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To the people who are playing ArmA, how is it?

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But thanks for admiting it just doesnt even get near to what OFP was.

Ive no idea what that sentence is supposed to mean, but in OFP you also had to wait for one animation to finish until the second one started, and i havent heard anyone complaining there tounge2.gif

It really, REALLY doesnt bother me, i even like it. In real life i cant run around like CSS/BF when carrying a gun and an x kg backpack, i move slowly and i cant go from prone to sprinting in <1 second.

My urban combat is far from fucked, and i like that i have to think about my moves before i start walking, not while. And i like that i cant just kill a whole AI squad on my own (AI skill all the way up) because i cant dodge bullets and dont have lighting reflexes, like in alot of other games.

IMO this is how OFP was ment to be, slow and tactical. Think before you move. But somehow CTFers still found a way to play their game back then, even though it was quite hilarious to see them playing in a small corridor on a 100km^2 island. Now that ArmA has 'perfected' this (IMO), the possibily for run 'nd gun gameplay is much smaller. And IMO this is a good thing, if i would do that in real life i would quickly die aswell.

It means that is much different.

And excuse me but in oFp you also had to think before you move but it wasnt near this slughisness aiming theyve achieved.

On the other hand an Urban Combat when a soldier wont be able to take cover in a fast smooth way is Fucked up no matter how you fanboys want to call it.

The fact is Ai cant even make supressive fire cause they know once they´re able to aim to something it would be too late to draw away atention or to run for your life.

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Haven't played Arma yet and was wondering if there are any moves resembling the excellent 'Ninja Powerslide'. That move has saved me numerous times especially when multiple opponents are flanking me and I think it's the closet repesentation of a soldier's ability to 'scramble' when in dire straits.

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Are you referring to GRAW's slides? Either way, such things aren't in ArmA. GRAW's movement felt lovely to me (clunky, but still fully featured and you felt connected to your character).

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Yeah Graw had em sweet but the game sucked. I was referring to the OFP 'Ninja' addon powerslide featured in the SLX mod. I forget the author's name but he did a great job of making the move feel natural and instinctive.

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I agree with that about GRAW, lovely movement system, crappy game.

If that mod was possible in OFP then it should be certainly possible in ArmA. Looking forward to many things like that ^^

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I cannot figure out why BIS still combines rifle mode selection and hand grenade in one key(F) in ArmA. wink_o.gif

Whenever you swich to hand grenades, you have to change rifle mode(single/burst/auto). I guess it is quite nonsense. Why not adding another key only to select hand grenade? tounge2.gif

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The alternative to that is "Weapon Throw" "Reload Grenade." I figured BIS thought having people pick "Weapon Throw" using the action menu would be rather strange.

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Just thought I'd add in my two bits after playing the game for a bit. Using fully patched (1.02.5103) downloaded German version patched to English.

For full disclosure I'm an almost exclusively COOP player that wants a high degree of realism. My favorite mods for OFP were WGL and Y2K3. I also don't use a crosshair.

Movement: I have no problems with any of the movement. If movements are slower between positions (prone/kneeling/standing) vs. OFP it isn't appreciable to me. Of course, generally speaking as soon as I come under fire I go prone and stay there until the engagement is over. I can still scope and use suppressive fire on an area target while moving, so if I get caught in an intersection or open area I can return fire while manuevering.

Helo's: Obviously covered extensively in the Helo thread. All I'll say is that I believe that the current flight model could be usable (though not ideal) if there were separate control configurations for fixed wing and rotary wing. That said, my helicopter should not be able to bank 90 degrees while in ground effect hover. Lateral stick pressure should cause a lateral slip, not a barrel roll.

Weapon sights: I initially hated the sights. After goofing with them for a few days and *gasp* actually reading the control setup, I've found that I can get used to them pretty easy and may actually prefer their functionality to OFP. My initial dislike was based on the fact that bringing up the iron sights or aimpoint presents the player with something that looks like the rear aperature is at arms length. Of course, once I read the config I realized that if I keep the secondary mouse button depressed I will zoom on the sight and get a more realistic sight picture. This has some advantages as in OFP I would often have to depress the barrel in order to scan my sector; now I can simply release the secondary mouse button and scan --much closer to what I would be doing in real life.

Weapon/Unit/Vehicle selection: pretty sparse, but not high on my list since I know what's coming.

Voice-Overs: Uneven and fragmented. It sounds like some of these were recorded in someone's bedroom using Audacity, while the majority were pasted together from someone reading an English dictionary. Not a big niggle for me though. Though I'll replace them as soon as I can.

Weapon Accuracy: Hitting targets beyond 50 meters is certainly more difficult --especially with the aimpoint-- but it is more representative of real life than 400 meter lasers taking you out with one shot.

AI: Overall pretty good. Both friendly and enemy AI have "WTF?" moments, but that's the nature of AI.

Gameplay: The new qualification missions are frankly pretty cheesy, though I suppose they might be helpful to new players. The single-player missions have been pretty dissapointing --though I was never a big fan of BIS created missions to begin with.

Lighting: Night is night. There is apparently no moon or ambient light at night in ArmA. I don't mind the NVG's and actually find them much more realistic than the greenish overlay that most games (including OFP) use to simulate NOD's. The shadows are annoying. Crawling into and out of a shadow creates an optical effect similar to what one would experience by slapping a pair of Ray-Bans on everytime you walked through a shadow only to take them off as soon as one steps into the sunlight again.

Performance. I am pretty happy with the performance on my old system. I get FPS' around 25-30 with momentary dips into single digits playing on a P4 3Ghz/1.5 Gig DDR/ Nvidia 6600 256MB/10K rpm 160G ATA drive @ 1024x768x32 with normal detail level and 1200 meter viewdistance.

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Well thanks to Placebo [who posted a fix on the forums] I was able to install without the "no campaign" bug. I also changed some setting in my ATI console to 24 bit and another in my ATI console in the same area. I then added "maxmem=600" in my shortcut.

I have P4 2.8 Ghrz, 1 gig [soon to be 2] of DDR 400 ram ATI Radeon 9800XT 256, Audigy 2 zs sound card.

I can run Armed Assault with most every thing on normal or high at 1024 X 768. No Anti A though. Texture detail on low because of what [i think] Maruk posted about performance. Don't quote me on that though.

Game run fine for me now [finding wood to knock on]. xmas_o.gif

Thank you BIS and all for a great battle sim. I runs for me at least. Lets hope the bugs for others get ironed out. whistle.gif

My helicopters fleet is grounded for the moment untill a certain "control problem" can be worked out. nener.gif

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ok, i've just played the demo (not the full game, so this is to be taken salt in hand) and it seems that the AI still has that uncanny ability to hit you no matter what the circumstance.

I've tried hiding in brush, behind bushes, no luck.

I still get picked off.

I figured i'd throw out some smoke to cover my squad, and as soon as the smoke was out, i was still getting hit with rounds in the smoke.

Other than that, the game seems good.

I haven't experienced the full game, but i intend to buy it.

Sadly the demo hasn't given me that full blown "I MUST OWN THIS!" feeling.

It still has a few quirks that bug the hell out of me, but then again hopefully it will be supported by BIS and updated.

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I've been playing the demo for a few days now and at first I wasn't impressed with the performance of the game and the lag in combat.

But after a few tweaks of display options and a few CTF missions on some good servers, I've got to say the game is pretty impressive.

I especially like those mosquitos that hover in your sight when you are aiming with your scope wink_o.gif

Of course the game has some bad points and many bugs, but if these get fixed then I will certainly buy.

With some extra islands and addons this game could replace my 10GB OFP folder smile_o.gif

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As i've discovered things i've liked it more.

I found out that on the coop maps, there are hummers.

So, i've gotten my squads into the hummers and driven through the town to the back. (Now i know how the guys in black hawk down must have felt, fire coming from every direction, men getting taken out before you can even get to your destination. It gets intense) But, there's still just a handful of bugs that drive me nuts. And the AI just has the tendancy to have everyone marksman qualified with an AK-47 out to 1000 yards.

Also, i have yet to get to the zooming in, since where i intend to zoom, and where i end up looking are rarely the same place. banghead.gif

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A ArmA addon i havent notice yet? tounge2.gif

Actually its Ak-74s which are quite a improvement over the 47 when it comes to accuracy, i hate it when people always think that with the 47 ages ago russians stopped when it comes to develop weapons.

Anyway i get offtopic, to say something fitting here:

I like ArmA since last patches however it still is much to do to make it feel as smooth as OFP.

Its like soem said it looks sweet and offers lot but somehow movement feels bit like drunk at least in the aiming there is always a slight feeling like the soldier is extreme lazy.

Also the helicopters... gah... its funny see me fly them acting like i ride a wild donkey fighting controls more than the enemy... had a round in OFP again with the RHS Hinds and wow it felt so good having full control and be able to aim quite easy even with unguided weapons...

Thinking of that... god... the versions of our Hind with fixed  gun will be a bitch in ArmA once theyre converted sad_o.gif

But i have high hopes for the 505 Games version or better said the patch that will be availeable by then... not for the unfitting vehicles that will come with it... no, i just hope BIS fixes and finalises some of the left stuff, all the already done models etc, the rabbits, wolfs, the police uaz and land rover, the launchers and roockets that are all halfway done but didnt make it in the game...


BUT most of all i want the damn campaign in the real original planned version including the characters that surely arent in the game for no purpose ( King Joseph, Torrez, North Minister etc ).


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I like ArmA since last patches however it still is much to do to make it feel as smooth as OFP.

Its like soem said it looks sweet and offers lot but somehow movement feels bit like drunk at least in the aiming there is always a slight feeling like the soldier is extreme lazy.

Also the helicopters... gah... its funny see me fly them acting like i ride a wild donkey fighting controls more than the enemy... had a round in OFP again with the RHS Hinds and wow it felt so good having full control and be able to aim quite easy even with unguided weapons...

Thinking of that... god... the versions of our Hind with fixed gun will be a bitch in ArmA once theyre converted sad_o.gif

But i have high hopes for the 505 Games version or better said the patch that will be availeable by then... not for the unfitting vehicles that will come with it... no, i just hope BIS fixes and finalises some of the left stuff, all the already done models etc, the rabbits, wolfs, the police uaz and land rover, the launchers and roockets that are all halfway done but didnt make it in the game...


BUT most of all i want the damn campaign in the real original planned version including the characters that surely arent in the game for no purpose ( King Joseph, Torrez, North Minister etc ).


Maybe there is a reason 505 is releasing later (atleast i hope there is), its too bad the other publishers couldnt pass without the xmas revenue. Ofcourse users will never be completely satisfied but what im reading about Arma should be more encouraging (overall) and makes me think that an extra 6 month work would have made a great diference.

Atleast the potential is there smile_o.gif .

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I have ArmA since the 15th of this month (friday).

What can I say...It'll be a great game, once people start making realistic configs and stuff. What I don't understand is why BIS is making a game (despite tons of complaints, suggestions and requests) that isn't realistic as It could be, since It'll reach It's highest coolness level when It's moded to be realistic.

In other words: if you played ofp, you know what to expect.

Missions and the campaign are designed to be rather cool than realistic (which doesn't mean they're easy btw). Average players would be amazed, while people that played some high quality missions focused on realism in old ofp...well.

AI is improoved, that's a fact, but If you played the latest ffur (I'm talking about the highest skill levels of AI in both cases) you won't be supprised so much. Personally, I expected a lot more than I got...

There's no need to talk about the eye candy aspect...just buy a new pc wink_o.gif

Vehicles: well, do not expect something like laser rangefinders for tanks, or "Improved simulation of armored weapon platforms" or "M1A1 complete with loader station and two mounted machine guns (one each for the commander and loader)" if fyou know what I mean...To be honest, they suck. You can kill an Abrams mbt with 4 rpgs.

I'm a bit tired now, I'll try to write something more with my shitty english tomorrow.

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I've been playing this game for about 2 weeks now and I must say im suprised at the AI's flanking abilities without being told what to do. One time on mission editor I was slaughtering a crowd of civilians for fun and when my teammates turned on me i managed to escape and hide behind a rock on an elevation. The AI then started to flank me by sending about 3-4 guys on the move to my left while the rest kept firing at me keeping me pinned. They kept doing this till I was screwed and ended with 2 in my head.

Another time I was doing an attack the city w/ Blufor attacking and I was watching as a civilian. The AI sent 1 squad quietly while the others were just meatbags. In the end, Blufor won because while Opfor was engaging the meatshields, they just unloaded on them and I was just standing there like wow. While many games like F.E.A.R. boast about their AIs superior flanking abilities, I think ArmedA gots them beat.

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Quote[/b] ] =B33F=Reaper

In many ways it's worse then OFP the graphics are horrid and worse than most of todays games.

I'm not sure what he means... I don't find the graphics horrid. I think they're quite nice. The rocks sticking out of the landscape that are a slightly different colour than the craggy rocky cliffs they are attached to are a little strange- and the roundness of those rocks is a little weird to me, but I live on the wast coast of North America. This is the newest landscape on earth, and everything here is very jagged. Other than that, I think the game is well presented. What about the graphics do you guys find ugly?

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"In many ways it's worse then OFP the graphics are horrid and worse than most of todays games."

Maybe try turning up the visuals quality? Compared to FP, AAs visuals are beautiful. It is upgrade time again for many of us. And there will be way more taxing games coming this next year than AA.

Can`t wait.

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Hi guys (waveing and saluting to all the OFP fans that are soon to be total ARMA fans after the modders get their hands on the mod tools)

I downloaded arma when it came out, configured my controls like in OFP, and played the game, I have to say:

Being an OFP fan since its birth, the graphics are definately a great improvement, the texture, the feel, ect.

Ya sure the game has bugs who cares so did OFP, but any OFP fan knows this and understands what to possibly expect.

  There are definatley some changes needed, especially the flying of choppers and planes which if you want to compare to OFP I think it sucks but hey thats me, I flew all the time in OFP and I really think Arma needs an adjusment we'll wait and see. For a new guy to the OFP/ ARMA community their going to see it different.

Well after playing with it for month straight mostly in the editor I like making my own missions, I went back to OFP.  I'm really waiting for the mod tools to come out for the modders.  When the tools are out then you know arma is going to come really alive, addons, total conversion mods, sound mods, guns,planes, units,boats,tanks, mechs, on and on and on and on, YESSSS!  notworthy.gif  pistols.gif

    This my OFP friends is what makes OFP like christmas xmas_o.gif everyday because of the dedication and the love of the game, and you know what....................(Pauses for a second.,.,achm Minute) ARMA or Armed Assault for all you non OFP speaking gamers out there, is going to be ausome too, Arma will become ausome just sit tight quit your complaining, and bickering to each other and get excited.

I love OFP, notworthy.gifinlove.gif  the best game I have ever played, and I can say that because I'm involved, and play it. To all the Arma waiters out there, its worth the wait, but the community is going to make the difference not BIS, OFP tells us this.

(stops typing and lets out a sigh, while thinking about a new mission to make on the OFP editor:love: ) ..!! oh were still live my bad.  wink_o.gif

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Well, I don't agree with the graphics being horrid, they are just differently focused. Personally I think horrid graphics are when a game doesn't allow you to see beyond 200 meters, but they sure have pretty weeds right in front of your face.

ArmedA uses the GPU power for drawing further away, I loved the scenery and the view distance, could see individual trees miles away.

What I don't love is the minimum requirements listed for the game, I've got a 2.2GHz AMD64, 1G RAM, 128M ATI 9700, and even with the worst settings 20-24 FPS is the best I can do even with overclocking by 100MHz on the GPU. And that's just on the 8man demo with hardly anything going on on screen. I'm sure if we added 40 players, vehicles and explosions on the playfield I'd be lucky to get 5fps.

Don't get me wrong - the game/sim is great in itself, and as I've been waiting for this game for years I'll likely get myself a new PC as soon as it's released in the states.

What really stinks is that this is a laptop, so I can't really upgrade the GFX, and turning down the resolution makes everything too blurry on the LCD sad_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]I'm sure if we added 40 players, vehicles and explosions on the playfield I'd be lucky to get 5fps.

Not for me, i have the min specs and i can place a lot of units in the editor without taking a hit (around a 100).

BIS should make it an option if we want trees to wave in the wind or not (plus i think the trees are just waving without any wind influence cause when i make the weather bad i don't notice anything different with the trees or grass).

That moving of the trees causes a massive performance hit without adding much to the game itself (i can still spot a character far away). Should be optional...

Oh yea and the grass slows stuff down too.

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BIS should make it an option if we want trees to wave in the wind or not (plus i think the trees are just waving without any wind influence cause when i make the weather bad i don't notice anything different with the trees or grass).

That moving of the trees causes a massive performance hit without adding much to the game itself (i can still spot a character far away). Should be optional...

Oh yea and the grass slows stuff down too.

I suggest you reinstall OFP:)

Btw, you forgot the waves on the sea, the insects, the dynamic weather and lots of other stuff which 'slows things down';)

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I was playing the demo and i checked out the swaying trees, only to see the whole trunk is swaying not just the branches. There must be some strong winds on Sahrani tounge2.gif . I will admit im very pleased with ArmA so far even with the graphical glitches and i've only got the demo, i can't wait for the full game in february...I'm running the game on the highest settings with 3000 view distance and it's as smooth as silk so far.

I wont tell you what my system specs are, but believe me, there pretty dam good biggrin_o.gif .

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