Mora2 0 Posted January 5, 2007 Aye, its near impossible to fine-tune the mouse to where you can reliably aim at targets and one-shot them with iron sights and Aimpoint without making moving the rest of the time like congealed bacon fat... so true Shame on realism whores. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zorbtek 0 Posted January 5, 2007 Looks like ArmA made its way to the top 10 on Gamespot, probably because of the demo. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dudester 0 Posted January 6, 2007 So far the things that BIS have tried to add to AA since Ofp seem to have caused more problems then good. Things like Floating Aim, scope lagg, grass bug, vehicle controls, death animation, Evasive forwards and the many other things people are complaining about on here. Chopper rudder...ect. I just hope all these things can be fixed in a short time and not in years like Ofp. I bought this game because i thought AA would be a polished multiplayer game. Somthing Ofp wasn't designed for. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maddmatt 1 Posted January 7, 2007 So far the things that BIS have tried to add to AA since Ofp seem to have caused more problems then good. Things like Floating Aim, scope lagg, grass bug, vehicle controls, death animation, Evasive forwards and the many other things people are complaining about on here. Chopper rudder...ect. I just hope all these things can be fixed in a short time and not in years like Ofp. I bought this game because i thought AA would be a polished multiplayer game. Somthing Ofp wasn't designed for. Floating aim was in OFP, or are you mixing it up with mouselag? Because that isn't part of the game, unless you have performance problems. And scope lag is the same story. All you do on these forums is whine. Here you complain about the netcode, when the problem is you playing on hosts with bad connections/PC's. You even think they are dedicated servers when they are not: Here Here you start a topic whining about how you hate leaning in the game: Here Here is another stupid whining thread that got locked due to your ignorance: Here There was another topic where you whined about the double tap controls. I don't have a link though. You are rude and contribute nothing to these forums, your are annoying. Grow up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dudester 0 Posted January 7, 2007 If want to moan about the things i don't like i will. I am already aware of the things i have written, so i don't need you to highlight them for me. What are you actually contributing to the forums by moaning about me moaning. You call me rude? when you come here saying all this about me. I dont recall ever answering any of your posts with insults. Nobody asked you to read my posts did they. Anyways i'm not getting into this the thread states whats its about, so i will stick to the topic WICH > isn't about me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zanzibar 0 Posted January 8, 2007 I'm missing Placebo already now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maddmatt 1 Posted January 8, 2007 If want to moan about the things i don't like i will. I am already aware of the things i have written, so i don't need you to highlight them for me. What are you actually contributing to the forums by moaning about me moaning. You call me rude? when you come here saying all this about me. I dont recall ever answering any of your posts with insults. Nobody asked you to read my posts did they. Anyways i'm not getting into this the thread states whats its about, so i will stick to the topic WICH > isn't about me. Well your whining is annoying and it irritates me. That's why I posted that. Why does someone who says nothing good about the game still hang around on the forums? You don't sound like you enjoy it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted January 8, 2007 Finally loaded up the German version and patched it. Added the language translator and played it this weekend. My impressions: Whoever made the translator: You need to double-check  spelling and grammar. But Thank-You anyway because I prefer typos to learning German anyday! *If you need help let me know. The game: Has alot of "Uncanny Valley" type stuff in it.  Didn't care for the campaign mode, because it lacked the immersion of OFP and frankly, the storyline is very poor. ^^(Att'n: Madmatt: *I.M.O*).  Played the single player misions ie: Weapons qualifications and vehicles. Good way to familiarise yourself. The 1st saboteur mission was Ok. Multiplayer: Had tons of fun with that on one or two stable servers; more stable than the demo. Lots of helpful/creative folks -great community! Mission editor: Powerful, -easily a game in itself. Conclusion: Merely OK. The poor campaign/single player mode seems counter-balanced and propped up by multiplayer and map editor. Vehicles: Very few different types.  Disappointed in not seeing the Hind. Overall: recommended to the hardcore, pass otherwise. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maddmatt 1 Posted January 8, 2007 Quote[/b] ]The game: Has alot of "Uncanny Valley" type stuff in it. Didn't care for the campaign mode, because it lacked the immersion of OFP and frankly, the storyline is very poor.^^(Att'n: Madmatt: *I.M.O*). Why are you referring to me? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dudester 0 Posted January 8, 2007 Well your whining is annoying and it irritates me. That's why I posted that. Why does someone who says nothing good about the game still hang around on the forums? You don't sound like you enjoy it. Like i already said you moan about my complaints and yet still read my posts, its so simple just don't read them. Its like me going into a football ground full of people and saying i dont like noise. There are other people here who are not happy with certain things aswell (just seen your above complaint). I also don't have to answer to anyone why i visit these forums but i will. I paid for the game so i am entitled like anyone else to read news and any updates there might be like patches...ect Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jack-UK 0 Posted January 8, 2007 @ DAG Sabot: I read that in 505's Release some new vehicles and weapons will be added. I know these included a new OPFOR aeroplane and maybe a chopper im not sure... Ive heard bad things about the campaign This dissapoints me as i was really looking forward to a good immersive campaign... OFP's original campaign i LOVED, brilliant work on that BIS, Red Hammer + Resistance was also quite good. I dont think ive read a single good review on the campaign yet so i guess theres no hope I tried a few user made campaigns in OFP... but i never found any with good class that BIS could make... though i might have missed some of the good ones I hope you find some time after the major patches/fixes to make some more campaigns (maybe in an expansion pack  ) Edit: Please guys... dont carry on arguing here.. i dont want the thread to get locked =) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maddmatt 1 Posted January 8, 2007 Like i already said you moan about my complaints and yet still read my posts, its so simple just don't read them. Its like me going into a football ground full of people and saying i dont like noise. There are other people here who are not happy with certain things aswell. I also don't have to answer to anyone why i visit these forums but i will. I paid for the game so i am entitled like anyone else to read news and any updates there might be like patches...ect I never said you have to answer to me. You don't have to read my posts either you know . I can understand having problems about the game, but you don't have to be an asshole about it. @Dag-Sabot: . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Callaghan 1 Posted January 8, 2007 Right most people clearly dont know anything so here is an (imo) accurate roundup of gameplay and visual bugs, I stress bugs, because too many people talk about things which they personally dont like about the game, these are not neccessarily bugs, it just might not suit your style of gameplay. BIS isnt a giant company like EA or anything so be grateful that a military sim of that quality exists at all. The 'grass bug' isnt a bug as such, a soldier would never use mid-height grass as cover anyway so dont expect it to provide you with a good firing position, at most it provides good concealment as you crawl into position, go to a kneeling position if you must return fire from grass. If its really so bad turn shading detail down to minimum, this will reduce the visual density of foilage and the distance at which it is drawn whilst increasing your frame rate. There also is the option of turning floating aim off so dont complain about it. Ground vehicle controls are in no way worse but the physics do need to be patched, at the moment tanks feel very light at a certain speed and its possible to drift them round corners like a rally car, this is ridiculous for a simulator and must be changed. AI LOS (line of sight) needs to be improved as they are able to detect you through tall grass and dense foilage and when it comes to tanks it is clear that their LOS has not been modified to suit the limited viewing angle. Some might say nitpicking, i say if you are going to call a game a simulator, you should have something to back it, at the moment it is just a very detailed and in depth game, it has a way to go before it is anything else. In terms of graphics, the texture management system is ridden with bugs; when you respawn in MP, the game seems to be overwhelmed with trying to load the textures onto the wireframes, if it has been correctly coded this shouldnt happen, also destroyed vehicles often flicker between the 'normal' and 'wreck' textures, not only making it look very silly and unrealistic but also making it difficult to choose targets during combat (at least they got rid of that stupid blackened texture from ofp). Tracers are much improved from last time but i have yet to see the improved ricochet physics working, bullets should not deflect off sand ffs, no matter what the angle of impact. I dont know what this scope/sight lag is that people speak of, buy a good laser mouse and turn your sensitivity down a little. WHen it comes to sound, the EAX needs to be improved as even if you float-aim your gun to the side a little it sounds like it is being shot in the distance and the helicopters only have about 3 volume levels making flyovers sound lame. Vehicle A.I. needs the most change out of everything, tanks shoot down helicopters effortlessly and the shilka (zsu-23-4) is unable to shoot down the AV8 (harrier), although this is fairly true to reality the shilka cannot even target it properly (try making a basic shilka vs harrier mission and play as the driver). On top of this A.I is unable to use the laser guided bombs and the planes just fly around making a worse sound than the one in OFP, the designator works but the soldier carrying it seems unable to decide whether he wants to use a laser or an m-16, even if there are no infantry targets. also miniguns in general are buggy, M163, Shilka and UH60 guns seem to fire continuously from the first click and can only be stopped by changing views and firing again. As for impact detection and balistics, either BIS has been naughty and simply made it so there is a random chance of a one shot kill (M1A1 vs T72) or it simply needs a lot of work. Dont get me wrong i really like this game it simply is not yet close to being a simulator, the flight model needs to be drastically changed, its not realistic just because its difficult, even bf2's silky smooth flight controls are FAR more realistic in terms of movement and BIS should realise that sometimes its worth sacrificing some detail if it means saving gameplay. For ultra-modern killing machines, the aircraft in OFP and AA handle terribly (every tried having a dogfight?) and should be completely redone from scratch. Bugs aside, arma IS a very enjoyable game, a diamond in the rough with even more potential than OFP thanks to basic engine improvements (multiple gunner positions, increased squad sizes, ingame unit change). So dont let these bugs put you off, get the english copy when it comes out, support the MOD community with whatever you can and this game will become a legend like its father, Operation Flashpoint Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
frederf 0 Posted January 8, 2007 Quote[/b] ]Right, most people clearly don't know anything so here is an (IMO) accurate roundup of game play and visual bugs, I stress bugs, because too many people talk about things which they personally don't like about the game, these are not necessarily bugs, it just might not suit your style of game play.BIS isn't a giant company like EA or anything so be grateful that a military sim of that quality exists at all. The 'grass bug' isn't a bug as such, a soldier would never use mid-height grass as cover anyway so don't expect it to provide you with a good firing position, at most it provides good concealment as you crawl into position, go to a kneeling position if you must return fire from grass. If its really so bad turn shading detail down to minimum, this will reduce the visual density of foliage and the distance at which it is drawn whilst increasing your frame rate. There also is the option of turning floating aim off so don't complain about it. Ground vehicle controls are in no way worse but the physics do need to be patched, at the moment tanks feel very light at a certain speed and its possible to drift them round corners like a rally car, this is ridiculous for a simulator and must be changed. AI LOS (line of sight) needs to be improved as they are able to detect you through tall grass and dense foliage and when it comes to tanks it is clear that their LOS has not been modified to suit the limited viewing angle. Some might say nitpicking, i say if you are going to call a game a simulator, you should have something to back it, at the moment it is just a very detailed and in depth game, it has a way to go before it is anything else. In terms of graphics, the texture management system is ridden with bugs; when you respawn in MP, the game seems to be overwhelmed with trying to load the textures onto the wireframes, if it has been correctly coded this shouldn't happen, also destroyed vehicles often flicker between the 'normal' and 'wreck' textures, not only making it look very silly and unrealistic but also making it difficult to choose targets during combat (at least they got rid of that stupid blackened texture from ofp). Tracers are much improved from last time but i have yet to see the improved ricochet physics working, bullets should not deflect off sand ffs, no matter what the angle of impact. I don't know what this scope/sight lag is that people speak of, buy a good laser mouse and turn your sensitivity down a little. When it comes to sound, the EAX needs to be improved as even if you float-aim your gun to the side a little it sounds like it is being shot in the distance and the helicopters only have about 3 volume levels making flyovers sound lame. Vehicle A.I. needs the most change out of everything, tanks shoot down helicopters effortlessly and the Shilka (ZSU-23-4) is unable to shoot down the AV8 (Harrier), although this is fairly true to reality the Shilka cannot even target it properly (try making a basic Shilka vs Harrier mission and play as the driver). On top of this A.I. is unable to use the laser guided bombs and the planes just fly around making a worse sound than the one in OFP, the designator works but the soldier carrying it seems unable to decide whether he wants to use a laser or an m-16, even if there are no infantry targets. also miniguns in general are buggy, M163, Shilka and UH-60 guns seem to fire continuously from the first click and can only be stopped by changing views and firing again. (Ed note: or rate of fire) As for impact detection and ballistics, either BIS has been naughty and simply made it so there is a random chance of a one shot kill (M1A1 vs T72) or it simply needs a lot of work. Don't get me wrong I really like this game, but it simply is not yet close to being a simulator, the flight model needs to be drastically changed, its not realistic just because its difficult. Even BF2's silky smooth flight controls are FAR more realistic in terms of movement and BIS should realize that sometimes its worth sacrificing some detail if it means saving gameplay. For ultra-modern killing machines, the aircraft in OFP and AA handle terribly (every tried having a dogfight?) and should be completely redone from scratch. Bugs aside, ArmA IS a very enjoyable game, a diamond in the rough, with even more potential than OFP thanks to basic engine improvements (multiple gunner positions, increased squad sizes, in-game unit change). So don't let these bugs put you off, get the English copy when it comes out, support the MOD community with whatever you can and this game will become a legend like its father, Operation Flashpoint Edited with paragraphs and reasonable spelling so people can actually read it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted January 8, 2007 Surely noone really thinks this as a simulator? Oh btw: Poor taste to attack someone's grammar/spelling instead of posting with a well crafted counterpoint. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr reality 0 Posted January 8, 2007 Edited with paragraphs and reasonable spelling so people can actually read it. I had no problems reading it, then again i never would think too put someone down because of bad grammar. @MexicanMercenary Unfortunatly the majority of those problems were in Flashpoint so we might be stuck with them..I was atleast expecting Flashpoint bugs to be ironed out by now.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dan9of9 0 Posted January 10, 2007 since my new topic got locked: Ok,made some maps,made some tutorials,done my bit. now had enough, The original OFP was played to death,this game is no diferent, its feels boring to me now simply cos its been played so much before hand. I was just in a server,where i notice the old arguement "bf2 is for kids", they were all quoting this game arma is " war = camping" cos ofc someone was moaning about camping. but tbh,this game is a camping game,its everything everyone hated about fast fps's i noticed in jotr and bf2,,lame ass campers using snipers,or getting in tanks. but lets not forget,that althou bf2 was an fps fest,the maps were smaller,but atleast its playable,and felt nice to play,even if the jump was to big,or it had to much bullet spread. the size of arma maps with a toned down bf2 run and gun would blow the market away. ive played most if not all fps's. the fun in this game is just not there for me now ive played this game in 2002,ofp,its no dif. i cannot be arsed to spend 30 minutes-1hr setting a postion to get sniped by some lame camper,or get blasted from a dam tank. there is no playablilty in this game i feel,i have to fight the controls so much i takes the enjoyment away from the bueaty of it. shame ,if infantry was a little less lumpy,it would rock. they claim its real,there is no jump,and no i dont mean stupid ott bf2 jump,but hell,just carrying an ak,and you cannot jump,that is NOT real. also the lumpy stupid way you cannot fire while running. ive held guns before and i tell you,you bloody can run and gun in real life.,yes ok it might not be the same as prone and shooting,but jezz,you do not shoot at your feet in real life when running with a gun. again,this game has terrible terrible "real play" problems,to the point it aint real. fool youself all ya like,this game is lumpy,horid to play,full of campers. sooooo boring. already our whole clan hates it,25 ppl,,unbelievable. and the AI,,lmfao,,yeh right,just as lame. i kinda evy you guys that like this,cos i remember ofp,and i loved it,and i have given this game a dam good going over. i just cannot get into it. what the hell do you see in this game? all this game needs i feel is a small jump,some run and gun,and smoothing to feel good instead of this constant pull down trying to control this horrid delay from walk to run,or extra 4 steps sometimes when trying to stop at a wall and running way past. i feel since being in a clan of lots,and they all find the same,from people that played ofp to death,to those that never played it.all find the same thing,its boring,slow,not finished,lumpy,ai is crap,online is snipe or tanks ftw. its lame. and 25 ppl saying that must tell you something. but do you listen,? no ofc you dont,you just pls the 100 ppl that like ofp so much. there could be 1000's playing this game if you just smoothed it out. shame,a real shame. oh and btw,all those who did play ofp to death,will already have it,your scheme to add extra content might get the same 100 ppl only that you have to re buy the uk or us version,and it might get another 100 ppl buying it.but it wont last. ofp is dead,this is ofp all over again. WITH GRASS THAT THE COMMUNITY TAKES IT OFF THRU AN ADDON,lmfao. listen up bis. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Metal Heart 0 Posted January 10, 2007 Just sell the game or throw it away if it causes you so much grief. It's not the end of the world. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr reality 0 Posted January 10, 2007 there is no playablilty in this game i feel,i have to fight the controls so much i takes the enjoyment away from the bueaty of it.shame ,if infantry was a little less lumpy,it would rock. fool youself all ya like,this game is lumpy,horid to play As i don't play online i've not experianced the gameplay. But i do agree 100% with your quote above. I'm only playing the demo and i feel like i'm getting killed because of a delayed action from a keystroke or an animation. What you said about the jerky movement is also spot on as i've tried to near a corner only to find with a slight tap on my direction key sends the guy four feet furtrher than i wanted. There's just something not right about the controls and even compared to flashpoint they feel heavy and as you said jerky. I'm not enjoying the demo one bit and that's a shame as i still love flashpoint and i'm trying my damed hardest to like ArmA. I will add though that my demo has a serious flaw in that when i try to use my optics i can't see a thing as the textures are f***ed up. This happens near some trees and buildings. Maybe if it wasn't for that i could enjoy it more. What worries me though is that if a gamer who's new to ArmA has the same problems as i'm having with shitty textures he'll uninstall it and forget about it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fubarno1 0 Posted January 13, 2007 I was asked to write my opinion of ArmA for a group I am with and this is what I have come up with....too harsh? Quote[/b] ]I like maybe every other Operation Flashpoint owner has been waiting with baited breath for the arrival of ArmA (Armed Assault from BIS) the follow-up for the long successful Operation Flashpoint, I was fortunate enough to be able to get my hands on a Czech copy of the game, and with Sickboy’s excellent Czech to English patch was able to get a look-in before 505’s release in February 2007. After a trouble free Installation I started the game, and my first impressions were Jesus how awesome does this game look BIS have done us proud. Then that’s where the problems and cracks started to show their faces I think everyone can commend BIS for their choice of trying to go it alone without the backing of a major distributor , but I can’t help feeling that because of this BIS have cut a lot of corners to get the game nearly ready for release in the time frame they were looking for, I say nearly because as it stands ArmA is basically still in its Beta stage with a lot of bugs and glitches that to be honest if it was ever beta tested in the first place they would not or at least should not have made it through to the going gold stage. I had my concerns when ArmA was announced in June 2005 with a release expected by December 2005, that only gave a 7 month development cycle before production and release, then it was delayed this may have been due to problems or that BIS had decided to add so many features and enhancements that the December release had proven to be an unrealistic goal, from initial details and video’s released from the time details for ArmA was announced to the gaming world, you can see that there have been major changes in the game format to what we have now. There is a hell of a lot of bugs/glitches in ArmA that although a majority of them are not game stoppers they are frustrating and makes a game that could be very enjoyable into one that makes me think that maybe I should have waited until the game has been sufficiently patched before purchasing it. I think the first thing that is glaringly obvious is that no thought or quality control has been put into the single player or campaign missions, in fact some of the missions are not able to be finished due to bugs / errors in the mission make-up. When you compare the quality of the missions and campaign that was released with Operation Flashpoint and Resistance with  those that you get with ArmA you can see where BIS have either not bothered with ensuring that this part of the game had the quality that many players had been expecting, or that the people who developed the missions and campaign for OFP and Resistance no longer work for BIS, maybe there has been a change at BIS where the emphasis of ArmA is multiplayer so they have seen no need to include a campaign that drew you into the game like OFP and Resistance did and just stitched some missions together to try and please the single player side of the community. By ignoring or giving less attention to this side of the game can only make it difficult for new players to ArmA get an understanding of what ArmA is about, ArmA is basically a battlefield simulation and not one of the run and gun type of games that everyone is used to, so they need something that helps guide them through the sometimes tricky learning curve of a slower paced game with a whole load of new player controls that will take some time to learn, and the only way to help this progress is with a path that keeps the player interested while also learning how to play the game,  good missions with an interesting and inviting campaign will do that just as OFP/Resistance did, without it a lot of potential new customers will walk away from ArmA because it looks too confusing to those that have grown-up around the run and gun type games.  The visual quality of the island is breathtaking but it’s a shame that the PC specifications that are listed with ArmA means that most players that are just above the minimum spec or even have the recommended spec PC’s have to reduce that visual quality to even make the game playable. The new grass feature looks really good but when down low it hinders your ability to track and target your enemy, the AI do not even see the grass so this gives them a major advantage in that you cannot see them but they can see you, and it is proving to be a major resource hugger to the point that the community have had to release a new island without the grass feature to gain those much needed extra FPS. The game objects look as though they are ported from a combination of OFP/Resistance/VBS1/OFP-Elite Objects / addons, we know the game engine itself is a modified version of the engine released with OFP-Elite that should give a lot of scope for those that have the skills and knowledge to use the tools that BIS should be releasing to help mod ArmA like the community did with OFP, that day cannot come a day too soon because the quality of the addons supplied with ArmA are for me very poor indeed. The abysmal list of addons that have been included in the release of ArmA makes you wonder just what BIS were thinking, they expect that a majority of ArmA purchasers are going to be those that already own Operation Flashpoint a game that has matured over the past 5 years with the excellent moding skills from the community, yet release ArmA with basically less addons than when OFP was first released, but at least the majority of addons were useable with OFP where as those released with ArmA makes it quite difficult to visualise the possibilities of mission making while our hands are tied with addons that either do not work as one would expect them to, or are so basic in their appeal that you may never use them. The biggest problems with the current addons is that there are times that they will not engage each other, example of this is the harrier no matter what you try it will never engage any targets, Tanks maybe even drive past each other for some distance before they do engage, (something must be screwed up with the threat recognition part of the ArmA engine as this also affects the AI soldiers too). If you receive damage to your armour you are instructed to dismount far too soon, and even if you manage to get your armour repaired the game engine still thinks it is damaged so refuses to let AI remount the vehicles, this has a detrimental effect to both supplied missions in single player and campaign and user made missions, maybe after watching so many of the AI making suicide runs you could be mistaken that you are playing "ArmA – The al-Qaeda Wars" by mistake. Some vehicles and AI soldiers point blank refuse to cross some bridges, and sometimes when they try they can get stuck this makes it impossible to complete a mission. You can send an AI controlled hummv along a road (set to safe or careless) and it will get to its destination (at sometime) change that hummv to one with any sort of weapon and you can expect it to stop for approximately 5 sec’s at each of its waypoints or it will totally ignore the waypoints and try and find its own route which can be a nice tour of some city, I made a mission that displayed this that can be found here. The one thing BIS could do is to release the tools that will enable current OFP moders to port their OFP addons into ArmA, although BIS have indicated that they will be supporting a group of volunteers to port everything that has been released in OFP-Cold war Crisis,  OFP- Gold Upgrade, OFP- Resistance into ArmA, it is something that should have been considered prior to the release of ArmA as the delay in the release of these tools is a stumbling block to making ArmA more inviting to the end user. HDR needs a lot of tweaking from BIS as they have decided not to enable the end user to disable this affect, this is probably because it is too deeply written into the game engine to make this possible, the only hope is that BIS are able to come up with a compromise that improves how the HDR lighting is implemented in game. The engine still needs to be optimised but this will take time, there are users that have very high spec computers that are complaining that they are having difficulty with ArmA yet there are others that have a lower spec computer that don’t seem to be having too many issues with ArmA, I myself have 2 computers that have problems running ArmA both are reasonably high spec Computer 1 (Water Cooled)        Computer 2 (Fan Cooled) AMD 64 4800 X2               AMD 64 3700 2 Gig Ram                    1 Gig Ram Asus A8N-32 SLI Deluxe          Asus A8N-SLI Deluxe Nvidia Geforce 7950 GTX2         Nvidia GeForce 7900 GX 300 Gig SATA II                150 Gig SATA NEC DVD-RW                  Pioneer DVR-108 Both computers after about 45 – 60 min start having graphic’s issues that makes the game totally unplayable, if I alt tab out of the game it does elevate the problem for a short while, but does get to the point of either the game crashing or I’m having to close the game myself, all my drivers are up to date and a clean install of XP Pro on both computers so there should not be any issues with the actual set-up of the computers, I am thinking my problems are with either a compatibility problem with the game engine itself or the Nvidia Drivers but only time and continued testing is going to show what the problem is. There is one thing I can’t condone and this has really disappointed me and that is the total lack of support or input from BIS considering the BETA condition that ArmA has been released in. One thing I always praised BIS to others on was the care they displayed during the release of OFP but now I start to wonder if this was mainly down to either Codemasters forcing them to communicate like they did, or that they did have a genuine need to see their game succeed so were willing to give the time to offer guidance and input where they could, now it would seem they would prefer to bury their heads in the ground and ignore a lot of the troubleshooting posts and leave it to the community members to guess what the solutions to the problems could be, I know a lot of people would say that BIS’s time would be better spent fixing what is broken than spending time on a forum, but considering the state that the full game and the demo were released in I would have thought they would have had some form of damage limitation in place, I know myself of a number of people that showed an interest in ArmA but have now turned their backs to it because of the problems and negative posts in both the official and none official forums, at the moment BIS seem to not give a flying fudge about the quality of the product that the end user is purchasing, so far all we have heard from them is "you need to speak to the distributor about your problems" but if that distributor is not willing to listen where does the end user go then or do they just have to put up with a poorly put together product because BIS can't be arsed either? I wouldn't be surprised if there has been an arrangement between BIS and the distributors that chose to sell the game to grab the Christmas market, that because the game was not ready then they the distributors would have to shoulder the support because BIS wouldn't, if that is the case then that is a poor state of affairs for BIS to leave the people that purchased their product in. It seems strange that a company like 505 have decided to wait until Feb 2007 rather than jump on the pre-Christmas band wagon like the others, maybe there is more truth than fiction in this idea of mine? My recommendations to those that are considering purchasing ArmA you need to look beyond the how nice it looks and look at the problems that a lot of people are having with the game and base your decision on that, no-one expects a PC game to get released bug free, but the very least we should expect is that the game is stable and enjoyable and that if there are any problems there is someone we can address those problems to and get some sort of reply from them, in this case don’t look towards BIS or the distributors as you will get no answer from those quarters. My opinion as a gamer and especially one that has been with OFP from first release of the demo, ArmA was not, is not ready for sale to the paying public so I would recommend that you wait until it has been patched to a workable solution, but that could take some time as BIS are only a small company and considering that they are also working on game 2 I think support for ArmA will be limited to issues that stop the game from working, and you can bet those of us that have ArmA now can look forward to a rather large patch (300Mb – 600Mb) to download at the time 505 make their release public as BIS have already said that we will get the same content that 505 gets and remember most patches break other things that weren’t broken. I was a supporter of BIS but after looking at how they have handled themselves with the release of ArmA, I think that the next game they release I will wait until it been sufficiently patched that the general consensus is that the game is stable enough to play, I won’t be buying one of their products so early in its life cycle again it will save heartache and frustration from thinking you are taking a step forward with their new release only to find that your actually taking quite a few steps backwards with a very slow crawl forward. ArmA is not a new game it is actually OFP 1.5 if you take away the window dressing you will see that is all you are getting is OFP on steroids. If you already own OFP/Resistance you already know the quality of some of the addons and modifications available to you from the great community within OFP, don’t waste your money on ArmA at this time, you can get just as good results downloading the improvements the community have made for OFP and you have a damn sight more availability of addons to make your Battle Commanding dreams come true than you will in ArmA. You will probably end up like me and keep going back to OFP to see the potential ArmA could have had if it was given a bit more time to grow before release. I’d also like to congratulate BIS at this time for releasing a demo that people either can’t play or won’t play or are already bored with, a great marketing coup there! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
funnyguy1 0 Posted January 13, 2007 there is no playablilty in this game i feel,i have to fight the controls so much i takes the enjoyment away from the bueaty of it.shame ,if infantry was a little less lumpy,it would rock. fool youself all ya like,this game is lumpy,horid to play As i don't play online i've not experianced the gameplay. But i do agree 100% with your quote above. I'm only playing the demo and i feel like i'm getting killed because of a delayed action from a keystroke or an animation. What you said about the jerky movement is also spot on as i've tried to near a corner only to find with a slight tap on my direction key sends the guy four feet furtrher than i wanted. There's just something not right about the controls and even compared to flashpoint they feel heavy and as you said jerky. Well, I don't know what you're both talking about..I have the full game 1.02. I bought gold ofp recently (again) as It's relatively cheap now just to compare It to ArmA and have fun with some of the greatest mods that have ever been relased for ofp. And...I don't have any problems with the controlls! Sure, It was strange when I first time run the game, but I even use the default settings done by bis now, as they're most reasonable imho. So, nothing wrong with the controlls for me. And I have to admit that I have rather crappy comp That's a different thing, however, If you're talking about the delay from e.g. double tap (W) from prone to sprint. There's a delay, and it's a feature, not a bug. @fubarno1: Quote[/b] ]There is a hell of a lot of bugs/glitches in ArmA that although a majority of them are not game stoppers they are frustrating and makes a game that could be very enjoyable into one that makes me think that maybe I should have waited until the game has been sufficiently patched before purchasing it. Are you talking about ArmA 1.0? Quote[/b] ]When you compare the quality of the missions and campaign that was released with Operation Flashpoint and Resistance with those that you get with ArmA you can see where BIS have either not bothered with ensuring that this part of the game had the quality that many players had been expecting Well, I have to agree with the whole point about the campaign (don't want to quote so much text though). As I said before, apart from being 10x less realistic than some great missions made by users, they have quite tacky moments. On the other hand one can still enjoy them (If the game is at least in 1.02) as they still have this realistic-wannabe BIS climate Quote[/b] ]If you already own OFP/Resistance you already know the quality of some of the addons and modifications available to you from the great community within OFP, don’t waste your money on ArmA at this time, you can get just as good results downloading the improvements the community have made for OFP and you have a damn sight more availability of addons to make your Battle Commanding dreams come true than you will in ArmA.You will probably end up like me and keep going back to OFP to see the potential ArmA could have had if it was given a bit more time to grow before release. Well, as I said, I'm switching between ArmA and OFP a lot recently, and the more I play OFP the more I see how much ArmA is improoved and realise that I preffer playing ArmA wishing it has the conntent of ofp with the realism of WGL and some other things from ECP, arty done by CoC etc. (I realize that some new people don't even know what I'm talking about) On the other hand I agree with what you wrote at 80%. I think that there's no need to advise people who already know ofp/res not to buy ArmA. What I mean is that they will buy It anyway. The question is whether it's worth buying now. Which also Is a strange thing, because it'll become better sooner or later. Those who don't know ofp, shoud buy It first, and familiarise with the game, then buy ArmA (which is rather utopian solution). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
teioh 0 Posted January 14, 2007 didn't read the thread but I think this game has so much potential. I can't wait for the community to make this game even better. Also after playing rainbow six vegas, I can only imagine how cool it would be if your AI could take cover like they can in RS:V! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
desertfox 2 Posted January 14, 2007 I've spent half of this weekend playing Arma on various servers. All I can say is the game rocks. And with the number of quality maps increasing day by day, and with the numerous fixes and improvements to come with the next patches .. I'm in love !! It's been a while since I've sat in a bush with my heart pounding and adrenaline rushing through my veins, while I was waiting for a T72 to pass my position. I'm impressed. This is OFP de luxe. Don't like the game ? Get the heck out of these forums ! There are a million games I utterly dislike, and it would never come to my mind to post on those games forums. I'd rather spend the time playing a game I like .. or spend the time posting constructively on a forum I want to show dedication towards .. I'd even regard cutting WLAN cable into pieces as more useful. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites