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SLX Replacement Pack, Mod, and Addons

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Looks like my post got swallowed up by the void.

The join feature did finally kick in surprisingly as I was playing VTE/SLX, a villager asked to join us after a brief firefight so I had him pick up a gun and he tagged along. Very cool! This could be great for mission makers. Some other villagers seemed like they were attempting hand to hand attacks on me so my men open-fired huh.gif Thats what great about SLX -unpredictablity.

Will you be releasing any of the weapon sway/suppression effects on your ArmA release? I think that will greatly help the enemy 'aimbot' problem.

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Hey Solus,

Is there some error with the effects being run at night. THe effects work fine during the day, but when I run a mission at night the smoke effects look boxy and pixelated.

Running SLX 1.09 w/ WGL 5.12.



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Hi everyone! Here's a picture from ArmA SLX Mod: Bounding teams and PRC-119 radio

nubbin77: Thank you! :]

Kroky: The AI join feature is a part of GL3, so it is definitely in the ArmA version. :]

gunterlund: You mean for tank cannons ? I replaced the cl_fired.p3d because some fires use it, but the tank firing effect uses it too and I haven't modified it because I don't have many good references for it. If you can find some good pictures or videos of tanks firing I might be able to make a more correct effect. :] The surrendering should make the AI's capture you automatically, but there are still some bugs. You might be able to escape if the enemy squad leaves. Also I think it won't surrender you if you're moving.

froggyluv: Like Blazin said, stand near them until GL3 scans their group and adds the action.

Blazin: Thanks for helping! :]

snoofkin911: Thanks! When I was making the script I tried to make them pop up to shoot but it wasn't as effective as letting them choose whether to stand or lie down on their own. I've seen an east officer in a building stand up to shoot at me through a window and then crouch down out of sight, so their ability to use cover more effectively might be based on their skill.

prodetar2: The 1.091 version is an update to the full 1.09 release. You should install 1.09 and then the update.

Sbua: Could you give me more information on what mission you were playing and maybe even upload a save file of just before the crash ? That would help a lot in finding what's causing those crashes, thanks!!

william1, Julian, snoofkin911: Looks like there's still some bugs in the captives scripts. tounge2.gif Maybe I'll fix it when I get SLX Wounds for ArmA working. The ArmA scripts should be able to be used in the OFP version too. Maybe in a future version the captives will be taken to the rear by a GL3 group.

Birdseye: Thanks! You could install the DSAI addon or you could remove those defines in the config, those were just my settings files that I played with, sorry I hadn't said anywhere that they're optional.  The ECP radio chatter works fine, it just gets annoying listening to the same conversations over and over again. tounge2.gif I'm not sure what could be causing the missing addon message, try adding "bis_resistance" to one of the PreloadAddons sections at the end of the config.cpp and see if that fixes it. I don't know what could be causing the crashes in MP either, sorry. :[ I'll try playing crcti and see if I can figure it out, thanks for reporting the crash. :]

AceTalker: Sounds like the install .bat didn't run right, but I don't know what could have caused it, sorry. Maybe try running the installers again and see if they work.

Tobruk, prodetar2: I don't know why it's not working for you, sorry. :[ All I can suggest is to keep trying to find out what's wrong. You could also try running without the replacement pack stuff, there's an option at the top of the default SLX config that you can comment out that should disable any added replacement pack content. Then make sure you've removed data.pbo and data3d.pbo from the @SLX\dta\ and @SLX\dta\HWTL\ folders.

william1: Thanks for making that config, cool! biggrin_o.gif

Solus here is a nice shot of a couple of m1's firing. Notice the split second bright flash of the main gun. then alot of dust.


copy and paste

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Hi, Excellent Work !

But for gameplay reasons, I would like to know if it's possible to disable some options (for exemple : ammocounter, Knife...anim of RPG because it's to fast for me...) In order to keep only the FX (and muzzle) Which are excellent. It is ?

And If it's possible, would you like to tell to me which Eat the most the CPU : ECP or SLX alone (without group link 3) ?

Thanks for your answer

I use last version of slx

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Tobruk, prodetar2: I don't know why it's not working for you, sorry. :[ All I can suggest is to keep trying to find out what's wrong. You could also try running without the replacement pack stuff, there's an option at the top of the default SLX config that you can comment out that should disable any added replacement pack content. Then make sure you've removed data.pbo and data3d.pbo from the @SLX\dta\ and @SLX\dta\HWTL\ folders.

well. i reinstalled SLX with 1.09 and the update but. no luck

now i have an extra bug something about barrettaempty or something...

still cant use EAST soldiers either.

are you using the same weapons as those of bis or something else? cuze maybe that could be the problem???

if nothing else works.... thn im going to have to stop using SLX :'( i like this mod :'(

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about he wounds i have had a strange issue when playing a mission , i've been wounded and one of my squad medic has healed me , after that my own squad has taken me for an enemy and have killed me goodnight.gif i was using ecp+slx , it doen't happen with slx alone , so i guess it must be some kind of incompatibility between the two mod's injury systems .

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Loving the SLX mod so far. I had a question though - is this mod not meant for playing through the single player missions and campaigns that ship with GOTY edition?

I tried playing several missions last night and whenever I was in a squad controlled by the computer we were ordered to occupy the far side of the island directly away from where we were supposed to be heading and away from the action.

The overall quality of the mod is amazing and I can't believe I'm playing the same game - I just wish the single player missions would behave a little more like they're supposed to.

Another example is the third single player (non-campaign) mission where you're supposed to blow up the convoy and then snipe at the town. Well the convoy doesn't ever take the path they're supposed to and basically just heads straight up the hill, so there's no way I can blow them up. Any ideas?


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A quest: I'm playn' with ECP+GRAA+SLX config with every proper adds in the ECP addons folder and the htwl folder into ECP dta...but when start a mission the game tell me "Error loading data3d\crateronvehicles p3d" (magic).

Why? is there any solution?


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Loving the SLX mod so far. I had a question though - is this mod not meant for playing through the single player missions and campaigns that ship with GOTY edition?

I tried playing several missions last night and whenever I was in a squad controlled by the computer we were ordered to occupy the far side of the island directly away from where we were supposed to be heading and away from the action.

The overall quality of the mod is amazing and I can't believe I'm playing the same game - I just wish the single player missions would behave a little more like they're supposed to.

Another example is the third single player (non-campaign) mission where you're supposed to blow up the convoy and then snipe at the town. Well the convoy doesn't ever take the path they're supposed to and basically just heads straight up the hill, so there's no way I can blow them up. Any ideas?


I think your talking about 'Bomberman' mission and thats happened to me also about 50% of the time. Pretty sure whats happening is that one of your backup squads engage the enemy too early so the tanks never leave opting to engage the enemy instead. You could try disabling the GL3 AI as that might prevent the premature engagement.

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A quest: I'm playn' with ECP+GRAA+SLX config with every proper adds in the ECP addons folder and the htwl folder into ECP dta...but when start a mission the game tell me "Error loading data3d\crateronvehicles p3d" (magic).

Why? is there any solution?


it's strange , i don't have any kind of problems with that config, i guess it may be caused by the HTWL folder placed in your ECP/Dta folder , why do you have that folder ? , also did you put the mods in the correct order in the shortcut?

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Thanx fo hard work)

in folder \\...\@SLX\bin\ModConfig\





can I put in this files config lines from anoher 3part addons?

sorry my engliz)

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hello to all, first of all to request excuses by my English, it is not my language. I have a problem that persists, from the launching of mod SLX,somebody can help me


they know to that it must this , beforehand I thank for the aid.

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Thanks william1...I've solved the prob.

Stupidly I've used another skypack togheter slx...without it it's all right.

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Here's some pictures of how ArmA SLX Mod is coming along:

Impact dust with volumetric lighting, long lasting bullet holes, five-pronged muzzle flash, barrel smoke, and flying shell casings.

More shooting.

paragraphic l: Thanks! Getting started with scripting is somewhat slow I think, but after you understand the basics it should get easier. I guess I don't really have any tactical background. tounge2.gif Most of my information is from forum posts of people discussing what would be good to have in a game, field manuals and videos that I've come across, and making those things leads me to researching the stuff on google and finding out more. Mostly I do just play and make whatever I like though. :] Both the OFP and ArmA SLX Mods should be installed with a mod folder. I'm still running into things to do in ArmA SLX Mod so when I run low on stuff to do it'll be ready for release, sorry it's taking so long!

froggyluv: Cool! :] The aim precision in ArmA SLX Mod should be the same as the OFP one, and suppression is in ArmA GL3.

BigPoppa898: The effects all look great at night for me, not sure what the problem could be, sorry. Maybe the textures dropped down to a lower mip map level for some reason ?

gunterlund: Thanks! biggrin_o.gif I'll see if I can make it like that when I get around to messing with the armored vehicles in ArmA. OFP and ArmA already have shock dust so I don't really want to script that, but I can modify the ArmA shock dust in the config when I get to it.

df2dpxs: Thanks! You can reenable the ammo counter by removing the resource.cpp file in the @SLX\bin folder. The knives can be disabled by uncommenting the line "SLX_NoMelee=1;" in the @SLX\SLX_GL3_Settings.sqf file. Do you want to remove the standing and lying rpg animations or the running one ? Those are kind of difficult, but you could change the speed value in the running animation if you want to try that. For me ECP seems to run a little slower than default SLX mod but it might depend on what you have enabled in ECP.

prodetar2: Sorry I can't help. :[ The beretta is using a new model that is added with the replacement pack. Try opening the @SLX\bin\config.cpp and replace this line:


with this line:


And see if that works.

william1: That sounds like a strange bug! I might check the captive scripts in a while and update them to try to fix some of these bugs.

Sloan: Thanks! I tested earlier versions with the campaign and they were supposed to be compatible but some missions have squads facing enemies that are very powerful and GL3 makes them run away when they think they're overmatched. Try changing the attack and retreat values in @SLX\SLX_GL3_Settings.sqf. They control when squads will try to attack or retreat based on how powerful the enemy is. Try raising the retreat value until they don't run away anymore. I might update GL3 eventually to try and solve these problems.

HGuderian: You could try combinging the sky pack you were using with the replacement pack if you want. Just copy the sky pack's stuff into the @SLX\NewData folder and run the installer and it should work.

punishment: I guess it's mostly just new features so if you're happy with 1.08 then you can stick with it. :]

nikita320106: Yep, you should be able to configure other addons in there by putting the config lines in.

vicor3: Looks like the replacement pack isn't being used, try running the appropriate install .bat file in the @SLX folder and make sure you aren't using another sky replacement pack in your shortcut path.

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Quote[/b] ]df2dpxs: Thanks! You can reenable the ammo counter by removing the resource.cpp file in the @SLX\bin folder. The knives can be disabled by uncommenting the line "SLX_NoMelee=1;" in the @SLX\SLX_GL3_Settings.sqf file. Do you want to remove the standing and lying rpg animations or the running one ? Those are kind of difficult, but you could change the speed value in the running animation if you want to try that. For me ECP seems to run a little slower than default SLX mod but it might depend on what you have enabled in ECP.

Thanks for your answer ! I will try this after lab'.

Actually, I would like to test which RPG animation I have to remove (or change), because i have a strange effect of accelerated moving when i use RPG (like i'm 4X accelerated time)

So if you can tell me which value I can modify safely for the speed....

For ECP everything is enabled.......so I think SLX shuld be faster

Thanks and one more time good work

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Quote[/b] ]Actually, I would like to test which RPG animation I have to remove (or change), because i have a strange effect of accelerated moving when i use RPG (like i'm 4X accelerated time)

So if you can tell me which value I can modify safely for the speed....

To completely take out this animation then open your \@slx\bin\ModConfig\config.cpp, make a back-up and find the following lines:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

// SLX ADD : Requires Ninja_LLU.pbo addon. Thanks to itweas_LLU for letting his ninja addon be used!

class CombatSprintFToLying: Default






// duty=100;

// SLX MOD : Use stamina defines.













// SLX ADD : Secondary weapon quick prone.

class WeaponToWeaponLying:Weapon



// file="leh.rtm";






// disableWeapons=1;







They are located between class DMACRLeanRight:DMACRLeanLeft and class WeaponFastF:Weapon, once found, then erase them from the config.cpp and save it.

Otherwise, to decrease the animations speed you have to set their "speed" values greater than zero as you can see below:

Quote[/b] ]

// SLX ADD : Requires Ninja_LLU.pbo addon. Thanks to itweas_LLU for letting his ninja addon be used!

class CombatSprintFToLying: Default




speed=<span style='color:red'>1.0</span>;



and the same goes to

Quote[/b] ]

// SLX ADD : Secondary weapon quick prone.

class WeaponToWeaponLying:Weapon



// file="leh.rtm";


speed=<span style='color:red'>2.0</span>;


Edit: the explanations above do not concern the RPG animations but the "lying down" ones, but the principle is the same.

Actually the easiest and the simple way to take out SLX RPG animations is to replace all of @slx cfgmovesMC by BIS cfgmovesMC values, and to incorporate DMA (rolling and leaning) animations again by following one of Sanctuary's tuts.



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Can't wait to try the first SLX config in ArmA!

Solus a suggestion: How about opening a thread in ArmA: Mods Discussion for the ArmA SLX config?

I think a lot of people are not aware what masterpiece you are cooking for ArmA...

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SLX please just take your time as I know this will be looking great when it's finished, and thanks for answering my questions.

I guess I will look into scripting some time as this would really open some new exciting area's for me.

Those screenshots look great by the way. Is there any change in FPS with the SLX features?

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Alas, I just have no luck with the SLX mod. I couldn't get 1.08 running and now I have tried a complete reinstall for 1.09 and same result.

It's odd because I have no other problems with mods like Ffur2007 or invasion 44.

When I try and run SLX as a stand alone I just get the typical Microsoft error message at start up.

Too bad because the SLX features look to be the best.

i go the same problem mate.

i think SLX would work better if it was made with a installer similar to FFUR2007 or ecp ones.

cuze ffur ecp and wgl work without problems. except SLX :S

I finally got SLX to work by resinstalling the whole game plus mod on another drive on my system. It work perfectly on that version.

Nice work Solus thanks!

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df2dpxs: Thanks, you can change the speed of the AT weapon running and sprinting animations by changing the speed value in class WeaponFastF and WeaponSprintF. I'll make them slower in the next update too.

thunderbird84: Thanks for helping! :]

Kroky: It shouldn't take too long before it's ready to be released and I'll make a thread in addons and mods complete for it.

paragraphic l: Thanks, scripting can be pretty fun. :] Sorry I don't have any way to measure framerate in ArmA right now but in the mission editor I can't really tell if it slows down at all or not. I still have to test with a lot of units shooting to see if there's any slowdown with many more shots in a small amount of time though.

Mike31: It looks like that mission in the zip file is missing the init.sqs to set up everything. Try using the init.sqs in the GL3 example mission and see if that gets things started. Also it looked like you were using GL3 1.03 and I'm not sure if it would have worked even with the settings. I tried using GL3 1.05 and it looks like it had a bug that made backup not get called, so I fixed it and it seems to be working pretty good now. All the T80's came rushing in and took out some M1's while taking damage and then the Mi17's came and helped finish the M1's off. Also, are you planning to have SLX_GL3.pbo a requirement for the mission or do you want to use GL3 as a stand alone ? To get it to work as a stand alone it needs some modifications which I made to test out your mission with default OFP. I'll make a new update with the backup calling bug fixed and include a new example missions for using GL3 with and without the addon. Thanks for using GL3 in your mission! biggrin_o.gif

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Simply amazing work solus! You continue to impress!

Looking forward to the ARMA-SLX!

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