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LMAO wots with all the editing of the picks.. look at his hair lmfao..

You can tell there american, one has a dogdy short hair cut.

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why william don't show us the wilde life there?

As normal people take pics of live nature, wild life, animals etc..

would be nice to see some of those.. smile_o.gif

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cause the only wildlife is bees and butterflys. And maybe a few birds here or there.

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cause the only wildlife is bees and butterflys. And maybe a few birds here or there.

so theres no rabbits, wolfs, camels, dogs, cats, cows, sheeps?

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Guest Ti0n3r

Hmm they look a lot like the dudes I usualy see on the bus back home after a long party night hehe xmas_o.gif I bet they're nice lads.

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cause the only wildlife is bees and butterflys. And maybe a few birds here or there.

so theres no rabbits, wolfs, camels, dogs, cats, cows, sheeps?

The only pic I ever saw was five or six white dots far off in the distance and everyone said there sheep. But I have yet to hear of any animals other than birds.

I'm sure there is a thread talking about this somewhere? go there to find out more sad_o.gif

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I think there are sheep, too:


I hope that you can play animals like sheep in the spectator... that would be yay.gif

I hope Will will take some photos from local animals smile_o.gif

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It was discussed ages ago, but I don't think that those are sheep and sheep have never been mentioned in any interviews/announcements.

However there are birds and butterflies and dragon flies I think, so there is a good platform for the modding community to start a farm with!  biggrin_o.gif

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I hope that BIS will include other animals other than birds, butterflies and dragonflies. After all, those animals don’t effect game-play whatsoever, they do add to the immersion but isn’t that killed if you keep seeing empty farms? confused_o.gif

(Didn't they have sheep and more in VBS1?)

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although to argue during a war i dont think the farm would be running as normal so maybe the emersion is an empty farm, where everythings run away?


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Guest Ti0n3r

Sheep, cows, deer etc is a must in my opinion. For the sake of immersion.

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Yea, i was like "woo hoo deer hunting!" when i read there will be wild-life. But so far i've only seen bees and birds.

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You guys seem to think that animals such as cows would be present in a firefight or so,as if they would stroll down the road casually while bullets are wizzing through the air. For somethin like a civilian life thing then yeah sure,we can even add feces scripts. icon_rolleyes.gif But everything can't be left to BIS,it seems that some of the community is starting to take advantage of BIS for AA,the more they need to impliment,the longer the wait,so don't whine about release dates and then 'oh yeah and we need this' as if you are staff or in control of the program. Yes the community has kept OFP alive for five years,yes there are thousands of addons,but the problem is that some of the community is thinking that BIS should make the addons,as if less people like the idea of making their own work. With multiple anims and so on,I'm sure animals can be made by the community,thats good enough.

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(Didn't they have sheep and more in VBS1?)

Yeh, but they were crap. At least that is what I've heard from VBS1ers, I don't own it myself.

I really hope for giraffes and elephants. Then I can build my own zoo. Not to mention tigers and lions.


Just change the word Kenya to Sahrani. biggrin_o.gif

EDIT: To be honest, animals isn't my top priority. It isn't even on my list. Sure, sheep would be swell and you can't have a Normandy mod without dead cows all over the place but I'd rather see that amount of work go on something else, like different-sized soldier models or something.

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(Didn't they have sheep and more in VBS1?)

Yeh, but they were crap. At least that is what I've heard from VBS1ers, I don't own it myself.

Their not crap, animations and a.i. behaviours are quite good in some cases smile_o.gif .

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Correct me if I'm wrong but models of different proportion are already possible aren't they? You just have to make the model a bit thinner/thicker in some places,or does that screw with the animations.

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I agree with Heatseeker,  The rabbits, camels and kangaroos are pretty good when you place them as a group as they move randomly without waypoints. There's also a snake which is pretty cool.

Here's a selection of the differant types. There's more than one colour of some animals. Flying animals are probably more in tune with immersion though as they come and go as they please, unlike land animals which tend to suffer a great deal in conflict areas as there often caught in the action. For those that argue about the omission of animals, i ask why have civilians included as the're not part of war either...Someone mentioned that the island being however many sq Km shouldn't be devoid of life, well the inclusion of any living thing thats not part of your team or the opfor is what immerses you into thinking the island has "life". I was only going to post a couple of pics  whistle.gif



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Yep, animals are very important and Sahrani should definetly be populated with them.

Seeing a flock of sheep blocking the road or rabbits and foxes running around in the forests really adds to the environment and increases imersion. I hope they put a good variety of them in Arma smile_o.gif .

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(Didn't they have sheep and more in VBS1?)

Yeh, but they were crap. At least that is what I've heard from VBS1ers, I don't own it myself.

I really hope for giraffes and elephants. Then I can build my own zoo. Not to mention tigers and lions.


Just change the word Kenya to Sahrani. biggrin_o.gif

EDIT: To be honest, animals isn't my top priority. It isn't even on my list. Sure, sheep would be swell and you can't have a Normandy mod without dead cows all over the place but I'd rather see that amount of work go on something else, like different-sized soldier models or something.

wow im already sick of that song!

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hey that the best song in the world  biggrin_o.gif  whistle.gif

Only in Kenya. tounge2.gif

So I dont go Off T. I hope all the animals from VBS are in Arma. Except for the Roos.

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Please move all the wildlife and civilians talk to :Wildlife & Civilians thread

This is for the William's blog only

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Sure, sheep would be swell and you can't have a Normandy mod without dead cows all over the place but I'd rather see that amount of work go on something else, like different-sized soldier models or something.


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