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FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

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Quote[/b] ]I think the main issue is not being able to see the freakin' map when you play MP, at least at the Briefing phase anyway. I don't care how FFUR-MP compatible the missions are, I doubt they fix that.

it's fixed already, use the search function to find ressource.cpp

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is v2.5 going to do anything to fix the insanely uber-leet abilities of the enemy AI?

totally stuck at the beginning of the mission; After Montinjac.

tried running in every conceivable compass direction.

tried sticking it out in the woods to thin out the enemy.

tried running and then clearing a swath of the perimeter guards.

tried sticking it out to hide from perimeter guards and then running.

every time i get waxed in less than 60 seconds.

i got soldiers that will pick me off with a AK at 150+ yards when i am running across uneven hillside in the twilight.

i got soldiers than see me at 75+ yards when i am hiding in a bush in the gloomy forrest.

it seems that they are all crack marksmen with x-ray vision..........?

FFUR is a wonderful technical achievement, but i would love to be able to play it too. smile_o.gif

good speed with the next patch.

best regards


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fantastic news, i look forward to the release of v2.5. smile_o.gif

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fantastic news, i look forward to the release of v2.5. smile_o.gif

In about 2 month whistle.gif lol

Ah no. I'd give a month max. But there are some issues in TB's PL so we can't demand things. I was wondering if any other members of the FFUR team can release the patch without the assistance of TB.

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what's a "TB"?

Well tb is an abreviation for a lung diesease(tubercolosis) But in this case it stands for thunder bird! Now don't get confused with the international rescue thunder birds, You know the ones who live on tracey island and drive rocket's and space crafts and such like biggrin_o.gif In this case it refers to the talented lad who made this config conversion!

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Are you seriously dumb enough to ask, much less expect an answer to that question?

Your just as bad snapping at him olemissrebel, nice description of TB Action man

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Perhaps you should learn to use words in their proper context before you post again. Also, that really has nothing to do with FFUR; if you aren't commenting on the MOD, don't post in here at all.  All you are doing is adding rubbish, and making it harder for people who are browing, looking for new info about the mod, to find this info. Obviously you're not much of a helping hand, so perhaps PM placebo to change your username... Anyways, TB is the leader of the mod, and any FFUR patch that is official will be coming from him

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Anyways, TB is the leader of the mod, and any FFUR patch that is official will be coming from him

I think he meant if it will be possible to release the patch without TB like if completed his part in the project {what he does, texturing idk} and if the mod is ready maybe someone else from the FFUR could release him without waiting for TB.

Anyways, any new screenies ?

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Are you seriously dumb enough to ask, much less expect an answer to that question?

Your a cheeky little prick aren't you olemissrebel. I only wanted a simple question answered and you start blasting me over it. So fuck you man and get a fucking life. Asshole

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wheres Hoz or Placebo whn you need them banghead.gif

Stop it all of you before mods comer and  turn you into cannon fodder.

i'm leaving until you all calm down

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Quote[/b] ]if you aren't commenting on the MOD,don't post in here at all. All you are doing is adding rubbish, and making it harder for people who are browing, looking for new info about the mod, to find this info.

This seems a bit funny coming from a man who has made such useful and helpful contributions such as:

Quote[/b] ]Seeing as you obviously know everything there is to know about my army

what the hell are you smoking? if it was such a crap pattern,would the most technically advanedand arguably the best army on earth adopt it as their official pattern?

where the hell do you get that info, we dont ONLY use them with collapsing stocks, et cetera.

How cow, what the hell is wrong with you people?

Perhaps you need to follow your own advice my friend, and Rooney, totally uncalled for. Where are the mods?

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okay, i was wrong to have been such a smart ass in answering a little question, but seriously man, what you asked is like asking coca cola when they are releasing the next flavor of pepsi?  common sense should dictate the answer, but either my, my apologies.

as far as any new screens, please just wait, if there is anything to see, you will see it, i assure you. all i'm asking is that if you can't post about FFUR, don't even post, please. bickering like little titty babies isn't going to get FFUR out any faster. it just makes it more difficult for people who are trying to track the true progress of the mod, as was previously stated. If you'd like to insult me, go for it, just save it for PM, afterall, that's what it's there for.

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Excuse me thunderbird84, but what about russian soldiers? They camo is not bad (sorry for my english, not good, but I hope you understand me) but they boots is bad. I could tell you, that even Russian Motorized Infantry (russian soldiers in FFUR) in conflicts alwais equiped special boots called "берцы" (bertzy). This boots that they have in FFUR called "кирзачи" (kirzachi) and it don't used in Russian army already.

This is a simple screens of ours boots of russian army.



If it possible, replace please original FFUR russian boots on this - that will be more realistics. Thanks.

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