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FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

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I've just made new cursor for FFUR 2006. Link is here:


It's between 2 and 0:


How to? UnPBO ffur_fx.pbo, replace old cursor with mine and MakePBO smile_o.gif

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I noticed the Multiplayer notebook problem too, but it only seemed to affect the person who was hosting the game for some reason.

I'm not having these problems when hosting or connecting to a hosted server.

Also, since patch wasn't released yet, could the Tungushka get it's AA missiles? Makes it sort of left out compared to M6 which has like 16 AA missiles, 300 AP and HE-I rounds + loads of MG rounds (not mentioning the ability to transport infantry)

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OMG, my bad. Sorry biggrin_o.gif

edit : would you happen to know the code names for Ru and US grenades to add them via editor? NVG as well ?

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For the sniping problem, just go in the config.cpp file, find class riffle, and increase the ai aiming coefficients. Higher = less chance of hitting target.

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I just downloaded FFUR + the suggested packs and I love it! Makes flashpoint not only playable again, but very fun.

:tosses BF2 into oblivion, returns to OFP:


The update sounds great. But...

The machine gunner consistently fires over his target because he doesn't correct for his gun kicking up!


And as the poster above said, what's with the assault rifle snipers? The AI shouldn't snipe 100% of the time unless it's a sniper. There should be guns blazing when I rush an enemy troop position, not 'pop...10 seconds... pop....20 seconds......pop.......15 seconds........pop'

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Bug report!

1. PK model has a broken/empty ammo feed from first person view.

2. When soldiers disembark from inside the BMP, they appear 6-8 feet above the ground.


1. Where are the tracers?

2. Where are the helmet reflectors on the American soldiers?

Once again, great work. I'm hooked.

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1. PK model has a broken/empty ammo feed from first person view.

The PK feeds from the right side, not the left, so you wont see the feed in first person.

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^ So what are those round looking things sticking out the left side?

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^ So what are those round looking things sticking out the left side?

The links

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For the sniping problem, just go in the config.cpp file, find class riffle, and increase the ai aiming coefficients. Higher = less chance of hitting target.

Thx i will look into that. If i got problem editing it anybody could do it for me? thx

hmm d-scythe i found three different class riffle

class Riffle:MGun

class RiffleGrenadeLauncher

class RiffleMuzzle:Riffle

Which one or exactly what line i should edit? thx

If i can fix that i will be the most happy man.Won't care for waiting 2 month for the patch wink_o.gif Just need the sniping fix.

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Ah, thanks.

So there be no PK model bug. tounge2.gif

I still stand by the BMP dismount bug and the absence of helmet reflectors and rifle tracers.

What happened to john's smoke and fire?

Is there a sky mod that doesn't have broken transitions?

Is there a config to make the unreloadable anti-tank launchers... unreloadable?

Can something be done about the machine gun sound? It sounds right in ironsights and second person, but in first person view it chops.

Please remove the ticking sound from the satchel charge.

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Please remove the ticking sound from the satchel charge.

Why? This game is already too much quiet. More sound = more realism imo.

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Quote[/b] ]2. Where are the helmet reflectors on the American soldiers?

Not all American forces use those. The only reason my unit used them was for squad identification at night. And we had to sew them on ourselves.

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Why not upgrade the satchels with a fancy "Heres a hidden explosive device!" sign? ^^

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would be quite dumb if some spec op team wants to blow up a target and the enemy can disarm teh stachels in time cuz they found it by the beeping/ticking..

thats quite stupid....

alternatively you could add a huge neon arrow saying

BOMB´S HERE! DEFUSE ME! banghead.gif

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OMG, my bad. Sorry biggrin_o.gif

edit : would you happen to know the code names for Ru and US grenades to add them via editor? NVG as well ?

FFUR_RGO - russian

FFUR_M67 - US grenade

NVGoggles - wysiwyg

explore config.cpp  wink_o.gif

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1. Where are the tracers?

Disclaimer: I am by no means an expert on American or Russian military tactics/hardware, but I can hypothesize about the use of tracers in FFUR.  

Well my memory is a little shaky but I know tanks' coaxial mg's and soldiers with mg's have tracers, but it is the riflemen who are missing them in FFUR.  From my understanding ammunition load outs for the infantryman in real life differs on the situation, but usually riflemen do not use tracers (may have something to do with the old saying "Tracers point both ways").  I have heard of riflemen using them for the last three rounds of their magazine so that they know they are going to have to reload soon.  Usually the machine gunners use a combat mix of 1 tracer every third round.  In keeping with their mission of making the game as realistic as possible, FFUR got rid of tracers for rifles and kept them for mg's.  We all enjoy seeing lots of tracers fly around, but it is not entirely accurate, so kudos to the FFUR team for doing their homework.

A couple of side notes:

1.  Shouldn't the M2 Bradley have some tracers on the bushmaster 25mm cannon (it has them on the mg)?  I know I saw some videos of the M2 Bradley shooting the 25mm with tracers every fifth round or something like that.

2.  Should the AH-64 have tracers for every round for the 30mm cannon like it does currently in FFUR?  Again I am no expert, but I am not sure that this is entirely accurate

Good news is that as dedicated as FFUR was to realism before the release, now they have even more military knowledge with the addition of olemissrebel who would have alot of first hand knowledge about this from the US perspective.  Maybe he or another fourm member more informed than I can shed some more light on to the subject.

Edit: BTW I love the bouncing/disintegrating tracers on the tank's mg's.

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2.  Should the AH-64 have tracers for every round for the 33mm cannon like it does currently in FFUR?  Again I am no expert, but I am not sure that this is entirely accurate

well, Ah-64 Apache doesn't use 33mm, it useses 23mm cannon.

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2. Should the AH-64 have tracers for every round for the 33mm cannon like it does currently in FFUR? Again I am no expert, but I am not sure that this is entirely accurate

well, Ah-64 Apache doesn't use 33mm, it useses 23mm cannon.

30mm M230 ....

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