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RHS Suggestions for future add-ons

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Maybe some more helicopters?

Mi-28 - not DKM "digital Havoc" one

Ka-28 - may be a good addition, balancing OH-58

In addition - UAZ Hunter, Lada Niva...

How dose the Ka-28 Balance out the OH-58? confused_o.gif the Ka-28 is a transport helo and the OH-58 is recon.

Some other ideas are the MI-1/SM-1, MI-4, and the MI-14 HAZE.

Or MiG-15Bis 'Fagot', MiG-17 'Fresco', MiG-21'Fishbed'

Czilim (Project 20910) Class Light Hovercraft

Luaz-96 Amphibious Battlefield Support Vehicle

Redo the SU-25 'Frogfoot'

I have more ideas.

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Bucket man - already done that myself. And besides, all things indicate RHS may be releasing updated Motorstrecki soon.

I hope to god I'm spelling that word right. huh.gif

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I think RHS should make BMP & BMP2

yah, i agree with that; and they should make some BMD, in fact all the russian apc tounge2.gif

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I wish they would make a zebra...classed as a motorcycle with room for a cargo passenger. I think OFP is really missing that.


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Why is this topic even open. Do you think the RHS team members are brainless and incapable of deciding what they'd like to make...

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Quote[/b] ]Why is this topic even open. Do you think the RHS team members are brainless and incapable of deciding what they'd like to make..

Its open because its letting us, ie the community to express our ideas on the subject, RHS dont have to listen if they dont want too, its only a simple disscussion.

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This is all kinda silly but if I was gonna wanna see anything this close to ARMA and I mean ANYTHING it would have to be some nice BMP's its the only think we dont have besides the MOD ones confused_o.gif

Ofcourse while everyone is playing around with ARMA, us less fortunate ones in the U.S. will still be sitting around playing good old OFP. So anything you guys can leave us with to kill time is great biggrin_o.gif


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Not if you just order it from Europe like I am. Check out ORCS BMP's. While they say ORCS, they were textured by manfred, if i'm not mistaken... and are of the same quality as the newly released RHS T72s (Also textured by manfred) Also check out the Urals and the Shika by ORCS.

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If RHS or someone else:



btr-d (+ AA, AT versions)

bmd-3 and -3m/4 (real sized!!!wink_o.gif

bmp-2/-2E (like the csla one perhaps)

bmp-3 and 3M (with 7 seats for troops)


a T-90 with shtora and drozd-2

Even if its pure fantasy I d like to have them in OFP

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OFP will be in history months later. So there may be no more stuff from them for OFP...

Suggest to close the topic.

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I wish that they stick with the Germany '85 project... The concept looks bloody great! smile_o.gif

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yeah the germany 85 project looks like revolutionizing (i think thats how u spell it.) the addon world. it looks as if its gonna draw in the best of the best. this has potential to be almost a new game.

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if they did make another addon i think it would be best to release something like an su-7 or KA60 two beautiful aircraft they are too.

or weapons we need more eastern weapons, Vikhr Kedr/Klin and a decent Groza

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RHS team, yo rocks guys now, full of realeses, wonderful... Any suggestions? If you doing only adddons for Russian side it would be fine to make some more addons for Russian Air Force. I now searching in Wikipedia and I found some interesting planes:

->>Tupolev Tu-160

->>Sukhoi Su-34

->>Ilyushin Il-78

->>Su-37 Terminator

The last plane is in experimental state.

Footmunch is the guy you should ask for cool russian jets and stuff wink_o.gif

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The only thing I ask of RHS is to port the hinds over to ArmA. I'm going to miss them heavily otherwise. ='(

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The only thing I ask of RHS is to port the hinds over to ArmA. I'm going to miss them heavily otherwise. ='(

I suppose G85 will have these too, though of course only in the 1985 configuration (at least that seems logical to assume).

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I dont see wh we would port them with all versions and maybe even some new ones to ArmA, "Superhind" anyone? ^^

But offcourse they also be in G85 in soviet era config.

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I don´t need all versions..but isn´t this reason enough?


No hind *sniff* sad_o.gif

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I'd skip lunch to see if you guys could pull off an Mi35M (wanna see that cannon-turret!wink_o.gif. Hopefully you'll still have time to make good ole modern day addons for AA too, since I'd hate to be stuck in the 80's, despite all the uber gear from the G85 team.

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Proper winter units to go with the winter vehicles would be nice.


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I dont see wh we would port them with all versions and maybe even some new ones to ArmA, "Superhind" anyone? ^^

But offcourse they also be in G85 in soviet era config.


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