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Confirmed release dates and countries.

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Well, that's the point, the german and czech publisher has to wotk out their artwork aswell, and their localization, but here's the bit about that, many countries in 505 area of responsibility doensn't NEED any localization.

Those would be (my estimated guess, UK, Ireland, Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and Iceland.

That's 13 out of a total of 30 markets, why do those countries have to wait for un-localized versions when the czech's get their localized version on the 10th of Nov?

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The Czech's get to pay to be Beta-Testers?

I'll be happy when I get my PATCHED version in Q1 2007, along with my new computer to run it right!

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Well, that's the point, the german and czech publisher has to wotk out their artwork aswell, and their localization, but here's the bit about that, many countries in 505 area of responsibility doensn't NEED any localization.

Those would be (my estimated guess, UK, Ireland, Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and Iceland.

That's 13 out of a total of 30 markets, why do those countries have to wait for un-localized versions when the czech's get their localized version on the 10th of Nov?

You're forgetting the manuals ...

I'm also not sure exactly why you think that a Czech developer created everything in English first, then had it translated to Czech? Sure the demo strings were in English - being an internationally used language it makes sense to translate the strings used in the press demos to English.

Lastly, I'll address your first point - the German and Czech publishers signed months before 505. They have a significant head start.

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505, being a larger publisher also have other games to publish and can't devote every hour of the day to Arma.

Have you seen their other games? tounge2.gif I think those games can wait. crazy_o.gif

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The contract between bis and the 505 thing was signed/announced this month when the publisher itself was probably already busy with a lot of other stuffs (games) which are going to be on the shelves for xmas.


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I'm surprised that BIS haven't put up a COUNTDOWN clock for release...not sure anyone els has...I'd do it, but I have no idea how crazy_o.gif

Would be a nice way of watching time fly and give some people out there a goal to aim for... rofl.gif

... goodnight.gif

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It would be a nice move if BIS would make the english stringtable available for download , when the game hits the shelfs.

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Movement at the station http://www.505gamestreet.com/

or they have been drinking to much

maybe soon we will hear good news about ARMA biggrin_o.gif


ps- keep tuned!

They probably are adjusting their site to include ArmA and a PC games section.

something major's being done out there cos they kinda shut down the whole site... anyway I got the rest of the week just to F5 the site biggrin_o.gif

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Q1-January, Febuary, March

Q2-April, May, June

Q3-July, August, September

Q4-October, November, December

thats how i see it :S dunno if im right. wink_o.gifsmile_o.gif

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Well, there are 12 months. 12 / 4 = 3, so three months in each quarter. I would assume they should be consecutive... so I see no flaw in your reasoning.

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its all very well people commenting that the reason they are taking so long in releasing it in other countries because of the language in game having to be changed but why wait to release in england longer then november 30th as in most of the videos that have been released all i see is english language writing on the bottom. when soldiers speak.

id even pay extra if the game was released on download via a site and then when the release date was in your country they sent you the dvd box of the game. but i suppose thats never going to happen. i just think is stupid releasing the gae in other countries first before others that arent even a stone throw away. and also to release it AFTER xmas in other countries.

I feel your pain. I really thought we were of to see the game released this side of Christmas a few months ago. What i dont understand is why didnt BIS just put it online for download in the first place, instead of getting a  publisher who are of to release the game upto 6 months after it is finished. Now the chances of seeing a online download before 505 games have released the game next year are slim. To me, this just causes problems because people who are not willing to wait for the game are just of to buy the German version instead. Isnt there some way Bis could of done a deal with 505 games to have a joint Online download with them. Then they could take aslong as the wanted to with the disc manual...ect

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505Games will be publishing the game in:

United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Iceland, Ireland, Andorra, San Marino, The Vatican City, Greece, Portugal, Croatia, Serbia & Montenegro, Bosnia, Slovenia, Lichtenstein, Cyprus, Malta, Turkey, Japan. - in the 1Q of 2007.

So BIS and 505Games has no plans to release the game in South America huh.gif?? banghead.gifbanghead.gif

That's a shame.... I'd prefer Codemasters instead of this shitty 505Games company... mad_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ] I'd prefer Codemasters instead of this shitty 505Games company...

How can you judge a company you don't know jack about?

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yeah give 505 a break, noone knows how hopeless or good they are for that matter yet

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So BIS and 505Games has no plans to release the game in South America huh.gif??  banghead.gif  banghead.gif

Apparently not through 505, but since the 505 list doesn't include any of our hemisphere, I expect BIS is planning on getting another publisher for North and South America.

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Atari could pull it off well enough.

Yea! I'm surprised that Atari didn't pick this one up!

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Atari could pull it off well enough.

Yea! I'm surprised that Atari didn't pick this one up!

Maybe cause they will publish "enemy in sight".

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Translation is only one reason why it can take so long for a game to reach the shops. Arranging printing, box artwork, manuals takes time. As does arranging and coordinating distribution across 20 countries so the product can be released on the same day. Not to mention the actual act of marketing the game to the general public and more importantly to the wholesalers.

You've got to live in the real world, where nothing happens overnight - even if it might seem that way from the outside. I think the amount of work that goes into the process would suprise many here because you're forgetting so many of the details.

Artwork for the manual and box for example will go back and forth between the graphic design company and the publishers several times before the final layout, imagery and wording are agreed upon.

The box and manual then have to be sent off for printing in huge quanties. The CDs have to be pressed, artwork has to be printed etc in huge quantities. The box, manual and CD are then brought together from their different manufacturers to be combined and sealed. This itself could take months - factories aren't just sitting quiet waiting for Arma to arrive, they have other jobs which need completing before they can start work.

This isn't just done one in one set of factories and one country but several different countries, carefully choregraphed, managed and checked daily so that they are produced ready for the deadlines. That's only the start ... but you should start to get the picture.

Some other things to consider - the smaller publishers e.g. Akella, Lem had already started this process for their territories long before 505 signed as publisher. Just because 505 is bigger, doesn't mean they get the job done any faster, in fact the added complexities of handling so many countries and such a larger number of items actually makes it much slower. 505, being a larger publisher also have other games to publish and can't devote every hour of the day to Arma.

While this is all true, it doesn't take MONTHS to do. A game "goes gold" several weeks before the release. In these weeks is when all the packing, shipping, etc takes place.

They don't mass produce 1 million copies on the spot, they slowly trinkle it through as the public demands it.

All I hope is that Digital Download isn't delayed further than December, that would suck.  sad_o.gif

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Atari could pull it off well enough.

Yea! I'm surprised that Atari didn't pick this one up!

Maybe cause they will publish "enemy in sight".

'Enemy in sight' is nowhere in sight! ArmA is about ready for release!  tounge2.gif

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Atari could pull it off well enough.

Yea! I'm surprised that Atari didn't pick this one up!

Maybe cause they will publish "enemy in sight".

'Enemy in sight' is nowhere in sight! ArmA is about ready for release! tounge2.gif

jajaja i knew it biggrin_o.gif

but its a possibility, doesnt it?

i said MAYBE, so i was right rofl.gif

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With the full game due for release just 3 weeks away this friday in some countrys do you think they will be keeping the unlucky ones who have to wait happy with the demo on or before the release date for the lucky few?

<fingers Crossed> whistle.gif

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yeah give 505 a break, noone knows how hopeless or good they are for that matter yet

Well im sure not giving them a break or my money. Ill buy the German version then wait for the online download. The reason for this is that 505 games should of agreed a publishing deal a long time ago...when BIS was looking for a publisher. Surely they must of been approached in the past if BIS were busy looking for a publisher. If i have to fly to Germany next month i will have this game next month. I could do with a break, and i know a few friends that also want the game. So unlcky for some, but not for me, next month ill be on Armed assault giving it some of this pistols.gifpistols.gifnener.gifnener.gif

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With the full game due for release just 3 weeks away this friday in some countrys do you think they will be keeping the unlucky ones who have to wait happy with the demo on or before the release date for the lucky few?

<fingers Crossed> whistle.gif

Game is supposed to be released within 2 weeks and 2 days so i think it is very good moment to annouce "gold" whistle.gif

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