, because I turn it off and don't play online.

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I loved the way the floating crosshair was implemented in OFP but in ArmA it's just... different... the crosshair is too big for one thing... takes up a quarter of my screen... in OFP it was half as small which was much better.

In fact, the same can be said for all the text and dialogs etc -- I don't think there are going to be any 80 year olds playing ArmA so I don't really think it's necessary to have a bold size 24 font on absolutely everything in the game.

uhh too big crosshair and too big font...??? sounds like you need to up the resolution alot buddy.

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It's at 1152x864 and the text/xhair is still 50% larger than it was in OFP, and 50% larger than it needs to be.

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It's at 1152x864 and the text/xhair is still 50% larger than it was in OFP, and 50% larger than it needs to be.

Look at your sig you hypocrite tounge2.gif .

It looks fine to me, I play at 1280x960. Maybe up the resolution by a notch. Either way you'll get used to it.

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You can't complain about floating mode, when you've got the ability to disable it. Someone needs a hot cup of disable crosshairs.  huh.gif

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Is there a "disable all crosshairs except the hand grenade and the M203 crosshair" option? That's what I want. I figure one could make a mod that replaces all the crosshairs with invisible textures save those two, but I'm no mod maker.

Dev: "Sir, we've given them the option of disabling crosshairs for realism, except there's one problem."

Sr. Dev: "What's that?"

Dev: "Well, I'm having a hard time making the M203 ironsight and don't even know where to begin for the hand grenades."

Sr. Dev: "Hmm, well that is pretty difficult. How about not doing them at all?"

Dev: "Brilliant sir! An inspiration to us all."

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Getting used to no crosshair means:

* Hipshoot with no sights in close range (and hit).

* Knowing where nades will touch.

* knowing where 203's will touch.

I got used to it before and i'll get used to it again, you end up knowing by the position of the rifle and camera view, it takes time and experience but after you master it its easy.

No crosshair is meant to increase the dificulty afterall wink_o.gif .

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Quote[/b] ]and cross hairs on a grenade...lol

But in real life you can feel the weight of a grenade in your

hand, and accurately judge the muscle power you need to

use to throw it wherever you want it. There's none of that

kinaesthesia in a PC game, so some kind of "aiming cheat" is

not unreasonable for hand grenades. I think the best one I

saw was in "Rainbow Six Lockdown" where it would draw

a "ghost trajectory" for your grenade before you "threw" it.

That said, a little practice will have you lobbing bombs

accurately enough (although there is no really fine control

possible in the power put into the throwing action in the


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Yep. Throwing something like a stone(grenade) is a very natural thing to do. Go out and try it, and you ll see how accurate you are. :P

We definately need a aiming help when x-hairs are disabled.

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Is there a "disable all crosshairs except the hand grenade and the M203 crosshair" option? That's what I want. I figure one could make a mod that replaces all the crosshairs with invisible textures save those two, but I'm no mod maker.

From what I understand m203 sights can't substain much more than a bumpy ride before they fall off and carrer grenadiers lose these sights any chance they get. Simply because they don't need them to hit their target.

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Is there a "disable all crosshairs except the hand grenade and the M203 crosshair" option? That's what I want. I figure one could make a mod that replaces all the crosshairs with invisible textures save those two, but I'm no mod maker.

You would have to edit your bin.pbo config. My guess would be just delete the name for weapon crosshairs and the grenade/203 should still be there because I'm sure it has a different name, but remember you'll get some kind of mismatch error online if you can actually join the server.

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I think the best one I saw was in "Rainbow Six Lockdown" where it would draw a "ghost trajectory" for your grenade before you "threw" it.

In OFP/ArmA, you have to look up at the sky when you throw grenaeds further. How can you adjust the impact point without looking at the ground? wink_o.gif

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I don't have any problem with the floating crosshair icon on the screen. It goes wide whe you are running etc and that's totally intuitive and imersive.

My only problem is that i'm moving the mouse around and what's happening on screen is delayed.

When it's one pan from left to right to aim at a soldier it's not so bad as i have time to wait for it. But when it's close quarters with multiple enemies in front, left and right then in real life you could snap your aim ten degrees left then back right etc but int he game you spend too long correcting over shoot etc, it just becomes mess.

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Quote[/b] ]In OFP/ArmA, you have to look up at the sky when you throw grenaeds further. How can you adjust the impact point without looking at the ground? wink_o.gif

Easy, you'd adjust the aim while looking at the target and

then the anim would throw the grenade. No need to

go "skygazing" to "judge the range" at all. But, the

"Lockdown" reference is just an example;  I'm not suggesting

that that exact method would be possible in ArmA, anyway.

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i would be delighted to see the kind of sights that american army have bring for the rocket weapons into the the game(that might be the only thing that i would think is good in that game)

oh and the way hold the nades as IRL would also be fine too(thats kind of usless in a game through, but to be able to crock the pin b4 throwing is nice, still thats too much to ask for really)

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oh and the way hold the nades as IRL would also be fine too(thats kind of usless in a game through, but to be able to crock the pin b4 throwing is nice, still thats too much to ask for really)

A quick view of the grenade in your hand if you have

"grenade" selected would be nice and it'd make checking

what "status" you are in more intuitive (rather than checking

a little text message to see if you're holding a bomb in your

hand or not), but I agree that ArmA doesn't cope very well

with such detailed animation.

And the combined fire selector and grenade selection in one

key press is one of my [long list of] ArmA annoyances.

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It's a strangely statisfying feeling in games to actually see the little round heavey grenade in your hand before you throw it.

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When throwing a grenade in real life the US Army trains to hold your arm out pointing in the direction you're going to throw it (the arm that's not holding the grenade).

That'd be a nice thing to add for grenade throwing in game.

With the white crosshairs off it really is tough to throw accurately, left right if not for range. Also they bounce like rubber balls. tounge2.gif

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When throwing a grenade in real life the US Army trains to hold your arm out pointing in the direction you're going to throw it (the arm that's not holding the grenade).

That'd be a nice thing to add for grenade throwing in game.

With the white crosshairs off it really is tough to throw accurately, left right if not for range. Also they bounce like rubber balls. tounge2.gif

Yea, we did that here in Denmark as well.

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