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Armed Assault videos

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Hello lads and lassies, it has been a while since I posted on the Bohemia Interactive forums, but I'm back! smile_o.gif

So, as a token of my appreciation, I made a video with Armed Assault: Queen's Gambit, utilising Cameron and Johnny's fine units.

It's a dancing video using the "easter egg" addons that came with Queen's Gambit.

I made this video a while ago, and I just remembered about the BIS forums, and thought you all might like it.


Well, that's all I have to say, enjoy! smile_o.gif

Haha, hilarious video mate! biggrin_o.gif

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YouTube video quality is complete bollocks. crazy_o.gif

YouTube video quality is horrible, but it's all I have to work with.

Than why don't you post/host your videos in high quality on armedzone.tv/?

Kenwort created it specially to make sure people could upload their Arma videos and keep high quality, same as "vimeo" is doing.



Site is down for me though atm.

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Thanks for your input Foxhound.

The site is down because of a network upgrade, it's a host side issue.. should work later this evening.

For high quality vids.. I still haven't got the time to implant a mod which would convert videos using x263 codec for a high quality output video keeping a low size, but don't worry.. I'll do it real soon smile_o.gif

Right now I'm working on a intro vid for armedzone.tv and maybe even an arma movie.

Still many things to do with armedzone.tv forum should be up real soon.

The good news is that I have added ~1000 arma,ofp and other related videos to armedzone.tv from youtube and vimeo. smile_o.gif


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Can I make it so everyone can watch it in high res or is it only for me?

Just go back and edit your post of the video.

It works for everyone with youtube videos.

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I'm sorry, but how do I do that?  sad_o.gif

Just add: &fmt=18

Onto the end of the youtube link.

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I believe it is YouTube just saving bandwidth.

Doesn't matter how high the video was recorded, they are going to show it at a lower quality, but the original is there.

Matt and I was referring to you the "edit" button on your post with the link, so anyone whom clicks it, gets a better quality.

High/low options on other sites, are mainly to help slow connections, such as dial up or satellite.

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US-Navy-Dude , Top stuff mate, a good lol


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|rsi|super64.. heh your nick reminds me movie bhd. ^^

you're uploaded video isn't available anymore on filefront, I would suggest uploading on vimeo (top quality, nice player) smile_o.gif

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|rsi|super64.. heh your nick reminds me movie bhd. ^^

you're uploaded video isn't available anymore on filefront, I would suggest uploading on vimeo (top quality, nice player) smile_o.gif

Not up anymore? Odd. Hhmm.. a few bud's here at work just watched it from ff. Anyhow, here's the crap quality youtube link. haha

ATOW Campaign 2 Promo!

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This video is a quickly-edited-together compilation of footage from a mission Shack Tactical played on June 4th. I sat out this run through and filmed the action. Note that this is not rehearsed or anything - it's all normal, natural gameplay.

Youtube version:



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Would you mind posting your driver and in game settings for your 4870... I just can't seem to get that card to work as well as my "old" 8800GTX. I don't understand it because this card should clobber the 8800GTX (unless I am cpu bound, but I have a E6600 at 3.2 ghz right now, which I would think would be sufficient for the card). Not that it runs badly, it just seems to run slightly worse then before and certainly not better....

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What sounds are you using in your game. The gun sounds are amazing. Will they cause problems to play online?

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What sounds are you using in your game. The gun sounds are amazing. Will they cause problems to play online?

It's FDF sounds. Like most (all?) sound mods, it shouldn't cause any issues online.

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I've just aquired Sony Vegas and the full version of Fraps so I can make a proper video, could anyone recommend a good site or forum for hints and tips on filming in ArmA?

Most of my videos in the past have simply used gameplay footage.


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Other then that, look at simple filming techniques on youTube, and learn to use camera.sqs.

I believe a lot of the so-called "advanced" video creators appear to be using just a civilian but then they use the video editing programs to zoom in and out of certain shoots including shaking of the screen etc. whistle.gif

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Sorry about this, this was made over 5 months ago but my internet crashed everytime I tried to upload. But we finally fixed it so now heres another one of my vids.

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