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GameSpot's E3 2006 impression.

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I just spotted the long waited GameSpot E3 impression.

I haven't read it yet but it's about one page long.

Check it out here smile_o.gif

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Well there really isn't any new information but atleast they didn't say it sucked and they held some interest in it. (Unlike the Elite Preview)

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Well there really isn't any new information ...

Oh, really?

Quote[/b] ]The game is scheduled to launch in the third quarter of the year, though Bohemia is still looking for a North American publisher.
If they're not lying BI already has publishers for Europe (maybe, as last time, an extra publisher for CZ and Russia) and the rest of the world... excepting the US and Canada.

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The game is scheduled to launch in the third quarter of the year, though Bohemia is still looking for a North American publisher.
If they're not lying BI already has publishers for Europe (maybe, as last time, an extra publisher for CZ and Russia) and the rest of the world... excepting the US and Canada.

That's just GameSpot's ego talking, they always say that an North American publisher is missing when in-fact the whole world is missing one.

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Well there really isn't any new information ...

Oh, really?

Quote[/b] ]The game is scheduled to launch in the third quarter of the year, though Bohemia is still looking for a North American publisher.
If they're not lying BI already has publishers for Europe (maybe, as last time, an extra publisher for CZ and Russia) and the rest of the world... excepting the US and Canada.

Haha I think after I read that whole we are looking forward to it thing I just stopped reading since I was shocked.

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YAY they liked the presentation!

It's great to know that a good idea can be communicated despite language barriers and crappy marksmanship  yay.gif

Though I think the " cooperative support for two, at least" statement will give nervous people heart problems.

No new info, but I like how Gamespot mentioned that BIS is looking for a western continent publisher.  It should help in setting the publicity straight in terms of shopping for publishing options.


Quote[/b] ]Haha I think after I read that whole we are looking forward to it thing I just stopped reading since I was shocked.

Indeed, what a relief! rofl.gif

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Well atleast better than the gamestar "impression" (*oh I don't like the looks of this game, looks like ofp with only few minor graphical updates lets write a negative first impression*) which was totally unprofessional. smile_o.gif But there is even an worse reviewer out there who reviewed ofp:e I just laughed at his articles (I guess he died of frustration while trying to not die in the game or something).

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Well, when you don't buy your games, you get really easy to frustrate.

Cliff Blezinsky said it himself. wow_o.gif

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The very sad part is...

Both IGN and Gamespot still have all those old, crappy and very early pictures in their game gallery mad_o.gif .

So someone will read it, check the media and say Armed Assault is just OPF:Elite for the PC icon_rolleyes.gif .

But when 1 picture of Doom12 comes out they will make this all big thing about it in the main page...

"OMG, a very dark picture with some sillouette and some red light in it!?! Wow!1!11"

Didnt IDEA arrange some decent data disks for the media?

Im no business/sales guy but if i did a presentation of what we saw in the ARMA movie i would be sure to do it justice.

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Like some have said, getting ArmA out into mainstream media (IGN, GameSpot), there comes a massive number of readers to read about this game. Even though no one wants ArmA to be like BF2, the name "Battlefield 2" in the context of this game could help sell it. If a reputable gaming reviewer such as Gamespot can say that ArmA is like BF2 but more intense and better, then who wouldn't consider the product?

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Quote[/b] ]"OMG, a very dark picture with some sillouette and some red light in it!?! Wow!1!11"


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For those of you who had nightmares with OFP's difficulty? Pah, I laugh at those crap players. biggrin_o.gif I liked it, far more objective (and less slanderous) that that god-forsaken German one.

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I'm just happy to see they seem enthusiastic about Armed Assault. I mostly love this quote wink_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]Think Battlefield 2 but on an incredible scale.

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I'm just happy to see they seem enthusiastic about Armed Assault.  I mostly love this quote wink_o.gif
Quote[/b] ]Think Battlefield 2 but on an incredible scale.

That is a good quote to get the attention of all the BF fans. BF isn't a poorly designed game but I disliked it due to it...well..not being like the OFP I loved so much!

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I'm just happy to see they seem enthusiastic about Armed Assault.  I mostly love this quote wink_o.gif
Quote[/b] ]Think Battlefield 2 but on an incredible scale.

That is a good quote to get the attention of all the BF fans.  BF isn't a poorly designed game but I disliked it due to it...well..not being like the OFP I loved so much!

Oddly enough, the only games that keep my attention for years are the single player ones.

Flashpoint, Baldur's Gate II, Mafia...

Well, if BF2 had great singleplayer missions, I would have liked it, but alas that really isn't the point of the series. whistle.gif

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I can't speak for everyone else, but I'm gonna make AA into a single player game. biggrin_o.gif New campaigns without character switching, anyone?

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I can't speak for everyone else, but I'm gonna make AA into a single player game. biggrin_o.gif New campaigns without character switching, anyone?

You can sign me up. Let's hope we can all hide this character switching-thingy under an old rug and never talk about it again. biggrin_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Multiplayer sounds pretty cool, as well. There will be cooperative support for two players, at least

Oh dear..what the!..this to mee means 2 or more....back me up here someone confused_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Multiplayer sounds pretty cool, as well. There will be cooperative support for two players, at least

Oh dear..what the!..this to mee means 2 or more....back me up here someone confused_o.gif

Meaning you can play the Single Player Campaign in Multiplayer mode with one friend only. ie 2 player campaign. This is fanstastic. Hopefully you can save in this mode. 3 or more would of been better but at least it is a start... Thanks BIS

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Ahh thanks Gonk..thought it was about coop missions biggrin_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Multiplayer sounds pretty cool, as well. There will be cooperative support for two players, at least

Oh dear..what the!..this to mee means 2 or more....back me up here someone confused_o.gif

Meaning you can play the Single Player Campaign in Multiplayer mode with one friend only. ie 2 player campaign. This is fanstastic. Hopefully you can save in this mode. 3 or more would of been better but at least it is a start... Thanks BIS

Yeah this is great! Im so Happy BIS made campaign much more interesting. yay.gif

Weeeeee, campaign as coop with 2 players! I bet this 2 players will be friends for life if they finish campaign together biggrin_o.gif

BIS even tought about friendship.. (i already have someone to play that campaign, Can't wait!wink_o.gifinlove.gif

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Who ever wrote that article doesn't know shit about OFP. I quote the worst parts:

<span style='color:blue'>there will be cooperative support for two players, at least.</span>

No shit, Sherlock? There will be coop for as many players as the server can handle.

<span style='color:blue'>And for those of you with nightmares of Operation Flashpoint's difficulty (you only had one save game per mission, and since missions easily took more than an hour each, that led to a lot of frustration)</span>

OFP wasn't that difficult unless you were trying to play it like Quake. And there was almost always more than one save per mission (like 1 or 2 automatic retry-points plus 1 manual save). And the missions didn't usually take an hour unless you crawled all the way and did some silly hit and run tactics after cowardly letting your team die without your help or something.

<span style='color:blue'>The good news is that in Armed Assault, you'll now be able to switch to different troops in your squad</span>

No, that is not good news. And it's not even news.

<span style='color:blue'>(about cti)

What's really impressive is that we're told that there's basically no limit to how many players can jump in this mode</span>

Obviously there will be a limit depending on the bandwidth and processing power.

<span style='color:blue'>Think Battlefield 2 but on an incredible scale.</span>

CTI is not like BF2. It's more like rts, not c&h.

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Nice preview, looks like they didn't womit into their shoes from ArmA unlike a certain other previewer.

Quote[/b] ]Think Battlefield 2 but on an incredible scale.

CTI is not like BF2. It's more like rts, not c&h.

I have a question about CTI, are they all RTS types? I mean building and unit production is sort of lame... takes all realism out of OFP. Is there a CTI with a more realistic concept? Like where instead of building stuff you establish landing zones or drop zones were you get reinforcements peridically or something other then building factories... i hate RTSs they are lame.

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